Hello All,
The excellent Chinese conditions noted by Walt and others were prevailing  
here also, but a couple of other long-term targets were finally at decent 
levels  this morning-- barely strong enough to be received on the 9' loop.
1143-Taiwan fisheries had been reported by almost everyone else in the NW,  
but had somehow eluded me all season long. At 1415 some Chinese developed 
on  1143 which sounded promising, but far weaker than the 738 parallel. Nick  
reported hearing Chinese on 1143 that didn't seem // with 738, and around 
1410 I  was also puzzled whether I had the same programming or not (1143 was 
weak).  Finally at 1414 the 1143 signal came up, and had the same Chinese 
song as 738 (a  true blowtorch this morning).
819-Pyongyang is any easy catch for almost any NW DXer-- except for those  
of us next to 820-KGNW. The 819 heterodyne had been heard hundreds of times 
next  to semi-local KGNW, but never loud enough to dig out audio. Finally 
this  morning, with some kind of legendary signal, 819-Pyongyang was booming 
in right  next to KGNW-- and the 9' loop was able to slap a fairly deep null 
on the pest.  I got a nice MP3 of the typical (obsolete) music from 
Pyongyang-- for a nice  moral victory of sorts (kind of like when the Victoria 
receive JOAB-693  next to 690-CBU? :-)  So, Ultralight TP's #106 and 107 
are now  logged-- thanks to the great conditions.
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver:  Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver:  Modified C.Crane SWP (7.5" Slider loopstick + CFJ455K5  
9' PVC-frame tuned passive loop (in the rainy back yard)
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