Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why Jutsice is Being Obstructed ...AGAIN, STILL....Caution ....

2007-03-23 Thread rafeswhiterose

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Friday Feature No Room For Extremism In Islam by Haider Zaman Courtesy:

2007-03-23 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

  March 23, 2007   Friday   Rabi-ul-Awwal 3, 1428   
  No room for extremism in Islam

  By Haider Zaman
  IT would be most gratuitous to label Islam as a religion that teaches and 
promotes extremism and violence. It would also be the height of ignorance about 
the teachings and spirit of Islam to say that Muhammad (peace be upon him) did 
not bring anything new but relied mainly on the use of sword and force in 
preaching and spreading his religion.

The fact, however, remains that Islam is the only religion that specifically 
condemns use of force in preaching and lays emphasis on the maintenance of 
balance which means adherence to the principles of moderation and avoidance of 
excesses and extremism. The importance of maintaining balance is manifest from 
the contents in the Quran.

It means that after the creation of all the stars, planets and other celestial 
bodies, they were so placed in relation to each other that none of them could 
outstrip, or encroach upon the functional area of others. As the Quran says: 
“Have they never looked up to the sky above them (and observed) how We made it 
and adorned it and there is no flaw in it?” (50:6). It further says “the sun 
must not catch up the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. Each one is 
travelling in an orbit with its own motion” (36:40).

It is because of this balance and the resultant harmony that the system has 
survived for billions of years. After making use of balance in the setting of 
universe in order, Allah sent it down through prophets and books so that the 
human beings also make use of it, where possible in the sphere of their own 
activities, relations and dealings. As the Quran says: “We sent our Messengers 
with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the balance” (57:25).

At the same time the Quran cautions us not to disturb the balance (55:8) with 
the example of those who disturbed it and the end they met with. The examples 
of Pharao and of the people of Madyan and the people to whom Lut (A.S) was sent 
as the Messenger of Allah could be the best examples. In fact the whole 
Universe is so structured that all things, including human beings, therein have 
to abide by the principles of balance if they have to survive in the system.

If the axis of the earth, which is inclined at 23.5 degrees and which could be 
the only balanced inclination suitable for the sustenance of life on earth, is 
inclined at 25 degrees the polar caps would start melting and ultimately bring 
greater part of the earth under water. If it is inclined at 22 degrees, the 
Arctic ice will spread over the whole of Europe. Similarly, the existence of 
human body depends mainly on the harmonious functioning of the whole system. 
Any increase or decrease in blood circulation beyond certain limits can disturb 
the balance and cause damage to some vital parts of the body.

The Quran very clearly exhorts us to avoid excesses which also means extremism 
(5:87) and rather enjoins us to observe moderation even in eating (7:31), in 
walking (31:19) and also in prayers. The Quran tells us to pray to the extent 
we can easily do (73:20) and can have requisite time to attend to the worldly 

The Quran says that Allah has created the believers as the people being justly 
balanced (2:143). It does not, however, mean that the Muslims are a balanced 
people just by birth or because they happen to be Muslims. What the verse 
implies is that being Muslims they are expected to be a balanced people by 
observing the principles of balance as enjoined by the Quran, for example to 
enjoin what is right and prohibit what is wrong (9:71).

How can a religion, that lays so much emphasis on the observance of the 
principles of balance in every activity, relationship and dealing and which 
expressly prohibits the use of force in preaching be accused of promoting 
extremism and violence or the use of force, all being the manifest symptoms of 
imbalance? Although the basic theme of all monotheist religions is the same, 
namely, the unity of Allah, the way the Quran highlights and explains the 
importance of maintaining the balance and the need for avoiding recourse to 
extremism and excesses could be something really new.

Likewise, the way the Quran explains and emphasises the importance of knowledge 
could also be something that no other religion had done before. The first verse 
of the Quran emphasised the acquisition of knowledge. In the next surah that 
followed i.e. in surah qalam, also the importance of knowledge was stressed but 
in a different way i.e. through the Divine oath by pen and that which is 
written with it (68:1). Then we are told that it was with the aid of knowledge 
that Adam got an edge over the angels when they were put to test together. The 
Quran also tells us that knowledge is one of the attributes of Allah (4:17) and 
that all the Prophets were given knowledge before starting t

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] What is the meaning of the aayah "It is prescribed for you, when death approaches any of you�"

2007-03-23 Thread javed iqbal
thank u 4 mailing me.
  ur brother in ISLAM.

Muhammad Abdul-Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
21660: What is the meaning of the aayah "It is prescribed for you, when death 
approaches any of you…" 

(Go here for Reference & More Islamic Questions & Answers:


What is the meaning of the aayah (interpretation of the meaning) "It is 
prescribed for you, when death approaches any of you…" [al-Baqarah 2:180]? 


Praise be to Allaah. 

Abu Bakr ibn al-`Arabi said: 

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning) "It is prescribed for you, when 
death approaches any of you…" [al-Baqarah 2:180]. 

Our scholars said: This does not mean the approach of death in the literal 
sense, because that is the time when repentance will no longer be accepted and 
he no longer has any involement in this world; we cannot make sense of anything 
that he says, not even a word, so if the aayah were referring to that, that 
would be something impossible and unimaginable, but it may be interpreted in 
two ways: 

1 _ If the time of death is drawing nigh, the signs of which are: old age or 
travelling, for there is risk involved in travelling, or one expects something 
to happen that could lead to death, or one realizes that death is inevitable 
[because death could come suddenly at any time]. 

2 _ It may mean when one falls sick, because sickness is a cause of death, and 
when the cause of something happens, the Arabs mention the result when 
referring to the cause. For example, the poet said (speaking of sickness): 

"Tell them to hasten to apologize and to think about something to say that will 
free you from any blame, for I am death." 

Ahkaam al-Qur'aan, 1/102. 
(Go here for Reference & More Islamic Questions & Answers:

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Egyptian dictatorship is strenghthened

2007-03-23 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum.The amendments being carried out by supporters of the Egyptian 
autocrat will damage democracy further in Egypt.

Shah Abdul Hannan 

 Winner takes all
Although a foregone conclusion, the parliamentary vote for President 
Hosni Mubarak's proposed constitutional amendments triggered a clash between 
ruling NDP MPs and opposition and independent deputies, reports Gamal Essam 

  Judges to boycott referendum

As expected, the People's Assembly, the lower house of the Egyptian 
parliament, on Monday approved President Hosni Mubarak's 26 December initiative 
asking that 34 articles of the constitution be amended. The approval is 
expected to further polarise the nation into two camps: an NDP seen as 
determined to monopolise political life, and a depressed opposition unable to 
change the status quo, and worried about the impact of the amendments.

Veteran Speaker of the Assembly Fathi Sorour said the approval had come 
after the amendments had been subject to seven sessions of intensive debate on 
Sunday and Monday. While some 315 ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) MPs 
voted for the amendments, a bloc of 109 opposition and independent MPs rejected 
them. President Mubarak decided that the amendments be put to a public 
referendum next Monday.

Although it had been announced earlier that the assembly would vote on 
the amendments last Tuesday morning, sources emphasised that NDP MPs had been 
informed the week before that the vote would take place on Monday night, and 
that they would be expected to be in parliament ready to give the thumbs up to 
the amendments. 

Business magnate Ahmed Ezz, NDP secretary- general for organisational 
affairs, played a central role in rallying NDP MPs behind the amendments and 
quashing the opposition's hopes of scrapping some of them, especially articles 
88 and 179 which deal with judicial oversight of elections and combating 
terrorism, respectively. 

One hour and a half before the vote at 10.20pm on Monday night, NDP MPs 
were summoned by Ezz, urging them to come to the assembly in preparation for 
the vote. The NDP MPs came wearing green banners emblazoned with the words, 
"Yes for Amendments Aimed at Modernising Egypt." In a big surprise, two NDP 
MPs, Mohamed Hussein and Taher Hozayen from Upper Egypt, refused to toe the 
party's line, urging their ruling party colleagues to "clear their conscience 
of the guilt of approving the amendments".

Opposition MPs also took note that the vote would be conducted on 
Monday night. Having decided to boycott the debate from its beginning on 
Sunday, they met outside the assembly building to express their stand against 
the amendments, holding up black banners with the words, "No to the 
Constitutional Coup." Muslim Brotherhood MPs ventured into the Assembly's hall 
trying to stop the vote as well. A fistfight between a number of NDP and 
Brotherhood MPs was narrowly avoided.

On Tuesday morning, opposition MPs met outside the assembly building 
and held a press conference in which they emphasised that "the amendments are a 
setback to democracy." Police banned some opposition supporters from joining 
the MPs, sealing off roads leading to the assembly building.

The People's Assembly's approval of the amendments comes as a major 
blow to the opposition, putting an end to the month-long campaign to mobilise 
the people against them. When the amendments came up for debate on Sunday, a 
large number of opposition and independent MPs opted for a boycott. 

Saad El-Katatni, the Muslim Brotherhood's spokesman in parliament, said 
that the government had seized on the boycott in order to accelerate the debate 
over the amendments and put them to a vote in a record period of time.

"The decision to hold a referendum next week, rather than in the first 
week of April, also shows that the NDP is keen to take the opposition by 
surprise and break its solidarity against the amendments," he told the Weekly. 

The Brotherhood singled out the amendments to articles 88 and 179 of 
the constitution for particular attack. El-Katatni confirmed that the 
Brotherhood's position was that these two articles "eliminate judicial 
oversight of parliamentary elections, open the door for rigging, and direct a 
blow to basic human rights and public freedoms". The London-based Amnesty 
International said on Sunday that the proposed amendments, particularly the 
anti-terrorism statute, will lead to "the greatest erosion of rights in 26 

Egypt's three main opposition parties -- the Wafd, Tagammu and 
Nasserist -- also sniped at the amendments, agreeing that "Monda


2007-03-23 Thread islamiccommunitynet

Silence of the Lambs? Proof of US orchestration of Death Squads
Killings in Iraq
A Cry to Raise Our Voices!
by Max Fuller
Global Research, March 14, 2007

Testimony of Iraqi torture victim confirms the presence of US
personnel at the infamous Jadiriyah bunker

Probably everyone remembers the discovery of the Jadiriyah detention
facility in November 2005. US troops were reported to have uncovered
the prison in their hunt for a missing person, only to discover some
170 detainees in horrific conditions, many of them clearly the victims
of obscene tortures. Although it was admitted that the facility
belonged to the interior ministry and that the detainees were held by
a secretive interior ministry force known as the Special
Investigations Unit, the story was quickly shuffled away as yet
another example of the work of Shiite militiamen, in this instance, as
was the vogue at that time, the Badr Brigade[i]. Myriad promises were
forthcoming both from the US and Iraqi governments that investigations
would be rapidly carried out and better supervision would in future be
applied to Iraqi-run detention facilities (for instance the Iraqi
government assured the world that a ministerial level investigation
would rapidly be carried out, while US officials promised a legal team
to go through the detainees' files and a US embassy spokesman stated
that Justice Department and FBI officers would provide technical

Of course, given the scale of the abuse (flayings, burnings, drillings
etc) and the proximity of the perpetrators to the Iraqi government (by
dint of working for the Interior Ministry as well as by any possible
Badr-SCIRI links) and to the US occupation which had, after all,
established them (as numerous reports have amply documented, eg Knight
Ridder, 9 May 2005), such investigations were grossly less than what
was urgently required – a full and public criminal investigation by
independent international agencies. In the event, even these limited
promises came to nothing, as the UN Human Rights Office in Iraq
recently highlighted. What we have actually seen is neither
investigation nor prosecutions, despite the fact that Jadiriyah lies
at the heart of the state of fear that Iraq undeniably now is.
In October last year I had the privilege to interview one of the
victims of that terrible abuse, the distinguished former Professor of
Pedagogy at Baghdad University Tareq Samarree, who had been seized
from his home in March 2005 by plain-clothed interior ministry
personnel without charge. Professor Samarree, who provided a horrific
first-hand account of the torture that he had suffered as well as
details of others who had died and of the disappearance of his son
within the Iraqi detention system, never had sight of any hint of
judicial process nor any access to the outside world. What made
Professor Samarree's story most striking were the details of his
release. Professor Samarree's physical condition was so bad when the
American soldiers discovered the facility that he, along with around a
dozen other detainees, was instantly taken to a local hospital. Here,
he and his companions remained without access to lawyers, journalists,
officials or even a telephone. In fact, it quickly became clear that
these victims of torture were to be returned to Iraqi detention.
Professor Samarree, another of whose sons lives in the United States,
was fortunate to be able to persuade an American solider to take pity
on him and assist him and two of his companions to escape. The last
words the soldier said to Professor Samarree were `Run, run. Don't
look back!'

Within days Professor Samarree had arranged for himself and his family
to flee the country. He is now in Europe, where he is claiming
political asylum.

The full details of Professor Samarree's story and a detailed account
of the US-built Iraqi intelligence apparatus are contained in the
article Ghosts of Jadiriyah, published by the BRussells Tribunal. It
should be noted that the story was offered on the one-year anniversary
of discovery of the Jadiryah facility to a range of mainstream media
publications, including New Yorker, New Statesman, the Independent,
The Big Issue, as well as to the radical left publication Z Mag. Of
them all, only the New Statesmen and Z Mag were courteous enough even
to reply to affirm their rejection. It seemed that Professor
Samarree's remarkable story and any further interest in Jadiriyah were
simply off the agenda.

But Jadiriyah, with its ghosts and its horror, will not go away.

On 7 February 2007 another former inmate from Jadiriyah, Abbas Z Abid,
presented his sworn testimony at the international peace conference in
Kuala Lumpur. Like Professor Samarree's, his description of the
torture that he and others underwent is almost too harrowing to bear.
What sets his testimony apart and completes our understanding of the

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Are Muslim products always MORE EXPENSIVE?

2007-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Germany Cites Koran in Rejecting Divorce - New York Times

2007-03-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Salaam all

This needs sharing...

(spoiler: there is a happy ending. maybe.)

[image: The New York Times] 

March 22, 2007
Germany Cites Koran in Rejecting Divorce By MARK

FRANKFURT, March 22 — A German judge has stirred a storm of protest here by
citing the Koran in turning down a German Muslim woman's request for a
fast-track divorce on the ground that her husband beat her.

In a remarkable ruling that underlines the tension between Muslim customs
and European laws, the judge, Christa Datz-Winter, said that the couple came
from a Moroccan cultural milieu, in which she said it was common for
husbands to beat their wives. The Koran, she wrote, sanctions such physical

News of the ruling brought swift and sharp condemnation from politicians,
legal experts, and Muslim leaders in
many of whom said they were confounded that a German judge would put
7th-century Islamic religious teaching ahead of modern German law in
deciding a case involving domestic violence.

The woman's lawyer, Barbara Becker-Rojczyk, said she decided to publicize
the ruling, which was issued in January, after the court refused her request
for a new judge. On Wednesday, the court in Frankfurt abruptly removed Judge
Datz-Winter from the case, saying it could not justify her reasoning.

"It was terrible for my client," Ms. Becker-Rojczyk said of the ruling.
"This man beat her seriously from the beginning of their marriage. After
they separated, he called her and threatened to kill her."

While legal experts said the ruling was a judicial misstep rather than
evidence of a broader trend, it comes at a time of rising tension in Germany
and elsewhere in Europe, as authorities in many fields struggle to reconcile
Western values with their countries' burgeoning Muslim minorities.

Last fall, a Berlin opera house canceled performances of a
because of security fears. The opera includes a scene that depicts the
severed head of the Prophet Muhammad. Stung by charges that it had
surrendered its artistic freedom, the opera house staged the opera three
months later without incident.

To some here, the divorce court ruling reflects a similar compromise of
basic values in the name of cultural sensitivity.

"A judge in Germany has to refer to the constitutional law, which says that
human rights are not to be violated," said Günter Meyer, director of the
Center for Research on the Arab World at the University of Mainz. "It's not
her task to interpret the Koran," Mr. Meyer said of Judge Datz-Winter. "It
was an attempt at multi-cultural understanding, but in completely the wrong

Reaction to the decision has been almost as sulfurous as it was to the
cancellation of the opera.

"When the Koran is put above the German constitution, I can only say, 'Good
night, Germany,' " Ronald Pofalla, general secretary of the main
conservative party in the country, the Christian Democratic Union, said to
the mass-market paper Bild.

Dieter Wiefelspütz, a member of Parliament from the more liberal Social
Democratic Party, said in an interview that he could not recall any court
ruling in years that had aroused so much indignation.

Muslim leaders agreed that Muslims living here must be judged by the German
legal code. But they were just as offended by what they characterized as the
judge's misinterpretation of a much-debated passage in the Koran governing
relations between husbands and wives.

While the verse cited by Judge Datz-Winter does say husbands may beat their
wives for disobedience — an interpretation embraced by Wahhabi and other
fundamentalist Islamic groups — most mainstream Muslims have long rejected
wife-beating as a relic of the medieval age.

"Our prophet never struck a woman, and he is our example," Ayyub Axel
Köhler, the head of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, said in an

The 26-year-old woman in this case, whose name has not been disclosed, was
not so fortunate. Born in Germany to a Moroccan family, the woman was
married in Morocco in 2001, according to her lawyer, Ms. Becker-Rojczyk. The
couple settled in Germany and had two children.

In May 2006, the police were summoned to the couple's home after a
particularly violent incident. At that time, Judge Datz-Winter ordered the
husband to move out and stay at least 5

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Cities see rise in black Muslims

2007-03-23 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

Cities see rise in black Muslims in wake of 9/11 Religious leaders report
growth in numbers in major American cities
PITTSBURGH - Allahu Akbar, the Muslim call for prayer, rings out on a recent
Friday and a group of black men and women gather to celebrate the Islamic
day of rest.

The wooden house in Pittsburgh's rundown Homewood neighborhood looks like
any other on the block. But the sign at the door, Masjid Mumin, and the rows
of shoes lined up inside on gray, plastic shelves hint of the brand of Sunni
Islam its members practice.

The mosque is one of seven in Pittsburgh, home to a vibrant community of
about 8,000 to 10,000 Sunni Muslims — some 30 percent of them black.
[story continues, please follow link]


G. Waleed Kavalec

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] War on Hijab - FIFA to Discuss Quebec Hijab Ban

2007-03-23 Thread Alan Border
Western World Standards for Muslims:
  “If You Think Like Us, Speak Like Us, Dress Like Us & Basically Do Everything 
Like We DO You Will Be Regarded As a Modern, Progressive & Civilized Community. 
But If You Try to Live Your Life According to the Teachings of Islam You Will 
Be Branded As a Extremist, Terrorist, Fundamentalist, Uncivilized etc & 
Ostracized from the World Arena.” - AB
  International Soccer Body to Discuss Quebec Hijab Ban  Last Updated: 
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 | 7:59 AM ET   CBC News  The 
governing body of world soccer will take up the case of an 11-year-old Ottawa 
girl who was ejected from an indoor tournament in Quebec for refusing to remove 
her hijab, or Muslim head covering. The board of the Fédération Internationale 
de Football Association (FIFA) will discuss the issue at a meeting in 
Manchester, England, this weekend, FIFA spokesman Nicolas Maingot said. He had 
no further comment on last Sunday's incident at an under-12 soccer tournament 
just outside Montreal.
  Asmahan Mansour was told by a referee to remove her hijab because it violated 
Quebec Soccer Federation rules. When she refused, she was told to leave the 
field. Her team and four others walked out of the tournament in support.
  Quebec sports officials defended the decision by the referee, who was also 
Muslim. Valerie Ouellet of the Quebec Soccer Federation said the referee was 
following guidelines laid down by FIFA, which prohibit players from wearing 
clothing or jewelry that might endanger the safety of themselves or others. 
"We're simply the ones to apply the rule put forth by FIFA," Ouellet said. 
  No specific guidelines
  FIFA guidelines don't specify hijabs or clothing worn for religious purposes. 
"A player shall not use equipment or wear anything (including any kind of 
jewelry) that could be dangerous to himself or another player," the FIFA 
rulebook states.
  Quebec Soccer Federation officials said Muslim hijabs are specifically 
prohibited in tournaments and games because of the risk of a player being 
strangled by a loose bit of cloth. But Mansour said she always wears her head 
scarf tightly tucked into her jersey.  She had already played two games in the 
Montreal tournament without being asked to remove her hijab. Ontario's soccer 
federation allows players to wear hijabs if they don't compromise the safety of 
  Sandra Campbell of the Canadian Soccer Association said FIFA rules are 
interpreted by provincial federations in their own way.
  Premier Jean Charest, campaigning in Quebec's provincial election, has come 
out in favour of the referee's decision, sparking criticism from Muslim members 
of his provincial Liberal Party.
"For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Wake Up /DU Video/Mike Newcomb show mentioned here

2007-03-23 Thread KarimAG
If you are a 'living being' on this planet earth, this page IS FOR YOU!

Wake Up /Depleted Uranium video/Mike Newcomb show mentioned here



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Rabiul Awal Special- All that you would like to know about Prophet Mohammd(SAWA)

2007-03-23 Thread Khalid Latif
Assalamo alykum wa Rehmatullahe wa barakaatuh,

Subject: Explore Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

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Your brother in Islam

Khalid Latif

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Riba free package for the needy ones.

2007-03-23 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Dear brothers in the forum.

Let us exchange views on a very sensitive issue.
The term Riba is said to mean interest on money lent to others. Lending of 
money can broadly fall into two categories. One is for philanthropic purposes 
and the other is for commercial use. 

Fixed or loose percentage of interest is not mentioned in Quran. Lending, 
borrowing, leasing and hiring are the inevitable necessities of business. 
Fairness in business is the only requirement of Quran. To ensure justice and 
equity in business the Society may make Rules for commercial loans and other 
business deals without jeopardizing, however, the sanctity of Riba free plan 
introduced by Allah the Almighty, for the benefit of his people not belonging 
to the business community. 

People were under the illusion that Riba is like profit in trading (2:275) 
Allah clarified; No, you are mistaken. They are different, I permit trade and 
prohibit Riba (2:275) keep your past earnings and stop charging the interest 
from now onward (2:275) and also if the debtor is unable to pay, wait for a 
better time. If you give up the loan as a charity, it would be better for you, 
(2:280) Please take notice of the debtor being spoken of here. The fact that 
disapproval of Riba where ever it occurs has been mentioned in the context of 
Charity which shows that Allah want us to promote charity by introducing a plan 
of interest free loan for the people who are in need of help on affordable 
terms. Lending of money to such people shall be free of interest without 
invoking the philosophies of fixed, minimal or dependent percentages of 
interest. This according to Quran is obligatory and who ever refrain from it is 
the companion of Fire. 

Looking into the subject of spending money in the way of Allah, the word Riba 
is interwoven in 11 verses of Sura Baqarah (271 to 281), relating to Charity 
alone. This definitely is not a coincidence that as many as 11 verses on one 
subject are put together. A careful study of these verses indicate that Allah 
the Almighty intends to advance charity and allow trading but is not pleased 
with making money at the constraints of needy ones. This gives me a feeling 
that prohibition of interest is not a general application. It applies to the 
cases where help on charitable basis is called for. This introduces in the 
economic system and package of interest free loan for the poor ones.

Will the learned members please comment?
May Allah guide us to the right path.
Muhammad Latif Chaudhery

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Secret Eli Lilly Zyprexa Documents -- Pharm Fraud and Mind Kontrol

2007-03-23 Thread rafeswhiterose
Secret Eli Lilly Zyprexa Documents -- A Case For CivilDisobedience

FindLaw columnist, Julie Hilden, a First Amendment lawyer, brings a
fresh perspective to the controversy surrounding the sealed Zyprexa
documents. In general, she notes, "companies' overprotecting
drug-related information predictably harms patients. It also has other
bad effects: Research is unnecessarily duplicated at different
companies, in a waste of time and effort, and cruel experiments on
animals are duplicated, too."

She challenges the rationale given by  Judge Jack Weinstein for sealing
the documents in the first place.

His contention that the seal "expedited" the discovery process leading
to an expeditious settlement, she argues, is not a sufficient reason to
seal the documents: "it was probably well worth spending the time to go
through the
documents more specifically, for there was a strong public interest in
what they contained."

Noting the severe, life-shortening, documented, side effects of Zyprexa,
the public interest far outweighs the expediency argument. Furthermore,
she argues, the expedited Zyprexa settlement is NOT in the public
interest, it is in Eli Lilly's interest:

"thanks to the protective order, with a settlement Eli Lilly would be
able, in effect, to buy secrecy for even those documents it produced
that were not trade-secret protected, and that the public did have an
interest in seeing: Indeed, these determinations might never even be
made given the veil of secrecy the protective order cast over the

Referring to the central players who brought the documents to public
light, Dr. David Egelman, attorney, Jim Gottstein, and New York Times
reporter, Alex Berenson, she notes: "Their motivation was both urgent
understandable: They were concerned for the health and safety of those
taking Zyprexa."

However, she is critical of Berenson for not first requesting the
documents directly from Judge Weinstein--
before trying to circumvent the court ordered seal as a justified act of
civil disobedience.

"While Berenson's tactics, in my view, were both wrong and foolish, the
result of his actions was noble:
The public now knows specific information about the dangers of Zyprexa.
Eli Lilly should have released this information as soon as it knew it.
Berenson's decision to release it as soon as possible was the right one
all the more so, because the patient population here was an especially
vulnerable one."

Hilden raises an interesting point: "With companies' product formulas
protected by patents, is it really necessary, also, to protect research
that is of vital interest to the public under the rubric of trade secret
law? "

Hilden then admonishes Lilly employees who knew for years about the
evidence that Zyprexa poises a threat to life-safety but failed to blow
the whistle. "the failure to engage in civil disobedience when posed
with a clear moral
imperative that involves life and safety, is just another version of the
Nuremberg defense: "I was just following orders."

See: Life in a Jar: Story of Irena Sendler, a Polish Catholic who saved
2,500 Jewish children in the Warsaw Ghetto
<../../../../AZNFRA/message/205>   and\

Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability <../../../../AZNFRA/message/205>  and <../../../../AZNFRA/message/205>
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav   212-595-8974[EMAIL PROTECTED]
A New York Times Reporter's First Amendment Civil Disobedience Claim:
Case of the Secret Eli Lilly Zyprexa Documents
Monday, Mar. 19, 2007

Last month, Judge Jack Weinstein of the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of New York issued a decision in litigation that, as he
noted in his opinion, "raises intriguing questions of when it is
appropriate to conduct civil litigation in secrecy, and of what are
appropriate limits on civil disobedience by newspaper reporters,
forensic experts, and attorneys."

The litigation involved top-selling anti-psychotic drug Zyprexa. The
plaintiffs claim that the drug's maker, Eli Lilly, gave inadequate
warnings regarding the risk of obesity and diabetes in Zyprexa users.

During the litigation, a reporter, an expert, and an attorney who was
not otherwise involved in the case decided to defy the court-imposed
protective order that was issued to maintain the confidentiality of
certain documents.
Their motivation was both 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] President Ahmadinejad in the year 2017

2007-03-23 Thread raja chemayel
  President Ahmadinejad should wait a bit before he sends 
  his nuclear-bomb on the State of Israel .
  Why  ??.. because if he does it next Tuesday
  he will also hit 1,2 million Arab-Palestinian-citizens of the State of Zion
  and another million Palestinians in Gaza , plus 1,5 million on the West Bank
  which makes 3,7 million add to them  2 million exiled and installed in 
  and half a million Palestinian Refugees  in South Lebanon.
  Then President Ahmadinejad would kill more Palestinians than Israelis
  with his nuclear-bomb..
  and simultaneously  he  will illuminate all the Palestinians !! 
  with  all Israelis !!
  Therefore if he waits one decade only , while Israel is busy with 
  its ethnic-cleansing whereas by 2017 almost all Palestinians would
  be exiled to the Antarctic , if not run-over by the Merkava tanks.
  Only then , (2017)
  could Ahamadinejad send his nuclear bomb over the State of Zion.
  Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom
  23rd. of March 2007

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ulama Conference Oppose Extremism--editorial on a conference of Ulama in Dhaka

2007-03-23 Thread S A Hannan

 Ulama Conference Oppose  Extremism

News papers have reported that in a conference of senior Ulama of 
Bangladesh held in Dhaka, the Khatib (Chief Imam ) of Baitul Mokarram National 
Masjid ( Mosque ) Maulana Obaidul Haque has called upon the imams of all 
Masjids   to form a Musalli ( those who attend for prayers in the Masjid 
)Committee at every masjid  to watch and identify whether any individual or 
group spreads extremism in the area. The musalli committee comprising 10-12 
prominent personalities of the area will find out the existence of extremism 
and try to uproot the terrorist elements from the society, he said. He also  
said that  there are around three lakh masjids in the country and if all the 
imams take an initiative, the remaining terrorists could be eliminated very 
soon. He also urged the imams to make people understand the role played by 
Prophet Muhammad (SM) in establishing peace in the society. Maulana Obaidul 
further said the ulama and religious teachers unitedly raised voice against 
recent terrorism in the name of Islam.

Majlish ul Ulema Bangladesh organised the conference participated 
by Islamic scholars, madrasa teachers and religious leaders from all over the 
country. The speakers at the conference strongly protested the propaganda 
against madrasa education and pointed out that no madrsa teachers or students 
were involved in recent terrorism activities. According to them, the Jamatul 
Mujahideen Bangladesh (JBM) is misinterpreting Islam and leading a section of 
young people towards terrorism, which is not supported by major section of 
religious people. As a religion of peace and progress, Islam does not support 
any sort of extremism and terrorism, they said. They also categorically denied 
allegation of sheltering terrorists in Quawmi madrasa. This is very unfortunate 
that the media often spread misleading information about madrasa education due 
to lack of knowledge or misinterpretation of different terms, they observed. 
Maulana Mohiuddin Khan, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and others  also spoke. The 
conference also declared 16-point Dhaka Declaration explaining the consequences 
of terrorism and extremism from Islamic religious point of view. The 
declaration pointed out that those who violate law and order and create anarchy 
in the society are the enemies of Islam.

We appreciate the Ulama for their forthright stand against 
terrorism. Islam never endorses violence and no body can take law in his hand, 
kill civilians, punish others. Punishment can be given only by state 
authorities. In non- Muslim societies also we would live peacefully as the 
Prophet (sm)  lived in Macca. Jihad is not terrorism. Jihad at the personal 
level is fighting against our evil desires.Jihad in the sense of fifhting can 
be undertaken by the authority only for just cause.

We believe with the help of the people and Ulama the nation can 
face the evil of terrorism in the country.(editorial of Asia Post, 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] NAZIsrael CRUELTY Forces Palestinians to Iinvent QUEUING Socks

2007-03-23 Thread Alan Border
The IRONY of the “Modern Free World”
  “The OCCUPIED (Palestinians) are IMPOSED SANCTIONS & BOYCOTTED By the 
International Community for ‘Democratically’ Electing a Govt of Their Choice & 
For NOT Providing SECURITY to the OCCUPIERS.” - AB
  Palestinian Invents Queuing Socks
  Monday, 19 March 2007, 19:47 GMT 
  A West Bank woman has developed special socks to help Palestinians suffering 
from swollen feet as they wait at Israeli military checkpoints. 
  Maram Abdel Latif, from Jenin, spent three years on the design and produced 
her first prototype in February. 
  The socks are made from nylon and gel that moulds around wearers' feet to 
prevent discomfort, even if they stand for hours, as they sometimes have to. Ms 
Latif, 22, says the socks are ideal for pregnant women and the elderly. 
  The carer at an elderly home says she got the idea after facing long waits at 
Israeli checkpoints in the occupied West Bank. The Israel army has erected 
dozens of permanent checkpoints and roadblocks, severely restricting 
Palestinian movement in the West Bank and their access to services and 
  Israel says the travel restrictions are necessary to protect Israeli citizens 
from militant attacks. 
  The garment is bulky and wearers must wear bigger shoes than normal to 
accommodate the sock. 
  Ms Latif says the socks are "like sleeping on a waterbed, which is far more 
comfortable than a regular mattress". Ms Latif believes there is market for the 
socks which she calls "watersocks". 
  She says she is looking for company to invest in the self-funded project. "My 
dream came true by designing the socks, but I need to work more on it," she 
says. Ms Latif says that if her idea takes off than she would use the profits 
to support her parents and family. 
"For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and 
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Chosen Children: Billion Dollar Babies in Foster Care, Adoption Part 2

2007-03-23 Thread rafeswhiterose
  [Cover]   [New!]Chosen Children Billion Dollar Babies in
Foster Care, Adoption
& Prison Systems by Lori Carangelo   
Free Download
Click here to download
 Download time
is usually fast but varies depending on your Internet service, so be
patient. When fully downloaded, the book can be Browsed, Searched (by
Right Clicking your mouse--choose "Find"), Saved, and/or Printed."
Re: "Chosen" and not "born." "...Because of how adopters present this, I
am one of many adoptees who pictured themselves at a supermarket with
their adopters browsing the aisles of babies as they pushed their cart
along. Adoption rhetoric doesn't allow for a story of our birth, a
connection to humanity. No wonder so many of us felt we were aliens. I
remember my adopters' natural son remarking, when my "chosen" story was
told, "Yeah, you weren't born -- you were hatched!" My adopters never
corrected him because they were incapable of even thinking about my
actual birth, much less speaking of it. Ugh. being "chosen" by your
adopters is NOTHING compared with being UNchosen by your own mother
(which, despite the circumstances, is how most of us feel)."   --posted
by adoptee, Julie, on Adoption Insights Message Board 10/5/03Chosen
Children is in 3 parts - Part I: The Problems--identifies the issues &
follows the dollars to identify special interests; Part II: The
Alternatives--identifies programs that work; Part III: The Chosen
Children--identifies the victims & includes true case histories &
in-depth stories of hundreds of incarcerated adoptees to reveal what
makes their crimes unique...(the "why").   "True crime" books
sensationalize the crime (the "what"), while Chosen Children provides
the stories behind the stories (the "why"). The author, who has visited
prisons, found an overrepresentation of adoptees among the 2-million who
are incarcerated nationwide. She has researched hundreds of these
adoptees from interviews, records, and correspondence and reunited many
of them with their families. The book gives them a face and a voice for
the first time, to show how the Foster Care & Adoption industries fuels
the Prison industry & vice-versa.   The number of case histories in
Chosen Children is the largest ever compiled in one book, & they are
supported by excerpted newsclips, extensive data with sources & in-depth
first-person narratives by incarcerated adoptees, including Michael
Tom McGee

, Greg Mox
Kevin Smith

, Noah Stone

, Harold Williams
 , Jeremy
to name just a few. They are thieves, drug addicts, murderers, gang
members, sex offenders--all linked by their adoption-related behaviors &
broken birth bondsthe "billion dollar babies" in America's foster
care, adoption & prison systems.   For further information, see article,
"Killer Adoptees: Don't Shoot the Messenger" at:\
   New Business News article about this Web Page -

   this article from

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Alcoholic beverages

2007-03-23 Thread brother_farrukh
Peace be upon you,

Prophet Muhammad said, "Avoid intoxicating beverages for they are the
mother of admonitions (i.e. the worst of the worst)"
[Ad Darqutni, An Nasi and Al Baihaqi]

Today I read that an article in "The Lancet Medical Journal" which
cites a study conducted by a team of highly respected scientists led
by Professor David Nutt, from the University of Bristol, and Professor
Colin Blakemore, chief executive of the Medical Research Council which
states that alcoholic beverages are ranked almost as harmful as heroin.

The scientists identified three main factors that together determined
the harmfulness of a controlled substance. These were: The physical
harm to the individual user caused by the drug, the tendency of the
drug to induce dependence, and the effect of the drug's use on
families, communities and society.

In March 2007, The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts,
Manufactures & Commerce released a Drugs Report from where the
following quotes are taken:

"considerably more people are harmed by alcohol and tobacco than by
currently illegal drugs" (p 79).

"alcohol causes twice as many deaths as drugs... If alcohol were
included in the current classification system, it would probably be on
the border between Class A and Class B drug" (p 98)

"In England and Wales, somewhere between 250,000 and 350,000 users of
illegal drugs are deemed to be `problematic'. In contrast, 8.2 million
people are considered to have an `alcohol use disorder', and 1.1
million people are considered to be dependent on alcohol
(approximately 3.6 per cent of the entire population)." (p 99)

"Between 780,000 and 1.3 million children are affected by parental
alcohol problems, three or four times as many as are affected by
parental drug use. Alcohol misuse has been identified as a factor in
over 50 per cent of all child protection cases" (p 100)

"In 2004 the number of hospital admissions `with a primary diagnosis
of a mental or behavioural disorder and relating to drug misuse' were
710 for cannabis, 3,110 for heroin and 10,910 for alcohol." (p 101)

"the group ranked the physical symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol as
more severe than those for withdrawal from cocaine." (p 101)

"As regards alcohol, it has been estimated that 33 per cent of all
inpatient care, up to 35 per cent of all Accident and Emergency
attendance and ambulance costs, up to 150,000 hospital admissions and
1 in 26 NHS bed days and up to 17 million lost working days
(representing a loss of productivity of up to £6.4 billion) are
attributable to that particular drug." (p 104)

"40 per cent of all violent crime is alcohol-related, 78 per cent of
assaults and 88 per cent of criminal damage, accounting for more than
1 million crimes a year" (p 105)

"Between a third and a half of all domestic violence (some 360,000
incidents a year) is alcohol-related." (p 105)

In British society this is nothing new with the Victorians portraying
alcohol "as a route to moral decay and financial ruin".

Allah Almighty says, "O believers! wine (khamr), games of chance
(maisir), idols (ansab), and divining arrows (azlam) are a clear
abomination (rijs) and some of satans work. So avoid them! Perhaps you
will then prosper. Satan desires only to precipitate enmity and hatred
among you, with wine and games of chance and to bar you from the
remembrance of God and from prayer. Will you then not desist?"
[Surah al Maida (5): 90-91]

May Allah Almighty bless us all with something of wisdom such that we
as a people, Muslim and non-Muslim can recognise the problems that
alcoholic beverages cause, and that there are many better ways to
enjoy oneself than to become inebriated, amen!

In the protection of Allah, with peace, f

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Accommodating the Views of Different Muslim Groups

2007-03-23 Thread Alan Border
“ The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation 
between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive 
  (Al-Qur'an, 49:10 (Al-Hujraat [The Private Apartments, The Inner Apartments])
  Accommodating the Views of Different Muslim Groups

  On our campus there is a large population of Sunni, Shiite, and Sufi Muslims. 
As the president of the Muslim Students Organization [MSO], I and the board of 
executives are responsible for making sure our group is the voice of all Muslim 
students on the campus, which means that we must represent all groups equally 
and fairly, giving them a platform to address Muslims and non-Muslims on campus 
to their particular beliefs, whether we agree with them or not. For example, 
sometime back a Sufi music concert was held to raise money for the tsunami 
victims that was sponsored by our group. Some people in the Sunni community are 
having a problem with this because they are saying that such things are against 
the Qur'an and the Sunnah. While I agree with some of their arguments, the MSO 
is a place where all kinds of Muslims may express their views and particular 
practices (cultural, religious or otherwise) to the University community. In 
addition, as a student organization funded by
 our university, we are bound by the university rules which bar discrimination 
on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, or religious belief. Please comment. 
It has always been the practice of distinguished and leading scholars to 
accommodate views that differ with their own. They all took the attitude that, 
to the best of their belief and knowledge, their own view on any particular 
issue was correct, but they never excluded the possibility that they could be 
wrong. Nor did they think that any view that differed with their own was 
inevitably incorrect. They admitted that it could be correct. This is the 
proper scholarly attitude. All this naturally applies to matters of detail. As 
for essential beliefs, there is no difference among Muslims. 
We will be certainly well advised to follow in their footsteps and accept 
differences of views as normal. This means that in working within the rules of 
your university, the Muslim Students Organization will be only following a 
great principle of Islamic scholarship, where other people are welcome to 
express their views and argue their point. You should encourage such an 
attitude as much as possible. God quotes in the Qur'an the arguments put by 
unbelievers in defense of their attitude. Why should any Muslim suppress the 
views of a fellow believer? 
Besides when the question at issue is one of detail, it does not matter how far 
we differ. Take the issue of music as an example, which has caused a problem 
for your organization. I realize that some scholars today strongly believe that 
it is forbidden in Islam. I do not share this view as I consider that the 
evidence put in support of it to be poor. I recently read a well-argued piece 
of research in which the author, who is undoubtedly a well-versed scholar, 
suggests that music is a Sunnah. 
  Of course the two views are diametrically opposed. In between there may be 
many different views, ranging from opposition to encouragement. I do not 
propose to compare these views or discuss them at any length. I merely wish to 
point out that as music is a question of detail, adopting a mistaken view on it 
will not affect a person's belief. The maximum that could happen is that the 
holder of a wrong view will be judged by God to have committed a genuine 
mistake that He may be pleased to forgive.
"For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 23rd March: A Fateful Day

2007-03-23 Thread `�.��.�*Minahil *��.��.�`
23rd March: A Fateful Day

All India Muslim League Working Committee, Lahore session, March 1940 
  Pakistan Day, 23rd March, is a very momentous day in 
Pakistan's history. Pakistanis commemorate the day every year as a real day of 
the "making of Pakistan". It was 23rd March when a historic Resolution - 
widely known as 'Lahore Resolution"- was passed.
  The Resolution cast off the concept of United India and recommended the 
creation of an independent Muslim state consisting of Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and 
Baluchistan in the northwest, and Bengal and Assam in the northeast. The 
Resolution was seconded by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan from Punjab, Sardar Aurangzeb 
from the NWFP, Sir Abdullah Haroon from Sindh, and Qazi Esa from Baluchistan, 
along with many others.
  It laid down only the principles, with the details left to be worked out at a 
future date. It was made a part of All India Muslim League's constitution in 
1941. More importantly, it was on the basis of this resolution that in 1946 the 
Muslim League decided to go for one "maverick" state for the Muslims, instead 
of two.
  Having passed the Pakistan Resolution, the Muslims of India altered their 
ultimate goal. They set out on a path whose destination was a separate homeland 
for the Muslims of India, in lieu of seeking union with the Hindu community.
  Different participating leaders of the session of All-India Muslim League 
held on March 23, 1940, including the Quaid-i-Azam, agreed that India was never 
united; rather it was split between Muslim India and Hindu India and it would 
remain so in the future. The entire outlooks, customs and traditions of 
civilisations of these two different nations were different anyway. They were 
different not only in their religious beliefs, but their entire mode of life 
bore a different imprint.
  The words of the Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in his presidential address 
to the session carried a far deeper impression on the oppressed and demoralised 
Muslims at the hands of ruthless and undemocratic Congress rule. Mr Jinnah 
said: "The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, 
social customs and literature. They neither intermarry nor inter-dine together, 
and indeed they belong to two different civilisations which are based mainly on 
conflicting ideas and conceptions."
  Such a far-reaching speech by Mr Jinnah paved the way for the demand of a 
separate independent homeland for the exploited Muslims of India, who believed 
their rights and privileges could not be guarded under a parliamentary form of 
government. They also realised that the bloody brutes of the majority without 
any democratic traditions turned the Hindu rulers tyrannical in their behaviour 
and due to missing of any administrative experience they acted in a way that 
could be unacceptable in a democratic society.
  One of the key demands made in the Pakistan resolution moved by chief 
minister of Bengal Maulvi Fazl-ul-Haq on March 23, 1940, was that no 
constitutional plan would be workable in this country or acceptable to the 
Muslims unless it was framed on the followed basic principles.
  That geographically contiguous units are demarcated into regions, which 
should be constituted with such territorial readjustments as, may be necessary.
  That the areas wherein the Muslims form majority as in the North-Western and 
Eastern zones of India be grouped together to constituted 'independent States' 
in which the constituted units shall be autonomous and sovereign.
  That adequate, effective and mandatory safeguards be specially provided in 
the constitution for minorities in these units and in the regions for the 
protection of their religious, cultural, economic, political administrative and 
other rights of interests in consultation with them and in other parts of India 
where the Muslims form minority.
  Having analysed the crux of the resolution, one comes to a conclusion as to 
it (the resolution) laid emphasis on a necessity of separate Muslim-state for 
the Muslims of India by grouping the North-Western and Eastern zones of India 
where they were in majority, constitutional protection to minorities and their 
  Passing of the Lahore Resolution, which was dubbed by the Hindu and the 
British press as 'The Pakistan Resolution', ended in a great hue and cry in the 
Hindu, Sikh and British circles. The Indian press found a new target to 
incessantly make evil designs and unfurl campaigns against the Muslims and 
leaders of the Muslim League.
  Mr Gandhi declared that partition would mean suicide and the Two-Nation 
Theory was an unreality. The vast majority of Muslims of India area concerts to 
Islam or are the descendents of the converts. In consequence, they did not make 
a separate nation as soon as they become converts, he maintained.
  Others who flatly opposed the Lahore Resolution were Raj Gop