  Antum elok-eloklah pelihara kanak-kanak yang berada di bawah jagaan antum..., 
daripada sex-maniac cilanat...   sex-maniac cilanat ni... eloknya, ditangkap,  
diikat kat pokok kelapa, dalam keadaan peluk pokok tu..., lepas tu liwath dia 
dengan besi scaffholding buat bangunan..., sampai melanchur daghah,  sampai 
pecah usus dia... , baghu sedar dek untung dia...  Anak Zurin..., salah seorang 
yang malang, dan bila sex-maniac cilanat tu tak dapat subdued anak malang 
ni..., dibunuhnya... Semoga pembunuh anak tak berdosa ini..., ALLAH binasakan 
sehanchur-hanchurnya... Ameeen Ya ALLAH Ya, Mutakabbir...!

Note: forwarded message attached.

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>X-AuditID: cab93006-a6402bb0000008a7-0c-470068912055 
>Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 09:48:29 +0800
>Reply-to: Atiq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fw: Child Kidnap attempt at Carrefour
>X-Mailer: UebiMiau [PHPMailer version 1.70]
>X-Brightmail-Tracker: AAAAAA==
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "iso-8859-1"Content-Transfer-Encoding:
>--------- Original Message --------
>from: Afiza Abdul Majid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 29 September 2007 03:53
> To: Rafida Abdul Majid
> Subject: Fw: [MML] Fw: Fw: Child Kidnap attempt at Carrefour
>Forwarded by Afiza Abdul Majid/FPTP/UiTM on 09/29/2007 03:52 PM
>From: Roslinda Mustaffa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 10:03 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Fw: Fw: Child Kidnap attempt at Carrefour 
>Even if you do not have little kids, pass this one on to everyone you
>can think of. You never know who you might save by sending this
>e-mail! Please, take the time and forward this to any friend who has
>children; grandchildren! Thanks!
>Wanted to share something that happened today while shopping at
>Carrefour. A mother was leaning over looking for meat and turned
> around to find her 4 years old daughter was missing. I was standing
>there right beside her, and she was calling her daughter with no
> I asked a man who worked at Carrefour to announce it over the
> loud-speaker. He did, and left me, he immediately walked right past
> me when I asked and went to a pole where there was a phone. He made
>an announcement for all the doors and gates to be locked, a code
> something; So they locked all the doors at once.
> This took all of 3 minutes after I asked the guy to do this. They
> found the little girl 5 minutes later in a bathroom stall drugged.
> Her head was half shaved, and she was dressed in her underwear with
> a bag of clothes, a razor, and wig sitting on the floor beside her,
> to make her look different.
> Whoever this person was, took the little girl, brought her into the
> bathroom, shaved half her head, and undressed her in a matter of less
> than 10 minutes. This makes me shake to no end.
> Please keep a close eye on your kids when in big places where it's
> easy for you to get separated like Shopping Malls. It only took a few
> minutes to do all of that. Another 5 minutes and she would have been
> out the door.
> I am still in shock that some sick person could do this, let alone in
> a matter of minutes. The days are over when our little ones could run
> rampant all over the place and nothing worse would happen then them
>annoying people.
>The little girl is fine. Thank God for fast workers who didn't take
>any chances.
>Message sent using Open SOurce webmail

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