[IRCA] TP 6 Mar Victoria version.

2019-03-06 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Shrinkage of signals is the best way of putting it.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least 


Reasonable audio at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a 
native speaker, though often battling with splash or noise):

and nope

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could 
be understood by a native speaker: 

too much to ask for

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by 
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) 

576 2RN folky vocal music, barely there, but //585 with a slight offset, 1445UT

585 7RN vocal mx // with even weaker 576 1445UT

612 4QR woman talking //1548 on Brisbane KiwiSDR 1446UT; also note earlier and 
weaker, //702 at 1412UT

702 2BL man talking //612 1412UT

1566 woman and man talking, Chinese intonation 1354UT; reprise but weaker at 

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged 
by splatter)

594 747 774  1593  seemed to be Asian; 
891 1017 1098 seemed to be DU  

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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[IRCA] TP 6 Mar Victoria version

2018-03-06 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
A vigorous morning, including even something sounding Chinese on 1305kHz.  On 
the other hand 657 hardly delivers anything here, I suspect because of the 
combined splatter from 660 and 650, and I just rarely dig around there when 
there are easier pickings elsewhere.

Peak signals seemed to be from 1420 to 1440UT approximately, and a number of 
channels seemed to have a couple of signals on them.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least 

567 JOIK man in Japanese 1420UT //594 which was much weaker, and continued so 
for some time
594 JOAK man in Japanese 1447UT, but often weaker than this
774 JOIB English lessons 1438UT
828 JOBB English lessons 1421UT
972 HLCA man in Korean with another agreeing 1420UT

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a 
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

558 HLQB woman in Korean //603 (which was poorer) 1431-2UT.  
738 Taiwan Fisheries, woman in Chinese //747 JOIB English lessons 1423UT
774 JOUB English lessons 1437UT; this never quite made it to the top tier today

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could 
be understood by a native speaker:

603 HLSA ballad  //558 1424UT, soon faded under man in likely Chinese
639 CNR1 news //6125 1431UT
693 JOAB English lessons 1427UT
837 man in Chinese 1432UT CNR5?
963 CRI woman in Russian //1323 1422UT
981 CNR1 woman in Chinese //639 1424UT
1098 CNR1 man in Chinese //981 1426UT
1143 Taiwan Fisheries woman in Chinese //738 1441UT
1287 JOHR man and woman in Japanese 1442UT
1566 HLAZ man in Chinese 1452UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by 
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music)

531 JOQG man and woman talking //594 1425UT
585 JOPG ballad //594  1436UT
603 China? man talking, Chinese intonation 1424UT, fading above HLSA
612 man talking, DU English intonation 1428UT, but perhaps there was some NHK1 
in there, just as there might have been some 3WV on 594...
666 JOBK man talking //594 1423UT
711 man talking through 710 splash 1422UT; Korea?
756 CNR1 man talking //981  1425UT
864 pop music not //1287 1421-2UT
918 woman talking, maybe Chinese 1431UT; big carrier again, but little audio
945 a mess with at least a couple of audios, one maybe CNR1, the other with 
music; a mystery, as not //NHK1 1432UT
1089 orchestral music, man talking, Chinese intonation 1430UT CNR6?
1305 instrumental music 1425UT; also 1429UT, music finishing, man talking 
Chinese intonation, 1430UT
1323 CRI man talking Russian? //963 1422UT
1503 JOUK woman talking //594 1439UT
1593 CNR1 woman in Chinese 1458UT //6125

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged 
by splatter)

621 648  657 702 891 909 936 1008 1035  1053 1107 1134  1161 1206 1224  1242 
1251  1269 1386  1575   seemed to be Asian;
576  621  702 846 891 1017  seemed to be DU 

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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[IRCA] TP 6 Mar Victoria version

2016-03-06 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
What was that word?   Erratic.  And definitely inferior to the last 
few days.   I'm sure 972 and 747 et al popped up for a moment or two 
with good signals, but I didn't catch them.   Lots of interesting 
carriers, just on the edge of audibility is the best I can 
say.   Sunrise enhancement concentrated in a couple of minutes around 1422UT.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

1566 HLAZ man in Japanese 1303UT.   Similarly potent at 1344UT 
program end.   Returned with Chinese program at considerably reduced strength

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

774 JOUB man in Japanese 1326UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

567 JOIK woman in Japanese 1325UT; 594 nowhere to be found
972 HLCA  woman in Korean 1437UT
1287 JOHR likely, man in Japanese 1313UT, pop music
1575 VoA likely, woman in SE Asian language 1422UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

864 pop music 1319UT
1323 man mumbling 1423UT
1593 man talking, sounded Chinese 1415UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

 891 918  1098 1116  1188 1206  1251 1269 1314 1359 1377 1386 1422

best wishes,



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[IRCA] TP 6 Mar Victoria version

2016-03-05 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Again erratic, lots of good carriers. and lots of quality 
splatter.   Some digging led to the following, but I wouldn't say it 
was an easy morning here, less so than other mornings.   Things had 
mostly died here by 1440UT, but there were Philippine channel 
carriers around 1430UT, and maybe a bit of action on 1377 then.  In 
fact there was a bulge of signals around 1430UT, (really, 
two  stations on 711??) but hard to nail things down.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

594 JOAK man in Japanese 1424UT
774 JOUB lots of times, right from 1000UT
828 JOBB also quite a few times, not quite so ubiquitous as JOUB

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

558 HLQH man in Korean //603 1429UT; seconds earlier it was a man 
talking rapidly sounding Japanese

747 JOIB woman in Japanese 1405UT //774

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

567 JOIK woman singing 1424UT //594
639 CNR1 man in Chinese 1420UT; heard typical news sounder at 1432UT
972 HLCA man and woman in Korean 1401UT
1566 HLAZ man in Chinese 1423UT
1575 VoA likely, man in SE Asian language 1423UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

603 HLSA man talking quietly //558, mixing with something else with 
music 1429UT

612 unID music w/ JOLK underneath, Japanese woman //594 1438UT
702 NHK2 man talking //774 1103UT
711 woman singing, with another station fading up and down with woman 
talking 1433UT

945 CNR1 man  talking 1431UT //639
1287 man tlking, possibly Japanese 1411UT
1323 man talking 1416UT
1377 relaxed woman talking 1430UT, maybe Toli-Toli given the 
appearance of strong carriers at the same time on 1215 1314 and 1512

1386 NHK2 woman talking //747 1412UT
1503 JOUK woman singing //594 1448UT
1557 slow vocal music 1428UT
1593 NHK2 woman talking //774 1428UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

864 918 954 1008 1017 1026 1035 1098 1116 1215 1269 1314 1422 1512

best wishes,



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[IRCA] TP 6 Mar Victoria version

2015-03-06 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Another morning of the ol' regulars, sometimes quite good, but not 
even carriers on anything else for the most part.   And yes, HLAZ was 
still delivering some weak audio at 1638UT today, local sunrise is 
almost two hours earlier.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

774 JOUB woman in JJ, crowd scene, lots of jostling and laughing 
1438UT, best on north Flag, unusually

828 JOBB EE lessons 1301UT
1566 HLAZ man in JJ 1315UT; also pretty good at 1442UT with woman in 
CCand of course, still making a small appearance two hours later

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK man in JJ 1414-16UT, brief peaks, erratic fading, but 
generally fair over the next 10 minutes or so.

972 HLCA woman in KK 1424-35UT, several peaks, some quite good indeed

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

the above passing through

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

1287 man talking, maybe JJ  1442UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)


best wishes,


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[IRCA] TP 6 Mar, Victoria version

2014-03-06 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Sunrise enhancement was Tahiti on 738 here; Asiatics bailed really 
early here today, say about 1250ishUT

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

not quite today. HLAZ showed promise briefly

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

738 Tahiti, man and woman in FF 1429UT
1566 HLAZ man in JJ 1252UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

747 JOIB woman and man, EE lessons 1231UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music) :

594 JOAK? woman talking, JJ? 1234UT
828 JOBB woman talking //747 1231UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary"audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter):

756 891 972 1287 1422

best wishes,


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Re: [IRCA] TP 6 Mar; Victoria version

2013-03-06 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Well, dreary described this morning well, Gary.   Three audios, all 
very weak, woman talking on 738  (possibly Tahiti), 594 w/another 
woman talking, possibly JJ inflection, and 828 w/ a man 
talking.   These were heard at different times between 1420 and 
1440UT, with no apparent enhancement at  all.The geomagnetic 
conditions don't look that bad, but DX conditions sure arethe 
late winter anomaly? (hi)

best wishes,


At 14:53 06-03-13, Gary wrote:

Hi Nick,


Both of the low-band NHK2 big guns suffer from major splatter issues 
here, so they have trouble being heard even on decent 
mornings.  747-JOIB is peppered with 750-Portland splatter (a 
daytimer here), and 774-JOUB is usually mangled by 770-Seattle.

This morning's TP results here were a dreary repeat of yesterday, 
but without any unusual audio from 1575-VOA. It only reached a 
poor-fair level around 1425, along with similar audio from 972-HLCA 
at the same time. All of the other Asians stayed in hibernation.

73, Gary

-Original Message-
From: Nick Hall-Patch 
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America 

Sent: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 8:29 pm
Subject: [IRCA] TP 5 Mar; Victoria version

Not even at the levels Gary was getting.  I'm surprised he didn't
hear the low band NHK2s, as that's practically all I heard, and it
was actually a sunrise enhancement, best around 1440UT, along with
1575UT; earlier, not nearly as "good"

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least

not at all

reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):


not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or
noise could be
understood by a native speaker:

dream on, even at this level

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

567 JOIK? man talking JJ inflection 1427UT; no 594 //
738 woman talking 1423UT
747 JOIB woman talking //774 1444UT
774 JOUB woman talking //747 1443UT
1575 VoA???woman talking 1442UT

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):

best wishes,


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