2007-02-21 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Paul Routledge
Daily Mirror
February 15, 2007

I REALLY must get out more. Until I read the reports of her death, I

had never heard of Anna Nicole Smith, the former Playboy model.

Now, with three men vying for the title of father to her child, I

suppose it will be impossible to avoid the poor woman.

Ms Smith, below, widow of a nonagenarian billionaire, was found

dead at the age of 39 in a Florida hotel room. One of her lawyers

(note, "one" - how many did she need?) said it was "an

unbelievable tragedy."

No, it was not. Darfur is an unbelievable tragedy. Iraq is an

unbelievable tragedy. The Holocaust was an unbelievable tragedy.

Her death was the all too credible outcome of a life lived as a

"celebrity", chiefly celebrated by taking off her clothes, either for the

camera or for the stable of studs competing for her five-month- old

baby's potential inheritance.

This sordid lust for Dannielynn's £274 million fortune from the

estate of deceased oilman J Howard Marshall is grotesque, even

by the standards of avarice in the USA.

Meanwhile, a coroner has ordered that Ms Smith's body be kept in

the morgue while the paternity argument rages. It might be required

for DNA testing. She can't even have a decent burial.

Can there be a more potent parable of the sleazy American way of

life than this saga of sex, corruption, money and lawyers?


2007-02-21 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Palestinians want Arabs to cut Israel ties over dig
By Mohammed Assadi
Tue Feb 20, 2007

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - The Palestinian parliament urged Arab
states on Tuesday to cut ties with Israel in protest at excavation
work near Islam's third holiest site which has triggered Muslim protests.

The Palestinian Legislative Council, controlled by the Islamist group
Hamas, also called on the United Nations Security Council to pressure
Israel to safeguard Islamic and Christian sites in Jerusalem.

The council said Arab states should "sever diplomatic and economic
ties (with Israel) and not establish new ones" in response to the
excavation near al-Aqsa mosque.

Few Arab countries have formal ties with Israel. Egypt and Jordan
signed peace treaties with the Jewish state and have diplomatic
relations, while some Gulf Arab states have lower level contacts.

Israel says the work near al-Aqsa aims to salvage artifacts before
construction of a pedestrian bridge leading up to a religious compound
sacred to both Muslims and Jews.

But the work has angered Arabs and Muslims who fear it could damage
foundations of the 1,300-year-old mosque in Jerusalem's Old City,
captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East War.


The legislative council said Arab and Muslim leaders should take
measures to protect sacred Muslim sites and called for urgent summit
meetings of the Arab League and Organization of the Islamic Conference
to pressure Israel.

More than 30 people were wounded in clashes near al-Aqsa earlier this
month between Israeli police and stone-throwing protesters angered by
the excavation works.

Muslim suspicion over Israeli actions intensified this week when
Israeli Antiquities Authority archaeologist Yuval Baruch said storm
and earthquake damage in 2004 had exposed remains at the site that
could be from an ancient Muslim school.

The director of the Waqf, a Jordanian-backed body that oversees Muslim
holy sites in Jerusalem, said the fact the discovery was not announced
at the time showed Israel wanted to "destroy the Islamic character of
the city".

Sheikh Raed Salah, an Israeli Arab campaigner who has led protests
against the excavations, called for a new uprising to protest against
what he called an "Israeli crime".

"This program will include local and international activities. All of
them are part of our attempt to stop this Israeli crime, which
continues until now," Salah told Reuters. He called for protests in
the Arab and Islamic world.

Israel captured the Old City along with the rest of Arab East
Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war and later annexed the area as
its capital in a move not recognized internationally.

Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of a state they
hope to establish in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Jannat 4 Pious Women

2007-02-21 Thread `�.��.�*Minahil *��.��.�`
  "Glad News of Jannat for Pious Women"  

  v A single pious, practicing woman is equal to 70 saints (aulia ekraam).
  v A single bad (evil) woman is equal to 1000 bad men.
  v Two rakaats namaaz of an aalimah woman are better than 80 rakaats of 
ordinary women. 
  v A breastfeeding woman gets one good for each drop of milk that is fed 
to the child.
  v When a husband comes home full of worries and the wife extends warm 
welcome to him and consoles him; she receives the reward of half jihaad .
  v A woman, who is deprived of sleep owing to her child crying at night, 
receives the sawaab of freeing 20 slaves .
  v When a husband and a wife look at each other with love and affection, 
Allah Paak himself looks at both of them with love and affection .
  v A woman who sends out her husband in the path of Allah and stays at 
home by herself, maintaining her honour and dignity (i.e. protecting herself 
against temptation and dishonesty) will enter jannat 500 years before her 
husband while 70,000 angels and hoors will serve her. She will be given ghusl 
in jannat and sitting on mountains of pearls , she will await the arrival of 
her husband.
  v A woman who is rendered restless owing to the illness of her baby and 
yet kept on striving to comfort the baby, Allah Talaah forgives all her sins 
and gives her the sawaab of 12 years accepted in ibaadat .
  v While milking her animal (cow, goats, ect), if a woman makes the zikr 
of bismillah , that every animal makes dua to Allah Taalah on her behalf. 
  v When a woman makes the zikr of bismillah while preparing the dough ( 
for roti), her livelihood is increased (i.e . she receives barakat in her rozi).
  v When a woman makes zikar while sweeping, she receives the sawaab of 
sweeping baitullah (kaba) .
  v A chaste woman who is mindful of namaaz and roza, also makes khidmat 
for her husband, for her all the 8 doors of jannat are opened . She may enter 
from whichever doors she likes.
  v The namaaz and ibaadat of a woman disobedient to her husband do not 
reach heaven .
  v Every night of an expectant mother (a woman who is carrying a baby in 
her womb) is counted as spent in ibaadat and every day as spent in fasting .
  v A woman receives the sawaab of 70 years of namaaz and roza on giving 
birth to one child and the pain she suffered in every vein of her body while 
giving birth, for that she will receive the sawaab of one hajj.
  v If a woman dies within 40 days after giving birth, Allah Taalah gives 
her the status of shahaadat (i.e. she dies as a shaheed).
  v Upon the child crying at night, if the mother feeds the child (gives 
milk to the child) without cursing, she receives the sawaab of performing 
namaaz for one year.
  v When a child finishes the period of breast-feeding, an angel comes and 
gives glad tidings (news) to the mother that Allah has made jannat wajib for 
  v When the husband comes home to sleep and the wife gives him food to eat 
(not being involved in dishonesty with regard to herself and her husband's 
belongings), Allah Tallah gives her the sawaab of 12 years of ibaadat.
  v When the wife presses the legs of her husband without asking him, her 
to do so, she gets the sawaab of giving charity 7 ounce of GOLD, and if she 
presses his legs after he asks her to do so, she receives the sawaab of giving 
7 ounces of SILVER in sadaqua. 
  v When a woman's husband dies while he was happy and pleased with her, 
jannat becomes wajib for her .
  v A husband's teaching one masla to his wife is equal to 80 years ibaadat 
  v In jannat people will go to visit (see) Allah Taalah, but Allah Tallah 
himself will visit (to see) the woman who has observed PARDAH while in dunyah.
  v Woman who wears thin garment (transparent, see-through garment) or who 
arouses passion in men, or meet men they are not allowed to mix or move about 
openly while heavily made up or who live without pardah , will never enter 
jannat. In fact they will not even smell the fragrance of jannat. 
  v A woman who has undergone a great amount of suffering and difficulties 
in this world will be classified with hazrat Aasia ( r.a). She was the wife of 
the firaun (pharaon) who despite the fact that she was his wife, tortured and 
persecuted her, to renounce Deen and Imaan. She gave her life in the process ( 
i.e. she died of the punishment inflicted to her), but did not forsake Imaan.
  v Every single woman going to hell will take four (4) jannati men. 
Because they did not fikr nor had they cared in duniya about the Deen and Imaan 
of that woman and did not teach her Deen, these four men will be: 

  1. her father 
  2. her brother 
  3. her husband & 
  4. her son 
  v If woman glances at men she is not allowed to see according to the 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] interview with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

2007-02-21 Thread saiyed shahbazi
INTERVIEW With Sheik Hamza Yusuf 

  Hamza Yusuf was born in Washington State and grew up in Northern California, 
where he lives with his wife and five children. He converted to Islam in 1977 
and spent 10 years studying Islam in the Middle East where he followed a more 
classic interpretation of the religion. After the attacks of 9/11, Yusuf 
emerged as a respected Islamic scholar, advising both the White House and the 
Arab League. In recent years, he has focused his teachings on bridging the 
widening gap between the West and the Muslim world. In this interview, he talks 
about "tyranny" and "incompetence" on both sides and offers his prescription 
for creating more common ground. This is an edited transcript of an interview 
that took place in September 2006.
  Q: Linden MacIntyre: What are the roots of Muslim rage?
  A: Hamza Yusuf: If you had one word to describe the root of all this rage, 
it's humiliation. Arabs in particular are extremely proud people. If you look 
at what happened in Lebanon recently, the Arabs kind of raised their head-- 
they think it's a big victory, the fact that their whole country was destroyed 
and over a thousand people were killed, many of them children. Why is it a 
victory? Because they fought back. That's all. "OK, you can crush us into the 
Earth, but you're not going to get us to submit." And I think that's deeply 
rooted in Muslim consciousness, the idea of not submitting to anything other 
than God. "You can abuse me, but you're not going to win me over. But if you 
treat me with respect and dignity, I'm going to fall in love with you. I'm 
going to sing your praises all over the world because you're powerful and you 
treated me with human dignity." 
  Q: Where do they see the proof of the humiliation?
  A: It's everywhere. You don't think it's humiliating to have a foreign force 
come into your land? You see, Muslims don't have this nation state idea. 
There's a tribe called Bani Tamin. It's one of the biggest tribes in Saudi 
Arabia and in Iraq, and they're intermarried. The West doesn't seem to 
understand that. The Moroccans feel the Iraqi pain as their own. It's one pain. 
So when you see some American soldier banging down a door and coming into a 
house with all these women in utter fear who've done nothing, that's 
humiliation, and it's going to enrage people. And what are we doing there? 
There are no weapons of mass destruction. They were never a threat to us. You 
know, Shakespeare wrote a play called Julius Caesar, and it was all about the 
danger of pre-emptive strikes. Brutus is convinced by Cassius to kill Caesar. 
Why? Because Caesar's ambitious, because he might declare himself king. And the 
end of that play, everybody dies; it's just disaster. That's the tragedy of
 pre-emptive strikes.
  Q: What goes through your mind when you hear about all these roundups of 
young Muslims who are supposedly plotting things in London and in Toronto?
  A: We keep being told about these roundups, and in the end, they're more 
aspirational than operational. I'd love to have been in the meeting when they 
thought that one up. It seems to me that they're just a lot of bumbling fools 
out there.
  Q: On which side of the equation?
  A: On both sides. I mean, that's part of the problem. Violence is the last 
refuge of the incompetent, and I think that's really what we're dealing with 
here, incompetence. Both sides have been incredibly ineffective at achieving 
their goals-- at least their stated goals.
  Q: I'm trying to get a measure of just how concerned people should really be 
  A: Listen, hurricanes are a much greater threat to us right now. Katrina did 
much more damage than anything the terrorists could ever put together. Yeah, 
there's nuclear weapons are out there and that certainly is a concern. That's 
the job of these intelligence people to stop that, right? But stop making us 
all live in fear and telling us about orange and red levels. All that nonsense 
just simply has to stop. We need to calm down and think at a deeper level. 
People can't think when their minds are clouded with fear. The fear tactic is a 
tactic that's used by people who want to maintain control, and it's very 
  A democracy is predicated on an educated citizenry. You cannot have a 
democracy with people that are more interested in what Nicole Kidman is doing 
or whoever the latest fashion model is. If that's your interest, democracy 
can't survive. You also have corporate interests here. We have an arms industry 
in the West that is our No. 1 industry. It's bigger than anything-- 
automobiles, everything. Now if you don't have reasons to build weapons, where 
do all those contracts go? 
  Q: Your job is to recruit young people into a more constructive project.
  A: Well, I'm not a recruiter ….
  Q: You are definitely an influence.
  A: I've got my own personal projects, like my school and my seminary. But at 
this point in my life, I'm actually just 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Interview With Fuad Nahdi

2007-02-21 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Interview With Fuad NahdiThe Radical Middle Way was launched in London in 
2005, following the recommendations of a Muslim task force set up after the 
London transport bombings in July 2005. In this interview, Fuad Nahdi, director 
of the Radical Middle Way and founding editor of the progressive Muslim 
magazine Q-News, talks about the organization's aim to bring a back-to-basics 
theology to Islam and how to counter an "estimated $15 billion" global 
investment in spreading extremist ideology. This is an edited transcript of an 
interview that took place in October 2006.
“According to intelligence reports during the last 30 years, investment has 
been put into this extremist ideology. We are talking estimates of over US$15 
billion. To the best of our knowledge, there is no ideology in the history of 
mankind that had such massive resources put into it on a global level. ”
  Q: Linden MacIntyre: Take me past the obvious contradiction in terms. How can 
there be a radical middle?
  A: Fuad Nahdi: The radical middle way is based on the premise that most of 
the discussion about Islam is held in a context of extremism on both sides. So 
actually to be moderate, to be in the middle, is radical because it's different 
from the perceived notion around us.
  Q: How did this extremist thinking become so prevalent in a faith and culture 
that tends not to be extremist?
  A: It's not something that happened overnight. It has taken decades to 
develop. According to intelligence reports during the last 30 years, investment 
has been put into this extremist ideology. We are talking estimates of over 
US$15 billion. To the best of our knowledge, there is no ideology in the 
history of mankind that had such massive resources put into it on a global 
  Q: Where has that money been spent?
  A lot of the money has been spent on creating the intellectual framework - 
books; university departments producing thousands of graduates and sending them 
across the world to promote this thing; building centers, some of them here in 
the West; paying imams and local leaders. If an imam gets a hefty salary, he is 
free from any local consideration. And if he is well educated, he's given the 
kind of intellectual tools to become influential in society. Then vulnerable 
young people, who have been rejected by the system, swarm around these people. 
Even now, if you look, some of the most dynamic professional Web sites belong 
to these kinds of people who run the extremist shop.
  Q: What label do you put on this extremism?
  A: Some people call them jihadist; some would call them salafist, which I 
think is a misnomer. The idea is not to identify them by names but by the 
issues they are raising. 
  Q: What are these issues?
  A: Very simple. It's that the world is black and white, divided into them and 
us -- a very George Bush understanding. Anybody who is not like us, who does 
not think like us, is wrong. It's a very powerful message because it makes 
people look inward and stop exploring things. You start getting all the wrong 
kind of messages once you stop asking questions.
  Q: What's the root of this investment in an essentially destructive process?
  A: With the squashing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the late '50s and 
'60s, suddenly political Islam was found to be convenient to be exported all 
over the world, but not to be practiced in Egypt. Egypt had the ideas but did 
not have the money to take it abroad. Then in the early '70s, with the oil 
price explosion in the Middle East, suddenly the Gulf countries, particularly 
Saudi Arabia, had the money but didn't have the ideas. 
  Q: Again, why not spend the money on better things?
  A: If you're looking for a rational explanation, you're not going to get it. 
The crux of the matter is the theology. Islam is a belief system. It's a series 
of mistakes, one after another -- of bad analyses, reactionary negative 
responses and just total misunderstanding. To counter, we're trying to sustain 
and nurture a mainstream form of Islam that has been lost for decades now. We 
want to define Islam, not by the terms given it by the extremist and the 
radical elements.
  It's nice to have political analysis, to have sociological analysis, economic 
analysis, why people are becoming radicalized or turning to extremism. But at 
the end of the day, the real issue lies with the theology because this is the 
real source of all that is happening.
  Q: So, you're basically saying that the central message of Islam has been 
hijacked by extremists?
  A: Yes.
  Q: And that the theology of Islam has no room for this violent jihadist 
  Exactly. Everybody is trying to find a reason by saying more people are angry 
because of foreign policy. They're angry because of economic deprivation; 
they're angry because they're alienated. Young people are marginalized because 
of the racism in society. All are legitimate, tangible factors. But the real 
issue is the theology.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Samjhota Express ploy against Pakistan

2007-02-21 Thread S A Hannan
  Samjhota Express ploy against Pakistan

  Lahore, Feb 19: Jamaat-e-Islami ameer and president of MMA, Qazi Hussain 
Ahmad has condemned the bomb blast tragedy in Samjhota Express killing 67 
passengers and wounding another 40.

  In a statement on Monday, Qazi Hussain Ahmad termed it a conspiracy 
against Pakistan and Muslim world and said the incident will be used to provide 
fuel to the negative propaganda against Pakistan by enemies.

  Qazi Hussain Ahmad called the incident sheer terrorism and asked the 
government in both Pakistan and India that instead of fueling the fire they 
should adopt a policy of mutual understanding to provide security and peace to 
their citizens, besides giving due respect to the right to self determination 
of Kashmiri people.

  Qazi emphasized that for establishing a lasting peace there is an urgent 
need to adhere to the principles of justice and provide support to the 
oppressed people of Palestine, Kashmir and other troubled areas.
  Central Information Department
  Mansoorah, Multan Road, Lahore (Pakistan)
  Ph. :+92-42-541 9520-4, Fax : +92-42-543 7950

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: Masjid Taleem Muhammad

2007-02-21 Thread Curtis Sharif
Bismillah, FYI
Peace, Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas
 in Houston, Texas. The Believers and friends of Masjid Taleem Muhammad are 
near completion of this house built for the sake of Allah. This effort under 
the leadership of Imam Basil Abdullah, is doing what Allah has asked us to do 
in S.2:259. Rebuilding communities, which was so clearly explained to the 
Believers on Feb. 17, 2007 at Taleem service at the Masjid, by Imam Yahya 
Abdullah of Dallas, Texas.
  Be a part of history and put your name in the book as one of the builders of 
this masjid.

  Please send your contributions to the address below. Thank You.
  Naeem Salaam
  Masjid Taleem Muhammed
  505East 40th1/2 Street
  Houston, Texas  77022 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Pondering on the Quran

2007-02-21 Thread QuraanicLessons
  Pondering on the Quran 

Surah Rehman Video with English Translation  Quran against Racism

Is The Quran Only For The Arabs ? (Must Read)   Authenticity of the Quran: 
Another Approach 

Surely Allah is the Creator and Nourisher

Holy Quran Arabic
Download Arabic PDF and a Sofware of The Noble Quran with English Translation  
Download Now  7 tips for improving your relationship with the Quran Read More  
Arabic- A Key to understanding the Quran Read More 

A Short Movie on Death (must see) (Video)

Miracles of Quran (Video)

Tawaf of Ka'ba: in line with the Cosmic Law Read More
  Prophet Jesus in the Quran Read More

Why Was the Qur'an Revealed Over A Period of 23 Years?  Read More   

The Value of the Quran in the Eyes of Muslims  Read More

 Understanding the Uniqueness of the Quran Read More
  How does the Quran present God? Read More
 Free Online Software for Learning Arabic and Understanding 
Quran Online By Clicking on this Link start Learning Quran Now

 Get your own web address.
 Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Language used by the President of USA!

2007-02-21 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

Tight tongue Mr. Bush also made so many comments which others felt
disturbing. One friend of mine questioned, Mr. Bush is a President, why he
speaks like these, is it because he is not highly educated or is it because
he is not guided properly or is he what he says? I did not reply. What do
you think, should a President make such comment?

*Arif Bhuiyan*


*"I will screw him in the ass!" --George W. Bush on Osama bin Laden **The
pessimist was right*  By
Uri Dromi, Review of "Ariel Sharon: An Intimate Portrait" by Uri Dan,
Palgrave Macmillan 15 Feb 2007 Speaking of George Bush, with whom Sharon
developed a very close relationship, Uri Dan recalls that Sharon's delicacy
made him reluctant to repeat what the president [sic] had told him when they
discussed Osama bin Laden. Finally he relented. And here is what the leader
of the Western world, valiant warrior in the battle of cultures, promised to
do to bin Laden if he caught him: "I will screw him in the ass!"


The pessimist was right*


By Uri Dromi*

Uri Dromi is director of international outreach at the Israel Democracy

"Ariel Sharon: An Intimate Portrait" by Uri Dan, Palgrave Macmillan, 320
pages, $18.45 *

On September 13, 1993, I stood beside Uri Dan on the White House lawn. As
the director of Israel's Government Press Office under prime minister
Yitzhak Rabin, I was in charge of the Israeli journalists who had traveled
there to witness the historic ceremony of reconciliation between the Israeli
and Palestinian peoples. A question hovered in the air: Would the two old
enemies, Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, shake hands? The officials came
out of the White House and walked toward the small, tense audience assembled
on the lawn. And then Bill Clinton, with his trademark charm, turned the two
men toward each other: an enthusiastic Arafat and a dour-faced Rabin who,
gripped by a visceral sense of foreboding, wanted nothing more than to be
somewhere else at that moment. Then, the inconceivable happened: They shook
hands, and a roar of joy went up from the audience. Even cynical longtime
journalists could not disguise their enthusiasm. Everyone joined the
celebrations. *

Everyone, that is, except Uri Dan. The veteran reporter, who died in
December at age 71, stood beside me frowning and said to his colleagues in
disgust: "What are you so happy about? Many funerals will come out of this
wedding." We all looked at him with pity: Here was the professional
spoilsport, unable to give credit for success to anyone except his master,
Ariel Sharon.

Years passed and indeed, that wedding was followed by many funerals, many
eulogies in both Hebrew and Arabic. Journalist Eitan Haber, Dan's
colleague-rival, claims that it is wrong to say that the Oslo process
failed, because Yitzhak Rabin's assassination shattered the
Israeli-Palestinian trust on which the whole endeavor rested. I tend to
agree with him, but when results alone are considered, then Dan, more
pessimistic than any of the guests who cheered then on the White House lawn,
was right. *

Of course, it's easy for pessimists to be right in the Mideastern-Israeli
realm of existence, where something terrible is always bound to happen.
Dan's pessimism, however, was conditional: If his hero, Sharon, were given a
chance to perform his historic duty, the people of Israel would be saved; if
not, they would deserve whatever calamities they inflicted upon themselves.

Dan's attitude might be dismissed as idolatry or blind adoration until we
recall that in 1982, when Sharon was removed from his position as defense
minister following the Sabra and Chatila massacre, it was his advisor - Uri
Dan - who, in an unforgettable television interview, said with a feverish
look in his eyes: "Those who did not want Sharon as chief of staff got him
back as defense minister, and those who did not want him as defense minister
will get him back as prime minister." It seemed at the time a wild and
unlikely fantasy, and Dan was roundly mocked for it; eventually, however,
his prophecy was realized in full. Sharon the outcast became not only
Israel's prime minister, but one of our most highly regarded leaders.

This is the story of a man whose life brought him into Sharon's intimate
circle, from Sharon's early days as a paratrooper commander leading Israeli
reprisal operations to his final days as prime minister. When Dan turned 70,
Sharon wrote to him in a moving letter: "To me you were and always will be a
hardworking and resourceful journalist, an author and an advisor, a fearless
and impartial professional. But, more than anything, you are to me a true
friend who has always been there, in the moments of joy and elation; in the
harsh hours of personal pain and tragedy; in the days of joyous victory and
in dark nights under crossfire ... or during the retaliation m

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Pitfalls of our democracy

2007-02-21 Thread S A Hannan

Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum.The following article which I wrote before the present crisis 
in Bangladesh has been published in the Daily Star, 16th anniversary number.

You canfind it t in DS website at the following link:

Shah Abdul Hannan

Pitfalls of our democracy

Shah Abdul Hannan

Bangladesh began its journey as a democratic state with the introduction of the 
national constitution in 1972. However, following the adoption of the 
constitution, democracy in Bangladesh was undermined by several interruptions. 
Democracy has taken firmer root since 1991 when Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed 
became the Caretaker President of the country. Since then, three elections have 
taken place; the first in 1991, followed by a second in 1996, and the latest in 
2001. This period witnessed the rise and fall of three governments. The first 
government, that of Khaleda Zia ruled from 1991 to 1996. Then the government of 
Sheikh Hasina was in power from 1996 to 2001, followed by the return of Khaleda 
Zia to power in 2001, who remains in office at present. Of course, in between 
the tenure of these governments, caretaker governments were formed and led by 
former Chief Justices of the country as per our constitution. The first Khaleda 
Zia government was preceded by the caretaker government of Justice Shahabuddin 
Ahmed.In this brief article, I will delineate the basic features that have 
characterised our democracy since 1991. I will also discuss some key issues 
that urgently demand contemplation and resolution. The most important issue is 
that of holding fair elections. We find that the twin phenomena of money and 
muscle continue to wield a serious and embarrassing degree of influence over 
our elections. It is true that the elections of 1991, 1996 and 2001 were 
recognised to have been held properly. However, it is common knowledge that the 
use of money and muscle plagued these elections to varying degrees, which 
sometimes the Election Commission was unable to restrain, let alone eradicate. 
For instance, the Election Commission has been unable to implement the 
restriction on expenditure. Thus the issue of fair elections is a core issue 
for national contemplation and reform in view of the widespread public 
perception mentioned above. I believe several steps can be taken to help 
rectify this situation. One is the strengthening of the Election Commission by 
granting it full independence, as in India. The neutrality and the independence 
of the Election Commission in India remain undisputed.However, we in Bangladesh 
find that the relationship between the Election Commission and the government 
is sometimes quite strained. In several instances in the past, serious 
disagreements arose between the ruling party and the Chief Election 
Commissioner or Election Commissioners. Thus, this issue needs to be handled 
with care in the future. Not only should the Election Commission be 
independent, but also, the selection of the members of the Election Commission, 
if possible, should be made through consensus among the major parties in the 
country. Electoral laws need to be changed in line with India as stated above. 
As in India, asset declaration of the candidates must be made compulsory. 
Electoral irregularities, if there be any, should be investigated quickly and 
efficiently. Unfortunately, as things stand currently, any inquiry into 
complaints of election rigging entails so many steps that in most cases, no 
decision can be taken during the entire five year term of an elected 
government. This naturally encourages continuation in attempts to influence 
elections through intimidation, coercion, and financial clout. What is needed 
is that the complaint is taken very seriously and decisions rendered within a 
very short period of time - no more than six months. Each stage in the process 
should be strictly defined by time limits and no more than one or two appeals 
should be allowed. If this can be done and if ten/twenty members of Parliament 
lose their seats, this will serve as a good lesson for all the other members 
and the frequency with which electoral irregularities occur is likely to 
decrease over time.My next point concerns the caretaker government. Our 
democracy is in a way regulated by the caretaker govt. and the caretaker 
concept enshrined in the constitution. This resulted from a lack of faith in 
the incumbent government to hold a fair election. There is a general consensus 
that, given our national context and past records, it is better to hold 
elections under a caretaker government than under a party govt. Thus this 
concept of caretaker government has been accepted by the people fully and 
should be sustained. Certain amendments can be made in due time should there be 
a general consensus among the major political parties on the substance of the 
amendment. Otherwise, the caretaker provisions shoul

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Bangladesh: At mercy of climate change.

2007-02-21 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

(Two articles)
It seems poor Bangladesh pays the cost of climate change. It was said that
the most developed countries, mainly in the West are to blame. Justin
Huggler from Bangladesh explains more than I can describe. Also, Sabihuddin
Ahmed, Bangladeshi high commissioner to the UK, has some words to add on
behalf of his country.

*Arif Bhuiyan*


*Article. 1*
*Bangladesh: At mercy of climate change.*

It is more exposed than any other country to global warming. And a series of
unusual events - from dying trees to freak weather - suggest its impact is
already being felt. Justin Huggler reports from the Sundarbans nature
Published: 19 February 2007
The Independent,

The Sundarbans nature reserve in Bangladesh's south-west is one of the last
untouched places on Earth - and home to the largest population of tigers
left in the wild. But the trees in the Sundarbans have suddenly started
dying. And not just that: they have started dying in a way nobody has seen
before, from the top down.

Nobody is sure what the cause is, but the country's leading scientists think
the trees are dying because, in recent years, the water has turned from
fresh to salty. The Sundarbans is a massive mangrove swamp, and the sea has
begun encroaching. What we are seeing may be one of the first casualties of
rising sea levels caused by global warming. "Nobody can say for sure whether
it is climate change because there haven't been proper in-depth studies,"
says Professor Ainun Nishat, one of the country's leading environmentalists,
and one of those involved in the UN's recent climate change report. "But
this is the sort of effect rising sea levels will have on Bangladesh. We are
fighting climate change on the front line. But the battle has to be
integrated across all countries."

Then there were the deaths of thousands of fishermen off Bangladesh last
summer. The Bay of Bengal was unusually rough. Usually, the authorities only
issue a storm warning to fishermen to stay at home once or twice a year.
Last year, four warnings were issued in the space of two months. Every
warning meant the fishermen lost valuable days at sea. When the last warning
came, they could not afford to stay ashore and went to sea anyway.
Officially 1,700 drowned, but many Bangladeshis believe the real number may
be closer to 10,000.

"Was it climate change? We don't know," says Dr Nishat. "Was it unusual?

The weather in Bangladesh is going crazy. Last week, a freak tornado struck.
Tornadoes occur regularly in Bangladesh - but usually only in the tornado
season, in April. A tornado in February is almost unheard of.

Also, there were the strange events of 2004, when the tides in the estuaries
of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers stopped ebbing and flowing. The
water level just stayed at high tide. The same year, the capital, Dhaka, was
hit by floods so severe the ground floors of most buildings were under
water, and a catfish was caught in one of the government buildings.

And in 2005, the country had no winter at all. Westerners tend to assume the
whole of the subcontinent is hot all year round; in fact, Bangladesh, like
much of northern India, gets quite cold in winter. Except that it didn't
last year. Winter never came - with serious effects on the year's potato
crop. This year, too, it has not been as cold as usual.

"We have a saying, in February, even the tigers feel the cold," says Arun
Karmaker, the environment correspondent for Prothom Alo newspaper. "But
these days, a visitor to Bangladesh would find it hard to believe."

Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to climate change. The entire country
is basically one vast river delta, and that has always left it at the mercy
of weather extremes. The villages of the south-east may often lack
electricity or clean water, but a cyclone shelter is never far away. In
Dhaka, the rent for a typical first-floor apartment is £52 a month. On the
ground floor of the same building, it is just £37 - because the ground floor
gets flooded almost every year.

But the country's climate experts say the weather is growing more extreme -
and becoming unpredictable. And this is in the most densely populated
country in the world, if you don't count city-states or small islands, home
to 147 million people. That leaves a worrying question: what happens to
those 147 million people if parts of this already overcrowded country become
uninhabitable due to rising sea levels.

The problem is, nobody really knows just how much effect climate change will
have on Bangladesh. "We still don't have a proper study of the impact of
global warming here," says Mr Karmaker. "Up till now, no one has done one."
The classic scenario of climate change disaster in Bangladesh is of rising
sea levels flooding most of the country, forcing as many as 40 million
people to flee. Scientists have measured small rises in the sea level at
various points around the coast, an


2007-02-21 Thread islamiccommunitynet

150+ cities organizing for March on the Pentagon, March 17!
ANSWER Coalition

Over 150 cities are organizing buses, vans, car caravans and anti-war
trains to bring people from across the country to March on the
Pentagon in Washington DC on Saturday March 17!

Click for details about buses from across the U.S.

The National Office of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has received an
enormous response from people all around the country who are planning
to travel to Washington DC to march on the Pentagon on the 4th
anniversary of the start of the criminal invasion of Iraq.

Huge numbers will come from every major city on the East Coast,
Midwest and South - New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston,
Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Atlanta, Birmingham, Charlotte and
elsewhere - and from many smaller cities. Gulfport, Mississippi;
Muskogee, Oklahoma; and New Bedford, Massachusetts are just a few of
the cities organizing for this demonstration. People will be driving
from as far away as Denver, Colorado - a 26 hour drive to DC.

Below are just some of the cities organizing transportation to be at
the March on the Pentagon, March 17:

Akron, OH
Albany, NY
Albuquerque, NM
Amherst, MA
Andover, MA
Atlanta, GA
Austin, TX
Baltimore, MD
Blacksburg, VA
Boone, NC
Boston, MA
Burlington, VT
Charleston SC
Charlotte, NC
Charlottesville, VA
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Columbia, SC
Dallas, TX
Danbury, CT
Decatur, GA
Denver, CO
Des Moines, IA
Detroit, MI
El Paso, TX
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Ft. Myers, FL
Ft. Wayne, IN
Gainesville, FL
Greenville, NC
Gulfport, MS
Harrisburg, PA
Hartford, CT
Hickory, NC
Houston, TX
Hudson Valley, NY
Iowa City, IA
Jacksonville, FL
Kent, OH
Lewisburg, WV
Lexington, KY
Linwood, NJ
Little Rock, AR
Logan, UT
Louisville, KY
Lynchburg, VA
Macon, GA
Madison, WI
Miami, FL
Minneapolis, MN
Mobile, AL
Montpelier, VT
Mountain Home, AR
Muskogee, OK
Nashua, NH
Nashville, TN
New Bedford, MA
New Britain, CT
New Brunswick, NJ
New Haven, CT
New Orleans, LA
New York City, NY
Newark, DE
Newton, NC
Norfolk, VA
Ogden, UT
Oklahoma City, OK
Oneonta, NY 
Orlando, FL
Palm Beach County, FL
Parkersburg, WV
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsfield, MA
Plymouth, NH
Portland, ME
Portsmouth, NH
Portsmouth, VA
Providence, RI
Raleigh, NC
Reading, PA
Richmond, VA
Rochester, NY
Rome GA
Salisbury, CT
San Antonio, TX
Savannah, GA
Schenectady, NY
Scranton, PA
Springfield, MA
St. Louis, MO
Stanford, KY
Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg, FL
Toledo, OH
Trenton, NJ
Tucson AZ
Tuscaloosa, AL
Wayne, NJ
West Chester, PA
Worcester, MA
Yellow Springs, OH
York, PA

Until Wednesday: 30% Off NYC Bus Tickets!

Tickets for buses from New York City can still be purchased now online
at a 30% reduced price! 

Click for details on how you can purchase tickets for buses from New
York City online, by phone or in person.

Click on this link for details about buses from across the U.S.

If you are organizing transportation and are not yet listed, fill out
the March 17 Transportation Form.

More ways to get involved:

* Donate

* Download flyers and other promotional materials

* Endorse

* Student organizing

Make sure you've read these important recent updates:

* Soldiers, veterans, and soldiers' families sign antiwar letter for
March on Pentagon

* Free Speech Victory! Permits Secured for Pentagon Protest

* Youth & Student organizing for March on Pentagon

Your donation is urgently needed for the March on the Pentagon

Please make an urgently needed donation today.

We must immediately raise funds to pay for the sound and stage at
Constitutional Gardens and at the Pentagon and for the hundreds of
thousands of flyers, stickers and posters that are being disseminated
in nationwide outreach. 

Please make a much needed online donation, or click for information to
write a check.

All active news articles

ANSWER Coalition  202-544-3389

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] WHAT DO CHRISTIANS DO FOR FUN?

2007-02-21 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Priest jailed after nun's death in exorcism
Ireland On Line

A Romanian priest has been sentenced to 14 years in prison today after
a nun died during an exorcism ritual.

Sister Maricica Irina Cornici, 23, who was being treated for
schizophrenia, said she believed the devil was talking to her.

Daniel Petru Corogeanu, a monk who served as the priest for a secluded
Holy Trinity convent in northeast Romania, and four other nuns,
chained Cornici to a cross in an attempt at exorcism.

She survived several days without food or water, but died of
dehydration, exhaustion and suffocation.

The court in the northeast city of Vaslui convicted Corogeanu and the
four nuns of holding Cornici captive, resulting in her death.

One of the nuns, Nicoleta Arcalianu, was sentenced to eight years in
prison, and the other three – Adina Cepraga, Elena Otel and Simona
Bardanas – received five-year sentences.

Dozens of the priest's supporters packed the courtroom and prayed for
him. Several burst into tears when the verdict was announced.

The defendants' lawyers plan to appeal, saying the prison sentences
are too harsh.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] A Question About Suicide In Islam!

2007-02-21 Thread Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq
A Question About Suicide In Islam 

Would appreciate your take on the following: 

I have a trusted friend who is less favorably disposed toward Islam/Muslims 
than I, but he also does not have a good opinion of Israel. 

He has had occasion to interview a number of teenaged American Muslims, the 
vast majority of whom say they would willingly become suicide bombers in 
Israel, but nowhere else. When he presses them (suggesting optional targets) 
they say they would first choose Israeli military or government targets, but if 
those were not accessible, would target civilians. 

Granted, these are teenagers, but...?   

LSJohn…thanks for bringing the question to our attention and seeking answers 
from Muslims. This is a lot better attitude to take than the ‘know-it-alls’ who 
seem to know Muslims and their religion better than Muslims themselves. I wish 
the world would follow your example. 

Most American Muslim teenagers that I know are not really knowledgeable about 
the Palestinian Israeli situation. This is especially true in the US with some 
of them, just by lazy osmosis, having bought into the media spin hook, line and 
sinker. I am not accusing your friend of lying but I find the responses he 
claimed to have gotten very difficult to believe. 

The response is flawed from a Muslim perspective and is very far from Muslim 
thinking. The numerous statements in the Qur’an against injustice and the 
example of the Prophet on numerous occasions where he admonished his followers 
about taking the lives of innocents and even destroying heedlessly plants and 
animals are too prevalent in Muslim learning for the idea of killing civilians 
to be even casually accepted. An example of how the Prophet (saaw) dealt with 
his enemies can shed light on the correct Muslim attitude. There was an 
incident during one of the battles where children of the enemy were killed by 
mistake. The Prophet (saaw) was observed with tears in his eyes, in pain 
because of the killing of innocent children, and also for the death of all the 
combatants. Some of his followers tried to sooth the Prophet by saying, "They 
were only the children of Kafirs" The Prophet (saaw) turned to the one who 
spoke, and he was visibly angry, and said, " Aren't you the child of
 a Kafir too?" 

For suicide to even be considered against military or even civilian positions 
as a way of fighting from American Muslim teenagers is really a stretch. 
Without going into too many details the prohibition in Islam against suicide is 
very strong. But to read and listen to this world’s media broadcast about 
Islam, we would never know that. We are led to believe that a religion, whose 
holy book, the Qur’an, commands the following regarding suicide, is the fertile 
ground for the most suicides in the world: 
But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: Nor kill 
(or destroy) yourselves: for verily God hath been to you Most Merciful! 

If any do that in rancour and injustice,- soon shall We cast them into the 
Fire: And easy it is for God. 

Qur’an 4:29 - 4:30   

The references above in chapter 4 and other places in the Qur’an, commands 
Muslims to not kill themselves and warns of severe punishments. Suicide is 
strictly forbidden along with the killing of innocents in Islam. G-d is the 
author of life and it is only He who could take life or tell human beings what 
conditions a life should be taken under as in punishment for murder, etc. As 
human beings we don't own our lives, G-d does! As such we don't have the 
authority to take it. Suicide is disrespecting G-d and being ungrateful for the 
life he has given us. Also from the Hadiths: 

  The Prophet said, “The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the 

If knowledge shared by a scholar is considered greater and closer to G-d than a 
person dying in war for a just cause, how much further down the scale in value 
is suicide in Islam, especially when it is condemned by the highest authority 
in our religion? If suicide was permitted there would be many examples of the 
Prophet (saaw) encouraging it and Muslim history would have been replenished 
with suicide as a technique in war. But there is no such history and no such 
encouragement even throughout the centuries in the Abyssinian Empire, Ottoman 
Empire, Muslim Spain, Persia, the well documented Crusades, etc. 

It seems that while strongly condemning suicide, somehow Islam is the best 
promoter of it. All of a sudden we have disobedient Muslims hatching like crazy 
all over Iraq and Palestine. Oddly, they did not become so disobedient until 
they came in contact with Israelis. I guess there must have been something 
about Jews that caused Muslims to empl

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Muslim Brotherhood under severe pressure from Egyptian authorities--al-ahram weekly online

2007-02-21 Thread S A Hannan
Brothers up in arms
Relations between the government and the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood 
took a turn for the worse in the People's Assembly this week, writes Gamal 
Essam El-Din 

   Click to view caption 
  Central Security Forces blocked the way to Al-Azhar Mosque on 
Friday to prevent protests against excavation works at Al-Aqsa Mosque 
Reverberations from President Hosni Mubarak's 6 February order that 39 
senior members of the illegal Muslim Brotherhood, including the group's number 
three Khairat El-Shater, be tried by a military tribunal dominated proceedings 
in the People's Assembly this week. Brotherhood deputies had apparently 
calculated that last Friday's clash between Israeli riot police and 
Palestinians protesting against excavation work at Al-Aqsa Mosque would allow 
them to regain the initiative. They arrived determined to be heard, only to be 
faced by Parliamentary Speaker Fathi Sorour, who ordered Hamdi Hassan, the 
Brotherhood's spokesman, to leave the chamber after what Sorour qualified as 
"unruly behaviour". The Brotherhood's remaining deputies walked in protest.

It was a frustrating outcome for the group. Hamdi Hassan told Al-Ahram 
Weekly that "after the wide-scale arrests of the group's members and President 
Hosni Mubarak's new position that the Brotherhood is a threat to national 
security, parliament has become the only stage available for the Brotherhood to 
give a vent to its grievances."

Brotherhood deputies had arrived to Monday's session with high hopes. 
Many submitted requests to Sorour, asking him to give them the floor to 
denounce Israel and the silence of Arab rulers and display solidarity with the 
Palestinians. They also wanted to use the hearing to condemn the Interior 
Ministry's arrest of several demonstrators, most of them Brotherhood members, 
as they gathered in front of Cairo's Al-Azhar Mosque on Friday to protest 
against the Al-Aqsa dig works. The group's hopes, however, were dashed when 
Sorour rejected their requests. Parliamentary precedent, said Sorour, dictates 
that public opinion issues cannot be debated when the government's policy 
statement is under discussion. The rejection sparked a storm on the Brotherhood 
benches. "Why do you want to deny us voicing anything about the assault against 
Al-Aqsa," Brotherhood MPs shouted as one. 

"No group will ever be able to impose its will on me even if they 
number thousands," Sorour responded. "I would still order them to leave the 
session out of respect for the assembly's regulations."

Sorour said the chairman of the assembly's Arab Affairs Committee, Saad 
El-Gammal, had already been asked to prepare a response to Israeli digging in 
the vicinity of Al-Aqsa. "While I was in Tunis last week to attend the meetings 
of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Euro-Mediterranean parliament," he 
added, "I made it clear that Egypt and Tunisia would withdraw from the 
committee unless the Euro-Med parliament ceases its support of Israel's 
anti-Islamic acts. I have asked El-Gammal to ensure his statement registers my 
position in Tunis and as a consequence want to wait until El-Gammal has 
prepared his statement so that we can present a good picture of the 
international community on the position of the Egyptian parliament towards 
Al-Aqsa Mosque. Yet some deputies want to impose their will in a bid to 
convince people they are the only ones who care about Al-Aqsa."

Uncowed by Sorour, Brotherhood MPs had a field day when they were 
finally given the floor. "All the government has been able to do is summon the 
Israeli ambassador and call upon him to urge his government to stop its assault 
on Al-Aqsa," said Hussein Ibrahim, Brotherhood MP from Alexandria. "This is 
cosying up with the Israeli ambassador, not lashing out at him." Ibrahim then 
charged the Egyptian government was no different from its Israeli counterpart 
"since both opted to prevent people from praying in Al-Aqsa and Al-Azhar 
mosques respectively." 

"In fact," concluded Ibrahim, "the Israeli government was less 
aggressive since it allowed Palestinians over the age of 45 to pray at Al-Aqsa 
while our government's security forces prevented all Egyptians from entering 
Al-Azhar Mosque by force." 

Mohamed El-Beltagui, Brotherhood MP from the Cairo district of Shubra 
Al-Kheima, demanded the Israeli ambassador to Cairo be expelled and Egypt's 
ambassador to Tel Aviv recalled. "The government must also stop consorting with 
the Israeli enemy and revoke the QIZ (Qualified Industrial Zone) agreement and 
immediately end supplies of natural gas to Israel." Opposition MPs, and some 
members of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) also weighed in with 
their own criticisms. Mustafa El-Fe

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Question about Islamic Communities in the US

2007-02-21 Thread Syed Adil

Maybe you would like to respond to this mail.

Adil Bhayya

On 2/15/07, MistyBradley  wrote:

  ÈÓã Çááå. Bismillah.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu.
My name is Safiyah. I am an American citizen living in
Egypt, but I don't know a lot about where most Muslims
live in America, because I came to Egypt shortly after
becoming a Muslim. I am thinking about coming back to
the United States, and I was wondering if anyone knows
in which states there are the most Muslims? Also,
where are the major Islamic communities located? The
area where I am from in America had very few Muslims,
and I feel like I need to live in a place where there
are a lot of Muslims if and when insha'allah I go
back. If you want to email me off list, you can email
me at this email, which is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or at [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Also, I
would like
to know how Muslims are treated in the US, especially
people who wear nikkab?
Jazak Allahu khairon!
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu.

Safiyah Yusef Bradley
AIM: Looking4Truth817 or MistydB817
Yahoo messenger: divisionliner

Misty Bradley

Want to start your own business?
Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Meanings of the word fitnah in the Qur'aan

2007-02-21 Thread Muhammad Abdul-Rahman

22899: Meanings of the word fitnah in the Qur'aan 

(Go here for Reference & More Islamic Questions & Answers:


I see the word fitnah repeated often in the Qur'aan in several soorahs and 
aayahs. Is there a difference in the meanings of this word, and what are its 
various meanings? 


Praise be to Allaah. 

Definition of fitnah: 

1 _ The word fitnah from a linguistic point of view: 

Al-Azhari said: "The Arabic word fitnah includes meanings of testing and trial. 
The root is taken from the phrase fatantu al-fiddah wa'l-dhahab (I assayed 
(tested the quality of) the silver and gold), meaning I melted the metals to 
separate the bad from the good. Similarly, Allaah says in the Qur'aan 
(interpretation of the meaning): `(It will be) a Day when they will be tried 
[yuftanoona] (punished, i.e. burnt) over the Fire!' [al-Dhaariyaat 51:13], 
meaning, burning them with fire." (Tahdheeb al-Lughah, 14/196). 

Ibn Faaris said: "Fa-ta-na is a sound root which indicates testing or trial." 
(Maqaayees al-Lughah, 4/472). This is the basic meaning of the word fitnah in 

Ibn al-Atheer said: "Fitnah: trial or test… The word is often used to describe 
tests in which something disliked is eliminated. Later it was also often used 
in the sense of sin, kufr (disbelief), fighting, burning, removing and 
diverting." (al-Nihaayah, 3/410. Ibn Hajar said something similar in al-Fath, 

Ibn al-A'raabi summed up the meanings of fitnah when he said: "Fitnah means 
testing, fitnah means trial, fitnah means wealth, fitnah means children, fitnah 
means kufr, fitnah means differences of opinion among people, fitnah means 
burning with fire." (Lisaan al-`Arab by Ibn Manzoor). 

2 _ Meanings of the word fitnah in the Qur'aan and Sunnah: 

1- Testing and trial, as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

"Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: `We believe, 
and will not be tested [la yuftanoon]" [al-`Ankaboot 29:2] 

i.e., that they will not be subjected to trial, as Ibn Jareer said. 

2- Blocking the way and turning people away, as in the aayah (interpretation of 
the meaning): 

"but beware of them lest they turn you [yaftinooka] (O Muhammad) far away from 
some of that which Allaah has sent down to you" [al-Maa'idah 5:49] 

Al-Qurtubi said: this means blocking your way and turning you away. 

3- Persecution, as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

"Then, verily, your Lord for those who emigrated after they had been put to 
trials [futinoo] and thereafter strove hard and fought (for the Cause of 
Allaah) and were patient, verily, your Lord afterward is, OftForgiving, Most 
Merciful" [al-Nahl 16:110] 

Put to trial means persecuted. 

4- Shirk and kufr, as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

"And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of 
others along with Allaah)" [al-Baqarah 2:193] 

Ibn Katheer said: this means shirk (worshipping others besides Allaah). 

5- Falling into sin and hypocrisy, as in the aayah (interpretation of the 

"(The hypocrites) will call the believers: "Were we not with you?" The 
believers will reply: "Yes! But you led yourselves into temptations [fatantum 
anfusakum], you looked forward for our destruction; you doubted (in Faith) and 
you were deceived by false desires" [al-Hadeed 57:14] 

Al-Baghawi said: i.e., you made yourselves fall into hypocrisy and you 
destroyed yourselves by means of sin and whims and desires. 

6- Confusing truth with falsehood, as in the aayah (interpretation of the 

"And those who disbelieve are allies of one another, (and) if you (Muslims of 
the whole world collectively) do not do so [i.e. become allies, as one united 
block under one Khaleefah (a chief Muslim ruler for the whole Muslim world) to 
make victorious Allaah's religion of Islamic Monotheism], there will be Fitnah 
(wars, battles, polytheism) and oppression on the earth, and a great mischief 
and corruption (appearance of polytheism)"[al-Anfaal 6:73] 

What this means is that "unless believers are taken as close friends instead of 
disbelievers, even if they are relatives, there will be fitnah on earth, i.e., 
truth will be confused with falsehood." This is how it is explained in Jaami' 
al-Bayaan by Ibn Jareer. 

7- Misguidance, as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

"And whomsoever Allaah wants to put in AlFitnah (error, because of his 
rejecting of Faith), you can do nothing for him against Allaah" 

[al-Maa'idah 5:41] 

The meaning of fitnah here is misguidance. Al-Bahr al-Muheet by Abu Hayaan, 

8- Killing and taking prisoners, as in the aayah (interpretation of the 

"if you fear that the disbelievers may put you in trial [yaftinakum] (attack 

[al-Nisa' 4:101] 

This refers to the kaafirs attacking the Muslims whilst they are praying and 
prostrating, in order to ki