Well, I did go back to those dipole antennae, and they're still
active!  In fact there are 3, but they aren't from a broadcast
station, but a very fancy ham station.  Furthermore, the place is for
sale as well, so the person has moved on, or passed away.  The poles
are not very old, and at least 2 times higher than the power lines.
Hard to believe that the power authority would allow two of them to
cross the power lines!  The lead in, instead of being tied to the
guard rail, actually continues via coax underground.  I couldn't
follow it any further than into a ravine.  Interesting, but obviously
beyond the scope of my exploration!  Last day in Rarotonga, so I'll be
on my way home tonight.  73 to all!  Walt
PS:  MW conditions for the past 2 nights have not been good.  The many
distant stations were no where to be heard lately.
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