Re: [isabelle-dev] Frag / Poly_Mapping

2018-09-24 Thread Akihisa Yamada

Dear Alexander, Florian, Larry, Manuel,

recently I also made the same typedef, so that derivatives can be 
defined, which wants real norm in current Isabelle/HOL. Unfortunately I 
didn't notice it is called "poly_mapping".

I propose calling them finsupp or finite_supp. Support is often written 
"supp", and the term in this meaning is clearly about functions so I 
don't think "_fun" is needed.

Best regards,

On 2018/09/25 1:49, Manuel Eberl wrote:

On 24/09/2018 18:41, Florian Haftmann wrote:

First-letter abbreviations are not very self-explanatory though.  So I'd
go with something more explicit like »finite_support_fun« – note that
this type constructor does not show up in concrete type syntax, only in
type class instantiations, so its length should be fine.

It does show up in the name of the operations you define on it and the
theorems you prove about it though.


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Re: [isabelle-dev] reflect_poly

2018-04-16 Thread Akihisa Yamada

Dear Manuel,

There are definitely books out there that call it the "reflected
polynomial", and that's what my undergraduate discrete maths course
called it, so that's what I called it.

oh I'm fine with the naming if it's textbook-level standard. I wouldn't 
have raised this if there were a reference in the thy file, though.

BTW, Google-books search will find
"reciprocal polynomial": 152
"reverse polynomial": 118
"reflected polynomial": 18
(try to access the last hit, otherwise reciprocal looks dominant).

So "rev_poly" seems to be a good option (in connection with rev, obviously).

isabelle-dev mailing list

[isabelle-dev] reflect_poly

2018-04-15 Thread Akihisa Yamada

Dear HOL-Computational_Algebra developers,

how about renaming "reflect_poly" in Polynomial.thy to "reciprocal_poly"?

It seems to be standard to call them "reciprocal polynomials", cf., and the current 
naming wants an extra sentence to relate the notions in paper writing.

Best regards,
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