[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19

2015-10-19 Thread d1028gary
Dennis' Asian results were quite a bit more favorable than the anemic group 
that showed up here this morning, with clunker conditions prevailing for a 
second straight day. At peak sunrise enhancement around 1405 there was poor to 
fair audio from 594-JOAK, 693-JOAB and 738-Tahiti, with the rest of the TP's 
staying at carrier level. 
The presence of 738-Tahiti might have indicated a pretty good DU morning in 
Victoria, but Australian DU's only show up here once in a blue moon-- and that 
blue moon already occurred for this decade (on October 10th). 
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 
7.5" loopsticvk C.Crane Skywave Ultralight + 
15" FSL antenna 
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19

2014-10-19 Thread d1028gary
Hello All, 
Although the Japanese big guns were almost as vibrant as yesterday Asian 
mainland propagation took a step backward this morning, with most of the Korean 
and Chinese stations sounding fairly anemic. With the exception of the Korean 
big guns on 972 and 1053 it was mostly a Japanese show this morning, although a 
late sunrise enhancement boost after 1400 did bring several second-tier Korean 
and Chinese stations out of the noise. 
My session started off at 1235 with the Japanese big guns on 594, 693, 747, 774 
and 828 the only Asian stations with strong audio, although their signal levels 
were slightly off from yesterday's exceptional strength. In the predawn 
darkness none of the Koreans or Chinese were managing decent audio, a big 
change from yesterday's strong performance of 972-HLCA and the 1053-Jammer 
prior to 1300. Like yesterday the NHK2 big guns on 693 and 747 were both 
pegging the PL-380 S/N at times after 1300 and 594-JOAK was coming close to 
doing so-- but also like yesterday the second-tier Japanese like 531-JOQG 
(fair) and 585-JOPG (poor) didn't seem to sharing much in the propagation 
bonanza. On the other hand 972-HLCA and the 1053 Jammer never reached 
yesterday's levels, while 603-HLSA and 738-BEL2 only managed fair audio at 
best. A very late sunrise enhancement boost after 1400 brought 603-HLSA (with 
its Chinese co-channel), 657-Pyongyang, 738-BEL2 and a presumed 936-Anhui out 
of the noise with poor to fair signals, while the Chinese stations on 639 and 
1044 were managing threshold audio at times. During the entire session the NHK 
big guns were far and away the strongest, with 594-JOAK and 747-JOIB sticking 
around right up until the band folded around 1440. Best signals of the morning 
were from 693-JOAB and 747-JOIB, both of which pegged the PL-380 S/N display at 
the 25 maximum around 1310. 
693  JOAB   Tokyo, Japan   Japanese male conversation pegging the PL-380 S/N 
(through some Vancouver splatter) at 1318 
747  JOIB   Sapporo, Japan   Same NHK2 Japanese male speaking as in above 
recording, and also pegging the PL-380 S/N (through the mystery noise) at 1308 
1053  Korean Jammer   Potent jam at 1351, but slight off from yesterday's 
meltdown level; best Korean signal of the session 
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight + 
15" FSL antenna 
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19

2012-10-19 Thread d1028gary

Hello All, 

As Bill, Dennis and Nick have already reported, it was not one of the season's 
better Asiatic DX mornings. With the exception of the persistent (and seemingly 
aurora-immune) 1575-VOA at a poor level there was no Asiatic audio at all this 
morning, and even no Asiatic carriers from anywhere except Thailand.  
738-Tahiti produced the only decent audio from anywhere across the Pacific this 
morning, showing up with fair French OM speech around 1402. The 738 kHz French 
audio was in and out through most of the morning session (at a better level 
than yesterday), but here in this DU-dead zone there was no trace of any 
Australian or NZ carriers. Hopefully these dreary days are simply the 
mid-October anomaly (like Nick says), and not an indication that this year's 
modest Fall Season is already on the skids.

738  Radio Polynesie  Mahina, Tahiti  Fair French OM speech (apparent 
news) after 1400 TOH; signal in and out throughout session
1575  VOA  Ban Rassom, Thailand  Poor Asiatic YL speech rising above
noise level occasionally around 1350

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" MW loopstick Tecsun PL-380 +
8" Medium Wave FSL antenna  

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19

2013-10-19 Thread d1028gary

Hello All,
There must have been some happy DXers this morning as Asian signals improved 
quite a bit, with a generous sunrise enhancement that continued until 1450 
here. The NHK big guns on 594, 693, 747, 774 and 828 were all very strong at 
times during the 1300-1450 listening session, along with the Koreans on 657, 
972, 1053 and 1566. As Dennis reported, 1575-VOA also managed good signals from 
1400-1430, and 1287-JOHR acted like a big gun for most of sunrise enhancement.
Although second-tier Asian audio was modest until around 1415 (with only fair 
audio from 603-HLSA and 738-BEL2 in and out) , a late rally from the Chinese 
mainland stations (and Russia) made the session pretty interesting from 1415 
until the end of sunrise enhancement (around 1450). Both 639-CNR1 and 648-VOR 
came up to good audio during this period, and 918, 927, 936, 981, 1017, 1035, 
1044 and 1323 all managed fair audio in and out of the noise late in the 
session. Best signal of the morning was from 972-HLCA, with its usual S/N 
pegging music around 1355. Although the session was a dramatic improvement over 
yesterday, low expectations after the recent miserable week probably made it 
seem better than it was in comparison with the rest of the season. Even so, 
it's great to have very strong Asian signals back-- even if they are from the 
usual big guns.
639  CNR1  China Synchros   Good level male Chinese
 news late in session at 1431
936  Anhui, China (presumed)  Fair Chinese male-female
 speech at 1438 (headphones recommended)
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Typical huge signal with
 Korean pop music pegging the PL-380 S/N at 1355
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight +
12" Medium Wave FSL antenna


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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19

2010-10-19 Thread D1028Gary
Hello All,
 Even though a TP band scan with the modified  ICF-2010 around 1300 
(prior to breakfast) showed promising carriers on  frequencies like 639, 648 
and 738, these signals seemed to fade greatly by  1335, the time that the 9' 
loop was set up in the cold back yard. The  result was a fairly mediocre 
session during which about 10 "big gun"  Asians produced fair to good audio, 
little else. This was similar to a  pre-1330 propagation meltdown about a 
week ago, also noticed by Nick. Like  the situation yesterday (when Bruce 
thought that the TP's flew over  Seattle, and went south to me), this morning 
it seemed that the TP's flew over  Puyallup, and went south to Dennis, in 
Salmon Creek.
 There wasn't too much excitement here today,  although the Japanese 
"big guns" seemed to have decent strength. There was very  brief audio from 
936 (presumed Anhui) around 1417, and 729 again had a moderate  signal in CHMJ 
splatter around 1340 (but too weak to determine the language, on  this 
lackluster morning). One of the more ludicrous moments was tuning in  to NHK2 
Chinese language lessons on 828-JOBB at 1412, and finding a Chinese  
co-channel weakly on the frequency (maybe to provide practice opportunities for 
 The following were heard on a modified C.Crane SWP  Slider model (7.5" 
loopstick), inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned  passive loop (in 
the cold back yard). A modified Sony ICF-2010 (30"  loopstick) was used as an 
SSB spotting receiver:
558  HLQH  Daegu, S. Korea  Weak Korean speech at 1402, //  603
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good strength news by Japanese  YL at 
 1405; no co-channel  today  
603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair Korean speech at 1403, //  558
639  CNR1  (presumed)  Strong carrier at 1300 band check,  but 
 signal was practically  gone by 1335
648  VOR   Razdolnoye, Russia  Threshold Chinese audio  at 1348
657  Pyongyang BS, N. Korea  Poor-fair Korean speech late in 
 session around 1423   _http://www.mediafire.com/?xc8bn5veclleg2c_ 
666  JOBK  Osaka, Japan  Fair Japanese interview at 1354, //  594
729  UnID   Moderate strength carrier in CHMJ splatter  around 1340--  
 probably  JOCK during this Japanese-slanted morning
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Anemic Chinese speech around  1420
747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Good language lessons in KXL slop  1415
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan  Occasional good Japanese in KTTH  slop
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Fair-good Radio Chinese language  lessons 
 (complete with weak  Chinese co-channel) around 1412
936  UnID  (presumed Anhui, China)  Weak threshold music at  1417
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair-good Korean speech around  1403
1035  CNR1  (presumed)  Threshold Chinese speech in and out  1414
1134  KBS  Anemic Korean speech in CKWX splatter around  1335
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock
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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19

2015-10-19 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
No DU's during live listening 1345UT and 
afterwards Gary.   JOBB and VoA-1575 managed 
actual readability during that time.  I'll dig in 
the recording tonight...without much hope.

best wishes,


At 14:53 19-10-15, you wrote:
Dennis' Asian results were quite a bit more 
favorable than the anemic group that showed up 
here this morning, with clunker conditions 
prevailing for a second straight day. At peak 
sunrise enhancement around 1405 there was poor 
to fair audio from 594-JOAK, 693-JOAB and 
738-Tahiti, with the rest of the TP's staying at 
carrier level. Â  The presence of 738-Tahiti 
might have indicated a pretty good DU morning 
in Victoria, but Australian DU's only show up 
here once in a blue moon-- and that blue moon 
already occurred for this decade (on October 
10th). Â  73 and Good DX, Gary DeBock (in 
Puyallup, WA, USA) 7.5" loopsticvk C.Crane 
Skywave Ultralight + 15" FSL antenna 
IRCA mailing list IRCA@hard-core-dx.com 
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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19

2015-10-19 Thread R. Colin Newell
There are two factors at work here:

a.) Walter is in Masset so naturally all conditions will take a dive.

b.) I have been setting up a new flag and enhancing the height of my
existing antennas... hence conditions take a dive.

This comes under the influence of Murphy's all encompassing umbrella!

What have discovered with my "set up of the week" which is 1 Flag antenna
and 1 Wellbrook 9-meter loop plugged into a Misek Phaser
(with a VACTROL altering the termination resistance of the FLAG...) is that
I can get absurdly deep nulls on everything... locals, noise sources,
domestic pests.

Last night I effortlessly phased local CFAX 1070 kHz down into the noise
revealing a likely KNX underneath as well as one other station.

Endless fun.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 7:53 AM,  wrote:

> Dennis' Asian results were quite a bit more favorable than the anemic
> group that showed up here this morning, with clunker conditions prevailing
> for a second straight day. At peak sunrise enhancement around 1405 there
> was poor to fair audio from 594-JOAK, 693-JOAB and 738-Tahiti, with the
> rest of the TP's staying at carrier level.
> The presence of 738-Tahiti might have indicated a pretty good DU morning
> in Victoria, but Australian DU's only show up here once in a blue moon--
> and that blue moon already occurred for this decade (on October 10th).
>  _


*Colin Newell is the Editor and creator of Coffeecrew.com
 - Coffee.bc.ca  and
DXer.ca  -| Amateur Radio VA7WWV |
Twitter.Com/CoffeeCrew | Victoria B.C. Canada*
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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19

2015-10-19 Thread Walter Salmaniw
Forgot to mention excellent results from Tahiti on 738 around 15:00. Best
ever heard in Masset. 73, Walt

On Monday, 19 October 2015,  wrote:

> Dennis' Asian results were quite a bit more favorable than the anemic
> group that showed up here this morning, with clunker conditions prevailing
> for a second straight day. At peak sunrise enhancement around 1405 there
> was poor to fair audio from 594-JOAK, 693-JOAB and 738-Tahiti, with the
> rest of the TP's staying at carrier level.
> The presence of 738-Tahiti might have indicated a pretty good DU morning
> in Victoria, but Australian DU's only show up here once in a blue moon--
> and that blue moon already occurred for this decade (on October 10th).
> 73 and Good DX,
> Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
> 7.5" loopsticvk C.Crane Skywave Ultralight +
> 15" FSL antenna
> ___
> IRCA mailing list
> IRCA@hard-core-dx.com 
> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/irca
> Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the
> original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the
> IRCA, its editors, publishing staff, or officers
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19.. Ionoshere Goes Wild

2018-10-19 Thread Gary DeBock
Like Walt, I was pretty much stunned at the Asian signal levels this morning 
after 1400. 603-HLSA, 657-Pyongyang and 738-BEL2 were all hitting S9+ levels in 
and out (despite Mainland Chinese co-channels), and 639-CNR1 wasn't too far 
behind. 756, 936, 963 and 1035 were all in audio, and even a 5" Frequent Flyer 
FSL had 603, 657 and 738 at S9 levels in the local park. Another 5" FSL had 
657-Pyongyang for extended S9 periods in the back yard at home. Totally wacky!

639-CNRI  Synchros   Nick shouldn't have any trouble hearing it this morning 
:-)  https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/iv415iap8gkk4m0jttlwivgnmwlzg1oc

Full details to follow!

Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19.. Ionoshere Goes Wild

2018-10-19 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Actually639 was no better than yesterday during live listening 
1400-30UT, Gary.   The Chinese seem to favo(u)r Puyallup over 
Victoria many mornings.

This morning's interest here was more that some DU's did well, as 
usually, it's either Asians, or DU's, but the trend this season has 
been to have both.   For example, New Zealand was thundering in on 
567 for a short while, and as Walt noted, JOLK and 4QR were trading 
places on 612, and something similar was happening on 891.   As to 
the Chinese, they're there, but so far, not nearly as good as 6 October.

best wishes,


At 15:44 2018-10-19, Gary DeBock wrote:
Like Walt, I was pretty much stunned at the Asian signal levels this 
morning after 1400. 603-HLSA, 657-Pyongyang and 738-BEL2 were all 
hitting S9+ levels in and out (despite Mainland Chinese 
co-channels), and 639-CNR1 wasn't too far behind. 756, 936, 963 and 
1035 were all in audio, and even a 5" Frequent Flyer FSL had 603, 
657 and 738 at S9 levels in the local park. Another 5" FSL had 
657-Pyongyang for extended S9 periods in the back yard at home. Totally wacky!

639-CNRI  Synchros   Nick shouldn't have any trouble hearing it this 
morning :-)  https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/iv415iap8gkk4m0jttlwivgnmwlzg1oc

Full details to follow!

Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

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Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-19.. Doris gets her oats...

2018-10-19 Thread R. Colin Newell
It was a bag of silly this morning - with everyone getting something
different -

My reception was kind of heavy on the Chinese and light on the Japanese -

as my 9 minute video will reveal -


Not "out of this World" reception by any stretch - but not too shabby

On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 9:19 AM Nick Hall-Patch  wrote:

> Actually639 was no better than yesterday during live listening
> 1400-30UT, Gary.   The Chinese seem to favo(u)r Puyallup over
> Victoria many mornings.
> This morning's interest here was more that some DU's did well, as
> usually, it's either Asians, or DU's, but the trend this season has
> been to have both.   For example, New Zealand was thundering in on
> 567 for a short while, and as Walt noted, JOLK and 4QR were trading
> places on 612, and something similar was happening on 891.   As to
> the Chinese, they're there, but so far, not nearly as good as 6 October.
> best wishes,
> Nick

Colin Newell - Editor and creator *of *Coffeecrew.com
 and DXer.ca  -
VA7WWV | Twitter @CoffeeCrew | Victoria - Canada
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