Yesterday's TP reception wasn't all that bad here, and didn't seem to be as bad as how everyone else made it out to be. Below average to be sure - the same cast of characters was still there, but with weaker signals. I've had worse mornings in the past couple of weeks.

Today was slightly better, but kind of weird. The Koreans on 972 and 1566 were much weaker than normal, but some of the Chinese were better than they've been lately. The Japanese were generally below average, although 774 was a bit better than it's been so far this season. Most activity was at the low end of the dial, with only a handful of signals above 1200.

Here's what was noted 1245-1355

Good audio
KFQD-750 local nx and ad mixing with Portland 1333. Checked 580 620 650 640 670 700 780 800 and 850 but no other Alaskans were audible

Fair audio (maybe kinda somewhat understandable by a  native speaker)
738 Taiwan, weak at 1343 but fading up to decent level 1351 with CC talk, first audio of the season for this one
774 Japan - pips and weather 1300
981 China CC talk
1035 China, CC talk 3 carriers visible on SDR display
1575 VOA - Asian talk

Weak audio (bits ad pieces of stuff in the noise and splatter)
747 Japan
756 China, 2 carriers
945 China
972 KBS surprisingly poor signal
1206 - China, weak talk on 1205.94
1476 - weak talk at times but not good enough to ID the language
1566 - sub par to be sure

Carriers visible on SDR display
549 558 594 6211 639 648 657 666 693 729 828 846 891 909 918 927 936 954 963 1008 1026 1044 1053 1062 1116 1134 1143 1323

Bruce in Seattle
Winradio Excalibur
K9AY antenna

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