Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hadees on PRAYERS-SHORTENED ~*~ PART- 5 !*! HADEES SERIES !*!

2007-04-28 Thread Muhammad Yaseen

*Asalaamu Alaikum Warehmatulahe Wabarakatuhu*

*!::^::! HADEES SERIES !::^::!*


*Sahih Bukhari Hadith *

*15.**Delaying Zuhr prayer till Asr prayer if one has set off before

*Hadith 2.212  Narrated by Anas bin Malik*

Whenever the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) started a journey before
noon, he used to delay the Zuhr prayer till the time of 'Asr and then offer
them together; and if the sun declined (at noon) he used to offer the Zuhr
prayer and then ride (for the journey).

*16.Offering Zuhr prayer before traveling*

*Hadith 2.213  Narrated by Anas bin Malik*

Whenever the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) started the journey
before noon, he used to delay the Zuhr prayer till the time for the 'Asr
prayer and then he would dismount and pray them together; and whenever the
sun declined before he started the journey he used to offer the Zuhr prayer
and then ride (for the journey).

*17.Praying while sitting*

*Hadith 2.214  Narrated by Aisha*

Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) prayed in his house while
sitting during his illness and the people prayed behind him standing and he
pointed to them to sit down. When he had finished the prayer, he said, "The
Imam is to be followed and so when he bows you should bow; and when he lifts
his head you should also do the same."

*Hadith 2.215  Narrated by Anas bin Malik*

Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) fell down from a horse and
his right side was either injured or scratched, so we went to inquire about
his health. The time for the prayer became due and he offered the prayer
while sitting and we prayed while standing. He said, "The Imam is to be
followed; so if he says Takbir, you should also say Takbir, and if he bows
you should also bow; and when he lifts his head you should also do the same
and if he says: Sami'a-l-lahu Liman Hamidah (Allah hears whoever sends his
praises to Him) you should say: Rabbana walakal-Hamd (O our Lord! All the
praises are for You)." (See Hadith No. 656 Vol. 1).

*Hadith 1.656  Narrated by Aisha*

the mother of the believers: Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)
during his illness prayed at his house while sitting whereas some people
prayed behind him standing. The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)
beckoned them to sit down. On completion of the prayer, he said, "The Imam
is to be followed: bow when he bows, raise up your heads (stand erect) when
he raises his head and when he says, 'Sami a-l-lahu liman-hamida ' (Allah
heard those who sent praises to Him) say then 'Rabbana wa laka-l-hamd' (O
our Lord! All the praises are for You), and if he prays sitting then pray

*Hadith 2.216  Narrated by Imran bin Husain*

(who had piles) I asked Allah's Apostle (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) about
the praying of a man while sitting. He said, "If he prays while standing it
is better and he who prays while sitting gets half the reward of that who
prays standing; and whoever prays while lying gets half the reward of that
who prays while sitting."

Please keep forwarding this "Hadith" to all ... Because the Prophet
(sallallaahu  alayhi wa  sallam) said: "Pass on knowledge from  me even if
it is only one Verse".
*Insha Allah Hadees on Prayers-Shortened will be continued... *
*  ***
*1.* If you has not received Previously sent PART'S of this series then
please Send  me a Mail mentioning the missed PARTS, Insha Allah I will send
them to you.
*2.* With the Last Part of this Series the word document will be Attached -
It contains all the Hadees related to *Prayers-Shortened* since from the

*Insha Allah Remember me & my Family members in your DUA*
*Allah Hafiz.*

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Coping with Arguments & Discord among Muslims on the Net

2007-04-28 Thread Nazia
  Coping with Arguments & Discord among Muslims on the NetSa`d al-Mâjid 
  A young Muslim becomes religiously motivated. He wants to learn 
about his faith and turns to the Internet as a source of Islamic knowledge and 
as a place to find a Muslim community. He visits some Islamic websites and 
starts following the discussion on various Muslim online forums. What he finds 
is a lot of sharp criticism and people incessantly taking one another to task. 
Even prominent scholars seem to be involved. This disheartens and discourages 
the young Muslim. 

All of us, as Muslims, want to see these problems go away. We want to see all 
the Muslims together without their polarizing themselves with their schools of 
thought and ideologies. However, Allah created evil as well as good, unbelief 
as well as faith. There is much to contend with. A Muslim needs knowledge and 
understanding of his religion to wade through it all. Proper knowledge 
bequeaths us with faith and with the fear of Allah that makes us unconcerned 
with the rebukes and insults of those who have evil intentions. 

The ill-mannered arguments and sharp criticisms that we find young Muslims 
involved in on the Internet cannot be taken as indicative of true differences 
among Muslim. On the Net, we are dealing mainly with unknown personalities. We 
do not know the identities of those who are participating in online 
discussions. They cannot be taken as being representative of the world’s 
Muslims. Because of this, some of the people online are simply unscrupulous, 
totally unconcerned about what they say or type. Others are ignorant. Still 
others have truly malicious motives. 

Therefore, the only disagreements that we should concern ourselves with are 
those coming from people of recognized knowledge and probity. When we encounter 
differences among known scholars on reputable, reliable websites, then we need 
to keep in mind that the opinions of all people are open to being accepted or 
rejected. The only exception to this is the Prophet (peace be upon him) in what 
he conveyed to us of our religion, for he had been protected from error by 

We should also keep in mind that sometimes the cause of a disagreement may be 
that someone lacks sufficient knowledge about a particular issue. The person 
may be unaware of a particular relevant text. There might be some disagreement 
about whether a certain hadîth is weak or authentic. Such is the nature of the 
differences that occur among scholars and students of Islamic knowledge. 

As for differences found among others, they are often caused by misconceptions 
or personal desires. Such differences are resolved when the misconceptions are 
dispelled or the person puts his passions and prejudices aside and returns to 
the truth. 

A person who does not have sufficient Islamic knowledge should steer clear of 
all of these disagreements that he encounters on the Internet. Following these 
arguments is not in any way a part of our faith. In fact, this discord likely 
to have a bad influence on a person’s faith and may lead him to fall into some 
of the false notions and misconceptions that are behind it. 

I wish to offer the following advice: 

1. Keep the company of people who are religious, upright, and rightly-guided. 

2. Participate in study groups with reputable and knowledgeable scholars and 
get a firm grounding in Islamic knowledge. 

3. Listen to lectures that encourage good deeds and warn against falling into 

4. Put some effort into memorizing the Qur’ân. 

5. Offer more voluntary worship. Keep up the Sunnah prayers that are prescribed 
along with the five obligatory prayers. Fast on Mondays and Thursdays. Get up 
and pray in the middle of the night. Make sure to pray the Witr prayer. Get 
involved in helping the poor and needy. 

6. Adopt good manners in your dealings with others. Always be honest. Keep your 
promises and fulfill your trusts. 

7. Beseech Allah in supplication. An excellent supplication is: “O Disposer of 
hearts! Dispose our hearts to be obedient to You.” The Prophet (peace be upon 
him) said: “The hearts of Adam’s descendants are between two fingers of the 
Beneficent as if they were all a single heart. He turns them as he wishes.” 
Then he said: “O Disposer of hearts! Dispose our hearts to be obedient to You.” 
[Sahîh Muslim (2654)] 

8. Take care not to waste time in activities that yield little or no benefit. 
We only have the limited time of our lives at our disposal. Why then should we 
squander it? 

9. We should never despair of Allah’s mercy. Allah will raise His word and 
support His religion. 

Tamîm al-Dârî relates that he heard Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) say: 
“This matter will reach out until to the far reaches of the day and night. 
Allah will not leave a mud brick house or a camelhair tent except that he will 
bring this religion into it – making some mighty and some wretched. The might 
will come by Allah strengthenin

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 5 Things You Can Do to Promote Things Better than TV

2007-04-28 Thread Zahir

5 Things You Can Do
to Promote Things Better than TV

Yes, we know, not all TV is bad. There's the Learning Channel and Discovery
Channel, for instance. Great! That just leaves about 90 to 95 percent of
programming which qualifies more or less as trash.

Don't believe us? Check out some statistics

and if you've got kids or younger brothers or sisters, just watch how they
become like Zombies in the face of this glowing box of charms. 

So, if you are convinced of the dangers of television, here are some things
you can do to convince family, friends and your local Muslim community to do
the same. 

1. Stop yourself

No anti-TV campaign will work if it's focused on others but not yourself.
Make sure you aren't watching TV or that you are at least trying to cut
back. Practice what you preach.

2. Have a family discussion on TV

If you're family has been passively gathered around the TV for years and
considers this "family time" try something different. Turn the TV OFF and
discuss your relationship with television. Who knows, maybe this discussion
will be so much more interesting, you'll end up replacing family TV time
with family talk time once a week? 

3. Talk to younger brothers and sisters 

If bringing your whole family on board is a bit difficult, try younger
siblings. Work on curbing TV watching together. Make it fun for your younger
brother or sister. Offer a reward, or draw up a chart together to help both
of you keep track of your TV habits. Spend time together and bond instead of
watching TV. 

4. Encourage your Imam to talk about it in the Khutbah

Talking about the fundamentals of faith and prevailing politics are good
topics for Friday Khutbah, but TV, the menace right in your home is also
pressing. Convince the Imam that talking about the harms of TV and how to
avoid it is a beneficial Khutbah topic. 

5. Have a TV free get-together with friends

Make the following rule here: no one will watch TV, movies or anything
related to the box in the living room. Also, if you want to really go
further, make it a rule that the topics of conversation cannot revolve
around the latest twist in a soap opera or the most recent plot on a sci-fi
show. Play basketball in your backyard, go for a walk, do ANYTHING HALAL but
watch TV. 


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] R. Fisk: The day when immunity from conflict ended for the press.

2007-04-28 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

I remember the day Reuter's cameraman Najen Dana, a Palestinian, was killed
by American troops at Abu Ghraib. Later, the US Army said, their soldiers
were confused whether Mr. Dana was carrying a rocket launcher or a camera!
How funny! They can see clearly from the space a man reading newspaper in a
park and can read out what's on that newspaper but they could not see what
Mr. Dana was carrying! The reason why Mr. Dana was killed, he discovered a
hidden and massive graveyard at Abu Ghraib, perhaps dead US soldiers and
slaughtered Iraqis were buried there, he recorded that and did not wish to
hand over the tap to the US Army. Brutal forces cannot prove that mighty is
the right but it is against them!

You even can hide a mountain by deliberately placing your hand on your eyes!

Arif Bhuiyan


*The day when immunity from conflict ended for the press.*
By: Robert Fisk
We are now in the firing line, sadly!
It is easy to blame ourselves.
Our donning military costume was an act of folly.

When did the sands run out for us journalists? When did the moment of
immunity pass away? When we took to wearing flak jackets or donned military
costumes in the 1990 Gulf War? In Bosnia? In the cancerous, repetitive use
of "terrorism, terrorism, terrorism" in our news reports? In Iraq, as we
stood in our gated hotels, behind our watchtowers and bodyguards? When we
grew used to what Martin Bell calls the "two palm trees", the Monty
Python-like shrubbery that stands as a back-lot to almost every BBC report
from the roof of its Baghdad office?

How come Alan Johnston can be held for more than six weeks - a first-class
reporter, an innocent, honest, decent journalist - with so little result
from the demonstrations by journalists demanding his freedom?

For me, it began in September 1983 - 6September, to be precise - when Terry
Anderson, the Associated Press bureau chief in Beirut and I were in the
smashed town of Bhamdoun in the central Lebanese mountains. US ships were
bombarding Druze and Palestinian militiamen as the Americans - yes, here we
go again - were supporting the "democratically elected" Lebanese government
of Amin Gemayel.

Terry and I had clambered over uprooted trees, across streets carpeted with
spent ammunition, when a Palestinian gunman approached us.

He was unkempt, unshaved. He smelled bad. "From where you come?" he asked.
"Press," we chorused. "Why are you here?" Terry produced his Lebanese press
card. So did I. "America". "America kills Palestinians." I still remember
the look on Terry's face. "Journalists," we chanted again. "Sahafa".

There were more armed men now, one of them, dressed in black, looking at
Terry. "America kills Muslims. Why you want to kill Muslims? Are you a spy?"
I had never been treated like this before. Something had gone wrong. For
decades, we had travelled around the Middle East with our little press
cards, shouting sahafa at every checkpoint and been waved through,
grudgingly, perhaps, but always on the basis that we had a job to do, that
we didn't work for governments, that we were fair, outside the fight,

That vital connection had now dried up. We were no longer journalists. We
were foreigners, ajnabi in Arabic. Eventually we were saved by a young man,
a Palestinian, who said that we were journalists doing our dangerous job,
that we should be protected. The other gunmen were unmoved and they stared
at us distrustfully as we walked away.

Within six weeks, suicide bombers had killed 241 US servicemen in the marine
barracks in Beirut and in less than 18 months Terry himself would be
kidnapped and held - and remember this as we patiently enter the seventh
week of Alan Johnston's kidnapping - for almost seven years.

It is easy to blame ourselves. Our cosy relations with foreign embassies led
the enemies of our countries to think we were secret agents. Our donning
military costume in 1991 was an act of folly. The infamous "pools" - now
replaced by the equally infamous "inbeds" (how did we ever come to accept
such outrageous words?) - can have done us no good. But we reporters are
clearly now in the firing line.

While I loathe the way in which the TV lads and lasses dress up in spacesuit
flak jackets to go on air - have you ever noticed how their acolytes stop
anyone without an armoured suit walking past the camera on such occasions,
in case the viewer asks why the reporter is dressed in so strange a way? - I
have to admit that we are now targets.

We were targets - deliberately so - in Sarajevo. The US military has shot us
down. The shameful American response to the death of British reporters
outside Basra in 2003 shows how promiscuously "our" side now treats our
lives. When a Reuters cameraman was killed by American troops at Abu Ghraib,
the soldiers involved simply lied about it. The cameraman was a Palestinian.

Yet our job is now ever more cabin'd, cribbed, confined. And "our" side
likes it that way. Neither the Americans nor the British want us scurrying

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Save Sudan: The Zionist Lobby and Coordinated Media

2007-04-28 Thread ishaq arashi
Save Sudan
April 27, 2007
Karin Friedemann

The Zionist Lobby and Coordinated Media have caused quite some concern
about the civilian population of Western Sudan. Since the suffering in
Sudan is at core an effect of Global Warming, the Zionists' attempts
to hold the relatively penniless Sudanese government responsibile for
all human tragedies in the region is just another defamation campaign
against Muslims.

It appears that certain peace activists have borrowed the punishing
language filtered down from the press releases connected to Bill
Kristol and the neocons. They are calling for "non-violent means of
action" - meaning starvation - to topple the Sudanese government.

I beg the reader to think deeply and not to jump too fast with this
"humanitarian isolation" tactic, remembering that some well-meaning
leftists engaged with neocons inadvertently not too long ago and
pushed our nation to war against another country that did not threaten
us, Afghanistan. America's leftists, steeped in anti-Muslim Marxist
propaganda, were quick to assume the truth in the fraudulent press
releases which originated in the Boston Jewish community, regarding
the Taliban forcing Hindus to wear yellow armbands. There were reports
spreading via the media that Afghan women were not being allowed to
work outside the home, and that we must get rid of the evil Taliban.

The news of hundreds of thousands of people eating grass as there was
no food because of the drought was conveniently omitted from the
propaganda. Starving families left their farms and walked towards
Kabul. The Taliban asked the UN for help to save these people's lives.
The UN replied that they would not lift the sanctions against
Afghanistan, but they would like to so some reparation work on one of
Afghanistan's ancient Buddhist statues, carve out a piece of land
around the statue and install UN troops to protect the tourists. We
made a decision to let 100,000 innocent Afghans die of exposure. But
that was not enough. Feminists and Democrats, led by Hilary Clinton
and Oprah, and oddly enough, peace activists, pushed for war on
Afghanistan to punish the Afghans for their barbaric tribal culture.

Now it's the same thing, people are saying the Islamic Sudanese
government is so evil and barbaric that we must take it upon ourselves
to get rid of them. The Afghan women are not better off as widows.
There are tens of thousands of homeless orphans starving in the
streets in Kabul right now. The druglords we employed to get rid of
the Taliban piled thousands of men into containers, suffocating them
to death as they were driven hundreds of miles into the desert, so
that by the time they arrived they were all dead, and then dumped in a
mass grave, for the crime of declaring their country an Islamic
Emirate. Now the leftists want us to punish Sudan for the crime of
declaring their country an Islamic Republic.

We are not going to end stop dehydration and malaria in Sudan by
depriving their country of much needed economic investments to provide
jobs and infrastructure. This is the real genocide going on. Why does
the US government want to oppose the development of Sudan? Don't
forget we bombed their malaria medicine plant and never paid for
damages and never apologized. We committed an act of war against them.
We purposely caused millions of Africans to die of malaria because
they had no medicine. How is further depriving them of resources going
to help the Sudanese people? We used Food for Oil to steal Iraqi
resources. We gave the Iraqis two tablespoons of lentils a day as
rations and refused to let them purify their water. Hundreds of
thousands of children under the age of five died of hunger and
diarrhea. Sanctions on Sudan would amount to the same thing but on a
much larger scale. It's not going to help anyone. Do you think that
putting sanctions on America would end inner city violence?

The idea that divestment or even a military invasion would be good for
Sudan seems irrational. Zionists are urging "non-violent action" to
end the violence in Sudan/Darfur. There is nothing non-violent about
inflicting economic crisis on an already poor country, and economic
sanctions with the intent to destabilize the government will certainly
not promote law and order in Sudan. This sort of propaganda crafted
and pioneered by Charles Jacobs with the American Anti-Slavery Group,
a wing of the David Project, consciously serves the purpose of turning
Arab and African Americans against each other in order to prevent them
from mounting any jointly organized political efforts.

Perhaps the Sudanese government is capable of doing much more than it
is doing to protect the well-being of all its citizens. The same could
be said of our government. But Khartoum is not a government like in
Europe or America. Other than in the capital city, Sudan has no paved
roads, no water system, no electricity. It is vast open space filled
with various tribes with conflicting interests and very little water.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Why the CRUSADER Woos Azerbaijan

2007-04-28 Thread Alan Border
GB’s Famous Quote 
  “Either You Are With Us OR Against Us”
  “If You Are WITH Us We Will Turn a BLIND EYE to All Your Human Rights Abuses, 
Corruption, Nepotism, Amassing of WMDs etc. But If You Are AGAINST Us We Will 
Work to Bring You DOWN By HOOK or By CROOK Even Though You May Be a Just Ruler” 
– AB
  Why White House Woos Azerbaijan
  President Ilham Aliyev's visit to Washington Friday comes as the country's 
oil and geography make it increasingly important.
  By Brendan Hoffman | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor 
  WASHINGTON – In the boxing ring of international diplomacy and influence, 
Azerbaijan punches above its weight. Coming at the White House's invitation, 
Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev will meet Friday with top administration 
officials - including President Bush - in his first official visit to the US 
since taking office in a widely criticized election in October 2003
  The visit, analysts say, is part of a broader effort by the Bush 
administration to gain support in a key region in the face of a growing 
confrontation with Iran, particularly from Muslim countries.
  But Azerbaijan's history of corruption and its poor human rights record have 
raised eyebrows about strengthening ties with the Central Asian country, and 
many point to oil as another driving factor in the relationship.
  The visit is "a little anomalous," admits Cory Welt, deputy director of the 
Russia and Eurasia program at the Center for Strategic and International 
Studies, though he adds that there are "a number of reasons why Azerbaijan is 
of particular interest to the US now."
  The predominantely Shiite Muslim country of 8 million shares a 380-mile 
border with Iran, with whom it retains close economic and cultural links, 
though it maintains its political distance. That geographical position makes 
Azerbaijan a natural ally for the US, said Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar 
Mammadyarov on a recent visit to Washington.
  "The US is improving its relations with all countries on Iran's periphery," 
explains Ariel Cohen, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation. "In 
case economic sanctions or other measures are to be taken on the Iran issue, we 
should have a better relationship with Azerbaijan than the other side."
  Dr. Welt adds that soured relations with Uzbekistan, home to a key US 
military base, impelled the US to develop other potential military allies in 
the region.
  But many experts point to a different key factor: oil. A major oil pipeline 
stretching 1,000 miles from Azerbaijan's capital of Baku through Georgia to the 
Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean was recently completed and the 
first tanker ship will be filled this summer. A natural-gas pipeline is being 
constructed parallel to the so-called BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) oil pipeline, 
designed to deliver upward of a million barrels of oil a day.
  Azerbaijan's location may become even more pivotal if a plan to extend the 
pipeline eastward to provide an outlet for gas and oil from Kazakhstan, 
currently under negotiation, bears fruit. Vice President Cheney will travel to 
Kazakhstan to meet President Nazarbayev in early May.
  With oil prices at record highs, Azerbaijan's state oil company will soon see 
an unprecedented influx of cash. The government has established a special fund 
to manage the extra oil revenue, and President Aliyev has indicated that the 
money will be used for military budget and citizen benefits such as improving 
living conditions for internally displaced persons.
  Up to a million Azeris fled their homes in the autonomous Nagorno-Karabakh 
territory during fighting in the early 1990s with Armenian soldiers, who remain 
there. More than 100,000 still live in refugee camps while tensions simmer 
under a cease-fire agreement. While some experts have expressed concern that 
the conflict could boil over and draw in other countries, more international 
attention has been focused on Azerbaijan's poor governance.
  The US vocally criticized its elections last fall, one in a string of polls 
held since gaining independence from the Soviets in 1991 that have not met 
international standards. According to Transparency International, an 
anticorruption watchdog group, Azerbaijan is one of the most corrupt countries 
in the world. And human rights groups like Amnesty International have 
criticized forceful responses to political protests and politically motivated 
arrests. This week, Human Rights Watch called on President Bush to push for 
concrete improvements to Azerbaijan's human rights record.
  But if the US is to leverage the two countries' growing closeness to promote 
change in Azerbaijan, it will have to be "much more upfront and harsher with 
[Aliyev]," says Charles King, a professor of foreign service and government at 
Georgetown University in Washington.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] So merciful Almighty.............................

2007-04-28 Thread lightuponlight .
Asalamo alaikm wa rahamtulahi barakatuh!
  [Sahih Muslim : Book 37 Kitab Al-Tauba, Number 6629]

Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu) reported: I heard Allah's Messenger 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) as saying: 
"Allah created mercy in one hundred parts and He retained with Him ninety-nine 
parts, and He has sent down upon the earth one part, and it is because of this 
one part that there is mutual love among the creation so much so that the 
animal lifts up its hoof from its young, one, fearing that it might harm it."
  [Sahih Muslim : Book 37 Kitab Al-Tauba, Number 6634]

Salman (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger 
(sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said: 
"Verily, Allah created, on the same very day when He created the heavens and 
the earth, one hundred parts of mercy. Every part of mercy is coextensive with 
the space between the heavens. and the earth and He out of this mercy endowed 
one part to the earth and it is because of this that the mother shows affection 
to her child and even the beasts and birds show kindness to one another and 
when there would be the Day of Resurrection, Allah would make full (use of 
[25. Surah Al-Furqan : Ayah 71]


"And whoever repents and does good, he surely turns to Allah a (goodly) 

 Send instant messages to your online friends 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Afzal Guru case for European Parliament

2007-04-28 Thread Abhiyya 2006
Afzal case for European Parliament 
Hasan Suroor 
LONDON: The case of Afzal Guru, sentenced to death for his alleged 
role in the terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament in December 2001, will be 
raised in the European Parliament during President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's visit 
to Europe later this month, the U.K.-based South Asia Solidarity Group has 
announced.   The decision was taken at a meeting of leading human rights and 
legal experts held here on Thursday in support of Mr. Guru.   "The meeting 
decided to urgently bring the details of Afzal's case and the miscarriage of 
justice before the European Parliament. British MPs Jeremy Corbyn, Roger 
Godsiff, John McDonell and George Galloway have already signed a letter to the 
Indian President urging him to show mercy to Afzal Guru," the Group said in a 
statement   A book by Nandita Haksar, Framing Geelani, Hanging Afzal - 
Patriotism in the Time of Terror, was released at the meeting.
 Moazzam Begg, one of nine Britons detained at Guantanamo Bay, called for an 
international campaign to get justice for Mr. Guru. He spoke about his own 
experience and drew parallels to Mr. Guru's case.   Amrit Wilson from the Group 
said, "The forces of Hindutva and the so-called war on terror have led to an 
erosion of democratic values in India. In trying to bring [U.S. President] 
Bush's version of `democracy', India is becoming an authoritarian state." 

With Regards 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] BBC E-mail: Israel's 'modesty buses' draw fire

2007-04-28 Thread Waseem Anwar
  ** Israel's 'modesty buses' draw fire **
Israel's "modesty buses" are criticised by women who do not want to sit at the 
back of the bus.
< >

  "Lo! as for those whom the angels take (in death) while they wrong 
themselves, (the angels) will ask: In what were ye engaged? They will say: We 
were oppressed in the land. (The angels) will say: Was not Allah's earth 
spacious that ye could have migrated therein? As for such, their habitation 
will be hell, an evil journey's end;"
(Surah An Nisa, Chapter 4, Ayah 97)

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Israel's lab in Palestine

2007-04-28 Thread Abhiyya 2006
  Israel's lab in Palestine  Disturbing reports allege that Israel is using 
Gaza as a field to experiment its new lethal weapons, reports Mel Frykberg 
Doctors in Gaza have been reporting strange wounds on the bodies of 
innocent bystanders and those targeted by drones. These wounds consist of many 
small holes, often invisible to X-rays, and burns caused by heat so intense 
that many cases have required amputation because of the extensive burning. 
  Habas Al-Wahid, head of the emergency centre at the Shuhada Al-Aqsa Hospital 
in Gaza city told the journalists that the legs of the injured were sliced from 
their bodies "as if a saw was used to cut through the bone." But there was no 
evidence of ordinary metal shrapnel in or near the wounds.
  At Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Juma Saka said that on examination of the 
wounds, the doctors had found a powder on the victim's bodies and in their 
internal organs. Afterwards they removed the microscopic particles which turned 
out to be carbon and tungsten. 
  "The powder was like microscopic shrapnel, and this is likely what caused the 
injuries," Saka said. Complicating the issue was the death of many patients 
several days afterwards, although they appeared to recover initially. 
Accusations that Israel is using Gaza and its inhabitants as a laboratory to 
test new military weapons, have been made from several quarters. 
  "We don't know what it means -- new weapons or something added to a previous 
weapon," said Saied Joudda, deputy director at the Kamal Odwan Hospital in Beit 
Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip.
  To back up their personal experiences, a group of doctors compiled extensive 
documentary evidence of the extent of the wounds, which occurred specifically 
in the legs. In other parts of the body, metallic fragments, bigger than the 
size of the small wounds, were found. 
  "In our opinion, Israel has also used chemical weapons, such as numerous 
cases demonstrate, documented cases, with persons having extremely serious 
burns to their internal organs in the absence of external wounds," said 
Mouawia, a cardio-vascular surgeon and director-general of emergency services 
in Gaza.
  An investigating team of Italian journalists produced a documentary on 
Italian state television's satellite channel, RAI News 24, alleging that Israel 
used dense inert metal explosives (DIME) against Palestinian targets in July 
and August of last year. This followed journalists taking samples of the 
microscopic explosives from Gaza and having them tested in a laboratory in 
  Carmela Vaccaio, a doctor at the University of Parma, examined samples sent 
by the Italian reporters from the Gaza Strip and found a high concentration of 
carbon, as well as copper, aluminium and tungsten, which she considered to be 
unusual materials. In her report she concluded, "these findings could be in 
line with the hypothesis that the weapon in question is DIME. The same 
investigating team also exposed the US military's use of white phosphorus 
against civilians during attacks on Falluja in Iraq.
  Similar accusations were made against Israel during the Lebanon war, when the 
Jewish state originally denied using phosphorous against Lebanese civilians. 
But several days later, following the explosive allegations of the Italian 
journalists and with overwhelming evidence, Israeli cabinet minister, Jacob 
Edery confirmed that the Israeli military had in fact made use of phosphorous 
  Israel is accused of dropping more than a million cluster bombs in the south 
of Lebanon just a few days before the ceasefire. Since then there have been 
several Lebanese deaths on a daily basis after people accidentally trod on 
unexploded shells.
  According to military experts, DIME is a carbon-encased missile that shatters 
on impact into minuscule splinters, at the same time setting off an explosive 
that shoots blades of energy-charged, heavy metal tungsten alloy (HMTA) powder, 
such as cobalt and nickel or iron, with a carbon fibre casing. It turns to dust 
on impact, as it loses inertia very quickly due to air resistance, burning and 
destroying through a very precise angulation everything within a four-metre 
range, as opposed to the shrapnel which results from the fragmentation of a 
metal casing. The designation of the metal as "inert" is due to the metal's 
non-involvement in the blast, rather than the metal being chemically or 
biologically inert.
  This technology is one of a new range of "low collateral damage" or LCD 
weapons designed to minimise the damage to nearby property, by confining its 
increased lethal effects to a restricted space. So it is "ideal for densely 
populated areas" and "helping the warfighter to prevent the loss of public 
support," according to its enthusiastic proponents.
  Israeli military spokesmen have refused to acknowledge or deny the use of 
DIME in Gaza, but simply stated that Israel only uses weapons 


2007-04-28 Thread Saba Khan
The Question of Compatibility or Kufu'

1. The Sharî‘ah has taken great precautions in
ensuring that nikâh with an incompatible person or a
person of a lower social standing does not take place.
In other words, do not perform the nikâh of a girl
with a man who is not equal to her in status or who is
of no match to her.

2. Compatibility or equality is considered in several
factors :  (1) lineage, (2) Islam, (3) piety, (4)
wealth, (5) profession or occupation.

Equality in Lineage

1. Equality in lineage is that the Shaykh, Sayyid,
Ansâri, and ‘Alawi are all equal to each other. In
other words, although the status of a Sayyid is more
than the others, if the daughter of a Sayyid marries a
Shaykh boy; it will not be said that she did not marry
someone who is of her family relations. Instead, it
will also be regarded as if she has married one of her

2. In matters of lineage, the lineage of the father is
considered and not the mother. If the father is a
Sayyid, the son is also a Sayyid; and if the father is
a Shaykh, the son is also a Shaykh - irrespective of
what the mother may be. If a Sayyid marries a woman
who is not a Sayyid, their son will be regarded as a
Sayyid. This son will be equal in status to all other
Sayyids. Although the son whose father and mother are
both from a noble family is respected more, according
to the Shariah they will all be regarded as relatives
or of the same social standing.

3. The Moghuls and Pathans are regarded as one nation
and are not of the same class as that of the Sayyids
and Shaykhs. If the daughter of a Sayyid or Shaykh
gets married with one of them, it will be said that
she married someone who is of a lower social standing
than her.

Equality in being a Muslim

1. Equality in being a Muslim is only considered among
the Moghuls, Pathans, and other non-Arab nations.
There is no consideration of this among the Shaykhs,
Sayyids, ‘Alawis, and Ansâris. A man who accepts Islam
and his father was a kâfir cannot be on par or equal
to a woman who is a Muslim and her father was also a
Muslim. The man who is a Muslim, his father is also a
Muslim, but his grandfather was a kâfir; cannot be
equal to a woman whose grandfather was also a Muslim.

2. A man whose father and grandfather were Muslims,
but his great grandfather was a kâfir will be regarded
as equal to a woman whose several forefathers were
Muslims. In short, this equality is only considered
till the grandfather. Equality beyond the grandfather,
such as the great grandfather and beyond him is not

Equality in Piety

Equality in piety means that a man who does not follow
the dictates of the Sharî‘ah - who is a wicked person,
a scoundrel, an alcoholic, a shameless person - will
not be considered to be equal to a pious, chaste and
religious woman.

Equality in Wealth

Equality in wealth means that a person who is an
absolute pauper cannot be compatible to a rich woman.
If the man is not an absolute pauper, but is capable
of giving that amount of mahr that is normally given
on the first night and is also capable of giving her
maintenance, then he will be regarded to be equal to
her in status even if he is unable to give the entire
amount of mahr. It is not necessary for the man to be
in exactly the same financial position as that of the
woman. Nor is it necessary for him to be close to that
financial position.

Equality in Occupation

1. Equality in occupation is that, e.g. weavers are
not regarded as equal to tailors and are accorded a
status that is lower than that of tailors. Similarly,
barbers, washermen, etc. are not regarded as being
equal to tailors, but are regarded as being lower than

2. A mad, lunatic person cannot be equal to an
intelligent, understanding woman.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The Irish Resistance & The Black martyr

2007-04-28 Thread ishaq arashi
The Irish Resistance & The Black Martyr

The Irish Resistance
Nasser Mashadi - 07/03/2007 - 22:53 | Hits: 296

And you dare to call me a terrorist, while you look down your guns!

"Resistance(1) to a foreign force's violations of a country's
sovereignty has always been a religious and moral right intimately
related to the human right to life, dignity and freedom."

Alia Youseff's statement is well illustrated by the history of Ireland
and its people. Having been a centre of European Christian
civilisation (2) for several centuries, the Irish found themselves
marginalized and threatened by the Roman Church and the newly evolving
feudal system. The Norman conquerors of England and Wales brought this
alien system to the doorstep of Ireland.

The invasion of Ireland by the Norman king of England Henry II in
1169, started centuries of conflict between England, [and its
political successor the United Kingdom] and the Irish people for the
control of Ireland.  The Norman led armies from England and Wales and
the subsequent invaders upholding the English monarch's rule in
Ireland, found a vigorous indigenous culture, with its own legal
system, the Brehon Law, which was a subtle as anything created by the
English, Normans or any other people.

The emphasis of Brehon Law on the collective ownership of natural
resources, and the payment of taxes to support the welfare of the poor
(3), is both Christian and Islamic. The feudal concept of absolute
ownership of land was never fully accepted by the Irish whose
indigenous system gave the clan leaders a trusteeship over land on
behalf of the whole clan.
The legitimate right to resist England's rule in Ireland has been a
constant theme of Irish rebels, be it by constitutional or military
means (4).  Often the right of the overwhelming majority of Irish
people, who lived by agriculture, to the land of Ireland itself, was
the origin of these resistance movements.

Irish resistance was expressed through a network of secret societies,
carrying out violent reprisals against oppressive landlords and their
exploitative agents and middlemen. These societies such as the "White
boys ", so-called because of the long white shirts they wore (5),
reflected the rage of the peasant farmers and labourers at their

If the land wars were a bitter stream running through Irish history,
no less was religious discrimination. As the Norman rulers of England
had enforced the feudal Latin Church on the clannish Irish Christians,
the later British rulers made the established Protestant Anglican
Church the official religion of Ireland as it was in England. This was
the religion of a minority of settlers, who had been planted in
Ireland by the English rulers. The great mass of the Irish by staying
within the Catholic Church found themselves without political or civil
rights. Those who preferred unofficial Protestant churches, such as
the Presbyterian sect favoured by most of the Scottish settlers in the
northern province of Ulster, were similarly subject to discrimination.

The discontent of the oppressed peasants and disenfranchised urban
artisans and merchants, made fertile ground for republicanism, the
revolutionary doctrine being articulated by the American Founding
Fathers, in the last decades of the 18th century (6) The stage was set
for the United Irishmen the first of a succession of revolutionary
republican movements, whose courageous but unsuccessful attempts at
military over throw of the British rulers, inspired new generations to
carry on resisting (7).

Theobold Wolf Tone the most prominent leader of the 1798 rebellion of
the United Irishman had a clear view of how democracy and religion
complimented one another:

"The rights of man in Ireland (8) .  The greatest happiness of the
greatest number. The rights of man are the rights of God and to
vindicate one is to maintain the other. We must be free in order to
serve Him whose service is perfect freedom"

These political ideas were more dangerous to the British Empire than
the abortive risings of the ill trained and poorly equipped "United
men". The United Irishmen had a political vision, which linked them to
revolutionaries in France and America and oppressed people in England,
Scotland and beyond.  Of more immediate danger to British rule was
that supporters of the United Irishmen came from all the Christian
sects. The British were determined to encourage religious divisions
amongst Irish people, to weaken the appeal of republicanism. The
anti-Catholic Orange Order (9) became an important factor in helping
the British divide and rule in Ireland.

With the defeat of the United Irishmen and the suppression of the
secret societies, some turned to constitutional methods. Wealthy but
disenfranchised Catholics successfully won the right to be MPs
[Members of Parliament]. They formed a succession of Irish Parties
within the British Parliament. Some of these Irish MP'

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Studentships / Scholarships / RA / TA.

2007-04-28 Thread Arif Bhuiyan

Studentships / Scholarships / RA / TA.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Source: From following Institutes' publications (printed & websites)

This is not a Spam mail, please do not press Spam Button.

Please forward to your contacts.


World Bank Scholarship Programs

Received from: Dr. Khalid Shouq, from Pakistan.

Dear All,
The Scholarship Program and the Fellowships Program are vehicles for
knowledge sharing and capacity building in the developing world. The
Programs provide opportunities for graduate studies leading to master's
degree in development- related fields for mid-career professionals from the
World Bank member countries, eligible to borrow. WBI supplements its
training programs through the management of the following two programs:

The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSM Fellowships), co-sponsored
by the World Bank and Princeton University.

The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP), solely
sponsored by the Government of Japan.

More information is available at the link below:,,menuPK:551559~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:551553,00.html


Full Scholarships for Masters in Australia

Received from: Dr. Khalid Shouq, from Pakistan.

Dear All,
Carnegie Mellon University, Australia campus, is offering fully funded
(AusAID scholarships) for Masters in Public Policy & Management and MS in
Information Technology.

For more information, please see links below:


PhD Studentship

Cancer Research UK.

Call for Supervisors in all cancer disciplines.

If you can provide a strong studentship project and an excellent training
environment then our PhD Studentship scheme may provide the funding you
require. A competitive stipend and research running expenses will be
provided. Application are welcome from those who do not currently hold
Cancer Research UK grants.

Further information can be obtained by visiting following website/s:

For an application pack, please email:

For further information please contact Donia Sadik:

Closing date: 13 June 2007.


ESRC Genomics Network – Postgraduate Studentships.

Further information can be obtained by visiting following website/s:

Please check all of these sites:

Mel Evans, CESAGen, Cardiff,

Cheryl Sutton, Egenis office, Exeter,

Angela McEwan, Edinburgh,

Closing date: 14 May 2007.


University of Salford, Manchester.

*A. *Research Fellow.*

Faculty of Health & Social Care.

Project: The Impact of Urban Regeneration on the Relationship Between Social
Exclusion & Health.

Ref.: IHSCR/12.

Application form and further information can be obtained by visiting
following website/s:


For informal inquiries, please contact, Prof. Deborah Baker.


*B. *Lecturer in Arabic.*

Ref.: LA/70.

*C. *Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Chinese.*

Ref.: LA/71.

School of Language.

Application form and further information can be obtained by visiting
following website/s:

For informal inquiries, for both posts, please contact, Dr. Paul Rowlett.


or for Arabic only, contact: Prof. Jennet Watson, Head of Arabic at


George Town University Research Scholarship.

Queen's University, Belfast.

School of Law.

Human Rights & Human Migration Scholarship.

Closing date: 31 May 2007.

Further information can be obtained by visiting following website/s:



The Open University.

*A. *Three full-time Postgraduate Research Studentships *in the Faculty of
Health & Social Care commence October 2007.

Between Generation: A secondary analysis project.

*B. *Faculty Studentship.*

Closing date for the above two studentships: 12 Noon, 10 May 2007.

*C. *Issues of child abuse in pre-school children in South Africa.*

Funded by the Infant Trust [] in collaboration with The Open University, the
initial study skills programme will be based in the UK with field work in
South Africa.

Closing date for this studentship: 7 June 2007.

Applicants, any nationality, must normally reside in the UK.

Further information can be obtained by visiting following website/s: 



AHRC Doctoral Scholarship, from October 2007.

Kingston University, London.

Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture.

Further information can be obtained by visiting following 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: PEACE TV - A worthy 24-Hour Channel

2007-04-28 Thread anwar ansari
Assalam Alaikum

Der Brother

How can i reach Peace TV on my laptop?

I am interested in reading the messages delivered by our Muslim 
scholars, insted of watching on TV.

Is there any website or email from where I can get the info?


Eng Anwar Shaukat ansri

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] War on Islam - RAND Report on Islam Revisited

2007-04-28 Thread Alan Border
 “BEWARE of the ENEMY Within”
   “The Non Muslim World Has Lost All Hope in Trying to Take the Muslims Away 
from the Path of Islam by Using Methods from Outside the House of Islam. 
Instead They are Trying to Deviate the Muslims By Using the SMUFFED (the 
SICKularists, the MUTTerates, the FROGressives, the FOOLarists & the 
DEFORMists) from Within the House of Islam Who Are Muslims by Name But Are 
Trying to Implement the AGENDA of the Non Muslims. Recognizing the ENEMY WITHIN 
is Not Always An EASY Task” – AB
  Rand Report on Islam Revisited
  By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
  Al-Jazeerah, March 19, 2005

March 18th marks the first anniversary of formal release of the Rand 
Corporation report on Islam, entitled Civil Democratic Islam: Partners, 
Resources, and Strategies.
  The report has two fold agenda: 1. Try to create a version of Islam that 
suits the post 9/11 western agenda. 2. Creating divisions in the Muslim society 
at home and abroad.
  The Rand Report recipe to achieve this objective is to encourage and promote 
the so-called modernist Muslims and play one section of the society against 
another to split the society. In another report released in December 2004, the 
Rand Corporation elaborated on the second point and recommended playing the two 
major Muslim sects Sunnis and Shiites against each other to achieve policy 
  We are not sure what impact the Rand report has on the 1.5 billion Muslims 
living in independent Muslim countries as well as minorities in many other 
However, we can see some reaction in the American Muslim community where the so 
called progressive or modern Muslims are trying to benefit from the current 
atmosphere of fear and siege caused by the arbitrary arrests, FBI interviews, 
racial profiling, surveillance of their mosques, closing down of Islamic 
charities and constant anti-Islam and anti-Muslim propaganda in the mainstream 
  We are experiencing the re-emergence of Orientalism of the 19th century aimed 
at forcing the Muslims living in US to abandon the basic tenets of Islam. This 
neo-Orientalism is coming in the shape of such research documents as the Rand 
Report which questions the authenticity of Islam’s holy scripture, the Quran. 
Even a fake version of Quran is now available in print. It was distributed in a 
private school in Kuwait.
  At the same time, we see cropping up of some Muslim groups such as Free 
Muslims Against Terrorism, Progressive Muslim Union of North America (PMUNA) 
and Center for Islamic Pluralism which are not only challenging the basic 
tenets of Islam but also challenging the established Muslim organizations.
  Free Muslims Against Terrorism, established by Kamal Nawash who ran for 
Virginia State Assembly in November 2003 as a Republican candidate. One can 
well understand his political ambitions and hidden agenda of his organization. 
Just one example, how it is working against the American Muslim groups. In 
January this year the Executive Director of Free Muslims Against Terrorism, 
wrote an e mail to Enver Masud of an Islamic website, Wisdom Foundation, 
saying: We are very disappointed in your site and it should be taken down…. I 
will recommend to our extremist watch committee that we place your site on our 
list of extremist sites or sites that support terrorism. Here is the website 
address of Wisdom Foundation where one can see what kind of message Enver Masud 
  The Progressive Muslim Union of North America (PMUNA) was formed on November 
15, 2004 by some professed moderates who embrace the simple proposition that 
“you are a Muslim if you say you are a Muslim -- for whatever reason or set of 
reasons -- and that no one is entitled to question or undermine this identity.”
  The PMUNA is now forcing mainstream Muslim organizations to take positions on 
even non-issues in order to put them at odds with their own community, and if 
don't take a position they would be considered as the "bad or extremist" 
Muslims. Sarah Eltantawi, one of its co-founders is demanding the major Muslim 
groups and organizations to take position on a non-issue, i.e. if a woman can 
lead Friday prayers. It is not an uncommon knowledge that the status of woman 
in Islam is now being used by the West to defame Islam.
  “I demand to know where the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and the 
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) stands on this issue. I demand to 
know where the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) stands on this issue. 
And KARAMAH, the American Sufi Muslim Association, Women in Islam, Azizah 
Magazine, and other groups who speak for Muslims and Muslim women,” Eltantawi 
  The PMUNA is not alone in working against the major American Muslim 
organizations. The first goal of Center for Islamic Pluralism established 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Causes of Provision (Rizq)

2007-04-28 Thread Nazia
Causes of Provision
  n an authentic narration narrated by Abdullah ibn `Umar, in Ibn Majah's Kitab 
al Fitan, which is also mentioned in Al-Hakim's al-Mustadrak, as well as by 
al-Baihaqi and al-Bazzar, we learn about several causes of most fascinating 
consequences. The following can be deduced from that narration: 

 Rain is withheld when zakat is not paid, and it would not fall at all were 
it not for animals.

 Illnesses not seen before appear when immorality spreads among people and 
when it becomes public.

 Lack of provision and injustice of rulers towards their people occurs when 
those people cheat in measuring.

 Allah sends an enemy to a people that takes from their hands that which 
they like, when those people leave their covenant with Allah and His Messenger 
and leave the Book and the Sunnah.

 Discord among people occurs when leaders do not judge by Allah's Book and 
when they choose from it what they like and leave the rest.

  One can wonder, how many secular scientists and those usually perceived as 
intellectuals are there that fail to understand Allah's Sunan yet spend their 
lives trying to understand causes of many happenings in the universe? More 
importantly, how many of us fail to understand true reasons behind various 
disasters in our own Muslim countries? Thankfully, we can correct this by 
  What follows is a mention of two major causes of provision, many of which are 
mentioned in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. 
  Among other causes of provision and development are Jihad in the Path of 
Allah, Hijrah for the sake of Allah, Hajj and `Umrah, leaving sins, da`wah to 
Allah, seeking forgiveness and repentance, good behavior towards the weak and 
spending for the sake of Allah. 
  Causes of Provision (Rizq)
  Tawakkul - Relying and depending on Allah the Exalted
  Allah the Exalted said:And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient 
for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for 
everything a [decreed] extent. [at-Talaaq: 3] 
  "If you relied on Allah with a true reliance, He would provide for you the 
same as He provides birds: they set off in the early morning with empty 
stomachs and return back at the end of the day with full stomachs." 
[At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad] 
  Sh. Fadl Ilaahi said: "The one who relies upon Allah with a true reliance is 
provided for as birds are provided for, and how would it be otherwise, when he 
has relied upon the Ever-Living who does not die, and whoever relies on Him, He 
will suffice him." [Mafaatih ar-Rizq, 36] 
  Tawakkul in the Qur'an: 
  Tawakkul is enjoined in the Qur'an in many places and is a lofty station:

  "And upon Allah let the believers rely." [Ibrahim: 11] 

"And rely upon the Ever-Living who does not die." [Al Furqaan: 58] 
"So worship Him and rely on Him." [Hood:123] 

  Tawakkul is a cause of Allah's love for His servant:

  "Verily, Allah loves those who rely on Him." [Aal `Imraan: 159] 

  Tawakkul is a condition of iman and a distinguishing mark of the believers:

  "And upon Allah rely if you are believers." [al-Maa`idah:23] 
  "The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts 
become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in 
faith; and upon their Lord they rely." [al-Anfaal:2] 
  The believer knows that no harm and no benefit can come except by Allah's 
permission, that He gives and withholds and that He owns everything in the 
universe. She or he knows that no one can give what Allah withholds, and that 
no one can withhold what Allah gives. 
  Lastly, relying on Allah does not mean that one leaves striving in this 
world. Allah says:"So walk among its slopes and eat of His provision" [Al-Mulk: 

  "And when the prayer has concluded, disperse within the land and seek the 
bounty of Allah." [al-Jumu`ah: 10]

  "And whoever fears Allah - He will make a way out for him. And will provide 
for him from where he does not expect." [At-Talaq: 2-3] 
  Ibn `Abbas said: "'And will provide for him from where he does not expect': 
meaning from where he does not hope." [Zaad al Masyr 8:291-292] 
  "And if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allah, We would 
have opened [i.e. bestowed] upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth; 
but they denied [the messengers], so We seized them for what they were earning 
[of blame for their sin]." [al-A`raaf 96] 
  Ibn `Abbaas said: "Meaning, We would enrich them with what is good, and 
facilitate it for them from every side." [Tafsir Abi Sa`ood 3/253] 
  "And if only they had upheld [the law of] Torah, the gospel and what has been 
revealed to them form their Lord [the Qur'an], they would have consumed 
[provision] from above them and from beneath their feat [i.e. in great 
abundance]. Among them are a moderate [i.e. acceptable] community, but many of