Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb...

2006-12-13 Thread Fayaz Ahmed

Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb...

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

I am a new member to this group. Glad to meet u all.

Wassalamu alaikum.


Brother in Islam,

Fayaz Ahmed bin Zainudheen.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Selective Targeting - Are muslims victims of Fascism

2006-12-13 Thread Mahboob Shariff

Selective Targeting
Are Muslims Victims of Fascism?
By A. Faizur Rahman

  There are different yardsticks in our country to judge people depending 
upon their religious affiliations and political clout.

  There can be no denying the fact that in the guise of fighting a "war 
against terrorism," investigating agencies across the world, under the 
imprimatur of their respective governments, have demonised and vilified entire 
Muslim communities to the extent of questioning their loyalty to their 
countries. That India is no exception to this selective targeting can be proved 
from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's recent advice to the Police: "Police and 
security agencies have to take care not to cast doubts on the patriotism of 
Muslims or any other community". Addressing the concluding session of a 
conference on "Terrorism: Causes and Remedies", organised by Muslim clerics and 
religious leaders at Parliament House Annexe on August 21, 2006, Dr. Singh 
acknowledged the fact that only Muslims were picked up for interrogation by the 
Maharashtra Police in the case relating to the July 11, Mumbai train blasts. He 
said, "I have spoken to the Maharashtra Chief Minister. The incident at Nanded 
is also under investigation. It is wrong to cast doubts only on the Muslim 
community during investiga-tions." (Source: The Hindu, Aug 22, 2006).

  This brings us to the question: Why are Muslims victimized across the 
globe? In his best-selling book "Good Muslim, Bad Muslim", anthropologist, and 
Herbert Lehman Professor of Government at Columbia University, Mahmood Mamdani, 
says that the attack on Islam is the result of the "politicizing of a single 
term: culture" because, "unlike the culture studied by anthropologists - 
face-to-face, intimate, local, and lived - the talk of culture is highly 
politicized and comes in large geo-packages". As proof, Mamdani points out that 
"Culture Talk after 9/11, for example, qualified and explained the practice of 
"terrorism" as "Islamic". "Islamic terrorism" is thus offered as both 
description and explanation of the events of 9/11." "It is no longer the market 
(capitalism), nor the state (democracy), but culture (mode-rnity) that is said 
to be the dividing line between those in favour of a peaceful, civic existence 
and those inclined to terror. It is said that our world is divided between 
those who are modern and those who are pre-modern."

  Mamdani's analysis, praised by Noam Chomsky as "a valuable contribution 
to the understan-ding of some of the most important developments of the 
contemporary era", clearly proves that the Western concept of Islamophobia is 
the direct result of the hatred of Muslims indoctrinated in the minds of the 
Christians over centuries. Why else would the Christian West gang up to 
decimate entire nations for the wrongs of a few? Certainly the whole of Iraq or 
Afghanistan was not responsible for attacks against the U.S. Unfortunately for 
the Muslims, there seems to be no way out of this victimization except to 
educate their Christian brethren concentrated in the western hemisphere about 
their folly and remind them of the common roots of our faiths in the 
subservience of the one God who sent both Jesus, (Pbuh) the Christ and Muhammad 
(Pbuh), the Prophet.

  Surprisingly, even in the Indian context, we find a similar racist 
reasoning in the behaviour of the Hindutva ideologues towards the Muslims, who 
are seen as aliens having no right to live in this country except as non 
entities as intolerantly pronounced by Golwalkar. He said that Muslims must 
adopt the Hindu culture and language and "they must cease to be foreigners or 
may stay in the country wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation claiming 
nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment, not even 
citizen's right" ( We or Our Nationhood Defined, Nagpur, 1938, p.52). The same 
sentiments were echoed by Dr. Hedgewar who offered a "solution" to the Muslims 
if they desired a peaceful existence in this country. Inviting them to almost 
convert to Hinduism he says, "Let the Muslims look upon Ram as their hero and 
the communal problems will be over." (Organizer, June 20, 1971).

  Minorities, particularly the Muslims, are equal citizens of this country 
and therefore, any attack on them, physical or through communally slanted 
reports in the media, should be construed as an attack on India, and immediate 
steps should be taken to protect them.

  American journalist Laura Dawn Lewis, in her article, "What is Fascism", 
while warning that "this may surprise most educated people", says that "the 
most notable characteristic of a fascist country is the separation and 
persecution or denial of equality to a specific segment of the population based 
upon superficial qualities or belief systems." She further elaborates; "simply 
stated, a fascist government always has one class of citizens that is 
considered superior (good) to another

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Open letter to Speaker-elect Mrs. Pelosi

2006-12-13 Thread DDN

  Dr. Habib Siddiqui's Open letter to Speaker-elect Mrs. 

December 10, 2006

Dear Speaker-elect Mrs. Pelosi,

I have been quite vocal about my support for many causes that are 
espoused by the Democratic Party.

Your recent remarks about Nobel Peace Prize Winner, former 
President Jimmy Carter's statement regarding Israel's apartheid practice of 
racism is very disconcerting. You said, "It is wrong to suggest that the Jewish 
people would support a government in Israel or anywhere else that 
institutionalizes ethnically based suppression, and Democrats reject that 
allegation vigorously,"

Who can deny the fact that no American politician of high stature 
has ever spent as much time to finding a just and peaceful solution to the 
Middle-east crisis as former President Carter? His statement about the on-going 
criminal and horrendous practice of racism by the Zionist state against the 
Palestinian people is not something that can be brushed away so lightly.

Mrs. Pelosi, let us talk about history of the Zionist state. We 
don't have to go too far there to agree that it was the Israeli people who had 
voted for the Likud Party shortly after Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was 
murdered by an extremist Jew, who had drawn his inspiration for the gruesome 
murder from hard-line rhetoric of Benjamin Netanyahu and his party. It was the 
same Jewish people who had elected Ariel Sharon, a war criminal - responsible 
hitherto for the war crimes in Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps and found 
guilty by the Israeli Supreme Court, to power, defeating Yehud Barak's Labor 

Your statement above unfortunately reflects an obsession for the 
Israeli people that is biased and not at all conducive to ending Israel's 
unjust war against the Palestinian people. It can easily be construed as being 
racist and chauvinist. It betrays history and truth. It tries to give a clean 
bill of health to a murderous regime that has only been emboldened by its 'Amen 
Corner' in the Capitol Hill of the USA.  Such short-sighted and untrue 
statements, apparently to appease our powerful Jewish lobby within America, 
make all of us, Americans - Jewish and non-Jewish alike, perceived in the rest 
of the world as partners-in-crimes of the Israeli apartheid state. Worst yet, 
your statement exemplify hypocrisy, and benefit none, not even the very Israeli 
Jew about whom we see lots of crocodile tears from our disingenuous 
politicians. The people in Israel need genuine peace and not an Armageddon.

Dear Mrs. Pelosi, when you opt to shut your eyes to the war crimes 
of the Zionist state, you have simply relegated yourself to one more 
opportunistic politician who has forgotten the basic of conflict resolution - 
no peaceful solution can be found without addressing the existing issues 
honestly and frankly. And that was essentially the message of President Jimmy 
Carter that you seemed to have missed.


Dr. Habib Siddiqui


  Dr. Habib Siddiqui ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is an anti-war activist. His 
essays appear in a number of websites and
   newspapers. He has written six books. His book on "Islamic Wisdom" is 
now available in the USA and Canada.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Article "So That You May Know One Another"

2006-12-13 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, FYI  Excerpts:
  "Civilizing the earth means striving to spread on the earth the Divine 
attributes such as justice, mercy, compassion, goodness, and beauty. In doing 
so, human beings spread Divinity itself upon the earth. "
  In contrast, corrupting the earth - spreading violence, hatred, vengeance, 
and ugliness - means failure in discharging one's obligations toward God. The 
Qur'an teaches that the act of destroying or spreading ruin on this earth is 
one of the gravest sins possible - fasad fi al-ard - which means to corrupt the 
earth by destroying the beauty of creation, is considered an ultimate act of 
blasphemy against God."

  "The Qur'an speaks harshly of those who spread corruption on the earth: 
"...none does He cause thereby to go astray save the iniquitous, who break 
their bond with God after it has been established [in their nature] and cut 
asunder what God has bidden to be joined, and spread corruption on earth: these 
it is that shall be the losers." [Qur'an 2:26-27]"
  "God says: "Now there is a kind of man whose views on the life of this world 
may please thee greatly, and [the more so as] he cites God as witness to what 
is in his heart and is, moreover, exceedingly skillful in argument. But 
whenever he prevails, he goes about the earth spreading corruption and 
destroying [man's] tilth and progeny: and God does not love corruption." 
[Qur'an 2:204-205]"
  "our job as human beings is to civilize the earth: to spread justice, mercy, 
compassion, love, and beauty over all of the earth and its creatures." 
  "...out of His love stems His tremendous mercy and compassion. It is no 
accident that every chapter in the Qur'an save one begins with the phrase: "In 
the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful." One of God's 99 
names in the Islamic tradition is Al Wadud, or "The Loving."

  "This love and compassion for God's creation, the most important of which is 
fellow human beings, leads us to work to eliminate poverty, hunger, injustice, 
and oppression."
 So That You May Know One Another   Posted by: "saiyed shahbazi" saiyed 
shahbazi   weloverasul   Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:03 pm (PST)   Let us, for a moment, 
go back and listen in on an ancient and sacred conversation: "Behold, I am 
about to establish on earth one who shall inherit it," said the Lord God to the 
angels. They replied: "Will You place upon it such as will spread corruption 
thereon and shed blood - whereas we extol Your limitless glory, praise You, and 
hallow Your Name?" Alas, it seems that our reputation as human beings preceded 
our own creation. The Almighty replied: "Verily, I know that which you do not." 
In other words, the Lord God said, "I know what I am doing."

That conversation is recounted in the verse 2:30 of the Qur'an, and it 
highlights the purpose of the creation of humankind: to be the inheritors of 
the earth, God's vicegerents, His representatives. As such, we have a 
tremendous responsibility placed upon us by the Lord God. 

As Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl, Professor of Islamic law at UCLA, writes: "The 
Qur'an describes the moment of creation as the moment in which humanity was 
entrusted with a heavy responsibility. .. God made human beings God's agents or 
viceroys on the earth and entrusted them with the responsibility to civilize 
the land."Yet, what does "civilizing the land" mean exactly? Dr. Abou El Fadl 

Civilizing the earth does not mean constructing buildings or paving roads. It 
means striving to spread on the earth the Divine attributes such as justice, 
mercy, compassion, goodness, and beauty. In doing so, human beings spread 
Divinity itself upon the earth. In contrast, corrupting the earth - spreading 
violence, hatred, vengeance, and ugliness - means failure in discharging one's 
obligations toward God. The Qur'an teaches that the act of destroying or 
spreading ruin on this earth is one of the gravest sins possible - fasad fi 
al-ard - which means to corrupt the earth by destroying the beauty of creation, 
is considered an ultimate act of blasphemy against God.

Indeed, the Qur'an speaks harshly of those who spread corruption on the earth: 
"...none does He cause thereby to go astray save the iniquitous, who break 
their bond with God after it has been established [in their nature] and cut 
asunder what God has bidden to be joined, and spread corruption on earth: these 
it is that shall be the losers." [Qur'an 2:26-27]Elsewhere, God says: "Now 
there is a kind of man whose views on the life of this world may please thee 
greatly, and [the more so as] he cites God as witness to what is in his heart 
and is, moreover, exceedingly skillful in argument. But whenever he prevails, 
he goes about the earth spreading corruption and destroying [man's] tilth and 
progeny: and God does not love corruption." [Qur'an 2:204-205]Thus, our job as 
human beings is to civilize the earth: to spread justice, mercy, compassion, 
love, and bea

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Mujahid in Allah's Cause...

2006-12-13 Thread K H U R R A M
   ALQURANIC Mail [The Best Guide ALQURAN]
  Assalam-o-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
Forward this email to maximum people you can.
  [5. Surah Al-Maidah : Ayah 2]

"And help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin 
and aggression; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is severe 
in requiting (evil)."
Audio Quran and Video Quran
  Example of a Mujahid in Allah's Cause
  [Sahih Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 52, Number 46]

Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu): I heard Allah's Apostle (sal-allahu- 
alleihi-wasallam ) saying, "The example of a Mujahid in Allah's Cause-- and 
Allah knows better who really strives in His Causeis like a person who 
fasts and prays continuously. Allah guarantees that He will admit the Mujahid 
in His Cause into Paradise if he is killed, otherwise He will return him to his 
home safely with rewards and war booty." 

[Sahih Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 52, Number 48]

Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu): The Prophet Muhammad (sal-allahu- 
alleihi-wasallam ) said, "Whoever believes in Allah and His Apostle, offer 
prayer perfectly and fasts the month of Ramadan, will rightfully be granted 
Paradise by Allah, no matter whether he fights in Allah's Cause or remains in 
the land where he is born." The people said, "O Allah's Apostle ! Shall we 
acquaint the people with the is good news?" He said, "Paradise has one-hundred 
grades which Allah has reserved for the Mujahidin who fight in His Cause, and 
the distance between each of two grades is like the distance between the Heaven 
and the Earth. So, when you ask Allah (for something), ask for Al-firdaus which 
is the best and highest part of Paradise." (i.e. The sub-narrator added, "I 
think the Prophet also said, 'Above it (i.e. Al-Firdaus) is the Throne of 
Beneficent (i.e. Allah), and from it originate the rivers of Paradise.") 

Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know. Ask your question 
on Yahoo! Answers.

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ethiopian Regime declares war on New Somali Islamic Government Of Islamic Court Union

2006-12-13 Thread Shaikh Hyder
When rulers of the Muslim nations are ruled by the enemies of Allah, then where 
is the salvation for the believers?


  Last  Updated Thurs, Nov, 22 
2006,18:10 am--Mogadishu Somalia
Ethiopian  premier Zenawi declares 
war on Somalia’s Islamists   Aweys Osman Yusuf
 Mogadishu23, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) -  
Speaking to parliament in Addis Ababa Prime minister of Ethiopia Meles  Zenawi 
revealed his government has come to a firm decision of gearing  up for a war 
with Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts, which is in  control of most central 
and southern of the country.

 Ethiopia  is believed to have thousands of its military troops in the 
small town  of Baidoa, a temporary seat for the toothless transitional federal  
 Ethiopia  merely admits its has hundreds of military officers in 
Somalia to train  the government personnel and protect the government form the 
Islamic  Courts fighters surrounding Baidoa.
   Zenawi said jihad war against Ethiopia was an apparent threat to 
 Ethiopia that could not be ignored, adding that the policy of his  government 
to solve any conflict through peaceful means has so far  ended in 
unproductiveness, and therefore has become indispensable to be  fully geared up 
for the defense of Ethiopia against the enemy  [Islamists].
   The news comes as United States government formally supported an 
 African troop deployment to Somalia to protect the weak government  based in 
the small town of Baidoa, 245 km southwest of the capital.
   Ethiopian military convoy passing through Kansah Omane environs 
on the  edge of Baidoa was ambushed twice last week by pro-Islamist militias in 
 the area. 
 Two armored vehicles were blown up as number of Ethiopian 
soldiers was  reportedly killed in skirmishes that took place during the ambush.
   Somalia lost its central government in 1991 when tribal warlords 
 toppled former president Mohammed Siad Barre.
   Peace talks in the Sudanese capital Khartoum have ended in 
failure  early this month after Islamic Courts demanded that all Ethiopian  
forces in the country leave.



Shabelle Media Network Somalia
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   ©  2005 Shabelle Media Network All 
Rights Reserved, Designed by: Baabul

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untill the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the 
descendent of Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Riyad-us-saliheen - Book No.1 Good Manners

2006-12-13 Thread Mahboob Shariff
Chapter 86
Fulfillment of Promises

Allah, the Exalted, says:

"And fulfill (every) covenant. Verily! The covenant will be questioned about. 

"And fulfill the Covenant of Allah (Bai`ah: pledge for Islam) when you have 
covenanted.'' (16:91)

"O you who believe! Fulfill (your) obligations.'' (5:1)

"O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most hateful it is 
with Allah that you say that which you do not do.'' (61:2,3)

689. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah 
(PBUH) said, "Three are the signs of a hypocrite: When he speaks, he lies; when 
he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he betrays his 
trust.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Another narration adds the words: "Even if he observes Saum (fasts), performs 
Salat (prayer) and claims to be a Muslim.''

Commentary: This Hadith has already been mentioned in the chapter about trusts. 
See Commentary on Hadith No. 201. Its repetition here is meant to stress the 
point that a hypocrite is recognized by breaking his promise.

690. `Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-`as (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Four are the qualities which, when found 
in a person, make him a sheer hypocrite, and one who possesses one of them, 
possesses one characteristic of hypocrisy until he abandons it. These are: When 
he is entrusted with something, he betrays trust; when he speaks, he lies; when 
he promises, he acts treacherously; and when he argues, he behaves in a very 
imprudent, insulting manner.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Commentary:  Theologically speaking, a disagreement between heart and tongue - 
or word and deed - about the declaration of faith in Islam is defined as 
hypocrisy. In the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) there existed a group of 
hypocrites whose traits of characters have been outlined in Ahadith. Humanly it 
is not possible to perceive malice hidden in one's heart. Even Messenger of 
Allah (PBUH) hardly knew what lay in the hearts of people because, despite 
having the exalted status of Prophethood, he was fundamentally a human. Allah, 
however, had revealed hearts to him. But today, we have no error-free source to 
pick hypocrites from the ranks of believers. Quite naturally, we fall back on 
the Hadith which provides us definite symptoms of the character and manners of 
hypocrites so as to distinguish them from sincere Muslims.

`Ulama' say that there are two aspects of hypocrisy, relating to faith and 
practice. In the first case, a hypocrite conceals his disbelief in his heart 
but verbally professes Islam. Anyone who belongs to this category of hypocrites 
will be, as stated in the Qur'an: "In the lowest depths of the Fire.'' (4:145). 
In the second case, a man does have faith in his heart but in practice he 
portrays the characteristics of a hypocrite, unfortunately a majority of 
today's Muslims practically behave like hypocrites and possess their 
propensities. It is this hypocritical attitude and moral deficiencies of 
Muslims that have degraded them and made Islam unappealing. May Allah put 
Muslims on the right path!

691. Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said to 
me, "When the revenues of Bahrain will arrive, I shall give you such and such 
and such.'' He passed away before the revenues were received. When they arrive 
during the caliphate of Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him), he ordered to 
be announced: "Anyone whom Messenger of Allah (PBUH) promised or owed anything, 
should come to him.'' I went to him and said: "Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had 
said to me such and such.'' He took a double handful out of the money and gave 
it to me. I counted it and found that it was five hundred dirham. Then Abu Bakr 
(May Allah be pleased with him) said to me: "Take twice as much more of that 
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Commentary: Messenger of Allah (PBUH), according to Al-Bukhari, spread his both 
hands thrice in a gesture and indicated to Jabir (May Allah be pleased with 
him): "I will give you double handfuls of money thrice''. Abu Bakr (May Allah 
be pleased with him), however, fulfilled the Prophet's promise during his 

This Hadith is suggestive of fulfillment of the deceased pledge by the 
ascendant, that is, his death will not invalidate it. Rather, the 
responsibility of fulfilling his pledge devolves upon his inheritors. 
Similarly, a new ruler is under obligation to carry out the commitment made by 
his predecessor on the government level

Chapter 93
Excellence of Walking Solemnly (Towards the Mosque) to perform As-Salat (The 
Prayer) and other Religious Duties

Allah, the Exalted, says: "And whosoever honours the Symbols of Allah, then it 
is truly from the piety of the heart.'' (22:32)

704. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the 
Messenger of Allah (PBUH

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zikr-7

2006-12-13 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, 
  "Every morning charity is due from every joint bone of the body of every 
  one of you. Every utterance of Allah's Glorification (i.e., Subhan-Allah) 
  is an act of charity, and every utterance of praise of Him 
  (i.e., Al-hamdu lillah) is an act of charity, and every utterance of 
  profession of Faith (i.e., La ilaha illallah) is an act of charity, 
  and every utterance of His Greatness (i.e., Allahu Akbar) is an 
  act of charity; and enjoining good is an act of charity and forbidding 
  what is disreputable is an act of charity; and two Rak`ah prayer 
  which one offers in the forenoon (Ad-Duha) will suffice for all this.''

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zikr-12

2006-12-13 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: 
  The Prophet (PBUH) said, 
  "The similitude of one who remembers his Rubb and one who 
  does not remember Him, is like that of the living and the dead.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. 
  Commentary:  Lack of remembrance of Allah is akin to death. 
  When a person dies, he is unable to do anything. 
  Similarly, a person who does not remember Allah goes so far 
  from Him that he cannot do anything which can benefit him. 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Pilgrimage - A Duty Owed To Allah (An Outstanding Debt)

2006-12-13 Thread Alan Border
“In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever 
enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,- 
those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in 
need of any of His creatures.”
  (Al-Qur'an, 3:97 (Aal-E-Imran [The Family of Imran])
  A Duty Owed To Allah — An Outstanding Debt
Commentary by Adil Salahi — Arab News
  When the pilgrimage is mentioned in the Qur'an, it is described as a duty 
owed to God. Thus the relevant verse goes: "Pilgrimage to this House is a duty 
owed to God by all people who are able to undertake it." (3: 97) This is a 
special form of phrase which is not associated with any other act of worship, 
not even prayers which we offer everyday at specific times. Why is the 
pilgrimage given such a status?
To start with, the pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam. This applies to all 
Muslims wherever they live, including the people of Makkah who, needless to 
say, find it easier to perform the pilgrimage than all other Muslims. 
Nevertheless, when they offer the pilgrimage, they receive its reward in full. 
We must not forget that a person may live in Makkah for 70 years and still not 
perform the pilgrimage once. Hence, a resident in Makkah who offers the 
pilgrimage acknowledges its status in Islam. People may suggest that a person 
who comes from a remote area spends more time and money in performing the 
pilgrimage: Will he receive the same reward? We can only say that God is the 
most just of judges. While the basic reward for the pilgrimage is earned by all 
pilgrims, God may multiply the reward of any one He chooses. None will be 
treated unfairly.
Yet why is the pilgrimage owed to God? God gives His message in the clearest of 
terms. He has described the pilgrimage in a way that makes it similar to a 
debt. Since the pilgrimage can be offered only at a particular time every year, 
a delay in offering it once it becomes a duty is similar to the delay in 
settling a debt when a person has the money to repay it. The Prophet, peace be 
upon him, says: "Deliberate delay of settling debt by someone who has the means 
is an act of injustice." Moreover, if one dies without offering the pilgrimage 
when he has been able to do so in his lifetime, it remains outstanding in the 
same way as a loan given to the deceased which must be settled after his death.
   It is important to know first of all that once anyone is able to undertake 
the duty of pilgrimage, he or she must do it without delay. If, however, a 
person dies before he offers the pilgrimage when the conditions of ability have 
been met during his lifetime, then before his estate is divided among his heirs 
and indeed before the execution of his will, if any, a portion of his money 
should be set aside which must be sufficient to meet the expenses of the 
pilgrimage and Umrah, so that someone else may do these duties on his behalf. 
This applies whether the deceased had been too lax about the fulfillment of his 
duty or had every intention to fulfill it but was prevented by circumstances or 
by an illness or some other legitimate reason. 
  A person who offers the substitute pilgrimage on someone else's behalf should 
have already performed his own personal duty of pilgrimage. When the Prophet, 
peace be upon him, did his own pilgrimage, he heard one of his companions 
saying that he intended the pilgrimage on behalf of Shibrimah. The Prophet, 
peace be upon him, asked him who Shibrimah was? "A brother of mine," the man 
said. The Prophet, peace be upon him, asked him whether he had already offered 
the pilgrimage on his own behalf. When the man answered in the negative, the 
Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Offer the pilgrimage for yourself first, 
then offer it again on behalf of Shibrimah." 
It is perfectly acceptable that a close relative, such as a brother or a 
sister, does the pilgrimage on behalf of a deceased person, man or woman. It is 
also acceptable that someone is hired for the purpose. Some scholars maintain 
that what should be paid to a person who is doing a substitute pilgrimage is 
only the expenses incurred in doing so. He cannot have a fee for doing the 
pilgrimage. Yet, this is a point over which scholars have differed, with some 
of them maintaining that if a fee is paid, it is perfectly legitimate earning. 
On the other hand, if the relatives of the deceased tell the person undertaking 
the substitute pilgrimage that they will pay him an agreed amount of money to 
cover his expenses, but he! is entitled to take for himself what he saves of 
that amount by spending less. It is also perfectly acceptable that a man does 
the pilgrimage on behalf of another man, or on behalf of a woman. The opposite 
is also true: A woman may do the pilgrimage on behalf of
 another woman or a man.
The pilgrimage is binding only on those who can 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Neo-Con Salaffies on the warpath

2006-12-13 Thread Showkat Ali
Salaams All
  Yamin Zakaria wrote an article about the Neo-con Salaffies, since the 
publication and circulation of this article the Salaffies launched a tirade 
against him. His article was only 3 pages their response is 75 pages and 
contains many insults about his origin and education etc. A rebuttal to the 
salaffies is curently being prepared by Yamin.
Please forward as widely as possible.

 Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick, easy 
and free. Do it now...

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Los Angeles Street Named in Honor of Imam Abdul Bilal Hasan Square

2006-12-13 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, FYI
  Imam Abdul Bilal Hasan is associated with the leadership of Imam W.D. 
Mohammed of Chicago , Ilinois.
  Peace, Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas
  Street Sign Honors Local Imam  By Abdussalam 
MohamedMore than 50 years of social activism and dedication to his 
community brought a local imam much-deserved recognition.   On November 17, 
community members showed up at the Bilal Center for Learning on South Central 
Avenue to witness a watershed event. A street sign honoring Imam Abdul Karim 
Hasan was unveiled at the corner of Central Avenue and Martin Luther King Jr. 
Blvd right outside the center south of downtown Los Angeles. 
  The dedication ceremony was attended by councilwoman Jan Perry, who 
championed the idea at the city level, and several Muslim community leaders. 
  "It is a pleasure and a great honor to play a role in making a bit of history 
today," Perry said. 
  Donald Bakeer, Board member of Project Islamic H.O.P.E stood up and eulogized 
a man he knew very well. "Imam Abdul Karim Hasan has proven himself a leader of 
great merit," Bakeer said. "He is responsible for the transformation of this 
building (Bilal Center) into a center of rejuvenation and a beacon of hope for 
the whole community of the South Central area," he added. 
  Imam Hasan was mentored by Malcolm X and came to Orthodox Islam through Imam 
Warith Deen Mohammad. He later founded the Bilal Center for Learning, which now 
serves a large community. 
  The soft-spoken leader stood up and thanked everyone who came to the 
ceremony, especially the city and the councilwoman. "I thank you for this 
honor," the Imam said. "But this honor is not for me alone. It must be shared 
with all the community members who contributed sweat and tears over the past 30 
years to make this center a reality." 
  After close to 20 years of consistent persistence, Imam Hasan will also 
witness the dream of an Islamic school on the premises in September 2007. 


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The CAT is Out of the Bag - NAZIsrael Has NUKES

2006-12-13 Thread Alan Border
“Every Time Anyone Says That Israel is Our Only Friend in the Middle East, I 
Can't Help But Think That Before Israel, We Had No Enemies in the Middle East.”
 -- John Sheehan, S.J. (a Jesuit Priest)
  Israel Nuke Comment Sparks Controversy
  By MATTI FRIEDMAN, Associated Press Writer
  JERUSALEM - A slip of the tongue by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert about
Israel's nuclear policy ballooned into a domestic crisis Tuesday for the 
Israeli leader, who came under criticism from across the political spectrum. 
  In an interview with a German television station broadcast Monday, Olmert 
appeared to list Israel among the world's nuclear powers, violating the 
country's long-standing policy of not officially acknowledging that it has 
atomic weapons. Asked by the interviewer aboutIran's calls for the 
destruction of Israel, Olmert replied that Israel has never threatened to 
annihilate anyone.
  "Iran openly, explicitly and publicly threatens to wipe Israel off the map," 
Olmert said. "Can you say that this is the same level, when you are aspiring to 
have nuclear weapons, as America, France, Israel, Russia?"
  Israel, which foreign experts say has the sixth-largest nuclear arsenal in 
the world, has stuck to a policy of ambiguity on nuclear weapons for decades, 
refusing to confirm or deny whether it has them. The comments came days after 
incoming Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in testimony to a Senate committee, 
identified Israel as a nuclear power.
  With Olmert's quote featured on the front pages of all of Israel's major 
papers Tuesday and with political rivals calling for his resignation, aides to 
Olmert — who was in Berlin Tuesday on a state visit — hurriedly said the remark 
had been misinterpreted.
  Olmert spokeswoman Miri Eisin said the prime minister had been listing not 
nuclear states but "responsible nations." "The prime minister stated clearly 
that Israel will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle 
East," Eisin said, adding that the quote had been "taken out of context."
  The uproar added to the political difficulties of a prime minister whose 
popularity has plunged since last summer's costly and inconclusive war in 
Lebanon. In a front-page editorial, the daily Haaretz slammed Olmert, who it 
said "preferred to forget that he was prime minister, not another commentator" 
or minor politician.
  Yossi Beilin, head of the dovish Meretz party, criticized what he termed 
Olmert's "carelessness." Together with Olmert's perceived failures of 
leadership during the Lebanon war, Beilin said, "it might be an indication that 
he isn't fit to serve as prime minister."
  Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, of the hard-line Likud, another opposition 
party, said the comment could hurt Israel's attempt to get the international 
community to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Shalom said Olmert 
"gave tools" to Israel's enemies, allowing them to say, "Why are you dealing 
only with Iran while Israel is confirming that it has the same kind of weapons?"
  One of Olmert's few defenders was Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, a member of Olmert's 
coalition government and a former defense minister. "There was no damage here," 
Ben-Eliezer told Army Radio.
  Mordechai Vanunu, the whistleblower who gave Israeli nuclear secrets to the 
British paper The Sunday Times and served an 18-year sentence for his 
disclosures, said he hoped Olmert's comment wasn't a mistake, but rather "the 
beginning of a policy change" that would see Israel openly acknowledge its 
nuclear weapons. Vanunu, who is still under tight security restrictions that 
bar him from leaving the country, said the authorities should now "end my case, 
which is making a mockery of the world."
  Shlomo Brom, an expert on strategic affairs at Tel Aviv University's 
Institute for National Strategic Studies said Olmert had simply been 
misunderstood. "This is much ado about nothing," Brom said.
  "For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to 
account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Orthodox Jewish Attitude to the �Holocaust� / Courtesy:

2006-12-13 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
Orthodox Jewish Attitude to the ’Holocaust’
(International Conference “Review of the Holocaust”, Teheran 11-12 December 
’06)   Speech delivered by Rabbi Aharon Cohen of Neturei Karta
  1. Honourable friends, peers and colleagues. We are gathered here to discuss 
and consider from many angles a tremendously prominent issue from among the 
tragic events of the 2nd World War. The issue which has become known as the 
‘Holocaust’. As is known this issue revolves around the policy and actions 
adopted by Nazi Germany against the Jewish People. This is of course in the 
context of their much wider murderous activities at that time. My aim is to try 
and give you the Orthodox Jewish approach to this matter.
  2. Firstly let me express my gratitude to the illustrious organisers of this 
valuable event for granting my colleagues and myself the opportunity to express 
our views on this matter and we consider this opportunity a very great 
  3. I and my colleagues are what is known as Orthodox Jews, that is Jews who 
endeavour to live their lives entirely according to the age old Jewish religion 
and way of life known as Judaism. We are here under the banner of the group 
known as Neturei Karta which is not a separate movement or organisation but 
propagators of the philosophy expressing the opposition by Orthodox Jewry to 
the idea known as Zionism – the secular nationalistic movement to form a 
sectarian State in Palestine. As is well known, Zionism and the Holocaust have 
become very much intertwined over the years and the Zionists make a great issue 
of the Holocaust in order to further their illegitimate philosophy and aims. I 
wish to talk briefly about both of these topics and their connection. 
  4. We put effort into attending occasions such as this because we feel that 
we have both a religious and religion based humanitarian duty to spread our 
message as much as possible. Consequently I pray that our discussions and 
conclusions at this conference will be correct and true in every aspect. 
  5. I would like firstly to recap briefly for everyone present, because of its 
relevance to the subject of the Holocaust, the fact that Judaism and Zionism 
are totally different and diametrically opposed concepts. Judaism is an age old 
G-dly way of life going back thousands of years full of moral, ethical and 
religious content. Zionism is a comparatively new – little over one hundred 
years – secular nationalistic concept completely devoid of ethics and morals. 
Although, it must be said that sadly there are religious groups among the 
Jewish People who have been affected and infected by the Zionist nationalistic 
philosophy and have ‘bolted’ Zionism onto Judaism, incorrectly and falsely 
against the teachings of Judaism as handed down through the generations. 
  6. Judaism teaches that although the Jewish People were promised the Holy 
Land, now known as Palestine, this was only subject to certain conditions, 
basically that we had to maintain the highest of moral, ethical and religious 
standards. Our religious teachings and literature – our Torah – are replete 
with warnings that if these conditions were not fulfilled then the Jewish 
People would be dispersed in a divinely decreed exile. 
  7. This is what took place. The conditions were not fulfilled to the required 
degree and the Jewish People were dispersed to the four corners of the globe, 
as history confirms. Right up to the present day the Jewish People are in a 
divinely decreed exile in which we are required to be loyal citizens of the 
countries in which we find ourselves and we are prohibited under oath from 
trying to force our way out of the exile by the efforts of our own hands. We 
are also prohibited under oath from trying to form a State of our own in 
Palestine. To contravene these prohibitions would constitute a rebellion 
against the wishes of the A-lmighty and we are warned of dire consequences of 
making any such attempt. 
  8. The philosophy of the secular movement of Zionism totally ignores and 
transgresses the clear Jewish teachings outlined and because of this, Zionism 
was condemned right from its inception by the great Jewish Religious 
  9. Furthermore, Zionism right from its inception completely ignored the fact 
that there was an indigenous population in Palestine comprising mostly 
Palestinians, and the Zionists have followed a policy of depriving the 
Palestinians of their hope for self determination on the land they had occupied 
for centuries. Depriving the Palestinians of their homes, livelihoods and 
lives. So committing a shocking contravention of religion based humanitarian 
  10. Judaism however, preaches compassion and consideration for the property 
and certainly the lives of every fellow man. 
  11. It will of course be clear from the above firstly that the Zionists do 
not represent the Jewish People as a whole, and furthermore that anti-Zionis

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 2PAC & the Outlawz to Islam

2006-12-13 Thread khan zahid

  As-salaamu A'laykum Wa Rahmatullah
  Former rapper, Napoleon, who was part of 2pac & the Outlawz delivers a most 
heart warming and beautiful talk. A must see Inshallah.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Dua-5

2006-12-13 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Tariq bin Ashyam (May Allah be pleased with him)said: A man came to the 
  Prophet (PBUH) and said to him: "O Messenger of Allah! What shall I say if 
  I want to pray to my Rubb?'' He (PBUH) said,
   "Say: `Allahumma-ghfir li, warhamni, wa `afini, warzuqni 

   (O Allah! Forgive me, have mercy on me, protect me 
 and provide me with sustenance).' 
  Surely, this supplication is better for you in this life and in the 