Re: [isabelle-dev] Lemma "sum_image_le"

2018-10-06 Thread Alexander Maletzky
Great, thanks!


Am 06.10.2018 um 13:06 schrieb Tobias Nipkow:
> Since Alexander cannot push changes, I have done so now.
> Tobias
> On 28/09/2018 18:44, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
>> Sounds good to me!
>> Larry
>>> On 28 Sep 2018, at 14:00, Alexander Maletzky
>>> >> <>> wrote:
>>> lemma "sum_image_le" in theory "Groups_Big", which is stated for
>>> type-class "ordered_ab_group_add", holds more generally for
>>> "ordered_comm_monoid_add" (proof below). May I propose to change it
>>> accordingly?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alexander
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[isabelle-dev] Lemma "sum_image_le"

2018-09-28 Thread Alexander Maletzky
Dear list,

lemma "sum_image_le" in theory "Groups_Big", which is stated for
type-class "ordered_ab_group_add", holds more generally for
"ordered_comm_monoid_add" (proof below). May I propose to change it

Best regards,

lemma sum_image_le:
  fixes g :: "'a ⇒ 'b::ordered_comm_monoid_add"
  assumes "finite I" and "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ 0 ≤ g(f i)"
    shows "sum g (f ` I) ≤ sum (g ∘ f) I"
  using assms
proof induction
  case empty
  then show ?case by auto
  case (insert x F)
  from insertI1 have "0 ≤ g (f x)" by (rule insert)
  hence 1: "sum g (f ` F) ≤ g (f x) + sum g (f ` F)" using
add_increasing by blast
  from insert have 2: "sum g (f ` F) ≤ sum (g ∘ f) F" by blast
  have "sum g (f ` insert x F) = sum g (insert (f x) (f ` F))" by simp
  also have "… ≤ g (f x) + sum g (f ` F)"
    by (simp add: 1 insert sum.insert_if)
  also from 2 have "… ≤ g (f x) + sum (g ∘ f) F" by (rule add_left_mono)
  also from insert(1, 2) have "… = sum (g ∘ f) (insert x F)" by (simp
add: sum.insert_if)
  finally show ?case .

isabelle-dev mailing list

Re: [isabelle-dev] Frag / Poly_Mapping

2018-09-24 Thread Alexander Maletzky
Some notions defined in "Frag.thy" already exist in "Poly_Mapping.thy":
"support" is called "keys" there, and I think "frag_cmul" could easily
be defined in terms of "map".

"frag_extend" looks like a special case of a more general subsitution
homomorphism "subst" of type "('a => 'b => 'c) => ('a =>_0 'b) => 'c",
defined as "subst f x = (\Sum i\in keys x. f i (lookup x i))", which
could indeed be added to "Poly_Mapping.thy". The insertion morphism in
"MPoly_Type.thy" could then perhaps be defined in terms of "subst" (at
least partially; for power-products, the above sum would have to be
replaced by a product).

Best regards,

On 9/23/18 20:59, Lawrence Paulson wrote:
> Attached is a port of the HOL Light “frag” library (free Abelian groups) 
> built upon Poly_Mapping. It’s a mess, especially with the combination of frag 
> and Poly_Mapping names. Some of it clearly could be added to Poly_Mapping, 
> maybe all of it. But it needs to be rationalised. 
> Comments / advice?
> Larry
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