Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Zakah on Agricultural Crops

2007-07-23 Thread Alan Border
“Don’t BOAST About Your CHARITABLE Activities”
  “O ye who believe! cancel not your charity by reminders of your generosity or 
by injury,- like those who spend their substance to be seen of men, but believe 
neither in Allah nor in the Last Day. They are in parable like a hard, barren 
rock, on which is a little soil: on it falls heavy rain, which leaves it (Just) 
a bare stone. They will be able to do nothing with aught they have earned. And 
Allah guideth not those who reject faith.”
  (Al-Qur'an, 2:264 (Al-Baqara [The Cow])
  Zakah on Agricultural Crops
  Adil Salahi, Arab News§ion=0&article=77944&d=17&m=2&y=2006
  You mentioned in the past that zakah is payable on agricultural produce at 
the rate of 10 percent of the produce if the land is irrigated by rain and 5 
percent if it is irrigated by machines and efforts. We have a land which is 
irrigated by rain and flood water, but to use flood water we have to construct 
dams, excavate small channels, using bulldozers and earth-moving machinery, and 
to maintain these year after year. What rate will apply in this case?
  It is not possible for me to give an opinion on a question put in such 
general terms, without looking at the case in more detail. What you actually 
need to do is to put the question to a local scholar who will assess how much 
effort is needed in the irrigation of your land year after year. For example, 
you speak of constructing dams and making channels. Once these are made, they 
are in place. Of course they may need some maintenance work every year, but 
what does this actually involve in any particular year need to be considered. 
If it is a small task, then it should be discounted, and if it involves 
laborious and costly work, it must be taken into account. 
  Moreover, I suspect that such work is done by the farmers of a particular 
area joining efforts to provide rain and flood water to all their land. It is 
rarely the case that a particular farmer will have to undertake such a project 
on his own, unless he has extensive land. What I will give you here is the 
principles that apply in your case. You have to look at these further with the 
help of a local scholar whom you trust to have good knowledge and to be 
God-fearing and unlikely to give you some concession for a favor he might hope 
to receive from you.
  We need to mention some of the Hadiths that provide the basis of what we have 
said. Mu’adh ibn Jabal quotes the Prophet as saying: “One tenth is levied on 
what is irrigated by rain or floods, or does not need irrigation; but half of 
one-tenth is levied on what is irrigated by drawn water.” (Related by 
Al-Bayhaqi and Al-Hakim]. Abdullah ibn Umar quotes the Prophet as saying: “For 
what is irrigated with water from the skies and springs or does not need 
irrigation zakah is payable at the rate of one-tenth, and what is irrigated 
with drawn water pays half of one-tenth.” (Related by Al-Bukhari and others). 
  If a land is irrigated one time with machines and one time naturally, then it 
pays three quarters of one-tenth, if the alternation is equal; but where one 
method is used more often, then that method provides the basis of calculation. 
  Whatever a farmer spends on his farm, including harvest, transport, storage, 
etc. cannot be paid with zakah money. It should be taken from the farmer’s own 
money. If he needs to borrow in order to procure such services, he pays his 
debt from what he receives from his produce and pays zakah on what is left. 
  First They Came for the EXTREMIST, FUNDAMENTALIST & MODERATE Muslims. And I 
DIDN’T Speak Out Because I Wasn't An Extremist, Fundamentalist or a Moderate 
Muslim. Then FINALLY They Came for Me the NON-PRACTICING Muslim And NO Muslims 
Were Left to Speak Out for ME.

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] International News (I.N. Daily) July 21, 2007

2007-07-23 Thread International News
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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Commentary: On Those Who Support or Fail to Oppose Tyrannical imams..

2007-07-23 Thread Curtis Sharif
Ahumdullah, Shukran, Sister Haleem.

Sister Haleem has been striving hard, long and continuously to bring to light 
and  remedy other abusive relationships in our community that was also treated 
as a dark secret that was taboo to discuss openly - domestic abuse.

She has attacked this problem in a variety of ways on different levels.  These 
efforts have resorted in the opening of shelters for women and children who 
find themselves in abusive situations, and Imams now regularly address the 
issue in kutbahs and programs,

Just as there is domestic abuse there is also a well known problem of abusive 
religious leaders, who abuse worshippers under their position of control, power 
and authority.  Far too often these situations only come to light after years 
of oppression and abuse on a personal, community, sexual, financial, immoral, 
and inethical levels.

They include the current Catholic Priest situation and names like Jim Jones, 
David Koresh, Jim Baker. and Jimmy Swaggart.

In the African America community the preacher / pimp is a running punchline for 
comedians and a stereotypical part of our culture.

The root of our problem in our community was the military chain of command 
structure of the Nation of islam where commands, especially from the Minister 
were expected to be heard and obeyed immediately without question.   This 
system was ripe for the temptations of corruption.   When Imam Mohammed came 
into the leadership and discarded the NOI and its military structure, he openly 
exposed this corruption and a whole slew of tyrannical, controlling, abusive 
and corrupt ministers and staff were swept out of office.

Yet here we are thirty years later with continuing shirk involving oppression 
of the worship of Allah is still going on.

Allah has given us the tools to correct and resolve this problem, and it is 
regular open communication, shura and consensus. Allah gives us this Divine 
Design  for Muslim community management in no less that a Sura in the Quran 
titled Shura - Mutual Consultation.

The responsibility is on the ummah to ensure that this process is implemented 
into our community life, even when those in positions of authority are adverse.

That is not always easy. oif you are afraid.  Afraid of someone or something 
OTHER than the Fear of Allah, A fear that you give a higher priority to THAN 
the Fear of Allah.

Peace, Curtis Shaif
Houston, Texas 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As Salaamu Alaikum,
 Brother Sharif you have my permission to reprint this post and  send it to 
whomever you please.
 I am so glad that Brother Sharif has brought this behavior  in  his community 
to light.  

This happens in other communities in more  severe ways and in more subtle ways. 

However it is allowed due to most  people feel if their name is associated with 
not supporting an Imam there  will be no peace for them.  

So they go along out of fear if they speak up  they will not be liked, etc.  

This general type of unislamic behavior needs  to be addressed and then all of 
us are responsible for ending it.  

Due to  anytime you let anyone have control on the level that most Imams have 
in our  communities it is akin to shirk.  

We begin to worship the Imam and not  Allah.  

Many Imams use women as pawns when they cross the line like this  with 

 The women due to not feeling they have a true place in  most communities are 
willing to do almost anything to please the Imam (right  or wrong). 

These women are very needy and insecure.  Just the type of  people to be easily 
preyed upon due to they need so much and get so little from  other men in their 
lives that the Imam who says what they want to hear (right or  not) will get 
their loyalty and they will defend him with their lives.  

It  is akin to what some of us know as pimping.  A very sick, degrading  
practice of using insecure women or others for evil. 
 I know when this is read some people are going to have  something negative to 
say about me however I no longer care. Allah is my lord  and master. 

 No one in our community should ever be made to feel they can't  worship and 
work in peace in any masjid or Islamic center on earth.   

Good works such as the closing of schools, lack of programs for youth, food  
pantries and other social service programs should not suffer due to politics on 
 any level.  

When we go about allowing masjid/Islamic centers to become  small kingdoms 
ruled by king Imam instead of servant leader Imam we are  allowing shayton to 
be the ruler of the community not Allah. 

 The only  way this ridiculous behavior ends is with the truth being told and 
strong  believers standing firm on Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet  Muhammad. 

Hopefully upon exposure all parties will remember that they  are Muslim and 
proper Shura is conducted to resolve the matter  peacefully.
 Unfortunately it happens in Atlanta also Brother  Sharif this is why you have 
so many small enclaves of  supporters i

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fw: Threats To Attack Pakistani Targets --Asia Post editorial, Dhaka,23.7.07

2007-07-23 Thread S A Hannan

 Threats To Attack Pakistani Targets 


Newspapers have reportedcomments by the US officials that the US may strike 
on any target in Pakistani  side of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Pakistan  
foreign off ice has reacted  sharply on this and  warned the United States 
against what it characterized as “irresponsible and dangerous” calls by top 
American officials for unilateral military action against alleged Al Qaeda 
‘safe havens’ in the country’s tribal areas.This was a reference to  a string 
of recent comments by the US officials that in the hypothetical situation of 
“actionable targets” on the Pakistan side of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, 
the US would not rule out any options including striking such targets.Such 
comments  disregarded “the imperative of prudence and patience” necessary for 
the success of a comprehensive approach required to deal with this global 
danger.The foreign office said that the success of the international community 
in fighting terrorism depends essentially on cooperation, including sharing of 
concrete and actionable information and intelligence.”We cannot, nor should we 
be expected to take indiscriminate action over a large territory without any 
precise information about any Al Qaeda or terrorist hideout.” Reiterating that 
whatever counter-terrorism action is to be taken inside Pakistan, it would be 
taken by the country’s own security forces, she said: “This has been and 
remains the basis of our cooperation with the US.”The Pakistan Foreign office 
spokesperson said.

We are surprised at the comments of US officials to strike another country 
which is clearly in violation of international law.Pakistan has done everything 
possible to fight terrorism.It is not always possible to root out terrorism as 
is the case even in large part of India ,Thailand, Philipines and many other 
countries .If US does carry out such attacks it will be counter-productive, it 
will further increase anti-US feeling in the Muslim  world and elsewhere.We 
request the present US administration not to create further tension in the 


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Revive a Sunnah: The Turban

2007-07-23 Thread adil naveed
Revive a Sunnah: The Turban
   By: Sheikhul Hadith Hadhrat Moulana Fadhlur Rahman Saheb
   One must affirm that there can be absolutely no doubt in the 
fact that each and every Sunnah of our beloved Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa 
sallam is considered supreme and well worthy of emulation by a true 
believer of and follower of his esteemed lifestyle. In fact a true lover of 
Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be prepared to give his life for the 
practical preservation of even one Sunnah. A true Ummati of Nabi Sallallahu 
alayhi wa sallam is one who endeavors to emulate every Sunnah, whether it 
is connected to the Ibaadat (worship) of Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 
or his habit or lifestyle (the manner of his eating, walking, dressing etc.)
   Concerning the turban Hadhrat Sheikhul Hadith Moulana Mohammed 
Zakariya Khandalwi Rahmatullah alayhi has written in ‘Khasâil-e-Nabawi’ 
(commentary of Shamâil Tirmizi): 
   The tying of the turban is a ‘Sunnat-e-Mustamirrah’ (perpetually 
adhered to practice of Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). Nabi Sallallahu 
alayhi wa sallam has enjoined the tying of the turban upon us. It has been 
reported: "Tie the turban. It will increase you in forbearance." (Fathul 
Baari) It is also reported that somebody enquired of Hadhrat Ibn Umar 
Radhiallahu anhu whether the tying of the turban was sunnat or not. He replied 
in the affirmative.
   It is reported in one hadith that Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa 
sallam said: " Wear the turban as it is a sign of Islam and it 
distinguishes between a Muslim and a Kâfir." (Ainee)
   Ahâdith pertaining to the TurbanHadhrat Huraith 
Radhiallahu anhu reports that Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam addressed the 
people while wearing a black turban (Sahih Muslim Vol.1 Pg.439)
   In another narration it is reported: "I saw Nabi Sallallahu 
alayhi wa sallam wearing a black turban." ( Shamaail Tirmizi Pg.8)
   Hadhrat Jaabir Radhiallahu anhu reports that on the occasion of 
the conquest of Makkah, Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered Makkah 
Mukarramah while wearing a black turban. (Sahih Muslim Vol.1 Pg439)
   Hadhrat Ibn Abbas Radhiallahu anhu reports that during the 
illness just prior to his passing away, Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 
addressed the Sahabah Radhiallahu anhum while wearing a black turban. 
(Sahih Bukhari Vol.1 Pg536)
   Hadhrat Anas Radhiallahu anhu reports: "I saw Nabi  Sallallahu 
alayhi wa sallam performing wudhu. He had on a ‘Qitri’ turban…" (A type of 
thick coarse cloth with an element of redness in it). (Abû Dawûd Pg.19)
   The Sahabah and the Turban   Abu Umar Radhiallahu anhu 
reports that he saw Hadhrat Ibn Umar Radhiallahu anhu purchasing such a 
turban which had designs on it. Thereafter he requested for a scissors and 
cut it off.(Ibn Majah Pg.26)
   A lengthy incident has been mentioned in Sahih Bukhari where 
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Ateek Radhiallahu anhu says: "It was a moonlit night 
when I fell down breaking my calf. I used my TURBAN to form a bandage 
around it and proceeded ahead………." (Vol.2 Pg.577)
   Sulaiman Radhiallahu anhu says: "I saw those Sahabah who were 
from the Muhâjirîn-e Awwalîn (those who were among the first to migrate to 
Madinah) wearing turbans of cotton material." (Mussanaf Ibn Abi Shaibah 
Vol.8 Pg.241)
   It is mentioned that on the day of the martyrdom of 'Ûthmân 
Radhiallahu anhu, Hadhrat Ali Radhiallahu anhu had on a black turban. (Ibid 
Vol.8 Pg.235)
   Nafi’ Rahmatullah alayhi says: "I saw Ibn Umar Radhiallahu anhu 
wearing a turban the tail of which hung between the shoulders."(Ibid Vol.8 
   The Scholars of Hadith and the Turban   It is mentioned 
concerning Imaam Bukhari Rahmatullah alayhi that when he prepared to travel 
towards Samarqand, he tied a turban and wore leather socks. (Muqadama 
Fathul Bari Pg.493)
   It is also reported regarding Imâm Muslim Rahmatullah alayhi 
that once he placed his ‘chaadar’ (shawl) on his turban in front of his 
teacher and left the class. (Ibid Pg.491) This proves that Imaam Muslim 
Rahmatullah alayhi attended the lessons of Hadith wearing a turban.
   Virtue of the Turban   The mere fact that the wearing of 
the turban is proven to be Sunnat is in itself a sufficient and complete 
appraisal of its virtue and should provide the necessary impetus towards 
its adoption. However, there exist a multitude of narrations expounding the 
virtue of the turban. Many of them are ‘Daîf’ [weak]. However it is an 
accepted principle that a coupling of a multitude of ‘weak’ narrations 
concerning the virtue of a specified a

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Hindu women and Punishment

2007-07-23 Thread Ahumanb
Hindu women and Punishment

The wife could suffer corporal punishment for very minor offense. 

1. Amputation of Ears and Noses 
Hindu husbands cut off the ears and nose of their wives if they left the house 
without their prior permission. The Pancatantra mentions one such story 
[Pancatantra p.54, I.7th story `The Weaver's Wife']. The weaver cut off his 
wife's nose because she did not respond and he considered her unfaithful.
(actually he cut off the barber's wife's nose who was there instead.) The 
Ramayana and Hindu God Rama and his brother laxman practiced the cutting off of 
women's noses for minor offenses, thereby providing divine sanction for the 
custom. Shurpanakha was a Dravidian lady ( referred to as `Rakshis' or 
demonesses by the Hindus ) who fell in love with Rama. She proposed to him, but 
he directed her to his brother Laxman. He cut off her ears and nose for this 
crime[Alld Chmbrs 1036] 

2. Death Penalty 
The death penalty was prescribed for Hindu women guilty of infidelity. The Manu 
Smrti, the most authoritative Hindu law-book, states 
"When a woman, proud of her relations [or abilities] deceives her husband (with 
another man), then the king should [ensure that] she be torn apart by dogs in 
place much frequented by people ' [Manu Smrti 8:371] ` And the evil man should 
be burnt in a bed of red-hot iron." [Manu Smrti 8:371-2] 
"VIII.371. If a wife, proud of the greatness of her relatives or (her own) 
excellence, violates the duty which she owes to her lord, the king shall cause 
her to be devoured by dogs in a place frequented by many. VIII.372. Let him 
cause the male offender to be burnt on a red-hot iron bed; they shall put logs 
under it, (until) the sinner is burned (to death)." [Manu Smrti Buhler VIII 
That this custom was prevalent in the 9the century is confirmed by Arab 
reports. Merchant Sulaiman, an Arab traveler of the 9th century states that "If 
any man in the indies runs away with a wife and abuses her body they kill both 
him and the woman, unless it be proved that she was forced, then the man only 
is punished with death; but if the woman consented to the evil deed, they are 
punished with death, both one and the other."' -- [Arab p.56] 
Ram, the ideal husband, showed little regard to female life. Ram killed Tataka, 
a female and later called her "Rakshi" [Alld Chmbrs 1048]. 
Infidelity to husband was considered a grave sin and it was believed that such 
women went to Aksaya hell [Br.P. 87.61 in Sheth 98]. The husband had the power 
to curse the wife who was disloyal to him. Thus the sage Gautama cursed his 
wife Ahalya for sleeping with God Indra though through no fault of her own. 
[Sheth 99] 
[In the Kautilyan period] if a woman was found guilty of a carnal crime her 
generative organs were cut off and she was ultimately sentenced to death 
[Arth.IV.13 in Jain p.164 ], although it is not clear whether this was only for 
intercourse with slaves. 
Not only that, but adultery is defined as the simple touching of clothes and 
even conversing with men: 
VIII. 356. " He who addresses the wife of another man at a Tirtha, outside the 
village, in a forest, or at the confluence of rivers, suffer (the punishment 
for) adulterous acts (samgrahana). 
357. Offering presents (to a woman), romping (with her), touching her ornaments 
and dress, sitting with her on a bed, all (these acts) are considered 
adulterous acts (samgrahana). 
358. If one touches a woman in a place (which ought) not (to be touched) or 
allows (oneself to be touched in such a spot), all (such acts done) with mutual 
consent are declared (to be) adulterous (samgrahana)." -- [ Manu VIII.356-358 ] 
But for a hindu male, he is allowed to send his wife to other men to get him a 
male boy. (Ref:ArthShastra)
A male should send his women to wash Shiv Lingam with Cow's milk to prove she 
is humble to God Shiva's Organ even after he has been said to have had sex 
forcibly with 60,000 married women resulting in his Lingam being cut off by 
jealous God Brahma.


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar

2007-07-23 Thread Umme Safoora

You catch more flies with honey 
than with vinegar  [Shaykh Aaid Al-Qarni]

Muhammad  said that Everything that has gentleness within it is beautified, and 
whatever lacks it is spoiled.
 When you meet someone, giving them a bright smile and a kind word, you are 
displaying a characteristic of the truly successful man, a characteristic that 
even a bee exhibits. 

When a bee lands on a flower (doing so for a practical purpose) it does not 
destroy it, because Allah rewards gentleness with that which He does give for 

 There are certain people whose personalities are like magnets, attracting 
everyone who is nearby, simply because they are loved for their gentle talk, 
their good manners, and their noble deeds. 

Winning the friendship of others is an art that is mastered by those that are 
noble and pious; a circle of people constantly surrounds them. Their mere 
presence in a gathering is a blessing, and when they are absent they are missed 
and asked about. 

  These people have a code of conduct entitled:
   "Repel [evil] with one which is better, then verily! He, between whom and 
you there was enmity, [will become] as though he was a close friend."
 [Surah Fussilat – Ayah 34.]

 They suck out malice from others with their sincerity, forgiveness, and 
gentleness. They forget evil that was enacted upon them and preserve the memory 
of kindnesses received.
 Biting, harsh words may be aimed at them, but such words pass by their ears 
without entering and continue on their path without ever returning. They are in 
a state of calmness.
People in general, and Muslims in particular, are safe from suffering any harm 
at their hands. 

The Prophet  said: 

 'The Muslim is the person whose tongue and hand do not harm others. And the 
Believer is he whom others trust, about their blood and wealth.' 

  He  further said:
'Verily, Allah ordered me to keep relations with those that cut me off; to 
forgive the one who does an injustice with me, and to give to those who 
withhold from me.

  Allah Ta'ala has said: 
"Those who repress anger, and who pardon men: verily, Allah loves the 
[Surah Al-Imran – Ayah 34.]

 Give to such people glad tidings of a reward close at hand in terms of peace 
and tranquility. Also give glad tidings to them of a great reward in the 
Hereafter, of gardens and rivers, wherein they will be in close proximity to 
their forgiving Lord. 

  "In a seat of truth [Paradise], near the omnipotent King [Allah]."
 [Surah Al-Qamar – Ayah 55.]  

'Alahumma infa`ni bima `allamtani wa `allamni ma yanfa`uni!

OH ALLAH! Make useful for me what You taught me 
and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me! 

How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You. I bear witness that none has the 
right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in 

'Our Lord, give us good in this world, and good in the hereafter, and safeguard 
us from the punishment of the Fire.' (Qur'an, 2:200-201)

With kind and humble regards,
Your sister-in-Islam
Umme Safoora

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Beautiful informative Website

2007-07-23 Thread Mohamed
A beautiful website with lots and lots of materials/audios/videos for dawah

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Security Fears Curb CRUSADER Diplomats Movements

2007-07-23 Thread Alan Border
“America Has Lost Its Reputation & Its Standing. Indeed the American Who Used 
to Travel Around the World Respected & Safe & Welcomed Wherever He Went, is Now 
NO Longer Able to Step Outside America Without a Mine Detector. And the State 
Department Issues Warnings for You Constantly About What World Regions Are 
Dangerous to American Lives. It Was American Officials & Their Polices 
Themselves That Have Created An Atmosphere of Anti-American Hatred in the World 
by Means of Their Arrogant Behavior, Their Haughty Aggressive Attitude, Their 
Lack of Respect for International Law & the Security of the World  Including 
the Security of My Arab Nation Through Their Support for the Zionist Entity in 
Palestine & Other World & Human Issues.“ – Saddam Hussein
  Security Fears Curb U.S. Diplomats
  By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer
  WASHINGTON - Threatened abroad, U.S. diplomats have been hit with 
unprecedented security restrictions, confining many to fortress-like compounds 
and frustrating Bush administration efforts to get out and counter anti-U.S. 
sentiment. Lockdowns and prohibitions on travel now apply to Americans posted 
to embassies and consulates in at least 28 nations, according to an Associated 
Press survey of State Department warnings, internal directives and officials. 
More than half the nations are identified as key to curbing the spread of 
militant Islam.
  Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the number of posts deemed too dangerous 
for U.S. diplomats to bring families has doubled, from 10 to 21. And since the 
1980s, the number of missions where employees receive danger pay has soared 
from two — Colombia and Lebanon — to 26. The rise in hotspot posts has made it 
difficult for the department to recruit people to serve in them, including new 
embassies opening in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  But the no-family rules go far beyond Kabul and Baghdad, covering all seven 
U.S. missions in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as well as 12 posts in Bosnia, the 
Central African Republic, Congo, Kosovo, Liberia and Sudan. Even in countries 
where spouses and children are allowed, travel restrictions have been imposed 
because of threats from Islamic militants, other terrorism concerns, civil 
disturbances and, to a lesser extent, crime and disease.
  The State Department doesn't keep records on the number of posts covered at 
any one time by travel restrictions, but the American Foreign Service 
Association, the union for U.S. diplomats, believes it is higher now than at 
any other point since the organization was founded in 1924. The impact on 
foreign policy is considerable, sweeping across four continents and many 
countries where the U.S. hopes to counter the spread of extremism and improve 
America's tarnished image.
  "The policy we have for diplomatic security actually makes us less secure as 
a nation because it limits our ability to carry out our mission in critical 
environments," said Patrick Fine, a former senior Foreign Service officer who 
ran the U.S. Agency for International Development's mission in Afghanistan in 
2004 and 2005.
  Fine is hardly alone in that feeling. This spring, the Government 
Accountability Office identified security restrictions as a major hindrance to 
reversing anti-U.S. trends.
  "Security concerns have forced embassies to close publicly accessible 
facilities and curtail certain public outreach efforts, sending the unintended 
message that the United States is unapproachable," it said in the 
little-publicized April 26 report.
  An internal review by the State Department in 2005 concluded that security 
concerns "often require a low-profile approach during events, programs or other 
situations, which, in happier times, would have been able to generate 
considerable good will for the United States."
  Department officials insist diplomats are still able to do their jobs, though 
keeping them safe — particularly after the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in 
Kenya and Tanzania — may affect their ability to work.
  "It's always a matter of managing risk," said spokesman Sean McCormack, who 
served as economic, commercial and consular officer at the U.S. Embassy in 
Algeria at the height of a bloody Islamist insurgency in 1998 and 1999 that led 
to dire security measures at the mission. "I couldn't leave the compound 
without armed escorts, but I found I could have every meeting I needed to have, 
maybe not at the exact time I wanted, but I was able to arrange it," he said.
  Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has put a premium on safety, he said. 
"Her top priority is that people are protected when doing their jobs, but, at 
the same time, she wants them to get out from behind their desks and engage 
with local communities beyond capitals," McCormack said. "We can be very 
creative, and the bottom line is that our officers are out there. They are 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sudra (Low caste hindu) in Hinduism

2007-07-23 Thread Ahumanb
Sudra (Low caste hindu) in Hinduism

The Sudra has a precarious position in Hindu community. According to Manu 
Smrithi, a Brahman is forbidden to give advice or even food to a Sudra, for the 
ghi (clarified butter) having been offered to the gods, must not be eaten by 
him. Further, the Brahman must not give 'spiritual counsel to him,' nor inform 
him of the legal expiation of his sin. He who declares the law to a servile 
man, and he who instructs him in the mode of expiating sin, sinks with that 
very man into hell. 
A Brahman should never be the guru of a Sudra. 'While the first part of a 
Brahman's name should indicate holiness that of a Kshatriya's power and that of 
a Vashya's wealth, that of a Sudra 's should indicate contempt. The Veda is 
never to be read in the presence of a Sudra, and for him no sacrifice is to be 
performed. He has no business with solemn rites [1]. 
A Sudra has no right even to listen to the Veda. Recitation of or listening to 
this sacred book is exclusively a privilege of the Aryan Hindus. There is 
provision of severe punishment for a Sudra, in case he dares to enjoy this 
privilege. If he "overheard a recitation of the Vedas, molten lac or tin was to 
be poured into his mouth; if he repeated recitation of the Vedas, his tongue 
should be cut; and if he remembered Vedic hymns, his body was to be torn into 
pieces." [2] 
A Sudra is debarred from marrying a woman of the higher castes; if he does, 
their offspring will sink into a class even lower than his own. He must not 
participate in carrying the corpse of a Brahman. He is allowed to carry his 
dead only through the southern gate of the city where he may live. The murder 
of a Sudra by a Brahman is equal only to killing a cat or a frog or a cow. [3] 
In fact, the Sudras who have only deprivations and sufferings in their lots, 
are not Hindus. As Wilkins suggests, "the Sudras were not originally part of 
the Hindu system, but were engrafted into it..."[ 4 ] Still worse than the 
Sudras are the Dalits (also called Untouchables) who fall outside the caste 
system and are therefore the worst in the social hierarchy.
[1] Wilkins, Modern Hinduism, London, 1975, pp. 247-48.
[2] Swami Dharma Theertha, History of Hindu Imperialism, Madras, 1992, p. 42.
[3] Wilkins, 1975, p.248.
[4] Ibid., p. 255.

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2007-07-23 Thread Saba Khan
Income and expenditure
Ways and means of income, earning one’s livelihood and
spending such income should conform with the Shariah.
Hadhrat Ibn Mas’ood (radiallahu anhu) narrates that
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
On the Day of Qiyaamah no one will be able to move (on
the occasion of Hisaab-reckoning) until a reckoning of
five things has not been taken …..”   

Among the ‘five things’ mentioned in the above hadith,
two questions pertain to income and expenditure. One
will be asked: ‘How did you earn your living and how
did you spend your income?”
Earnings and expenses are also matters controlled and
regulated by the Deen. In this sphere too, there
should be no contraventions of the Shariah, Income
must not be derived by unlawful means, e.g. riba,
dealing in unlawful items, usurping the rights of
others, cheating, defrauding, withholding the
inheritance of any one, etc. Many people violate the
Shari laws of inheritance and deprive the rightful
heirs of their Islamic share of the inheritance. In
this way the usurpers add to their income what is
haraam and what does not belong to them.
Among the ways of earning which conflict with the
Deen, is to become involved so intensively in trade
and commerce that even Salaat is neglected. Aakhira is
forgotten, Zakaat and Hajj are not discharged and no
time remains for one to acquire the essential
teachings of the Deen. One should not become so much
involved that there remains no time to sit in the
company of some saintly person, to learn from him the
essentials of the Deen. Association with the
pious-with the Auliya-is an important requirement for
the spiritual progress of a Muslim. This fact of life
should, therefore, never be neglected.

Income should not be expended in such ways, avenues
and practices which are condemned by the Deen.
Extravagance, spending in customs which have no Shari
sanction, spending for the sake of gaining name,
spending in unnecessary luxuries-luxuries which are
far in excess of one’s needs, etc. are all evil ways
which bring about ruin in both mundane and spiritual
There is nothing wrong with earning and accumulating
wealth provided that one abstains from extravagance,
haraam and all ways and means unlawful in Islam.
Wealth can and should be used constructively for one’s
own benefit as well as for the benefit of others and
for rendering service to the Deen. There are a variety
of Deeni activities which require wealth. Therefore, a
man of wealth can obtain great thawaab by earning and
employing wealth in accordance with the Shariah.
Aiding the poor and needy, contributing to Deeni
projects such as Musjids, Madressahs, works of
Tableegh, etc. are wonderful channels in which to
employ wealth and thereby build up one’s capital in
the Aakhirah.
Hadhrat Abdullah (radiallahu anhu) narrates that
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“The seeking of a halaal earning is the (next) Fardh
(duty) after the Fardh (Salat).” 

Hadhrat Abu Khimari (radiallahu anhu) narrates lengthy
hadith in which Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) said:

“The world is for four (types) of persons. (One among
the four) is a man whom Allah Ta’ala granted wealth as
well as understanding of the Deen. He fears his Rabb
and is kind (and renders service) to his relatives.
And, in regard to the wealth he follows the commands
of Allah and discharges rights. This man is the
noblest …..”

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (radiallahu anhu), narrating
a lengthy hadith, said the Rasulullah (sallallahu
alayhi wasallam) said:

“Wealth is an object of pleasure. Wealth acquired in a
rightful way (in accordance with the Shariah) and
spent in a rightful way will be an aid for its owner.”

(Bukhari, Muslim)

Hadhrat Amr Ibnul A’s (radiallahu anhu) narrates that
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Wholesome (pure) wealth for a noble person is good.”
Hadhrat Miqdam Ibn Ma’di Karuba (radiallahu anhu)
narrates that he heard Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) say:

“There will come a time when only gold and silver
(wealth) will benefit people.

According to Hadhrat Sufyaan Thauri (radiallahu anhu),
wealth during the time of the Sahaabah was not
preferable since their hearts were ennobled with
strong Imaan. Since they possessed a very strong Imaan
there was no need for them to seek strength and
confidence in wealth. In view of the evils normally
attendant to wealth, the Sahaabah and the early
Muslims refrained from its acquistion. However, now
(says Hadhrat Abu Sufyaan Thauri) wealth has become
the shield of the Mu’min. Since Imaan is no longer as
strong as it was during former times, poverty creates
worry and frustr

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] On Defaming Prophet Muhammad

2007-07-23 Thread Ahumanb
On Defaming Prophet Muhammad
"Of all the world's greatest men none has been so much maligned as Muhammad. It 
is easy to see how this has come about. For centuries Islam was the great enemy 
of Christendom, for Christendom was in direct contact with no other organized 
states comparable in power to the Muslims." [William Montgomery Watt]
"Ever since the Crusades, people in the west have seen the prophet Muhammad as 
a sinister figure. During the 12th century, Christians were fighting brutal 
holy wars against Muslims, even though Jesus had told his followers to love 
their enemies, not to exterminate them. The scholar monks of Europe stigmatised 
Muhammad as a cruel warlord who established the false religion of Islam by the 
sword. They also, with ill-concealed envy, berated him as a lecher and sexual 
pervert at a time when the popes were attempting to impose celibacy on the 
reluctant clergy. Our Islamophobia became entwined with our chronic 
anti-Semitism; Jews and Muslims, the victims of the crusaders, became the 
shadow self of Europe, the enemies of decent civilisation and the opposite of 
"us". [Karen Armstrong]
"The greatest crime, the greatest ‘sin’ of Mohammad in the eyes of the 
Christian West is that he did not allow himself to be slaughtered, to be 
‘crucified’ by his enemies. He only defended himself, his family and his 
followers; and finally vanquished his enemies. Mohammad’s success is the 
Christians’ gall of disappointment: He did not believe in any vicarious 
sacrifices for the sins of others." [Edward Gibbon]
"No great religious leader has been so maligned as Prophet Mohammed. Attacked 
in the past as a heretic, an impostor, or a sensualist, it is still possible to 
find him referred to as ‘the false prophet’. A modern German writer accuses 
Prophet Mohammed of sensuality, surrounding himself with young women. This man 
was not married until he was twenty-five years of age, then he and his wife 
lived in happiness and fidelity for twenty-four years, until her death when he 
was forty-nine. Only between the age of fifty and his death at sixty-two did 
Prophet Mohammed take other wives, and most of them were taken for dynastic and 
political reasons. Certainly the Prophet’s record was better than the head of 
the Church of England, Henry VIII."  [Geoffrey Parrinder, Professor of 
comparative religion at King's College London]

"Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep 
sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty 
generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times 
‘by the sword’ to get them to abandon their faith." [Uri Avnery, German-born 
Israeli journalist] 

"It was the West, not Islam, which forbade the open discussion of religious 
matters. At the time of the Crusades, Europe seemed obsessed by a craving for 
intellectual conformity and punished its deviants with a zeal that has been 
unique in the history of religion. The witch-hunts of the inquisitors and the 
persecution of Protestants by the Catholics and vice versa were inspired by 
abstruse theological opinions which in both Judaism and Islam were seen as 
private and optional matters. Neither Judaism nor Islam share the Christian 
conception of heresy, which raises human ideas about the divine to an 
unacceptably high level and almost makes them a form of idolatry. The period of 
the Crusades, when the fictional Mahound was established, was also a time of 
the great strain and denial in Europe. This is graphically expressed in the 
phobia about Islam." [Karen Armstrong - Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet]

“Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” - 
Albert Einstein


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