[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

2014-10-07 Thread d1028gary

Hello All, 
Asian propagation was improved somewhat this morning, with greater variety and 
strength in both the Japanese and Korean signals. After a promising start the 
session finally turned into another big gun revue, however, with the usual 
diehards on 594, 693, 747, 972, 1053, 1287 and 1566 having the only vibrant 
At my 1235 start time the Asians already showed some potential in the predawn 
darkness, with 594-JOAK, 972-HLCA, 1287-JOHR and 1566-HLAZ all managing good 
audio in and out. HLAZ's potent signal fizzled out pretty quickly after 1245, 
though, and never came back with much strength. 693-JOAB and 747-JOIB added to 
the Japanese trend with good signals around 1315, and it seemed that the stage 
was set for a nice sunrise enhancement boost to make the session really 
interesting. This never happened, though-- with the exception of weak Chinese 
audio on 738 around 1350 (presumed BEL2), ghostly audio on 1044 (presumed CRI) 
and a fair signal from 1503-JOUK (// 594) at 1355 nothing unusual showed up. 
The usual NHK and Korean diehards had the only vibrant audio, and their 
strength was about the same as in the predawn darkness. The only exception was 
693-JOAB after 1400, which had an unusually potent run free of CBU splatter for 
about 7 minutes until the band folded. This was another one of those rare 
October mornings when neither 603-HLSA nor 657-Pyongyang managed any audio 
here. Best signal of the session was from the Korean big gun 972-HLCA with its 
pop music around 1357, although 747-JOIB would have had the best signal with 
its NHK2 English lessons around 1323 if not for the oppressive Portland 
splatter. Overall the session was fairly lackluster, but an improvement over 
693  JOAB   Tokyo, Japan   Fair to good level Japanese female-male storytelling 
late in sunrise enhancement around 1405 
747  JOIB   Sapporo, Japan   Good level English lessons in Portland splatter 
around 1323 
972  HLCA   Dangjin, S. Korea   Good strength Korean pop music at 1357; best 
Asian signal of the morning 
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight + 
15" FSL antenna 
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

2013-10-07 Thread d1028gary

Hello All,

Thanks to Dennis and Richard for their TP-DXing reports today, which always 
provide a very interesting comparison. There were plenty of potent signals from 
the Japanese and Korean big gun TP's this morning, but in contrast to 
yesterday, the second-tier Japanese seemed to stay down in the noise. In 
addition the Chinese continued to be very anemic, both on the domestic 
frequencies (603, 639, 756, 918, 927, 936, 981, 1035, 1377 and 1593) and the 
CRI stations (963, 1017, 1044 and 1323). Very few of those stations managed any 
audio at all this morning, but CRI-1017 (Korean service) and 1044 (Japanese 
service) did have their brief moments of fair audio around 1350. Second-tier TP 
audio from Korea and Taiwan wasn't exceptional, but both 603-HLSA and 738-BEL2 
had brief moments of good signals around the 1400 TOH. In contrast to 
yesterday, though, 1143-BEL3 stayed down in the noise, never reaching audio at 

By contrast the Japanese big guns on 594, 747, 774 and 828 were very strong at 
times during the 1310-1410 session, along with the Korean big guns on 972, 1134 
and 1566. 972-HLCA had a huge signal during the 1400 TOH, and 1134-KBS was very 
strong (through domestic splatter) with some type of radio drama at 1350. In 
summary, the Japanese and Korean big guns seemed every bit as strong as 
yesterday, although the second-tier Japanese and Koreans seemed to fade back 
into the woodwork. The Chinese still haven't really joined the recovery 
program, having been missing in action for the most part during the
past five days.

972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Huge signal with Korean
pop music, ID and 3 + 1 pips at the 1400 TOH


73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight +
12" Medium Wave FSL antenna


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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

2016-10-07 Thread d1028gary
Like Dennis has reported it wasn't a stellar morning for Asians, but there were 
a few big gun TP's managing audio during sunrise enhancement here. With the 
exception of a fairly good signal from 1134-JOQR after the 1400 TOH it was the 
same Japanese and Korean regulars, though. 

At my 1255 start time the 1566-N.K. Jammer was at a fair level (in and out) 
without HLAZ, providing a chance to record its 2-second-interval 700 Hz pulsing 
tone along with a higher frequency tone that pulses along with the lower tone. 
1566-HLAZ itself waited until around 1320 to show up here at a weak level, by 
which time the jammer had already bailed (as usual). Dennis' Asians were down 
in the noise here until around 1350, when 594-JOAK, 972-HLCA, the 1053-Jammer 
and 1134-JOQR started coming out of the noise to reach fair peaks in and out. 
After the 1400 TOH the somewhat unusual 1134-JOQR made a modest run over 
Vancouver splatter to reach a fairly decent level with fast=paced Japanese. 
Yesterday's mystery language 738 station didn't appear again this morning, but 
after close investigation of yesterday's recording the "mystery language" was 
finally identified-- DU English from 738-2NR in Grafton. Australian signals are 
extremely rare here, and DU English shows up once in a bl
 ue moon, leading to the confusion. Last year three weak Australian stations 
showed up here in October, and it seems like the blue moon has reappeared one 
year later. This was the first reception of 738-2NR here; last October 594-3WV, 
702-2BL and 828-3GI showed up at weak levels. 

738 2NR Grafton , Australia (from yesterday) DU English discussion of a 
wineglass during Teletalk program at 1404; first reception here in Puyallup 

1134 JOQR Tokyo, Japan Fast-paced Japanese male-female conversation at 1402 

1566 N.K. Jammer All alone at fair level (in and out) without HLAZ at 1256; 
during peaks two different buzzing tones can be heard every two seconds 
(headphones recommended) https://app.box.com/s/4z6y6dt2lorchwev5rqz4d94i5i0rxb0 

73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 
7.5" loopstick C.Crane Skywave Ultralight + 
15" FSL antenna 

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

2012-10-07 Thread d1028gary

Hello All,

 Although there was somewhat of a TP propagation decline here also this 
morning, it didn't seem as drastic as Dennis' description (maybe closer to 
Nick's). With the exception of the high band big guns on 1134, 1287, 1566 and 
1575 kHz it was essentially the same Asiatic stations showing up, although at 
reduced levels from yesterday. The Chinese stations on 603, 638, 738, 936 and 
1044 kHz all managed fair audio at some point, but it didn't stick around for 
long, and was tough to record. 738-Taiwan was at its strongest just after 1400, 
and if I had checked 1143 kHz at that time it might have been possible to 
confirm the parallel (like Nick). Unlike yesterday, 648-VOR even made a fair 
appearance-- so the morning wasn't a total wash out. Best overall signals were 
from 972-HLCA (very good) and 657-Pyongyang (good signal, not programming). The 
1053-Jammer seemed to be a little anemic compared to usual, maybe because of 
the high band drop off. For the 5 TP-DXers at ocean beaches!
  this morning, the Asiatic results were probably much better than at this 
mediocre inland location-- but likely not up to yesterday's excellent levels. 
 Thanks to Walt for his glowing evaluation of the new Broadband 7" FSL 
antenna from Oregon's "Rockwork" cliff yesterday-- and I'm very happy that he 
was able to record excellent TP signals after 1400. I've never tried DXing the 
Asiatics from "Rockwork," (nor has anybody else, to my knowledge) so you are a 
true pioneer. As for this morning's Asiatic conditions, if you have limited 
time to review the .wav files from this trip, yesterday's recordings should be 
the ones to check first :-)
558  HLQH  Daegu, S. Korea  Fair music and Korean speech
 in and out of KPQ splatter throughout session
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good Japanese conversation at
 1408; best Japanese signal of the morning
603  Hulun Buir, China  Poor-fair Chinese YL speech and music
 in and out at 1342; wispy strength through session
639  CNR1  China Synchros  Fair Chinese YL and OM speech 
in KFI heterodyne at 1355
648  VOR Razdolnoye, Russia  Poor-fair Russian music in CISL
splatter at 1354
657  Pyongyang, N. Korea  YL tirades in Korean unfortunately 
one of the stronger TP signals this modest morning
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Fair Chinese OM speech during
   variety program at 1404
747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Fair Japanese OM speech in
   Portland splatter at 1402
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan  Weaker than usual, and fighting a
   losing battle with KTTH splatter around 1347
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Poor-fair Japanese speech 1403
936  Anhui, China  Poor-fair music and Chinese OM speech
   around 1350; in and out throughout session
972  HLCA  Dangin, S. Korea  Very good Korean YL-OM
   conversation at 1412; best TP signal of the session
1044  CRI  Jiangsu, China  Poor Japanese OM speech during
   external program at 1335
1053  Korean Jammer  Somewhat muffled in power this session;
   fighting a rare battle with domestic splatter at 1327

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" MW loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight +
8" Medium Wave FSL antenna

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

2011-10-07 Thread d1028gary
Hello All,

Like Dennis, I thought that this morning's TP signals were close to
their seasonal high, although the results here were more slanted toward
Chinese stations, and the Asian mainland (which is typical for this
location). CNR1-639 (synchros) and 738-BEL2 (Taiwan Fisheries) both had
their best signals of the season, and 936-Anhui had good audio at
times. A big surprise was 657-Pyongyang with a clean, sine-wave carrier
(although the programming was still obnoxious). 738-Taiwan's signal was
strong this morning, but with undermodulated audio, and a throbbing
hum. Longwave TP's were modest, with the stronger Radio Rossii outlets
at fair levels and 164-Mongolia producing threshold audio.

164-Mongolia   Very weak female-voiced news after 1300, // 4895 kHz
189-R. Rossii   Fair with Russian speech at 1304
234-R.Rossii   Poor-fair with Russian at 1307
279-R.Rossii  Fair with music at 1255
558-HLQH  Daegu, S. Korea  Fair w/ music at 1333, apparently // with 603
594-JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Very strong with Japanese weather report at
  1358  http://www.mediafire.com/?zy2s930pynp3ebx
603-HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair at times with music around 1345
639-CNR1  China (synchros) Best signals of season with male-female
voice news 1400
657-Pyongyang  Clean signal but typical male/female tirades around 1343
738-BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Strong, undermodulated signal with throbbing
hum all morning
747-JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Very strong with Japanese music at 1354
774-JOUB  Akita, Japan  Fair through KTTH splatter around 1336
828-JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Good with Japanese music program 1350
936- Anhui, China  Good at times with Chinese conversation around 1345
972-HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Good with Korean conversation at 1351
1044-CRI  Fair-good foreign language program at 1331
1053-Korean Jammer  Strong with buzzing signal 1329
1134-KBS  Hwaseong, S. Korea  Good Korean conversation at 1407
1566-HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Very good w/ Japanese religious pgm 1325
1575-VOA Ban Rassom, Thailand  Poor-fair in Asiatic language 1327

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight + 8" Longwave and Medium Wave FSL's

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

2010-10-07 Thread D1028Gary
Hello All,
 Asian propagation seemed slightly down this  morning compared to 
yesterday, although the TP "big guns" from  Japan, Korea, China and Russia had 
problem showing up with decent audio. The  weaker Chinese stations were in 
and out of the noise, while the 639 and 756  CNR1 stations had no weak 
co-channels like yesterday. 936  kHz continued its October "big gun" 
and the Korean Jammer was  near full strength. 
 Thanks to Bruce's information on 936-Anhui's  English programming, I 
was able to investigate the station's format a  little more this morning. 
During the 1400-1415 time period (late Thursday night  in China) the station 
apparently has a Chinese version of NHK2's Radio  English Conversation 
program, in which a female Chinese speaker gives commentary  on an English 
This morning's lesson (during fair to good  936-Anhui signals) was on the 
English speech delivered yesterday  morning around this same time. During this 
month of October, 936-Anhui would be  a good bet for those DXers needing 
their first China reception, along with  639-CNR1, 756-CNR1, 981-CNR1, 
1044-CRI (in Japanese from  1330-1430) and 1377-CNR1.
 The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP Slider  model (7.5" 
loopstick) inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop  (in the 
yard). A modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick) was used as an SSB  spotting 
558  HLQH  Daegu, S. Korea  Weak music around 1342,  // weak 603
585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Poor threshold audio around 1335  // 594
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good Japanese talk program at  1334
603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Weak-fair Korean music at  1342
639  CNR1  China Synchros  Fair-good with male- female  Chinese talk  
 (and no QRM) around 1405  
648  VOR   Razdolnoye, Russia  Good Chinese  external program 1353
657  Pyongyang BS, N. Korea  Strong KK tirades and old music,  1351
666  JOBK  Osaka, Japan  Fair-good Japanese conversation at  1346
675  VOV  Hanoi, Vietnam  Barely reached threshold audio at  1345
738  TP-Mix  Fair mix of BEL2-Taiwan and HKLG at  1335; unlike
  previous  days Taiwan's audio (Chinese music) sounded OK 
747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Strong Japanese ID in KXL  splatter 1400 
756  CNR1  China Synchros  Fair-good with Chinese  talk at 1350
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan  Weak audio in huge KTTH splatter  1355
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan Fair-good English study program at  1340
918  China (presumed Shandong) Threshold audio at best, 1409
927  China (presumed)  Threshold audio, apparently Chinese, at  1410
936  Anhui, China  English study program at 1403; female  Chinese
  announcer gives  commentary on yesterday's English language
  speech (fair-good  strength) 
972HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair Korean  conversation 1411
1035  CNR1  China Synchros  Fair Chinese speech and music  1409
1044  CRI  Jiangsu, China  Good Japanese external program at  1356
1053  Korean Jammer  Very strong over weak CC co-channel  1343
1134  TP-Mix  Weak mix of KBS (Korean) and apparent  CNR1 1337
1377  CNR1 (presumed)  Threshold Chinese audio at best today 
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Weak Japanese religious  program 1331
1575  VOA  Ban Rassom, Thailand  Strong carrier at best  today
73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock  
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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

2011-10-08 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Finally got to listen to your recordings Gary, and then to my own SDR 
recording at the same times.   Nice location you have there for 
Asiatics, and the equipment you are using is obviously up to the task 
of snagging them.

936 has been nothing like that here, just the barest audio traces on 
7 October, with pips on the hour.   I think the only other Chinese 
heard here this season has been 1593 once (and Taiwan once on 1161), 
though I'm not listening as much as I'd like.

Please keep up the good work, along with Dennis, Walt, Steve and 
Nigel (and of course anyone further east).

best wishes,


At 16:28 07-10-11, you wrote:

Hello All,

Like Dennis, I thought that this morning's TP signals were close to
their seasonal high, although the results here were more slanted toward
Chinese stations, and the Asian mainland (which is typical for this
location). CNR1-639 (synchros) and 738-BEL2 (Taiwan Fisheries) both had
their best signals of the season, and 936-Anhui had good audio at
times. A big surprise was 657-Pyongyang with a clean, sine-wave carrier
(although the programming was still obnoxious). 738-Taiwan's signal was
strong this morning, but with undermodulated audio, and a throbbing
hum. Longwave TP's were modest, with the stronger Radio Rossii outlets
at fair levels and 164-Mongolia producing threshold audio.

164-Mongolia   Very weak female-voiced news after 1300, // 4895 kHz
189-R. Rossii   Fair with Russian speech at 1304
234-R.Rossii   Poor-fair with Russian at 1307
279-R.Rossii  Fair with music at 1255
558-HLQH  Daegu, S. Korea  Fair w/ music at 1333, apparently // with 603
594-JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Very strong with Japanese weather report at
  1358  http://www.mediafire.com/?zy2s930pynp3ebx
603-HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair at times with music around 1345
639-CNR1  China (synchros) Best signals of season with male-female
voice news 1400
657-Pyongyang  Clean signal but typical male/female tirades around 1343
738-BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Strong, undermodulated signal with throbbing
hum all morning
747-JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Very strong with Japanese music at 1354
774-JOUB  Akita, Japan  Fair through KTTH splatter around 1336
828-JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Good with Japanese music program 1350
936- Anhui, China  Good at times with Chinese conversation around 1345
972-HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Good with Korean conversation at 1351
1044-CRI  Fair-good foreign language program at 1331
1053-Korean Jammer  Strong with buzzing signal 1329
1134-KBS  Hwaseong, S. Korea  Good Korean conversation at 1407
1566-HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Very good w/ Japanese religious pgm 1325
1575-VOA Ban Rassom, Thailand  Poor-fair in Asiatic language 1327

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight + 8" Longwave and Medium Wave FSL's

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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

2011-10-08 Thread d1028gary

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your comments, and of course the  DU propagation advantage 
that you and Walt enjoy in Victoria is something which is completely 
absent here. Probably the best conclusion that one could make is that 
nobody can enjoy excellent propagation to all areas.

Nigel and Steve also regularly receive DU's which are completely absent 
here, and Bruce in Seattle once had 729-JOCK at a strong level on a 
morning when I had only 729-China (equally strong). Even Guy (4 miles 
southest of me) can receive DU's that never produce a trace here. On 
the other hand, I've had vibrant signals from stations like 738-Taiwan 
and 936-Anhui that never produce a trace for Guy, at exactly the same 
listening moments. Guy and I have come to the conclusion that there is 
some kind of a propagation border between us, which is probably related 
to extreme differences in soil material (mine is fertile valley soil, 
while his is rocky hill material).

73, Gary

-Original Message-
From: Nick Hall-Patch 
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America 

Sent: Sat, Oct 8, 2011 10:03 pm
Subject: Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-7

Finally got to listen to your recordings Gary, and then to my own SDR
recording at the same times.   Nice location you have there for
Asiatics, and the equipment you are using is obviously up to the task
of snagging them.

936 has been nothing like that here, just the barest audio traces on
7 October, with pips on the hour.   I think the only other Chinese
heard here this season has been 1593 once (and Taiwan once on 1161),
though I'm not listening as much as I'd like.

Please keep up the good work, along with Dennis, Walt, Steve and
Nigel (and of course anyone further east).

best wishes,


At 16:28 07-10-11, you wrote:

Hello All,

Like Dennis, I thought that this morning's TP signals were close to
their seasonal high, although the results here were more slanted toward
Chinese stations, and the Asian mainland (which is typical for this
location). CNR1-639 (synchros) and 738-BEL2 (Taiwan Fisheries) both had
their best signals of the season, and 936-Anhui had good audio at
times. A big surprise was 657-Pyongyang with a clean, sine-wave carrier
(although the programming was still obnoxious). 738-Taiwan's signal was
strong this morning, but with undermodulated audio, and a throbbing
hum. Longwave TP's were modest, with the stronger Radio Rossii outlets
at fair levels and 164-Mongolia producing threshold audio.

164-Mongolia   Very weak female-voiced news after 1300, // 4895 kHz
189-R. Rossii   Fair with Russian speech at 1304
234-R.Rossii   Poor-fair with Russian at 1307
279-R.Rossii  Fair with music at 1255
558-HLQH  Daegu, S. Korea  Fair w/ music at 1333, apparently // with 


594-JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Very strong with Japanese weather report at
  1358  http://www.mediafire.com/?zy2s930pynp3ebx
603-HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair at times with music around 1345
639-CNR1  China (synchros) Best signals of season with male-female
voice news 1400
657-Pyongyang  Clean signal but typical male/female tirades around 1343
738-BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Strong, undermodulated signal with throbbing
hum all morning
747-JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Very strong with Japanese music at 1354
774-JOUB  Akita, Japan  Fair through KTTH splatter around 1336
828-JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Good with Japanese music program 1350
936- Anhui, China  Good at times with Chinese conversation around 1345
972-HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Good with Korean conversation at 1351
1044-CRI  Fair-good foreign language program at 1331
1053-Korean Jammer  Strong with buzzing signal 1329
1134-KBS  Hwaseong, S. Korea  Good Korean conversation at 1407
1566-HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Very good w/ Japanese religious pgm 1325
1575-VOA Ban Rassom, Thailand  Poor-fair in Asiatic language 1327

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight + 8" Longwave and Medium Wave FSL's

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