Boycott Israel [IslamCity] =?windows-1252?Q?How_could_Yoosuf_have_"inclined_towards"_the_wife_of_al-`Azeez_when_he_was_chaste??=

2007-01-28 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman

45365: How could Yoosuf have "inclined towards" the wife of al-`Azeez when he 
was chaste? 


What is the tafseer of this verse in Soorat Yoosuf (interpretation of the 

"And indeed she did desire him, and he would have inclined to her desire" 

[Yoosuf 12:24]? 

If Yoosuf (peace be upon him) was chaste and refused to answer the call of the 
wife of al-`Azeez, how could he have inclined towards her desires (i.e., how 
could that have entered his mind)?. 


Praise be to Allaah. 

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

"And indeed she did desire him, and he would have inclined to her desire, had 
he not seen the evidence of his Lord" 

[Yoosuf 12:24] 

Her desire was to commit sin, but as for Yoosuf (peace be upon him), if he had 
not see the evidence of his Lord, he would have inclined to her desire _ 
because of human nature _ but he did not, because of the evidence mentioned. 

Because he hadseen seen the evidence of his Lord, he did not incline to her 

Abu Haatim said: I used to recite ghareeb al-Qur'aan to Abu `Ubaydah, and when 
I reached the verse (interpretation of the meaning): "And indeed she did desire 
him, and he would have inclined to her desire" [Yoosuf 12:24], Abu `Ubayd said: 
This is to be understood as meaning that he saw the proof of his Lord, and so 
he did not incline to her desire. 

Al-Qurtubi, al-Jaami' li Ahkaam al-Qur'aan, 9/165. 

Al-Shanqeeti said in Adwa' al-Bayaan (3/58): 

This may be answered from two angles: 

1 _ That what is meant by saying "Yoosuf would have inclined to her desire" is 
that a thought crossed his mind, but the influence of taqwa (piety) deflected 
that thought. One of them said: this is the natural inclination and the 
instinctive desire that is restrained by taqwa. There is no sin in that because 
this is something that is instilled in man and is not under his control. It 
says in the hadeeth that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon 
him) used to divide his time equally among his wives and treat them fairly, 
then he would say: "O Allaah, this is how I divide that over which I have 
control, so do not take me to task for that which is beyond my control" _ 
meaning the inclination of the heart. [Abu Dawood, al-Sunan, hadeeth no. 2134. 

This is like the fasting person's inclination towards cold water and food, 
while at the same time his taqwa prevents him from drinking or eating whilst he 
is fasting. 

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever thinks 
of an evil action but does not do it, one hasanah will be recorded for him." 
[Narrated by al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh, no. 6491; Muslim, no. 207] 

2 _ Yoosuf (peace be upon him) did not think of doing anything at all, because 
he was prevented from doing so because of the proof of his Lord. This view 
which was favoured by Abu Hasaan and others is more correct according to the 
rules of the Arabic language. 

Then he started to quote the evidence to support the view he favoured. Based on 
the above, the meaning of the verse _ and Allaah knows best _ is that if Yoosuf 
(peace be upon him) had not seen the proof of his Lord, he would have inclined 
towards her desire, but because he had seen the proof of his Lord he did not 
incline towards her desire and did not think of it at all. Similarly, just 
thinking of something without doing it is not regarded as a sin. And Allaah 
knows best. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon his noble Prophet. 


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] File - Setting in receiving email

2007-01-28 Thread islamcity

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Israeli historian: Islam converts change face of Europe

2007-01-28 Thread Showkat Ali
Israeli historian: Islam converts change face of Europe
Jan. 23, 2007 
As many as 100,000 French and British citizens have converted to Islam over the 
last decade, according to a new book by an Israeli historian. 
  The figures cited by Hebrew University Prof. Raphael Israeli in his upcoming 
book The Third Islamic Invasion of Europe are representative of the 
fast-changing face of Europe, which the Islamic history professor says is in 
danger of becoming "Eurabia" within half a century. 
  He noted that about 30 million Muslims currently live in Europe, out of a 
total population of 380 million., adding that with a high Muslim birthrate in 
Europe, the number of Muslims living in the continent is likely to double 
within 25 years. 
  Israeli also cited massive immigration and Turkey's future inclusion in the 
EU as the primary reasons why the face of Europe will be indelibly changed 
within a generation. 
  European concerns over a fast-growing Muslim population is at the center of 
opposition to Turkey's entry into the EU, he said, as the inclusion of Turkey 
into the EU will catapult the number of Muslims to 100 million out of a total 
population of 450 million. 
  "The sheer weight of demography will produce a situation where no Frenchman 
or Dutchman could be elected to parliament without the support of the Muslim 
minority," he said Monday in an interview with The Jerusalem Post. 
  "Muslims will have a more and more decisive voice in the makeup of European 
  "With Turkey as a member of the EU, the process will be accelerated, without 
[Turkey] it will be slower but it will still happen," he added. Turkey has 
strong relations with Israel. 
  The historian, who has authored 19 previous books, said that Muslim political 
power in Europe would directly impact domestic politics, including Europe's 
immigration policy, with millions of additional Muslims waiting at the door to 
gain entry to the EU as part of "family reunification" programs. 
  "Every European with a right mind has every reason to be frightened," Israeli 
  The 50,000 French and 50,000 British who have converted to Islam over the 
last decade, including many from mixed marriages, did so for personal 
convictions, romanticized notions of Islam, as well as for business reasons, 
while others see Islam as the wave of the future at a time when Christianity is 
on the wane, Israeli said. 
  He said that Muslims converting to Christianity existed but their numbers 
were significantly smaller. 
  Israeli noted that conversions in mixed marriages worked only in one 
direction since a Muslim woman who marries a Christian is considered an 
apostate in her community, and faces physical danger. 
  "It is time one should wake up and realize what is happening in Europe," he 
Israeli's book is due out in London in the coming months.
  For years the Jews and the Zionist lobby has been influential within Europe 
and America and secured help and support for the Israeli state, now they see 
Muslim becoming politically active within the framework of Islam and engaging 
in discusisons wiht non-Muslim intellectuals and policy makers and explaining 
the ideology of Islam and its ruling system the Caliphate. Instead of praising 
the initiative of Muslims for better community cohesion and harmony via debate 
and discussion, this author creates more hysteria and fear with comments 
typical of the BNP and other racist parties.
  Its quite ironic that similar things were said about Jews once upon a time no 
doubt this man has not learnt any lessons from the history of the Jews in 
Europe in the 1930s.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A interesting video on race and black pride in 2007

2007-01-28 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, FYI
  Peace, Curtis Sharif
  Houston, Texas

Michael Saahir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Visit this website for a recent study on race that was performed by a 
highschooler. It is quite revealing and presents an opportunity for us to 
discuss and debate this issue as Muslims who have Qur'anic insights that can 
solve this matter. As an example see Sura 49:13 "
   O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and 
made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other. Verily the most 
honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. 
And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] "There is no Iraqi government" - George's speech to Parliament

2007-01-28 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
From: "George Galloway .com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "There is no Iraqi government" - George's speech to

Hi there everyone.

George made a powerful speech to the UK Parliament yesterday about the state of 
things in Iraq and just how absurd the UK government's response to the 
situation is.

As usual, George hit right at the heart of the problem, and shows that Blair, 
Bush etc. and their governments just aren't interested in truth, justice or 

Have a read here - and please visit George's website for much more information.


Here's George's speech:

  When I was his warm-up act, I used to describe the right hon. Member for 
Manchester, Gorton (Sir Gerald Kaufman) as the best Foreign Secretary we never 
had, and his speech this evening showed why. Indeed, an alternative 
Administration of all the talents became clear on the Labour Benches, including 
the right hon. Gentleman's friends the right hon. Member for Holborn and St. 
Pancras (Frank Dobson), and the hon. Members for Islington, North (Jeremy 
Corbyn) and for Liverpool, Walton (Mr. Kilfoyle). How much stronger the Labour 
party's position would be in the opinion polls today if those were the men 
sitting around the Cabinet table, rather than the men and women who are.

  What a contrast there was between those shafts of light and the myopia 
displayed by the Foreign Secretary. So rose-tinted were her glasses that she 
had even spotted the first elections in Saudi Arabia. As one who follows events 
in the Arab world closely, I must tell the House that I missed the first 
elections in Saudi Arabia, probably

the un-freest, most undemocratic and most anti-democratic country on earth. So 
keen was the Foreign Secretary to describe the success of Anglo-American policy 
in the Arab world that she prayed in aid a grant to the youth parliament in 

  But those were not the most foolish of the things that the Foreign Secretary 
said in her long speech. She talked about supporting the Government and people 
of Lebanon. Well, let us split that proposition. She was not much help to the 
Government of Lebanon when its Prime Minister was weeping on television and 
begging for a ceasefire, and when the British and American Governments alone in 
the world were refusing, indeed blocking, any attempts to demand an immediate 
cessation of the Israeli bombardment. Worse, she was not much help to the 
Government or the people of Lebanon when British airports were being used for 
the trans-shipment of American weapons to Israel that were raining down death 
and destruction on the very people of Lebanon whom she now claims to stand 
beside. But, of course, that was code for saying that she does not support the 
1 million demonstrators in the square in Beirut who are demanding democracy.

  The Foreign Secretary describes the Government of Lebanon as a democratic 
Government. If the Minister will listen, I can educate him. There is no 
democratic Government in Lebanon. The Minister should know that. If there were 
a democracy in Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah would be the President, because he 
would get the most votes. But of course he cannot be the President, because you 
have to be a Christian to be the President, and you have to be a Sunni to be 
the Prime Minister, and you have to be a Shi'ite to be the Speaker. What they 
have in Lebanon is precisely the opposite of democracy. It is a sectarian 
building-block Government that they have in Lebanon, and moreover one based on 
a census that is more than 50 years out of date. If those 1 million 
demonstrators had been in Ukraine or Belarus or Georgia, they would be 
described as the orange revolution, or given some other epithet—perhaps even 
"the cedar revolution".

  So myopic was the Foreign Secretary that she talked about the peace process 
in Palestine and refused to condemn the theft, as the right hon. Member for 
Manchester, Gorton put it—he used the word—of $900 million, stolen from the 
Palestinian Authority. The right hon. Member for Liverpool, Wavertree (Jane 
Kennedy), without a hint of irony, advanced the extraordinary proposition that 
we are fighting for democracy in Iraq, while we can steal the money of the 
Palestinian Administration in the occupied territories because the people voted 
for a Government whom Olmert, Bush and Blair did not like. So myopic was the 
Foreign Secretary's view that she prayed in aid an opinion poll from Basra 
which told us that the people had every confidence in the police—we had to 
send the British in to blow up a police station and kill umpteen Iraqi 
policemen because we said that they were about to massacre the prisoners in 
their jails.

  The Foreign Secretary prayed in aid the Iraqi Government—a virtual 
Government—saying that, more importantly, the Iraqi Government do not 
consider that they have a civil war. Of course they do not, because there is no 
Iraqi Government. As the right h

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] �Shia-Sunni Verbal Attacks Must Stop�

2007-01-28 Thread Alan Border
“Shias & Sunnis”
  “In Our Day & Age, It Is More Important To Stress Points of Agreement Rather 
Than Points of Disagreement, Because What Unites Muslims Is Much Greater Than 
What Disunites Them. With the Enemies of Islam Trying Hard to Sow the Seeds of 
Discord Among Us, We Should Try Our Best to Render Their Attempts Futile.”- 
(Arab News)
  ‘Shia-Sunni Verbal Attacks Must Stop’ 
  Published: Sunday, 21 January, 2007, 10:41 AM Doha Time
  THE verbal attacks exchanged by Sunni and Shia leaders through school books, 
satellite channels, websites and publications should be totally prohibited by 
scholars, speakers at the first session of the Doha Conference for Dialogue of 
Islamic Schools of Thought, concurred yesterday. 
  General secretary of the Kuwait-based Al-Wasatiya Centre, Dr Issam al-Bashir, 
said Muslims should stop blaming others for their problems. "The Islamic nation 
is currently experiencing a state of weakness which makes it more vulnerable to 
the schemes of others. We have to address our own problems rather than fully 
blaming others," he said. 
  Al-Bashir said Muslims should start "editing" the mutual insults present in 
the textbooks and publications of both sides. "It is pointless to speak about 
fostering dialogue while our academic curriculum and media are rife with mutual 
insults," he said, while observing that such insults would generate grudges 
that would be inherited by the next generation. 
  Al-Bashir urged Iran to rise to the occasion and play a fair role among the 
different sects in Iraq. "We have supported Iran in its struggle for nuclear 
technology and sided with the Hezbollah (Shia) in its war against Israel," he 
  He also called upon scholars from both Sunni and Shia sects to condemn the 
ongoing infighting as well as ban the preaching of different schools of 
thought. "If we did not agree on such issues now, our meeting will be a waste 
of time," he added. 
  Ayatollah Mohamed Ali al-Taskhiri, the secretary general of the Iran-based 
World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thoughts, dismissed the notion 
that Iran was trying to strengthen its position in the Islamic world by 
promoting the Shia doctrines. "If Iran has been doing that, why the millions of 
Sunnis in Iran have not become Shias?" he asked. 
  He criticised the ongoing attempts by the US defence secretary to mobilise 
Arab countries against Iran saying that such attempts were based on the 
fabrication of an ‘imaginary enemy’. "The US is exploiting the differences 
between Sunnis and Shias to turn the Arab countries against Iran," he said. 
  Ayatollah al-Taskhiri urged Muslims to make their mutual relationships more 
rational. "Shias should stop hurling insults at the companions of Prophet 
Muhammad and his wives while Sunnis should stop calling Shias infidels," he 
  On the growing sectarian strife in Iraq, he rejected the allegations holding 
Iran responsible for the violence in that country, saying Iran supported any 
effort by Islamic countries to address this issue.
  "It is untrue that the majority of the victims of such strife is Sunnis," he 
said. "What is important is to take urgent steps to end the sectarian violence, 
which if not checked, could trigger an endless war."
"For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Israeli billionaire Saban biggest donor to US politicians/Hillary Clinton and the Israel Lobby Courtesy:Information Clearing House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2007-01-28 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

  This ynet story has been sent to you by Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Informatve and interesting.

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P.pHeader {   margin-bottom:3px;   COLOR: #192862;   font-size: 16px;   
font-weight: bold;  }  10:07 , 01.23.07
Media Mogul
 Haim Saban (archive photo) Photo: AFP 
  Israeli billionaire Saban biggest donor to US politicians 

Communications tycoon has donated at least USD 13 million to American 
politicians. As a close friend of the Clintons he contributed to the Democrats, 
but President Bush has not been deprived either
Itamar Eichner

 P{margin:0;}   UL{margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;margin-right: 16; 
padding-right:0;}   OL{margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;margin-right: 32; 
padding-right:0;}   Israeli billionaire and media mogul Haim Saban is 
at the top of the list of donors to political campaigns in the US. 
Fox Network revealed over the weekend that Saban has donated approximately USD 
13 million to various candidates.   
According to the report, Saban, a close friend of the Clintons, is one of the 
major donors to the Democratic Party, though he has also contributed to 
republican candidates, including President George Bush and Governor of 
California Arnold Schwarzenegger.   
Next on the list of donors are Stephen Bing, father of Elizabeth Hurley's son, 
who donated USD 10 million; Businessman Fred Eichner, who has given candidates 
USD 8 million; and Steve Forbes, owner of Forbes magazine, who has funded 
election campaigns at the sum of USD 7 million.   
The last on the list is Jim Pederson, who was contender for US Senate for the 
State of Arizona, with a little over USD 6 million.



Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jewish Membership in CRUSADER Congress at All-Time High

2007-01-28 Thread Alan Border
“Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Oct. 3, 2001 said to Shimon 
Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio, ‘Every Time We Do Something You Tell 
Me America Will Do This & Will Do That...I Want to Tell You Something Very 
Clearly: Don’t Worry About American Pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish People, 
Control America, & the Americans Know It.’
  Jewish Membership in Congress at All-Time High
  By Elizabeth Williamson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 12, 2007; A17
  While Democrats celebrated the election of the House's first female speaker, 
another milestone passed more quietly: The 110th Congress includes more Jewish 
lawmakers than any other in history, and all but four are Democrats.
  About 2 percent of Americans identify themselves as Jewish. But in Congress, 
the proportion of Jewish members is now four times that. Six new Jewish House 
members were sworn in last week, bringing the total to 30. In the Senate, the 
13 Jewish members include freshmen Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) and Bernard 
Sanders (I-Vt.), according to the National Jewish Democratic Council.
  Other faith-related facts: This Congress includes its first Muslim member 
and, in Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.), its highest-ranking Mormon 
ever. Catholics remain the largest single faith group in Congress, at about 30 
percent -- slightly larger than their proportion of the U.S. population. 
Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians outnumber Jewish members, who outnumber 
  In making its count, the NJDC, which bills itself as the national voice of 
Jewish Democrats, counted only those lawmakers who identify themselves as 
Jewish. (So even if he had won, Virginia's George Allen wouldn't have made the 
  "This is a recent phenomenon," said NJDC Executive Director Ira Forman. 
"Fifty years ago, politics was not a Jewish profession. People would say arts 
and entertainment, law and medicine, retail and things like scrap metals, but 
they would never say politics."
  Forman attributes this success to the rise of issue-based politics, which has 
begun to supplant patronage-based party machines in boosting candidates to 
national office. What's more, the new Jewish Democrats hail from states hardly 
seen as Jewish strongholds, including Tennessee, Kentucky, New Hampshire and 
Wisconsin. The House has one Jewish Republican, Virginia's Eric Cantor. In the 
Senate, Republicans Norm Coleman (Minn.) and Arlen Specter (Pa.) are Jewish.
  "Jewish members used to come from Jewish districts," said L. Sandy Maisel, a 
professor of government and director of the Goldfarb Center at Colby College in 
Maine who is co-author with Forman of "Jews in American Politics." "Now they 
come from wherever they've caught the feelings of people on the issues of the 
day. . . . That's going to be a continuing trend."
  The Republican Party has sunk millions into wooing the Jewish vote, but 
Jewish voters, traditionally Democratic, have moved ever further from the GOP 
in recent years. In the midterm elections, nearly 90 percent of Jewish voters 
voted Democratic, according to exit polls, one of the largest proportions in 
  Pollsters say the GOP failed to counter Jewish voters' opposition to 
Republican stands on issues such as reproductive rights, stem cell research and 
the Iraq war. And then there's the Republican Party platform in President 
Bush's home state of Texas, which has declared the United States to be a 
Christian nation.
  Forman does not believe Jewish members will necessarily vote as a bloc. 
"They're not lock step," he said. "You have American Jews on both sides of many 
"For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zikr

2007-01-28 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Samura ibn Jundab reported that the Prophet(peace be upon him)said, 
  "The dearest phrases to Allah are four: 
  Subhan Allah, (Glorified is Allah), 
  al-Hamdulillah (All praise be to Allah),
  la ilaha ill-Allah (There is no God but Allah), and 
  Allah-o-Akbar (Allah is the Greatest). 
  There is no harm in beginning them in any order you choose 
  while remembering Allah.'' (Muslim) 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] (unknown)

2007-01-28 Thread sahannan
Dear members, 

Assalamualikum. Please see this editorial which states that a group of 
businessmen has been repeatedly raising the issue of changing the weekly 
holiday from Friday to Saturday against the wishes of general people though 
Friday has not in any way harmed the export or import or economy in the last 
25 years since when Friday became holiday. 

Shah Abdul Hannan 


It is not reasonable to replace Friday  holiday by Sunday 

The daily newspapers on yesterday reported that a delegation of FBCCI has 
asked the Industries Advisor to re-introduce Sunday as holiday instead of 
Friday. The Advisor is reported to have assured , in the language of an 
English daily,’ of conveying their demand – to the Council of Advisors. She 
feels the need for changing the weekend to match with the holidays elsewhere 
in the world in the interest of local businesses.” 

We are surprised with the demand of the FBCCI delegation. We do not whether 
this demand has been agreed to by all the members of FBCCI. We are also 
surprised at the comment of Geeti Ara  Shafia Chowdhury to express her 
opinion in its favor on such a sensitive issue  before her reporting the 
issue to the Council.
We have heard such demand  at various times from some quarters  in the last 
25 years after its introduction by  President Mr Ershad in 1982.But Khaleda 
Zia and Sheikh Hasina government never accepted these demands . Even the 
past several caretaker governments did not accept this demand. 


The change of holiday is demanded on the grounds of globalization of 
business or that in most countries Sunday is the weekly holiday. It is also 
said that it would affect export and import adversely. 


The notion of the negative impact on export and import due to the weekly 
holiday being Friday is not proved by facts. Friday has been the weekly 
holiday for twenty five years in Bangladesh and export and import have not 
ever diminished for that at all. Even after Friday being the weekly holiday, 
export and import have been increasing by 10-20% each year. We have seen in 
the past articles by ex- deputy governor of Bangladesh Bank and Secretary of 
the Banking Division,Ministry of Finance  where he said that businessmen and 
bankers have informed him  a lot of problems but   never approached him with 
any complaint of any hindrance in export or import  for Friday being the 
weekly holiday. 


In fact Export Lc's are received from abroad, giving the exporter 30/60/90 
days for export. Even if the last day is Friday, there is still no problem 
as ports and airports are open all days and all hours. The same is true of 
imports. As such never a single consignment of import or export was lost due 
to Friday. 


At the present moment, businessmen complete their works on the day before or 
after Friday as they would have done if the weekly holiday was Sunday. The 
idea of Friday being a deterrent to the export-import mechanism is entirely 
motivated and reflects subservience to western norms. The fallacy of this 
idea would be strengthened further by the export-import statistics of those 
countries where Friday is the holiday. 


Talking about this issue, many people refer to the Surat al Jum’a of the 
Holy Quran which does not suggest of not working on Friday. Even if this is 
the logic, it can be argued back that the Quran does not talk about any 
weekly holiday at all. If this is taken literally, we should have no holiday 
and all days should be working days.  No one can deny that Friday bears as 
much  religious value  to Muslims as Saturday and Sunday bear to Jews and 
Christians respectively.. 


It may be mentioned that Democracy watch undertook a survey and it showed 
that 66% people are for Friday.(Weekly  Holiday,20 June,1997) 



We would like to mention that some people in the west always want us to 
follow their culture. Attempt to shift holiday from Friday is also part of 
this. We hope the present care-taker government would not act for 
un-verified claim of loss of business and against the sentiment of the 
majority of the people. 



( Editorial of  daily  Asia Post , Dhaka, dated 26th January , an affiliate 
of Naya Diganta media group , [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 



Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Authenticity of the Quran: Another Approach

2007-01-28 Thread QuraanicLessons

  Authenticity of the Quran: Another Approach 
 It must be stressed that the Qur’an is  accurate about many, many 
things, but accuracy does not necessarily mean  that a book is a divine 
revelation.   Surely Allah is the Creator and Nourisher
 Winter in many parts of the world  is extremely severe and 
the temperature is even below freezing levels. 
 People live in warm houses and wear heavy coats outside. But what happens 
to  the animals?  Read More 
 Holy Quran Arabic
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  A Short Movie on Death (must see) 
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  Tawaf of  Ka'ba: in line with the Cosmic 
Law Read More
   Prophet Jesus in the Quran  Read More
 Why Was the Qur'an Revealed Over A Period of  23 
Years?  Read  More
 The Value of the Quran in the Eyes of Muslims   Read 
  Understanding the Uniqueness of the Quran  Read More
   How does the Quran  present 
God?  Read More

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Understanding Quran Online  
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Learning Quran Now
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] the best fasts

2007-01-28 Thread ***hajikhan***
  The Noble Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, has said: '
  The best fasts after the fasts of Ramadan are those of the month of 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Amr Moussa warns US against Iran attack. Courtesy:

2007-01-28 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Friday, January 26, 2007, Muharam 6, 1428 A.H. 
Editor-in-Chief: Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman Amr Moussa warns US against Iran 
attackDAVOS, Switzerland: There is a 50/50 chance the United 
States will attack Iran and any such strike would risk spreading sectarian 
violence through the Middle East, Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said 
on Wednesday. 

“It’s a 50/50 proposition, and we hope that it won’t happen. Attacking Iran 
would be counterproductive,” Moussa told Reuters at the World Economic Forum. 

US President George W Bush, in his State of the Union address on Tuesday, spoke 
of an “escalating danger” from Shia extremists, many taking direction from 
Iran. Bush called them just as dangerous to the United States as al-Qaeda. Iran 
and the United States are also at loggerheads over a nuclear programme that 
Washington says is to make bombs. 

Tehran denies this. The United States favors diplomacy to resolve the standoff, 
but has not ruled out strikes if that fails. Asked about Moussa’s comments, US 
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack reiterated that all options remained 
on the table but he said the United States was working in a “cooperative 
fashion” with its allies in the Gulf over Iran. 

“The president has always said ‘You never take any option off the table,’ but I 
think we’re being quite transparent in the ways that we’re seeking to deal with 
the various threats posed by Iran, really to the region,” McCormack told 
reporters in Washington.

Moussa did not go into details of how he assessed the likelihood of a US 
attack. Asked about Bush’s remark on Shia extremists, Moussa said, “I would 
agree that any kind of extremism, in thoughts or in policies or harsh 
conservatives, any kind are very dangerous.”

But he stopped short of blaming Iran. “It would not be appropriate” to say 
whether Iran is responsible for destabilizing Iraq through support of 
extremists, he said.

Moussa said the United States needs to move from use of military force towards 
dialogue, both to resolve the violence in Iraq and to reduce US-Iranian 
tensions. He added that he favoured proposals for talks with Iran and Syria. 
“If there were to be a war, other genies will get out of the bottle. You cannot 
imagine the impact on the Gulf countries, on the Mediterranean,” Moussa said.

His concern over a looming US-Iran confrontation was shared by business leaders 
and political commentators at an opening session on the Middle East at the 
Forum, an annual gathering of the world’s rich and powerful. Some said it would 
risk sectarian divisions spilling over to Lebanon, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. It 
would also undermine three years of strong regional economic growth seen as 
important for stabilizing the region. One panelist said a serious danger would 
be any crash in the crude oil price, engineered by Saudi Arabia, to squeeze 
Iran’s finances as a way to bring the country to its knees.

As a major crude producer, Iran relies heavily on oil revenues. These have 
soared since crude prices roughly doubled in the past three years, almost 
reaching $80 a barrel last summer before retreating to the mid $50s currently. 
Moussa also said that Bush’s plan to build up troops in Iraq and pursue a 
military solution will not resolve sectarian clashes that are ripping the 
country apart, he said.

He proposed a diplomatic solution, advocating a United Nations’ Security 
Council resolution that Iraq should not be partitioned, an agreement on 
reconciliation and amendment to its constitution.

Moussa also threw his support behind renewal of long-suspended 
Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative, saying time is running out to make real 
progress. The US, European Union, United Nations, and Russia, known as the 
Quartet, are due to hold talks in February.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] bankrupt?

2007-01-28 Thread ***hajikhan***

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] (unknown)

2007-01-28 Thread sahannan
Dear Mokarram,/ Dear members, 

Assalamu Alaikum.The western journalism has a peculiar way of presentaion of
things when it comes to Islam and Muslim countries.I would not comment on
whole piece below, things are well-known by this time about what happened in
the last three months and what is happening now. Most of the people  know it
some western embassies whose perceptions were flawed, they acted in a
partisan manner, all their runnings and statements went in favor of the
political agitators and towards cancellation of election. This has led to
the derailment of the constitution and emergency with all its consequences
some of which you mention. 

For today, I do not want to elaborate this point but comment on the last 2
paras of the article which shows  near total bias of western journalism
about Islam and Islamic activities. The last two paras say : 

QuotePoverty in Bangladesh has made its mostly Muslim  population
vulnerable to recruitment by Islamic  militant organizations. Hossain said
such groups  exploited previous situations to make political  headway. 

"If people cannot express their rights freely, then> fundamentalist groups
will have more influence," she said. "Now, no political activity is allowed.
With the  absence of political participation, mosques will be  used by the
right-wing religious parties. This cannot be a good thing." Unquote 

It is totally a biased opinion that Islam flourishes in poverty. Quoting
someone and generalise it as the opinion of the nation or civil society is
an old tool of biased groups..Islam in Bangladesh is represented by
democratic and civil Islamic political and social parties and organisations.
So-called militant fringe, backed by some foreign elements have been almost
crushed.Their progress had been through hard labor and most of their workers
belong to the middle class . 

The second para is a tirade against mosques. Mosques have historical  and
well-known roles. They have been operating under previous marial laws or
emergencies also.The mosques do not discuss partisan politics, they discuss
religious ,moral and social issues, sometimes national and international
and excesses committed by the powerful and the tyrants.. 

The article represents the same western mind, to bring up bias against
Islam, even when irrelevant. 

Shah Abdul Hannan 


 - Original Message -
From: "mokarram hossain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 12:18 AM
Subject: Bangladesh Military Accused of Stalling on Elections: Washington
Post, 25 Jan, 2007 

> Bangladesh Military Accused of Stalling on Elections
> Activists, Others Say State of Emergency Is
> Camouflaging Efforts to Delay Vote Date 
> By Nora Boustany
> Washington Post Foreign Service
> Thursday, January 25, 2007; Page A22 
> A state of emergency in Bangladesh that has included
> the banning of political activity and a free press and
> led to extrajudicial killings is masking efforts by
> the military and its backers to stall parliamentary
> elections, human rights activists and observers say. 
> President Iajuddin Ahmed declared the state of
> emergency Jan. 11 to quell months of political unrest
> generated by charges from the opposition that voter
> registration rosters had been inflated by the ruling
> Bangladesh National Party ahead of elections
> originally scheduled for Jan. 22. 
> In a report Sept. 11, the nonprofit National
> Democratic Institute for International Affairs
> expressed alarm over preparations for the vote and the
> composition of the electoral commission. An institute
> delegation led by former senator Thomas A. Daschle
> (D-S.D.) said in a statement that voter lists with 93
> million names, in a country with a population of 144
> million, were "substantially inconsistent with the
> 2001 census data." The institute said it would not
> certify the election process as fair or unfair. 
> Under threat of a boycott by the Awami League, an
> alliance of opposition parties, the elections were
> postponed; a new date has not been set. In his first
> address to the country, Fakhruddin Ahmed, who took
> over as head of a caretaker government Jan. 12,
> promised early this week that the vote would be
> "meaningful" and "free of corruption and terrorism." 
> A crackdown to quell election-related violence has
> resulted in 19 deaths in the past 10 days, according
> to Odhikar, a Bangladeshi human rights group. About
> 2,000 people have been arrested, Human Rights Watch,
> Amnesty International and Bangladeshi journalists say. 
> Street protests initially began in the fall when
> Iajuddin Ahmed, the outgoing president, put himself in
> charge of a caretaker government, forgoing procedures
> that mandated appointing someone from the judiciary,
> Hameeda Hossain, a human rights activist, said in an
> interview by telephone from New York. 
> The caretaker government had three months to organize
> the elections. By law, voter roster


2007-01-28 Thread islamiccommunitynet

By Emily Nash
Daily Mirror
25 January 2007

A GRIEVING father told yesterday how he watched his baby son die as
hospital doctors were "too busy" to treat him.

Despite being referred from another hospital as an emergency Ahil
Islam, 13 months, was kept waiting for treatment for nearly FOUR HOURS.

The tot, who had a fever after a minor burn, died from blood poisoning
30 minutes after going for tests.

His father Zia, 37, told an inquest: "We were treated as though there
was nothing wrong with him.

"Every time a doctor came past, Ahil was getting progressively weaker.
But nobody took notice of his deteriorating condition.

"We were made to feel we were making a nuisance. One doctor told me
they were all busy.

"The only time I felt a sense of urgency was during resuscitation."

Mr Islam told how Ahil scalded his neck, chest and arm with tea. The
boy was first taken to Watford General's A&E unit.

He was transferred to the burns unit at Mount Vernon Hospital, at
Northwood, Middlesex, and discharged after treatment. Over the next
two days he had a fever, vomiting and diarrhoea.

As Ahil worsened, Zia and wife Nazmeen went back with him to Mount
Vernon where he was kept in overnight.

The following morning doctors decided he needed emergency treatment
and he was sent back to Watford in an ambulance with flashing blue
lights arriving at about 11am. After being kept waiting in an A&E
corridor for 90 minutes, Ahil was seen by the Senior House Officer.

The doctor said he might have a chest infection and sent him for X-rays.

But by then, the child was slipping in and out of consciousness. In
the next hour his breathing slowed. He went for tests at 2.15pm and
died at 2.45.

Mr Islam told an inquest at Hatfield: "When I arrived I asked why Ahil
was in the waiting area. He was crying.

"Before anyone could see him properly, he was suffering from extreme
diarrhoea. As time progressed he got worse. My wife and I couldn't
calm him down. We were getting desperate. Obviously I didn't do
everything possible. I didn't shout at people and create a fuss to get
someone to see him.

"If I'd done that, we might not be sitting here today."

Outside the hearing Mr Islam told how Nazmeen - also mum of Adil, six
- was still stricken by Ahil's death.

The IT consultant, of Watford, said: "Her whole life revolved around
him. She wakes up in the middle of night, crying. It's very traumatic.

"We were sitting in a modern hospital with medication in a cupboard
not far away yet nothing was given to Ahil. Human beings make mistakes.

But we want the people responsible for our son to be held accountable
for what happened." Mount Vernon plastic surgeon Paul Cussons told the
inquest: "Children can go from being unwell to mortally ill in a very
short period of time."

He said that by 8am of the day he died, Ahil would have had only a
50/50 chance of survival.

He added: "It might have been substantially worse. Even if he'd been
seen immediately he might not have survived."

The hospital has admitted liability for the affair. The inquest continues.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A policy of hypocrisy: MANAL SHAKIR Austin, USA Courtesy:

2007-01-28 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

  January 26, 2007   Friday   Muharram 06, 1428   
  ");  document.write("");  document.write("
Please Visit our Sponsor (Ads open in separate window).
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  A policy of hypocrisy
  NICHOLAS Burns, the United States Undersecretary of State for Political 
Affairs, recently spoke in Dubai about the reasons behind the United State’s 
policies in the Middle East.

He stated that the Gulf was not a region to be dominated by Iran and that the 
United States was “clearly” seeking a diplomatic solution in the region. Maybe 
Mr Burns would like to “clearly” state why the United States is even in this 
region, and exactly who is trying to dominate the Middle East.

He also stated, “The United States has always had the stability of this 
strategic region in mind and Iran has been trying to alter it by attempting to 
dominate.” The United States has always had this region’s oil in mind. It is no 
secret that oil in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, and Iraq will not run out 
anytime soon. And the United States foreign policy track record towards Iran 
has not been so in favour of stability.

In 1953 the United States took out democratically elected Iranian Prime 
Minister Mohammed Mossadegh to only bring in the Shah of Iran. Then in the 
1980s the United States supported and armed the Iraqis against Iran.

Now Iran’s democratically-elected President is seeking nuclear enrichment for 
his country to help costs and the country’s economy and once again the United 
States opposes. Whose stability is the United States really supporting?

The United States managed to strike a deal with North Korea after they 
test-launched a nuclear weapon last year. Why not negotiate with Iran? They 
have not tested any nuclear devices and neither are they attempting to make 

Mr Burns went on to say: “When challenged, we respond – economically, 
financially, politically, and not necessarily through military means.”

As I do not mean to attack Mr Burns or the American government, it is clear 
that this message he sends is utter nonsense. The moment Osama bin Laden was 
thought to be in Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks, the United States 
made it very clear to Afghanistan and the rest of the world that military 
action was the only option, and they demanded support for their “crusade.”

Iraq never challenged the United States directly in a physical fight, yet 
today, American and British troops stand knee-deep in the devastation and ruins 
that were once Iraq, a country with a running infrastructure.

Iraq has been attacked repeatedly since the first Gulf War, even after the Gulf 
War, British and American air raids continued, until 2003 when the United 
States invaded and have stayed up till present day.

Those 700,000 Iraqis who lie dead, those millions displaced – they never 
challenged the United States – yet they pay for crimes they did not commit. The 
United States lied to the world about Iraq’s involvement with September 11, and 
allowed the Iraqi people to pay with their lives. The United States got Saddam 
and the world saw him hanged on the first day of Eid. Why are the Iraqis still 
dying then?

Burns calls on countries that are their friends who help keep stability in the 
Middle East. In his list he mentions India and Pakistan, two out of three 
countries which have not signed the non-proliferation act.

So now the United States picks and chooses who can be a nuclear power and they 
also choose which nuclear power to befriend.

This is a policy of hypocrisy – not a responsibility to achieve stability.

Austin, USA

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Renegado's Gate in Algiers

2007-01-28 Thread brother_farrukh
Assalam alaikum, 

The following quotes are from:
Islam in Britain 1558- 1685
by Nabil Matapp 
pp 17-19

Bernard Lewis has described the Christians who converted to Islam in
this period as 'few' and chiefly 'adventurers'; 'the number of
Europeans embracing Islam was minimal' and again to be categorized as
'adventurers'. For him, and others who have advanced this
'adventurism' of the convert, any Christian who accepted Islam in the
renaissance was either a religious experimenter or a refuge - some
body without a clear motivation who preferred Islamic excitement to
Christian stability.
[Lewis, Europe and Islam, pp 11, 25]

But converts to Islam were not just 'few' as Lewis has argued. JB
Gramaye, who was cited by Purchas, wrote in 1618 that in the kingdom
of Algiers, there were 200,000 Christians most of whom were 'Renegados
or Apostates' (i.e. had accepted Islam). In the city of Algiers,
'every yeere above five hundred become Mahumetan Apostates; besides,
about fiftie boyes yeerly circumcised against their wills'. Although
the forced conversion of children militates against the attraction of
Islam, the high number of converts support the argument for its
allure, 'the rewards of riches and honour'. The number of Christian
converts in the city of Algiers alone, Gramaye continued, at the time
of writing the treatise, was, 'above sixe thousand of renied
(converted) Christians'.
[Relations of the Christianitie of Africa in Purchas His Pilgrims, vol
IX, pp 268, 278 and 272]

The Austrain Baron Wenceslas Wratislaw (1576-1635), who had been
imprisoned by the Turks, noted in 1599 that converts to Islam were so
numerous that they 'regulate the whole dominions of the Turkish
empire''; there were more renegades (converts) 'in Turkie and
Barbary', confirmed in 1614 the barber surgeon William Davies who had
also been by the Turks, than 'natural Turks'
[Bell and Daldy, Adventures of Baron Wenceslas Wratislaw of Mitrowitz,
1862, p 53]

Sir Walter Raleigh referred to 'Renegados' (i.e. converts to Islam) as
a group in their own right, much like the Christians and 'Moores'.
[The Life and Death of Mahomet, The Conquest of Spaine Together with
the Rysing and Ruine of the Sarazen Empire, 1637, p 86]

There were so many 'renegades' in the Muslim Empire (i.e. so many
Christians who accepted Islam) that well into the 18th century there
was a gate in Algiers called 'Renegado's Gate'.
[The Adventures of Thomas Pellow of Penryn, Mariner, 1890, p 53]

In the sixteenth and seventeeth centuries, Christianity lost ground in
Eastern and Central Europe because Islam was expanding both
demographically and geographically. If the early medieval period
witnessed numerous conversions from Islam to Christianity in Spain and
Sicily [Benamin Kedar, Crusade and Mission: European Approaches toward
the Muslims, 1984, ch 2 - i.e. forced conversions to Christianity], in
the late medieval and renaissance periods, the conversions were from
Christianity to Islam; and they were, as Francois Berriot has
observed, 'multiples.
[Berriot, Islam et liberte, p 188]

The very notion of forcing someone to accept Islam goes against the
teachings of Islam, and any who advocate such a policy have no
understanding of the beauty of that which they claim to understand. 

May Allah Almighty have mercy and increase us all in knowledge,
understanding and comprehension of faith, amen!

fi amanillah, wa salam, f

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Pure Islamic system By Dr Israr Ahmad. Courtesy:

2007-01-28 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
   Pure Islamic system

  By Dr Israr Ahmad
  THE struggle to establish the domination of Islam is one of our basic, though 
unfortunately forgotten, duties. The system of social justice of Islam was 
established by Prophet Muhammad (saw) along with his companions, after a 
relentless and unyielding revolutionary struggle of twenty years and many 
sacrifices of men and material.

In the same way, the system of Islam shall be established in the world once 
again, by the true believers of Islam, according to the sayings of the Prophet.

In this regard a confusion was created that had to be addressed here. It was 
why pure Islam lasted only for a period of thirty years when it was given by 
God and was in harmony with human nature? An answer to this objection could be 
that Islam was in place in its ideal form at least for thirty years, whereas 
none of other systems and ideologies developed by men, were ever practised in 
its ideal and original form. An ideal democratic system for example is still in 
the process of idealisation and may never reach its final stage.

Similarly, the “classless and stateless” communism of Marx and Engels had 
already vanished without much appreciation. The system of Islam was there for 
at least thirty years in its complete and ideal form. It was in fact an out of 
proportion jump that took place only for the sake of a demonstration, otherwise 
the human race was not ripe at that time to sustain the system in its highest 
form as given by God. However, as said the system of Islam shall be established 
on earth once again before the end time in the same way as it was established 
at the hands of the Prophet (saw).

Similarly, it is also wrong to assume that after the Khilafat-e-Rashidah, 
Islamic system came to an end all of a sudden. Though the process of decline 
did start after Khilafat-e-Rashidah but the system did not collapse at once as 
a whole. Rather, it was the political system where the highest democratic 
standards of mutual consultation (Shura) were compromised first and it 
gradually came under the influence of tribal clans (Asabiyyah). As far as 
monarchy or kingship is concerned, it took at least 90 years to become fully 

The Umayyad period was a transitional phase. It was in-fact the later period 
that displayed all the corruption and exploitation that belonged to the 
kingship. Gradually and steadily, Islam was demoted from the position of Deen 
al-Haq to a mere “religion” that deals with minor details of worship and 
rituals and not in the affairs of government or of politics. Soon it was 
accepted by all concerned, almost as if it were an axiomatic certainty that the 
state can function only on the basis of tribal loyalty and allegiance to the 
clans and that the only feasible and practicable principle in this domain is 
that of “might is right.” As a logical and necessary outcome of this 
degenerative change in the politico-socio-economic setup, the very concept of 
Islam as a complete code of life also began to disappear from the collective 
consciousness of the Muslims.

The concept of religion of Islam that dominated the Muslim minds during 
kingships was that an armed rebellion is strictly forbidden in Islam no matter 
how wicked, cruel, and corrupt the ruler may be. According to this concept, 
armed rebellion is allowed only when the ruler commands a flagrant violation of 
the Shari’ah or orders to commit Kufr. The most balanced opinion in this regard 
was that of Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) according to which, an armed rebellion against 
an un-Islamic system was permissible with the condition that a success is 
almost certain and it is not an exercise in futility. Yet, no such movement 
could ever take place as it was crushed by the rulers of that time in the very 
beginning on the plea that it was un-Islamic.

Thus the so-called system of Islam continued to be the system of tyranny, 
totalitarianism, and oppression and those in authority were afforded with all 
sorts of luxuries and extravagance at the public’s expense. At the same time, 
religion was turned into a “profession.”

The ulema or scholars of Islam were “free” to serve in the civil service of 
monarchy as sermonisers in mosques or as jurists and judges and had all the 
privileges granted by the rulers. Those considered more talented could 
contribute their intellectual input in the various burgeoning Islamic sciences, 
like Qur’anic exegesis, Hadith, jurisprudence, scholasticism, and theology. If 
capable, they could adopt the mystic path of purification of the soul and 
establish monasteries to help others purify their souls as well.

But as far as the affairs of government and politics were concerned, the idea 
was implanted among the people that these “profane” things belonged to the 
“worldly” folks, and that to try and change the whole system by means of armed 
struggle is almost as prohibited as outright apostasy.

It was Allama Mohammad Iqbal (1877-1938) who gave the radical i

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Restrictions Remain

2007-01-28 Thread DDN

  The Restrictions Remain
  Life Under Prohibition in Palestine
  January 22, 2007

  All the promises to relax restrictions in the West Bank have obscured the 
true picture. A few roadblocks have been removed, but the following 
prohibitions have remained in place. (This information was gathered by Haaretz, 
the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and 
Machsom Watch)

Standing prohibitions
* Palestinians from the Gaza Strip are forbidden to stay in the West 
* Palestinians are forbidden to enter East Jerusalem.
* West Bank Palestinians are forbidden to enter the Gaza Strip through 
the Erez crossing.
* Palestinians are forbidden to enter the Jordan Valley.
* Palestinians are forbidden to enter villages, lands, towns and 
neighborhoods along the "seam line" between the separation fence and the Green 
Line (some 10 percent of the West Bank).
* Palestinians who are not residents of the villages Beit Furik and 
Beit Dajan in the Nablus area, and Ramadin, south of Hebron, are forbidden 
* Palestinians are forbidden to enter the settlements' area (even if 
their lands are inside the settlements' built area).
* Palestinians are forbidden to enter Nablus in a vehicle.
* Palestinian residents of Jerusalem are forbidden to enter area A 
(Palestinian towns in the West Bank).
* Gaza Strip residents are forbidden to enter the West Bank via the 
Allenby crossing.
* Palestinians are forbidden to travel abroad via Ben-Gurion Airport.
* Children under age 16 are forbidden to leave Nablus without an 
original birth certificate and parental escort.
* Palestinians with permits to enter Israel are forbidden to enter 
through the crossings used by Israelis and tourists.
* Gaza residents are forbidden to establish residency in the West Bank.
* West Bank residents are forbidden to establish residency in the 
Jordan valley, seam line communities or the villages of Beit Furik and Beit 
* Palestinians are forbidden to transfer merchandise and cargo through 
internal West Bank checkpoints.

Periodic prohibitions
* Residents of certain parts of the West Bank are forbidden to travel 
to the rest of the West Bank.
* People of a certain age group - mainly men from the age of 16 to 30, 
35 or 40 - are forbidden to leave the areas where they reside (usually Nablus 
and other cities in the northern West Bank).
* Private cars may not pass the Swahara-Abu Dis checkpoint (which 
separates the northern and southern West Bank). This was cancelled for the 
first time two weeks ago under the easing of restrictions.

Travel permits required
* A magnetic card (intended for entrance to Israel, but eases the 
passage through checkpoints within the West Bank).
* A work permit for Israel (the employer must come to the civil 
administration offices and apply for one).
* A permit for medical treatment in Israel and Palestinian hospitals in 
East Jerusalem (The applicant must produce an invitation from the hospital, his 
complete medical background and proof that the treatment he is seeking cannot 
be provided in the occupied territories).
* A travel permit to pass through Jordan valley checkpoints.
* A merchant's permit to transfer goods.
* A permit to farm along the seam line requires a form from the land 
registry office, a title deed, and proof of first-degree relations to the 
registered property owner.
* Entry permit for the seam line (for relatives, medical teams, 
construction workers, etc. Those with permits must enter and leave via the same 
crossing even if it is far away or closing early).
* Permits to pass from Gaza, through Israel to the West Bank.
* A birth certificate for children under 16.
* A long-standing resident identity card for those who live in 
seam-line enclaves.

Checkpoints and barriers
* There were 75 manned checkpoints in the West Bank as of January 9, 
* There are on average 150 mobile checkpoints a week (as of September 
* There are 446 obstacles placed between roads and villages, including 
concrete cubes, earth ramparts, 88 iron gates and 74 kilometers of fences along 
main roads.
* There are 83 iron gates along the separation fence, dividing lands 
from their owners. Only 25 of the gates open occasionally.

  Amira Hass writes for Ha'aretz. She is the author of Drinking the Sea at 


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Reminder to Fast on 9th & 10th Moharrum

2007-01-28 Thread Muhammad Salman Faheem
  Bismillah hir Rehman nir Rahim
  Assalamu Alaikum Warehmutallah
  Dear Muslim,
  Hope this email will find you in the best of imaan, health & peace of mind, 
inn Shaa Allaah.
  Today i am here just to remind you the fasting on 9th & 10th Moharrum.
  Which correspond to 28th & 29th January 2007 [ Sunday & Monday] according to 
Hijri Calendar of Makkah.

  So, Check your Hijri Calendar & Mark 9th & 10th Moharrum. 
  Also remind your friends & relatives the Dates of  9th & 10th Moharrum.
  You can also arrange iftaar dinner to motivate other to fast on these days.
  Best of fasting days for Aashoora are :
  1. Fast the 9th and the 10th. or 
  2. Fast the 10th and the 11th. or 
  3. Fast the 10th of Moharram 
  So don`t miss it. Do Fast and open others Fast. wish you alot of hasanaat.
  And dont forget to prepare your Sahoor tonight.. 
  Please do special duas for my Family & my late mother. Jazakallaah khairen.
  Fi Amaan Allaah
  Muhammad Salman Faheem
It is mustahabb (encouraged) to fast Taasoo’aa’ with ‘Aashooraa’   
  ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them both) said: “When 
the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasted on 
‘Aashooraa’ and commanded the Muslims to fast as well, they said, ‘O Messenger 
of Allaah, it is a day that is venerated by the Jews and Christians.’ 
  The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, ‘If 
I live to see the next year, in sha Allaah, we will fast on the ninth day too.’ 
But it so happened that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah 
be upon him) passed away before the next year came.” (Reported by Muslim, 1916).
  Al-Shaafa'i and his companions, Ahmad, Ishaaq and others said: “It is 
mustahabb to fast on both the ninth and tenth days, because the Prophet (peace 
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasted on the tenth, and intended to fast 
on the ninth.”
  On this basis it may be said that there are varying degrees of fasting 
‘Aashooraa’, the least of which is to fast only on the tenth and the best of 
which is to fast the ninth as well. The more one fasts in Muharram, the better 
it is.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Media Report : U.S military strike on Iran seen by April, 2007: Kuwait media

2007-01-28 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, FYI
  Peace. Curtis Sharif
  Houston, Texas
  U.S military strike on Iran seen by April, 2007: Kuwait media 

U.S. might launch a military strike on Iran before April 2007, Kuwait-based 
daily Arab Times released on Sunday said in a report. 
  The report, written by Arab Times' Editor-in-chief Ahmed al- Jarallah citing 
a reliable source, said that the attack would be launched from the sea, while 
Patriot missiles would guard all Arab countries in the Gulf. 
  Recent statements emanating from the United States indicated the Bush 
administration's new strategy for Iraq doesn't include any proposal to make a 
compromise or negotiate with Syria or Iran, added the report. 
  The source told al-Jarallah that U.S. President George W. Bush recently had 
held a meeting with Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, 
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other assistants in the White House, 
where they discussed the plan to attack Iran in minute detail. 
  Vice President Dick Cheney highlighted the threat posed by Iran to not only 
Saudi Arabia but also the whole Gulf region, according to the source. 
  "Tehran is not playing politics. Iranian leaders are using their country's 
religious influence to support the aggressive regime's ambition to expand," 
Dick Cheney was quoted by the source as saying. 
  Indicating participants of the meeting agreed to impose restrictions on the 
ambitions of Iranian regime before April 2007 without exposing other countries 
in the region to any danger, the source said "they have chosen April as British 
Prime Minister Tony Blair has said it will be the last month in office for him. 
The United States has to take action against Iran and Syria before April 2007." 
  Claiming the attack will be launched from the sea and not from any country in 
the region, he said "the U.S. and its allies will target the oil installations 
and nuclear facilities of Iran ensuring there is no environmental catastrophe 
or after effects." 
  The source added that the U.S. has started sending its warships to the Gulf 
and the build-up would continue until Washington has the required number by the 
end of this month. 
  "U.S. forces in Iraq and other countries in the region will be protected 
against any Iranian missile attack by an advanced Patriot missile system," the 
source noted. 
  The Bush administration believes that attacking Iran will create a new power 
balance in the region, calming down the situation in Iraq and paving the way 
for their democratic project, which have to be suspended due to the 
interference of Tehran and Damascus in Iraq, according to the source. 
  Source: Xinhua 


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] kalmah

2007-01-28 Thread ***hajikhan***
  The Prophet  said: 
  "Allah does not punish of his servants, except 
  the rebel against Allah who refuses to say: 
  la ilaha illallah
  there is no god but Allah."
  (Narrated by Ibn Majah)