Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sukayna, the barza woman

2007-07-24 Thread Ibrahim Hayani

Salam Brothers & Sisters,

I wish to thank you for sharing this exceedingly informative and 
inspiring article. What a delightful encounter with a most fascinating 
woman in the history of Islam. This is the kind of women the world of 
Islam needs today, intelligent, self-confident, highly educated, 
assertive, and above all courageous. This article should be a "must" 
reading for young Muslims, males and females alike. The future of Islam, 
whether in Muslim countries or anywhere else, will be all the more 
promising with such daring and intelligent Muslim women like Sukayna, 
may God Almighty bless her free spirit and enduring legacy.

Please keep furnishing/enriching us with this kind of  positive, highly 
relevant, motivational,  and thoroughly inspiring stories from the 
infinitely rich and enchanting history of Islam. JAZAKUMU ALLAHU KHAIRAN.

Ibrahim Hayani


Assalam alaikum,

Lisan al-Arab says, "A barza woman is one who does not hide her face
and does not lower her head" And the dictionary adds that a barza
woman is one who "is seen by people and hwo received visitors at home"
- men, obviously. A barza woman is also a woman who has "sound
judgment". A barz man or wman is someone "known for their aql
(reasoning)". Who are they, these Muslim women who have resisted the
`hijab'? The most famous was Sukayna, one of the great grand daughters
of the Prophet through his daughter Fatima, the wife of Ali, the
famous Ali, the ill-fated fourth orthodox caliph who abandonded power
to Muawiya and was assassinated by the first Muslim political
terrorist. His sons' fates were as tragic as his own, and Sukayna was
present at the killing of her father at Karbala. That tragedy partly
explains her revolt against political, oppressive, despotic Islam and
against everything that hinders the individuals freedom - including
the `hijab'.

Sukayna was born in the year 49 of the Hijra (about 671 AD). She was
celebrated for her beauty, for what the Arabs call beauty - an
explosive mixture of physical attractiveness, critical intelligence,
and caustic wit. The most powerful men debated with her; caliphs and
princes proposed marriage to her, which she disdained for political
reasons. Nevertheless, she ended up marrying five, some say six,
husbands. She quarreled with some of them, made passionate
declarations of love to others, brought one to court for infidelity,
and never pledged Ta'a (obedience, the key principle of Muslim
marriage) to any of them. In her marriage contracs she stipulated that
she would not obey her husband, but would do as she pleased, and that
she did not acknowledge that her husband had the right to practice

All this was the result of her interest in political affairs and
poetry. She continued to receive visits from poets and, despite her
several marriages, to attend attend the meetings of the Quraishi
tribal council, the equivalent of the democratic municipal councils.
[Isbahani, Aghani, vol 16 p 168-9]

Her personality has fascinated the historians, who have devoted pages
and pages, sometimes who biographies to her. Her character was deeply
affected by history's harsh reality - particularly the killing of her
father, Husayn ibn Ali, at Karbala, one of the most outrageous
massacres in Muslim political history.

Husayn was a man of peace who had declared to Muawiya in a written
contract his decision to renounce the caliphate, provided he be
allowed to live in safety with his family. A poet, he celebrated the
women he adored: Rabab, his wife, and Sukayna, his daughter. After the
death of Muawiya, when he refused to swear allegiance to Muawiya's
son, Husayn was killed at Karbala in the midst of his family,
including Sukayna. It happened on the day of Ashura (the Day of
Atonement), Oct 10th 680 AD.  All her life Sukayna harbored feelings
of contempt, which she never hesitated to express, for the Umayyad
dynasty and its bloody methods. She attacked the dynasty in the
mosques and insulted its governors and representatives every time she
had the opportunity, even arranging occasions for this purpose.
[Isbahani, Aghani, vol 16 p 143]

She made one of hre husbands sign a marriage contract that officially
specified her right to nushuz, that rebellion against marital control
that so tormented the fuqaha. She claimed the right to be nashiz, and
paraded it, like her beauty and her talent, to assert the importance
and vitality of women in the Arab tradition.

Admiring and respectful, the historians delight in evoking her family
dramas - for instance, the case that she brought against one of her
husbands who had violated the rule of monogamy that she had imposed on
him in the marriage contract. Dumbfounded by the conditions in the
contract, the judge nevertheless was obliged to hear the case, with
his own wife attending this trial of the century, and the caliph
sending an emissary to keep him au courant (up to date) with the
course of the trial.

Sukayna died in Medina at the

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Occupied Iraq - How the CRUSADER Lies to Put a Positive SPIN On Its Occupation

2007-07-24 Thread Alan Border
“O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the 
truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of 
repentance for what ye have done.”
  (Al-Qur'an, 49:6 (Al-Hujraat [The Private Apartments, The Inner Apartments])
  Another Al Qaeda In Iraq Leader Killed Twice By U.S.
War propaganda put down to "eagerness"
  Steve Watson
  Friday, July 6, 2007
  The U.S. military command in Iraq was forced to retract showpiece statements 
made this week that they had killed a high profile Al Qaeda leader due to the 
fact that they had already announced the killing one year ago. A military 
spokesman acknowledged the mistake after it was called to his attention by The 
Examiner. He said public affairs officers will be more careful in announcing 
significant kills. 
  Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner announced to the media on Monday that Kamal Jalil 
Uthman, also known as Said Hamza, thought to be the chief of al Qaeda in Iraq 
military operations in Mosul, had been "recently eliminated" "He planned, 
coordinated and facilitated suicide bombings, and he facilitated the movement 
of more than a hundred foreign fighters through safe houses in the area." 
Bergner said.
  Yet reporters recognized the name and soon realised that the same person had 
been "eliminated" on a previous occasion. Rowan Scarborough reports: 
  When The Examiner pointed out that Uthman's death had been announced twice, a 
command spokesman said in an e-mail, "You are correct that we did previously 
announce that we killed him. This was a roll up to show an overall effort 
against [al Qaeda in Iraq]. We can probably do a better job on saying 
'previously announced' when we do long-term roll ups to show an overall effort."
  It has become clear that the military is disseminating propaganda in a 
blatant attempt to artificially inflate the success of what is in actual fact a 
total disaster. "Eagerness" to be successful does not excuse lying to the media 
about operations in Iraq. In addition, this is not the first time so called Al 
Qaeda in Iraq leading figures have been killed more than once. 
  Like some kind of mythical god or deity, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the supposed 
former leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, was apparently killed no less than five 
times by coalition forces. 
  He was first killed in the Sulaimaniyah mountains of northern Iraq, then he 
was killed in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, followed by a death during 
Operation Matador near the town of Qaim on the Syrian border, then he was 
killed, along with his mentor, Osama bin Laden, in the besieged city of 
Fallujah, and finally met his fifth demise in a U.S. air raid north of Baghdad 
in the town of Hibhib near Baquba. Before al-Zarqawi met his final demise it 
also seemed as if he had magical powers that enabled him to escape multiple 
  Inquisitive questions into just how al-Zarqawi had managed such feats were 
answered last year when it was revealed via leaked internal military documents 
that al-Zarqawi was a neocon pet propaganda program. His role and actions had 
been consistently artificially magnified according to officers involved in the 
  When some senior intelligence officers went public with fears that Zarqawi's 
role might have been overemphasized by the propaganda campaign, the Pentagon 
conveniently released a video showing al-Zarqawi wearing tennis shoes and 
fumbling with a U.S. M-249 squad automatic weapon, unable to operate the gun 
and appearing to be a total buffoon. 
  Just months after that pictures of Zarqawi's dead body were widely broadcast 
and the operation was retired. In a previous propaganda ploy by the U.S. 
military command in Baghdad, it was revealed that Iraqi newspapers were paid to 
carry positive news about U.S. efforts in Iraq. 
  The latest example of Al Qaeda in Iraq propaganda shows that the military is 
still desperately trying to placate a media and a population that is sick and 
tired of funding the globalist empirical operation in the middle east. 
  “United We Stand Free With DIGINITY. Divided We get ENSLAVED By The Zionist 

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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The French Connections: PAUL KRUGMAN - U.S. Web Lag +

2007-07-24 Thread MA PA
 The French Connections: PAUL KRUGMAN - U.S. Web Lag +
Monday Jul 23rd, 2007 
 KRUGMAN: What happened to America’s Internet lead? Bad policy.  THE 

 The French Connections 
 Published: July 23, 2007 

 There was a time when everyone thought that the Europeans and the Japanese 
were better at business than we were. In the early 1990s airport bookstores 
were full of volumes with samurai warriors on their covers, promising to teach 
you the secrets of Japanese business success. Lester Thurow’s 1992 book, “Head 
to Head: The Coming Economic Battle Among Japan, Europe and America,” which 
spent more than six months on the Times best-seller list, predicted that Europe 
would win. 

 Then it all changed, and American despondency turned into triumphalism. Partly 
this was because the Clinton boom contrasted so sharply with Europe’s slow 
growth and Japan’s decade-long slump. Above all, however, our new confidence 
reflected the rise of the Internet. Jacques Chirac complained that the Internet 
was an “Anglo-Saxon network,” and he had a point — France, like most of Europe 
except Scandinavia, lagged far behind the U.S. when it came to getting online. 

 What most Americans probably don’t know is that over the last few years the 
situation has totally reversed. As the Internet has evolved — in particular, as 
dial-up has given way to broadband connections using DSL, cable and other 
high-speed links — it’s the United States that has fallen behind. . . 

 Even more striking is the fact that our “high speed” connections are painfully 
slow by other countries’ standards. . . [H]ealth care isn’t the only area in 
which the French, who can take a pragmatic approach because they aren’t 
prisoners of free-market ideology, simply do things better. 


Parent CCNWON at 5:03 AM 0 comments Links to this post 

 Labels: economy, France, GOP, internet, Markets, New York Times, News, PAUL 
KRUGMAN, Politics, Republicans 





MARC PARENT, mparent, mparent, 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Quran in Yahoo Messenger

2007-07-24 Thread Mohamed
- Original Message -
From: umar farooq

hope you find this mail in good health & Eeman..
follow the below procedure & take advantage of it,

In yahoo messenger. Add this "quran.kareem" in the add contact list. and once 
added then you can see that " quran.kareem" is online and then further you can 
click on the online quran kareem to send an instant msg.Try writing in the box 
just type" help "this will show you some examples of how to use this program. 
Yes it's a program that runs inside yahoo messenger.What a clever little Muslim 
who created this!Save that username! You can get translations to the Quran in 
Urdu as well as English. There are Hadith as well even the 40 Hadith. this has 
to offer because there is so much Mashallah!Spread the word too, Islam is not 
for you and me but for all humanity!

Jazaak Allah khair
