Boycott Israel [IslamCity] UK Muslims Decry Damaging Raids

2007-02-04 Thread S A Hannan
  UK Muslims Decry Damaging Raids & News Agencies 
UK Muslims warn that the police anti-terror raids in 
the Muslim-populated areas cause to tarnish the image of the minority. 
  BIRMINGHAM - Fearing a backlash, many British Muslims have 
warned that massive anti-terror police raids would tarnish the image of the 
minority and fuel anti-Muslim sentiments. 
  "These high-profile raids damage the community, the area and 
the relationship between the communities itself," Allah Dittah, the co-founder 
of the Alum Rock Islamic Center, told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

  Police arrested nine people in dawn raids in Muslim-populated 
areas of the central English city of Birmingham on Wednesday, January 31.

  The arrestees, said to be Britons of Pakistani origins, are 
suspected of plotting to kidnap and behead a serving soldier, largely believed 
to be a Muslim.

  Many young Muslims accused police of "grandstanding" - 
carrying out such high profile searches in full view of TV cameras.

  "Every time they're coming into Muslim areas, blasting open 
their doors," said 19-year-old Imran Khan.

  "They wouldn't like it if they dragged their mum and dad out 
of bed in the middle of the night. They're scum," he added angrily.

  Police had come under harsh criticism over its anti-terror 
swoops in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

  Some 1,047 people were arrested in high-profile raids between 
September 2001 and June 30 last year under the Terrorism Act 2000, according to 
Scotland Yard figures.

  Only 158 - 10 percent of those arrested - have been charged 
with terrorist-related offences.

  Last year, two British Muslims were arrested on suspicion of 
involvement in a terrorist plot after a dramatic anti-terror swoop on their 
home in Forest Gate, east London, which saw the shooting of one of the pair in 
his shoulder.

  The brothers were later released without charges.


  Wasim Raja, 25, doubts the charges against those arrested in 
Wednesday's massive raids.

  "I've known him since I was little... He's not that type of 
person," he said referring to one of the arrestees.

  "If they've got a proper lead, then OK. But you've got to be 
100 percent. Maybe it's wrong information," he told AFP.

  The brother of Amjad, one of the arrested suspects, said his 
kid brother was innocent.

  "This poor kid doesn't even have a beard. I'm the religious 
one. He's innocent. Any problems, he helps you," he told the Daily Mail.

  "He works all hours in the grocery shop, up at 6am to go to 
the market and still working at 8pm every day. How has he got time for 

  "Now the police have smashed their way into his home and the 
shop, and it's terrible.

  "My dad had a heart attack in the past few months and this 
will do him no good. My mum's in the house crying."

  The cousin of arrested suspect Azzar Iqbal was also angry.

  "Since 9/11 over 1,000 Muslims have been arrested and 99 per 
cent of them have been found innocent," Pervez Iqbal told the Daily Mail.

  "I thought in this country you were innocent until proven 

  He insisted Iqbal was "a very good person, a peace-loving 
person, a family person", with no fundamentalist views.

  "He will be released because I know he hasn't done anything."

  Pervez said his arrested cousin, who once ran a snooker hall, 
"goes to the mosque but that's hardly a crime."

  "His wife is obviously shocked. She can't believe it. Their 
three daughters couldn't go to school today because they took his car."

  Talking to the BBC, Mohamed Barber said the same about his 
cousin who was arrested in the raids.

  "We can vouch for him he is innocent. He doesn't even have 
time to go to Friday prayers - that's how busy he is."


  Muslims fear the anti-terror raids in the Muslim-populated 
areas would tarnish the image of the entire minority and fuel backlash.

  "We're going to get an even more vilified and disenfranchised 
community," Tahir Abbas, the director of the Center for the Study of Ethnicity 
and Culture, told AFP.

  He stressed that the result of the police raids would be 
creating more tension in "mono-ethnic, Muslim"

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Missing Molly Ivins: PAUL KRUGMAN ; This is like Hitler's Suicide Order from the Bunker

2007-02-04 Thread MA PA
 Missing Molly Ivins: PAUL KRUGMAN ; U.S. troops kept Iraqi brains in fridge as 
trophies +
 by PAUL KRUGMAN - The New York Times  
Friday Feb 2nd, 2007 6:09 AM 
 KRUGMAN: The Texas columnist’s satire was only the means to an end: holding 
the powerful accountable. 


 Missing Molly Ivins 
 Published: February 2, 2007 

 Molly Ivins, the Texas columnist, died of breast cancer on Wednesday. I first 
met her more than three years ago, when our book tours crossed. She was, as she 
wrote, “a card-carrying member of The Great Liberal Backlash of 2003, one of 
the half-dozen or so writers now schlepping around the country promoting books 
that do not speak kindly of Our Leader’s record.” 

 I can’t claim to have known her well. But I spent enough time with her, and 
paid enough attention to her work, to know that obituaries that mostly stressed 
her satirical gifts missed the main point. Yes, she liked to poke fun at the 
powerful, and was very good at it. But her satire was only the means to an end: 
holding the powerful accountable. 

 She explained her philosophy in a stinging 1995 article in Mother Jones 
magazine about Rush Limbaugh. “Satire … has historically been the weapon of 
powerless people aimed at the powerful,” she wrote. “When you use satire 
against powerless people … it is like kicking a cripple.” 

 Molly never lost sight of two eternal truths: rulers lie, and the times when 
people are most afraid to challenge authority are also the times when it’s most 
important to do just that. And the fact that she remembered these truths 
explains something I haven’t seen pointed out in any of the tributes: her 
extraordinary prescience on the central political issue of our time. 


 Labels: activism, Bush, Iraq, journalism, News, PAUL KRUGMAN, Politics, The 
New York Times, war 

 Dangerous Weeks Ahead in the Middle East

 U.S. troops kept Iraqi brains in fridge as trophies

This is like Hitler's Suicide Order from the Bunker

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Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Please sign letter of Condolence to Bassam Aramin

2007-02-04 Thread ibrahim awad

Condolence to Bassam Aramin and his family  I have read the Condolence 
to Bassam Aramin and his family Petition to Bassam Aramin and his family, and I 
hereby sign the petition:   Name: (required)   [input] 
Email Address: (required)   [input] 
City and State: (optional)   [input] 
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Please note: All information you provide on this petition signing form will be 
public on the petition signatures page, except your email address, for which 
privacy is set here:   
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  [input] Available to Petition Author
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-  "Private" means your email address is stored in a secure private 
location, for signature validation only. -  "Available to Petition Author" 
means your email address will not be available to the public, but will be 
available to the petition author, as well as being stored in a secure private 
location for signature validation.
-  "Public" means anyone viewing the signature pages on the Web for this 
petition can get your email address and send you email.

   [input]View Signatures Without Signing 

  The Condolence to Bassam Aramin and his family Petition to Bassam Aramin and 
his family was created by and written by Women of a Certain Age - North America 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).   The petition is hosted here at as 
a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, 
by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors.   For technical support please use our 
simple Petition Help form. PetitionOnline - DesignCommunity - 
ArchitectureWeek - Great Buildings - Search 
  © 2005 Artifice, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. 

Rachels Words <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear friend:

10-year-old Abir Aramin died on January 18th, 2 days after her skull 
was fractured. She was on her way home from school in the walled-off 
West Bank town of Anata when an Israeli Border Police jeep drove 
provocatively through the school zone. Eyewitnesses say the jeep was 
firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at the children when Abir 
dropped to the ground, bleeding from the head.

Abir was the daughter of Bassam Aramin, a Palestinian human rights 
activist and founding member of "Combatants for Peace." Adding insult 
to trauma, Bassam's friends from CFP had to advocate for the release 
of his daughter's body from the Israeli hospital in order to make it 
to her funeral.

Incredibly, Bassam's story is not unusual; disregard for human life 
is the norm under occupation. Please join us in sending this letter 
of condolence to Bassem Aramin and his family. We will arrange to 
have the letter and signatures delivered personally to Bassam and his 

Groups and Individuals welcome. To sign the letter, click here:

Please forward widely.

In solidarity,
Women of a Certain Age - North America


Ten Year Old Girl Brain Dead After Border Police Shooting

Let Our Children Live
By Nirit Peled-Elhanan

"Combatants for Peace" mourns the death of Abir Aramin

Twilight Zone / I've Lost my heart
by Gideon Levi, Ha'aretz

Palestinian Child Killed by Israeli Army
Videoclip from Democracy Now! report 

The Tragic Death of an Activist's Daughter
By Donald Macintyre, The Independent

Father of Dead West Bank Girl Seeks Peace with Israelis
By Greg Myre, New York Times 

Defense for Children International Statistics

Children lost in the current intifada:


Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast 
 with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Most People against Sunday Holiday(corrected)

2007-02-04 Thread S A Hannan

Dear Members,


Please see the editorial of a new independant English daily of Dhaka on the 
subject of weekly holiday in Bangladesh. It is strange that a small minority 
has raised the issue of weekly holiday again though we are in the midst of so 
many other problems at the moment. Friday holiday is there for about 25 years 
and the Editorail below has rightly pointed out that Bangladesh has progressed 
more than ever in the last decade when Friday was the weekly holiday. I feel 
that this sattled issue has been raised only to create more disunity among the 
nation and will not serve national interest. I also support the editorial 
comment that the gjovernment should ignore this call of a section of people 

Shah Abdul Hannan

  Most People against Sunday Holiday 

We have seen a first page report in a daily which says that the 
government has decided to introduce Sunday as weekly holiday from the next 
We are surprised at this news. As far as we know the government, has not 
at all decided in favor of Sunday. This has not been demanded by any of 
the four major parties, the BNP, the Awami League, the Jamaat-e-Islami 
and the Jatiyo Party. 

In fact Jatiyo Party introduced Friday as holiday and BNP and Awami 
League did not change it. In fact we remember that when some businessmen 
demanded it about a year back, Mr. Saifur Rahman, Ex Finance Minister, said 
that the demand is irrelevant because when it is day time in Dhaka it is 
mostly night or evening in the west. 

We have already said before in another editorial that the demand for 
Sunday by business leaders is only emotional attachment with the west. The 
statistics show that export, import, remittance and GDP have grown 
constantly in the last twenty years. Some times key garment sector 
export has gone up by more thirty percent a year. We have also said earlier 
that not a single export consignment has been lost for Friday holiday. For 
Instance if the LC is for thirty days and if the last day is the 
Friday, there is no problem in shipment as the ports are open on all the 
days, even export sections of the customs are open. It is also not the view 
of the majority of the businessmen. If a survey is conducted it will be seen 
that most of them are not for Sunday instead of Friday, they may be for one
 day holiday but not for Sunday. 

We request the government to respect the opinion of the general people, 
the political parties and the Ulama because, even otherwise, there is no 
harm in continuing with Friday as holiday. 

Editorial, Asial Post, Friday 02, 2007 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Don't Let The CRUSADER Trick Us Into Another War

2007-02-04 Thread Alan Border
“Who Has Authorized America to Make the Countries of the World Tailor Their 
Policies to America’s Measurements, & If They Don’t Oblige, Then War Should Be 
Waged Against Them? How Can One Understand America’s Call for Democracy If It 
Does Not Permit a Difference of Opinion Even in Issues of a Regional Character, 
to Say Nothing of International Ones?” – Saddam Hussein  Don't Let Them Trick 
Us Into Another War  
Yes, Iran does need fuel.
  "The Bush administration has alternately said that Iran has a secret nuclear 
weapons program or wants one. Without being able to prove those claims, the 
White House has made its case by implication, beginning with the point that 
Iran has ample oil reserves for its energy needs.
  Ford's team commended Iran's decision to build a massive nuclear energy 
industry, noting in a declassified 1975 strategy paper that Tehran needed to 
"prepare against the time -- about 15 years in the future -- when Iranian oil 
production is expected to decline sharply."
  Estimates of Iran's oil reserves were smaller then than they are now, but 
energy experts and U.S. intelligence estimates continue to project that Iran 
will need an alternative energy source in the coming decades. Iran's population 
has more than doubled since the 1970s, and its energy demands have increased 
even more."
  "Lacking direct evidence, Bush administration officials argue that Iran's 
nuclear program must be a cover for bomb-making. Vice President Cheney recently 
said, "They're already sitting on an awful lot of oil and gas. Nobody can 
figure why they need nuclear as well to generate energy."
  Yet Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and outgoing Deputy 
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz held key national security posts when the Ford 
administration made the opposite argument 30 years ago." 
"For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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2007-02-04 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Russia Orders US Embassy `Lockdown' After Disappearance Of Israeli
Defense Minister
Sorcha Faal
January 25, 2007

Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that
President Putin has ordered the immediate lockdown of all Russian
Embassies in both the United States and Europe over fears of an
`imminent' terrorist strike.

According to these reports, the fears of the FSB were heightened after
the disappearance of David Dahan who is the head of the Israeli
Defense Ministry Mission to Europe, and who many in the World's
Intelligence communities consider to be Israel's top spy running
`rogue' agents in both the United States and Europe.

These reports further detail the alarming tracing of the route, and
agents, involved in the joint CIA-Georgian undercover operation which
led to the recovery of nuclear-bomb-grade uranium being smuggled out
of Russia, but, and according to these reports, was only a small
portion of the full amount that has been declared missing.

These latest fears come also at a time an Israeli attack upon Iran
appears imminent, and as we can read as reported by the Independent
Online News Service in their article titled "Israel raises nuclear
stakes with Iran", and which says:

"The Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, dramatically raised the
stakes in the international showdown with Iran last night, with a
clear warning that his country was prepared to use military force to
prevent Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

"The Jewish people, with the scars of the Holocaust fresh on its body,
cannot afford to allow itself to face threats of annihilation once
again," Mr Olmert said in a speech to a high-level security conference
in Herzliya. "No nation has the right even to consider its position.
It is the obligation of every country to act against this will all its
might." "We can stand up against nuclear threats and even prevent
them," he said.

Israeli military officials warned this week that Israel – acting alone
or in coordination with the US – could launch preemptive military
strikes against Iran before the end of this year."

The American War Leader has likewise warned his citizens of the coming
`epic battle' coming to their Nation in the Middle East, and to which
the Iranian Leader has replied:

"The United States is incapable of inflicting "serious damage" on
Iran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday, as a US Navy
carrier group steamed toward Iran in what Washington has termed a warning.

Speaking in an interview with Iranian state television, Ahmadinejad
said that "wise" Americans would not let U.S. President George W. Bush
attack Iran. "They (U.S.) are not really in a position to carry out
this action (of attacking Iran). I believe there are many wise people
in the United States who would not let it happen," he said."

More ominously, perhaps, regarding these events are the reports from
the United States Global Consciousness Project random number
experiment that their `real time' results have `spiked' this week to
their highest levels ever seen. This is significant because this
experiment, apparently, `predicted' the terrorist strike upon the
United States on September 11, 2001.

As more is known about these events we will report them.

 [Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and
silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those
coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which
we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal
information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jailan Halawi reports on the continued detention of businessmen linked to the Muslim Brotherhood --

2007-02-04 Thread S A Hannan

Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum. Please see this report on extreme and harsh measures being 
taken by Egyptian government against Islamist businessmen of Egypt.So-called 
international community of the West remains silent when the victims are 
Islamists and the oppressors are West's friends .

Shah Abdul Hannan

The politics of cash
Jailan Halawi reports on the continued detention of businessmen linked 
to the Muslim Brotherhood

On Tuesday the Cairo Criminal Court postponed hearing the appeal 
against Prosecutor-General Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud's decision to freeze the assets 
of 29 MB leaders, including the Deputy Supreme Guide Khairat El-Shater. The 
appeal will now be heard on 24 February. The families of the 29 men have also 
been barred from making currency or property transactions in a move that Muslim 
Brotherhood members see as a settling of political scores.

Mahmoud's decision, issued on Sunday, is the latest escalation in the 
ongoing conflict between the group and the state. It was taken, explained 
Mahmoud's office, following investigations alleging the suspects were guilty of 
money laundering, and channelling funds into reviving the group's paramilitary 

Sources close to investigation say the freeze, which applies to bank 
accounts, cash and businesses owned by the 29, involves more than LE500 
million, though Muslim Brotherhood sources put the figure far higher.

Mohamed Habib, the group's second Deputy Supreme Guide, told Al-Ahram 
Weekly the decision was "unjustified and extremely harsh," saying that the 
detainees are "respected and patriotic citizens, successful businessmen who 
have not committed any crime and are being tried only because of their 
political affiliations".

The companies involved in the freeze, Habib continued, while being 
owned by Brotherhood members, are "completely independent and have no 
connection to Brotherhood activities".

Denying all charges, El-Shater -- attending Tuesday's hearing -- 
expressed dismay at the postponement of the hearing which he had expected to 
"immediately rescind" the prosecutor- general's order to freeze the assets. The 
prosecutor's charges, El-Shater claimed, were "politically motivated".

El-Shater's co-defendants include Medhat El-Haddad, a director of 
Arabiya for Construction, Osama Abdel-Mohsen Sharaby, director of Egilica 
Tourism, and Abdel-Rahman Seoudi, the director of Urban Development.

Economic and legal experts are divided over the repercussions of 
Mahmoud's decision. Some suggest that it could frighten away investors and lead 
to money being moved abroad, a possibility lawyer Ghada Qobtan discounts.

"The government," says Qobtan, "puts great effort into encouraging and 
attracting investment to Egypt. The MB is a special case, one that threatens 
national security and investors are quite familiar with what that means."

Senior Brotherhood figures have repeatedly complained that the state is 
engaged in a smear campaign which the group is now attempting to combat via 
their web site, which currently carries quotations from political and economic 
experts on the repercussions of the freeze.

The detentions, stock exchange expert Ayman Ragab is quoted as saying, 
will "paralyse the Egyptian economy and may lead to a collapse in share 
prices". Ragab also notes that parallel to the clampdown more than $3.6 billion 
have been smuggled outside Egypt.

Other financial experts believe that "for policy- makers, when economic 
welfare is pitched against political welfare, the latter will always take the 
lead," in the words of one veteran economic expert who requested anonymity.

"When national security is at stake," he said, "policy-makers act to 
prevent damage that could be irreparable. Economic loses can be calculated and 
those harmed by any politically-motivated decision compensated but never the 
other way round."

One official source close to the stock exchange sees the detentions and 
asset freeze as not only "a positive move on the economic and political front" 
but also "an assertion of [our] stand towards fundamentalism".

Rating agencies, she points out, examine the way the country handles 
fundamentalists in their assessments "in order to obtain guarantees that 
investments won't be at risk". Nor does she expect negative repercussions on 
share prices: "Technically, it will not affect the market... and it would be 
naive to base any evaluation on day-to-day events. If anything, the stock 
exchange market is bouncing back and making gains."

The prosecutor's decision followed statements by Minister of Interior 
Habib El-Adli accusing the Brotherhood of "working towards infiltrating the 
political arena and establis

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamophobia or just Israeli-phelia ??...........

2007-02-04 Thread raja chemayel
  Islamophobia  ?
  or just ,  Israeli-Phelia  !
  Abraham Lincoln
  was shot by a Christian
  John Kennedy
  was shot by a Christian
  John Lennon
  was shot by a Christian
  Charles De Gaulle
  was shot-at by a Christian
  The Kings of France
  were beheaded by Christians
  Ronald Reagan
  was shot-at by a Christian
   Dr. Martin-Luther King  Jr.
  was shot by a Christian
  Nelson Mandela
  was jailed by Christians
  Marilyn Monroe
  was poisoned by  Christians
  Mahatma Gandhi
  was enslaved by Christians
  Al Capone , Jack the Ripper
   Dr. Frankenstein and the Klu Klux Klan
  were all Christians
  was robbed and colonised by Christians
  South and North America
  were robbed and colonised by Christians
  Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  were bombed by Christians
  was robbed by Christian-Crusaders
  and 900 years later, 
  it was robbed 
  by European-Jews.
  the camps of Auschwitz and Meydanek
  were all run by Christians
  World War One 
  and Two
  were both done by Christians 
  and in spite of all that , 
  I never heard that Christianity, itself,
  has being blamed for the above.
  And now ,
  for what can we blame Islam  ??
  let us try  , 
  some convenient- Islamophobia ,
  just for the sake of Islamophobia
  for the sake of Israeli-Phelia
  Raja Chemayel
  a Christian since 2007 years

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2007-02-04 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Assalamu aleikum.

One of the two victims falsely arrested and maliciously prosecuted by
wimpy Boston bureaucrats faces deportation to Belarus. See Boston IMC
article below.

In the meantime, for your very own Mooninite LED Display Board of
Terrorist Death, place your E-Bay bid (starts at $1,999) or "Buy It
Now" for $5,000.

Official Mooninite LED Display
Yes, it's real.

Mooninite terrorists or political prisoners? Suspect faces deportation
to Belarus if convicted.
by Amigo Del Reg
Boston Indymedia Center
02 Feb 2007

As the city scapegoats Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens to cover up
its own inept mishandling and hyping up of small LED cartoon character
signs as acts of terrorism, Berdovsky's fate hangs in the balance: he
is a Belarusian citizen seeking political asylum in the United States.
For the city's arrogant pride and ignorant over-reaction, he may face
deportation, imprisonment and possibly torture in Belarus, a country
well known for its human rights abuses.


One of the two men arrested by Boston cops for putting up the
Mooninite signs is a Belasrusian citizen seeking political asylum in
the United States who will be deported if he is convicted or has to
admit any wrong doing in this matter!

They shouldn't suffer because Boston's cops and politicians are
dumbasses! Hell, fax the mayor's office pictures of the sign showing
clearly that it was not a bomb...


Please call the office of Boston's mayor Menino and demand that all
charges be dropped against Peter and Sean!

Thomas Menino, mayor
1 City Hall Plaza
Boston, MA 02201

Telephone: 617.635.4500

Facsimile: 617.635.3496

Web Site:

Mayor (at)


Mooninite terrorists or political prisoners?

The absurd farce of Boston's "anti-terrorist" response to a guerrilla
marketing campaign turns into authoritarian repression in effort to
press felony terrorism charges against artists who hung lighted signs.

Not only is the scapegoating of these men a ridiculous act meant to
cover up the actions of inept and hyper-reactive Boston police
agencies, but for one it is deadly serious: Peter Bordovsky is a
Belarusian citizen on visa in the United States seeking asylum.

A conviction or even an admission of wrong doing in a case linked to
terrorism would lead to his deportation. For someone seeking asylum,
that may also lead to his arrest, imprisonment and likely torture in
Belarus, a country known for its blatant human rights abuses.



Here's the low down from el Reg:

Original URL:

Mooninite terrorists brought to justice
By Chris Nelson
Published Friday 2nd February 2007 05:38 GMT

Comment Neon beer sign enthusiasts beware: you're next. Two men have
been arrested and arraigned for hanging the signs that started
Wednesday's bomb scare in Boston.

Peter Berdovsky, 27, and Sean Stevens, 28, have been charged with
creating a hoax leading to public disorder and disorderly conduct by
Boston's District Attorney. The hoax charge is a felony, the
disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor. While charges formally came
Thursday, the threatening signs had been hanging over the heads of
Bostonians like little swords of Damocles for two or three weeks
before anyone mistook them for al-Qaeda handiwork.

City and state officials seem to want to continue unwittingly hitting
this piñata of comedy. Boston mayor Thomas Menino at one point cited
"corporate greed" as the culprit, while Massachusetts governor Deval
Patrick took the ironic route of saying that Wednesday's events were
"not funny".

The only part of this debacle that lacks for humor is the manner in
which blame is being assigned. While authorities are seeking
remunerative compensation from Turner, so far no legal action has been
taken against Turner or its advertising company for their enterprising
guerrilla marketing campaign to promote the adult cartoon Aqua Teen
Hunger Force.

In recent weeks, identical devices were placed in ten American cities.
But only Boston went ballistic. Instead of owning up to the fact that
this was a monumental mistake by Boston authorities, every public
figure involved seems to want to take the most punitive measures
possible, against the two easiest scapegoats. In no case is this more
prescient than Berdovsky's: he is a Belarusian citizen on visa who is
applying for asylum in the United States.
Heavy price

Under federal law, a non-citizen convicted of any crime of moral
turpitude or aggravated felony in the Unite

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] From Darkness to Light - 15

2007-02-04 Thread Raihan
Canadian Catholic Discovers Islam

This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, 
and have chosen for you Islam as your religion... (Holy Qur'an, Surah 5, verse 

The Roman Catholic religion is dictated by the Pope from the top down to the 
priests at the bottom. If a Muslim were to walk into a Catholic church, it 
would be like walking into a different world. He would find row upon row of 
pews in which the worshipers sit, stained glass windows with perhaps scenes of 
the last supper or the Messiah carrying a cross, etc. On the front wall in all 
churches is the Messiah on a cross and below is an altar where the priest 
delivers his Sunday sermon. In some older churches, you may even find 
magnificent statue figures of Jesus, saints, Mary the mother of Jesus and so 
on. Church services are mainly repetitive rituals, singing, and prayers to 
Jesus or Mary or God and sometimes to saints. This is the type of world in 
which I lived and grew up most of my life.

If you were to ask me why I converted to Islam, my answer would fill volumes. 
However, if you were to ask me what led me to Islam I would have to say, now 
looking back, that it was my first encounter reading the Bible at the age of 
about ten. I used to sit bewildered reading the Bible into a tape recorder. 
After finishing, I would play the tape back in hopes of grasping the meaning of 
what I had just read, usually to no avail. So on Sundays I watched sermons on 
television, ordered free Bibles, and donated as much as I could (which could 
not have been much for a boy of ten) to the television evangelists. I received 
letters of gratitude and blessings and that made me feel good. 

This continued for a year or so until finally I became too frustrated, lost, 
and honestly bored with the whole process. I tucked the Bible away in my 
dresser drawer, and I would only refer to it occasionally throughout my 
childhood and teenage years. I accepted the fact that I would never truly 
understand the Bible. That is, ironically, until later when I became Muslim. 
Only then did I begin to gain a complete understanding of it.

What had confused me reading the Bible then was the contradiction between the 
book and what I had been taught all my life by priests and religious 
pedagogues. I found that almost every aspect of my belief was shaken or simply 
did not make sense at all upon referring to the Bible. The very core of my 
faith, I had learned, was false. This brought me to the point in my life where 
I was pessimistic and cynical toward religion. I mocked my religion in my teens 
by going to church chewing gum and halfheartedly participating in services. I 
would grunt at the mere mention of God or Jesus. I did not know what I believed 
anymore. The only thing I was sure of was that there was a God. All of my 
confusion and disenchantment, starting from the age of ten, would ultimately 
trigger my quest for Truth and finally lead me to the religion called Islam.

My first encounter with Muslim people was through business dealings. Their warm 
and generous hospitality won my heart. Their loyal remembrance of Allah 
intrigued me in phrases like, al-Hamdulillah (all Praise be to God) and inshah 
Allah (God Willing). I have never come upon people in a state of such strong 
faith before. Their kindness, generosity, and compassionate nature, I would 
discover later, were all part of being a Muslim. I wanted to be like them. This 
is what attracts people to Islam; this is what attracted me. 

I began to learn the basics of Islam. The more I learned the more I wanted to 
know. Before long, I was studying Islam through books written by Muslims in 
addition to reading a translation of the Holy Qur'an. Only a select few knew 
that I was studying Islam, since I did not want any interference from Muslims 
and especially from my Christian and Jewish friends. I knew that if anyone was 
going to guide and aid me in my quest for Truth it would be Allah. 

As time passed, my knowledge expanded into realms of Truth hitherto unbeknownst 
to me. Islam became a powerful force like a magnet drawing me closer and closer 
to it. Allah was the only thing on my mind during the day, as I drifted to 
sleep, and the first thought when I awoke. Islam appealed to my intellect as 
well as my heart, and so my passion grew for it. I eventually learned Surat 
Al-Ikhlas (A chapter in the Holy Qur'an called Purity In Faith) and although I 
was not yet Muslim, I began to teach myself to pray using a book and reciting 
the only Surah I knew. I felt an overwhelming need to prostrate in reverence to 
the All Mighty to ask for forgiveness and guidance in the way that made most 
sense to me.

Shortly thereafter, I departed on a holiday taking the Qur'an with me. Four 
days later, alone in a foreign country, I became severely ill. I was bed 
stricken for a month each day losing almost a pound of my body weight. Facing 
my mortality and alone in my agony I remember 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Labeling Shias As Non-Believers

2007-02-04 Thread Alan Border
“Shias & Sunnis”
  “In Our Day & Age, It Is More Important To Stress Points of Agreement Rather 
Than Points of Disagreement, Because What Unites Muslims Is Much Greater Than 
What Disunites Them. With the Enemies of Islam Trying Hard to Sow the Seeds of 
Discord Among Us, We Should Try Our Best to Render Their Attempts Futile.”- 
(Islam in Perspective, Arab News)
  Labeling Some Sects As Non-Believers
  Since the Shias praise Ali all the time, rather than God and His messenger, 
and since they do not say the Athan as we do, can we consider them Muslims? 
  It is true that the Shias accord great respect to Ali, placing him above 
other companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in their esteem. But 
neither this, nor the additions they have in the Athan, or call to prayer, is 
reason to consider them nonbelievers. 
  How can anyone say so when they declare that they believe in the oneness of 
God and the message of His messenger, Muhammad, peace be on him. 
"For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What to fear

2007-02-04 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

People are so scared of a nuclear Iran?

I am far more frightened of Nazi America


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Shame on the Arab & Muslim Rulers

2007-02-04 Thread Alan Border
“In the Early 1980’s the US Used Iraq & Other Sunni Arab Govts in the Region to 
STOP Iran Exporting Its Revolutionary Ideas Beyond Its Shores. Twenty (20) Odd 
Years Down the Line the US Topples the Very Regime in Iraq Which It Helped in 
the 1980’s & Gives the Power to the Shias. What About the Muslims. They are 
DEAF, DUMB & BLIND & Led Like LAMB to the Slaughter from Both the Sectarian 
Divide, While the US & Its Allies Are Laughing All the Way to the Bank As It 
Were.” – AB
  Shame on the Arab & Muslim Rulers!
  Pelayo Mella
  Regardless of where it was, the main feature of colonialism was always the 
appropriation of other countries wealth. For a long time Great Britain and 
France always had a special interest in the Arab lands, this was enhanced with 
the fall of the Ottoman Empire. This interest was quite obvious and had nothing 
to do with Arab culture, its history, religion or its people: it was always 
their wealth and how to appropriate it, even if they had to divide their 
  Just like today with Iraq and Afghanistan, these imperial powers were 
responsible for the creation and support of illegitimate governments formed by 
small ruling elites. The creation of the ‘state of Israel’ is also part of the 
same imperialist ideology. 
  Despite their power and rich history, Arab leaders not only have failed to 
coordinate and confront this Zionist ideology but they have also failed in 
creating a strong Arab united block similar to that of the European Union. 
However, it would be a mistake if we reduced Arab passivity to the Arab people 
as it would also be a mistake to group all Arabs as a unity. Arab passivity is 
a feature that has been developed and encouraged by their leaders as a payment 
from Western governments, mainly the United States and Britain.
  From the 1970s onwards there has not been any type of nationalistic agreement 
among Arab governments and instead, they have shamefully tried to separately 
reach the nicest possible deals with the United States and Europe. Their people 
have never been consulted in any type of national decision. For example 
Egyptian leaders signed a peace treaty between ‘Israel’ and Egypt, but the 
Egyptian people were not consulted about this and as a result of such a totally 
unequal deal, Sadat was assassinated. Also, the Oslo agreement was signed 
between Israeli and Arafat’s bureaucrats, but this had nothing to do with the 
Palestinian people. In fact, the above ‘peace treaty’ as well as the Oslo 
agreement was a goal that the Zionists scored at the expenses of the 
Palestinian people. In this deal, they were not only no consulted but they were 
also cheated.
  In 1991 when the United States attacked Iraq, most Arab governments allied 
themselves with the imperialist forces. By doing so they acted against the 
wishes of their own people. Not only that, as we all know, after the attack 
they continued supporting the genocidal sanctions imposed by the imperialists 
powers – The United States and Great Britain – causing the death of over two 
million Iraqis. By closing their eyes to the devastating policies that the 
sanctions had on the Iraqi population, these Arab rulers benefited by signing 
arm deals with Western powers.
  As we all know well, in 2003, Arab leaders passively observed how the United 
States and their allies lied and fabricated more lies to attack Iraq. The 
vision of several Arab leaders on American television showing their false 
opposition to the invasion and imploring to Saddam to ‘disarm’ was disgusting. 
There was neither resistance nor opposition from the Arab puppets in government 
– especially the Saudi - to stop this caravan of death marching towards Iraq. 
On the contrary, they competed among themselves, rushed and bowed obedience and 
diligence in offering their lands to welcome the imperialist forces in order to 
attack a brother country. Their people were kept at bay by their armies, which 
are usually used to oppress them. Let us not forget that Arab rulers spend most 
of their national budgets on their armies (the highest per capita in the 
world). These armies are not meant to defend their countries but to repress 
their populations. These Arab leaders have sacrificed
 national security by the security of their own regimes.
  How is it possible to understand that twenty-two countries with a population 
of approximately 300 million people who share the same religion and the same 
language, passively look, without the slightest sign of protest, the occupation 
and destruction of the society of their own members by a group of foreign 
  Arab leaders saw the occupation of Iraq as the opportunity to seat on Bush’s 
lap to drink whiskey, like the Saudi Royal family do. They did that not only 
because they did not want to be the next United States’ target, but also 
because they are very aware of their illegitimate position in their respective 
countries and they do not wan

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iran Bridge Sunni-Shiite Divide

2007-02-04 Thread S A Hannan
IUMS, Iran Bridge Sunni-Shiite Divide 
  By Mustafa Abdel-Gawwad, IOL Correspondent 

  "We have agreed a number of constructive steps to bolster the 
bonds of Islamic fraternity between Sunnis and Shiites," Awa told IOL. 
CAIRO - The International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and Iran 
have agreed a series of steps, to be soon made public, to bridge the 
Sunni-Shiite divide and defuse raising sectarian tension. 
"We have agreed a number of constructive steps to bolster the bonds 
of Islamic fraternity between Sunnis and Shiites," Mohamed Salim Awa, IUMS 
Secretary General, told on Wednesday, January 31.

The first of the agreed steps would see light in a fortnight, he 
expected, declining to give further details.

Awa said the agreement was reached during a visit by an IUMS 
delegation to Tehran this week.

"The delegation held talks with Iranian officials on containing the 
rising tension between the two main branches of the Muslim nation."

The delegation, which comprised Awa and IUMS board member Fahmi 
Howeidi, met with Hashemi Rafsanjani, Chairman of Iran's Expediency Council, 
Ali Larijani, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, and Ali Akbar 
Wilayati, adviser of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

They also met with Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki and Ayatollah 
Mohammed Ali Al Taskhiri, Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of 
Islamic Thought.

"The response of the Iranian officials was very positive," said Awa.

Sunni-Shiite tensions have been running high in Iraq since the 2003 
US invasion-turned-occupation, with a hundred of Iraqis being killed in 
sectarian violence on a daily basis.

Pakistan has also seen on-and-off sectarian violence over the past 
years, despite a long history of peaceful co-existence between Sunnis and 

Iraq Reconciliation

Awa said talks with Iranian officials tackled means of halting 
sectarian violence gripping Iraq.

"The delegation discussed with the Iranian officials the sectarian 
killings and forced eviction in Iraq," he added.

Awa pressed for halting bloodletting and reconciling Sunnis and 
Shiites in the clash-inflicted Iraq.

Convening in Doha on Monday, January 22, some 200 senior Sunni and 
Shiite scholars and thinkers condemned the raging sectarian strife in Iraq and 
urged a traded halt of Shiite and Sunni proselytizing.

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the IUMS president, told the participants 
that Tehran does have the power to stop the sectarian violence in Iraq, remarks 
that drew rebuke from Iranian officials.

"We explained to the Iranian officials that the remarks do not 
single a departure from Qaradawi's principal position on bridging Sunni-Shiite 
differences," Awa said.

He denied any link between the statements and the fact that the 
IUMS delegation did not confer with Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

"We met the people we were scheduled," insisted the IUMS secretary 

The Dublin-based IUMS was launched in July, 2004, in the British 
capital as an independent body and a reference for all Muslims worldwide.

It has repeatedly urged Iraq's revered Sunni and Shiite scholars to 
shoulder their responsibility in stemming sectarian-based blood shedding.

Almost 34,000 Iraqis died last year as the raging sectarian 
violence reached new heights, above all in Baghdad, according to the latest 
death count published by the government.

The UN says raging violence in Iraq has internally displaced 1.7 
million people and that about 2 million more are sheltering outside Iraq, 
comprising a worrying 12 percent of the total population.

The International Medical Corps (IMC) warned Tuesday, January 30, 
that up to one million Iraqis would flee their homes in the capital Baghdad 
within the next six months if the bloody sectarian violence went on unabated.
  Related Links   
  a.. Doha Conf. Slams Iraq Sectarianism, Proselytizing 
  b.. End Shiite Proselytizing: Qaradawi 
  c.. Million Baghdadis to Flee Violence: Report 
  d.. Sunnis & Shiites: Overlooking Differences 
  e.. Iran Backs IUMS Anti-Sectarianism drive 
  Top Stories   

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fw: Get serious about Israel!

2007-02-04 Thread arif uky

Imagine Congress sanctions against Israel? No! but its kosher to sanction
the victims of Zionist genocide
Arif Bhuiyan

*Time to get serious about Israel*

A multi-party committee of MPs is pressing for sanctions over Israel's
treatment of the Palestinians.

John Hilary 

The Guardian, 

January 31, 2007 01:30 PM

You know that things are serious when a parliamentary select committee puts
out a call for sanctions against another sovereign state. Doubly so when
that state is supposed to be one of Britain's key allies in the Middle East.
Yet today the House of Commons international development committee is
calling  on the
Labour government to press for sanctions against Israel over its treatment
of the Palestinian people. Things must be pretty bad.

Things are indeed bad, says the committee's new report. As a result of
Israeli occupation and the accompanying restrictions on movement, the
Palestinian economy is in freefall. Fully 70% of Palestinians are now living
in poverty, according to UN calculations, a figure which rises to 80% in
Gaza. Over half of all Palestinians are now unable to cover their families'
daily food needs without relying on external aid - a scandal in such a rich
and fertile land.

As a first step in putting pressure on the Israeli government to end this
oppression, the UK should now urge its fellow members in the EU to consider
suspending the EU-Israel association agreement, the cross-party committee

That agreement gives Israeli exports preferential access to the markets of
the European Union. Europe accounts for two-thirds of Israeli exports, and
suspending the preferences those exports currently enjoy would send the
first proper message to Israel that its oppression of the Palestinian people
is unacceptable.

That message is long overdue. The EU-Israel agreement should have been
suspended years ago, as its own text states that it is conditional upon
respect for human rights. In this regard Israel has already violated the
agreement many times over. The UN's own special rapporteur, Jean Ziegler,
among many others, has pointed out that the agreement should already have
its own terms.

The call for suspension of Israel's trading preferences is the first in a
line of sanctions which the UK could take. Suspending arms
salesis another obvious candidate.
The UK has been approving record levels of
arms sales to Israel over the past couple of years, despite admitting that
it cannot trust Israel's claims that the weapons will not be used in its
military operations against the Palestinian people. The government is now
facing a court 
the issue.

Today's committee report is not just targeted at Israel. It also
slamsthe UK
and other international donors for withdrawing aid to the Palestinian
Authority since early 2006. Together with Israel's withholding of revenues
due to the Palestinian government, this action by the international
community has "increased poverty and hardship amongst most Palestinians",
the report says. At least one million people have been affected by this
punitive action, the least smart form of sanctions since those imposed on
the people of Iraq during the 1990s.

The main significance of the committee's report is that it challenges Tony
Blair to move from his unconditional support of Israel to a position of
standing up for the Palestinian people. In so doing, the report echoes the
call of a new coalition also launched this week. The
Enough!coalition brings together all
major British trade unions, campaigns
organisations and charities plus faith groups from the Jewish, Muslim and
Christian communities in a joint call for justice for the Palestinian
people. Only through such justice can Israelis and Palestinians hope to
build a lasting peace for the region as a whole.

The immediate focus of the coalition is to mark this year's 40th anniversary
of Israel's military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. However,
Palestinian groups trace their suffering back further to the 1948 nakba, or
catastrophe, when 750,000 were driven into exile in order to make way for
the founding of the Israeli state. Both anniversaries are equally important.

For those of us who bear the weight of British imperial history, there is
another reason for marking 2007. This year also sees the 90th anniversary of
the Balfour 
in which Britain, for its own political ends, committed itse

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hello!

2007-02-04 Thread F Sabil
Hello Michael,
  Welcome to Islamicity. Hope you find answers to your questions.
  F Sabil
  Hello Islamcity Members!

My name is Michael. 

I am a 44 year old college student. 

I currently attend school at a community college located in a suburb of Los 
Angeles County. 

I am interested in making a compelling comparative study of Christianity, 
Judaism and Muslim faiths. 

I have joined this group hoping to make friendly contacts with persons expertly 
knowledgable in Holy Quran text. 

In my own personal studies I have discovered some interesting points that I 
have not heard presented before by "religious leaders" and I hope to share 
these as time and interest permit. 

As a man presumed by legislative law to be a member of a nation whose ethical 
and political reputation is all too often questionable at best, I can only 
declare for myself that I do not approve of what men and women enlisted in the 
United States civil service have done and are doing in the name of GOD, Christ 
or the People Of The United States Of America. 
By the same token I find some of the behavior of other international political 
and religious zealots offensive and patently unacceptable. 

My loyalty rests with GOD alone. 

I look forward to developing new, rewarding and enlighting relationships with 
other enlightened persons. It is through these relationships that I hope to 
positively affect the Earthly environment that is home to all of us. 


Michael S. Chacon



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] al-Saabooni and his book Safwat al-Tafaaseer

2007-02-04 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman

39771: al-Saabooni and his book Safwat al-Tafaaseer 

(Go here for Reference & More Islamic Questions & Answers:


What is your opinion of the book Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh al-Saabooni? 
Some of the religiously-committed youth criticize us for reading this book, and 
say that the `aqeedah of Shaykh al-Saabooni is Mu'tazili or Ash'ari, and his 
Tafseer (commentary) on the Qur'aan is likewise. I do not know anything about 
this Shaykh, so I started to read this book because it is straightforward and 
written in an attractive style. What is your opinion on this book and its 
author? What are the books that you recommend for every Muslim (who is not 
specialized in the sciences of sharee'ah) to read concerning his `aqeedah and 
his everyday acts of worship and interactions with others?. 


Praise be to Allaah. 


Professor Muhammad `Ali al-Saabooni is one of the professors in the College of 
Sharee'ah in Makkah al-Mukarramah. He was active in the fields of Qur'aan 
sciences and Tafseer (commentary), then he wrote a number of books on Tafseer 
and Qur'aanic sciences, most of which are summaries of longer books such as 
Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Mukhtasar Tafseer al-Tabari, al-Tibyaan fi 
`Uloom al-Qur'aan, Rawaa'i' al-Bayaan fi Tafseer Ayaat al-Ahkaam, Qabs min Noor 
al-Qur'aan, and Safwat al-Tafaaseer, which is the book under discussion here. 

This is a concise tafseer of which its author said: it is comprehensive, based 
on both narrated reports and rational argument, based on the most authentic 
well known tafseers such as al-Tabari, al-Kashshaaf, Ibn Katheer, al-Bahr 
al-Muheet and Rooh al-Ma'aani. It is written in a simple style that is easy to 
understand, paying attention to literary style and linguistic form. 

He says in the introduction: 

I have called my book Safwat al-Tafaaseer (The Best of Tafseers) because it 
combines the best of the major detailed tafseers in a brief, organized and 
clear fashion. 

The book was published in three volumes, in 1400 AH. 

With regard to the `aqeedah of the author, his beliefs are Ash'ari, which makes 
his books and summaries subject to criticism and rejection. This also makes him 
misquote some hadeeth texts by not quoting them in full, and distort some of 
his quotations from other scholars, as we shall see below. 

Shaykh Safar al-Hawaali said: 

With regard to al-Saabooni, it does not bother me to say that what he has 
written about the `aqeedah of the salaf and that of the Ash'aris conflicts with 
the basic principles that every researcher who studies `aqeedah should know, 
and his style is also far removed from the authenticated academic style and 
from rationality. 

Manhaj al-Ashaa'irah fi'l-`Aqeedah, p. 2 

He was refuted by many scholars such as Shaykh `Abd al-`Azeez ibn Baaz, Shaykh 
al-Albaani, Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, Shaykh Muhammad 
Jameel Zayno and others. 

With regard to his book Safwat al-Tafaaseer, it is one of those books of his 
which were most emphatically refuted by the scholars. There follows a list of 
some of those who refuted it, along with the titles of their books: 

1. al-Radd `ala Akhta' Muhammad `Ali al-Saabooni fi Kitaabihi Safwat 
al-Tafaaseer wa Mukhtasar Tafseer Ibn Jareer, by Shaykh Muhammad Jameel Zayno, 
teacher of Tafseer in Daar al-Hadeeth, Makkah. 

2. Tanbeehaat Haammah `ala Kitaab Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh Muhammad Jameel 

3. Mulaahazaat `ala Kitaab Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh Sa'd Zallaam, Dean of 
the School of Arabic Language in Egypt. 

4. Mulaahazaat `ala Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh `Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen. 

5. Mulaahazaat `Aammah `ala Kitaab Safwat al-Tafaaseer by Shaykh Saalih 

6. al-Tahzeer min Mukhtasaraat al-Saabooni fi'l-Tafseer by Shaykh Bakr Abu 
Zayd; this is included in his major book al-Rudood. 

These criticisms led the Ministry of Awqaaf in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to 
ban this book and confiscate it, as stated in the Decree of the Ministry of 
Hajj and Awqaaf no. 945/2/S, dated 16/4/1408 AH, from the General Headquarters 
of Awqaaf and Mosques in the Riyaadh area, pertaining to the confiscation of 
the book Safwat al-Tafaaseer and banning circulation thereof until its errors 
with regard to `aqeedah have been corrected. 

Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd said: 

The title Safwat al-Tafaaseer ("The Best of Tafseers") is deceiving and 
confusing. How can it be described as the best when it mixes good and bad, when 
it mixes the tafseers of the Salafis Ibn Jareer and Ibn Katheer with the 
tasfeers of the Mu'tazili al-Zamakhshari, the Raafidis al-Radiy and al-Tubrusi, 
the Ash'ari al-Raazi and the fanatical Ash'ari grave-worshipper al-Saawi and 
others? Especially when this mixing is done by one who does not know what he is 
doing and is like one who tries to climb a wall without a ladder. Otherwise 
scholars may benefit from the prominent mufassire