Hello All,
While a definite improvement over the last 3 days, the morning's TP  
propagation here seemed closer to Nick's observation than John's. The signals  
were fairly good on the powerhouse stations, but nothing new was logged, and  
nothing much out of the ordinary was heard. The sunrise enhancement didn't  
really enhance TP's very much, a typical late November issue.
The weird co-channel stations on 594 (Chinese and Korean), 603  (Chinese), 
828 (Chinese) and 972 kHz (Chinese) seemed to have gone  back below the 
noise level this morning, leaving the NHK and Korean powerhouse  stations 
unchallenged on their frequencies. These obscure  co-channels really haven't 
around in force for quite a few days now,  and may have already had their 
best levels of the season.
Like Nick, I detected weak audio on 1503 kHz from a presumed JOUK  around 
1445, but the signal wasn't strong enough to check a parallel. Other  
attempts to find new TP's were equally unsuccessful, but at least the band  had 
some signs of real life (unlike the 3 previous days). With a temporary  break 
in the back yard's rainy and windy weather, a new experimental 7.5'  sided 
PVC tuned passive loop optimized for the high band frequencies  was tested 
out, and worked well. It should provide some fun this winter in TA  chasing.
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver:  Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver:  Modified C.Crane SWP ultralight (7.5" Slider loopstick  + 
CFJ455K5 IF filter)
9' and 7.5' (side) PVC tuned passive loops (in the back yard)
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