Boycott Israel [IslamCity] ar-Rayyaan

2007-09-11 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Sahl ibn Sa’d, radiya’llahu ‘anhu narrates that 
  Prophet Muhammad, salla’llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
   "Paradise has eight gates, and one of them is called ar-Rayyaan, 
through which none will enter but those who observe fasting." 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Re: a brother asking for muslim friends

2007-09-11 Thread zkhodakaramiii

Assalamu Alaykum va Rahmatullah.

Brother Orhan, I am a muslim from IRAN. I don't know you but I know
you have a friend that to everywhere you go, he would be with you.
The best friend that everything you do, he would help you mercifuly.
He is so kind, would always Love you so much and care for you. Be
sure he bestow his blessings to you for always.

Be happy and proud that you have the best friend in all universe :

Surely he is the Sun that brighten your days in NY. Think about him
and don't think that you are alone. You have ALLAH and his
gift 'QURAN' with yourself. And muslims all around the universe are
your friends for ever, even they can't see you or talk with you but
always they are in your heart and your mind.

Our great poet 'Baba Taaher' said:
"everybody say that 'Taaher' don't have any friend,
but God is my friend, so i need no other friend."

Best Rigards,
Zeynab Khodakarami

--- In, "acid_lani" wrote:
> Eselamu aleykum we rahmetull-llahi we berekatuhu,
> I am a brother from Macedonia, and two weeks ago I came in New
York as
> an exchange student. I will be here for the entire academic year,
> I really feel bad since I am really homesick and miss my family,
> friends, the mosques in Tetovo, my city, and everything else. Here
> NY everything is different. I would really like to meet brothers
> sisters from this place, especially Manhatten, where New York
> University, the one I am attending, is located. I really need to be
> close to someone here so that I can feel the joy of Ramadan and
Eid in
> family atmosphere.
> May All-llah bless you all.
> Eselamu aleykum
> your brother Orhan Ceka

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Happiness and Inner Peace

2007-09-11 Thread Shahid Khan
* *

* *

* *

*Happiness and Inner Peace*

REAL happiness and peace can be found in submitting to the commands of the
Creator  and the Sustainer of this world.

Allah has said in the Qur'an: "Truly, in remembering Allah do hearts find
rest." *(Qur'an 13:28) *


On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Qur'an will have a life
of hardship in this world. Allah has said: "But whoever turns away from the
Qur'an he will have a hard life, and We will raise him up blind on the Day
of Judgment." *(Qur'an 20:124)*

This may explain why some people commit suicide while they enjoy the
material comfort money can buy.

You will also find true happiness in helping others, keeping good
relationships with blood relatives, sheltering an orphan, helping someone to
pay his debts, supporting the weak, feeding the needy, spending money on
charity... etc.

This simply means that happiness is not found in collecting money as a lot
of people think.

Real happiness is found in enjoining what is good and forbidding what is

You have to be always busy thinking about how to make the best use of your
time in satisfying Allah and this in fact is the real pleasure of life. You
have to realize that your life is short and it is a journey from birth to
death during which you have to follow what your conscience tells you.**

Compiled from various sources.

 * Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups,
to post on Internet sites and to p ublish in full text and subject title in
not-for-profit publications. *


*Note that an English translation of the Qur'an is an interpretation of the
Qur'an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur'an in its original
Arabic form.*


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Fasting is for me...

2007-09-11 Thread ***hajikhan***

  Abu Hurayra (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the 
  Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 
  "Allah, the Mighty and Exalted said, 
  'Every action of the son of Adam is for himself except fasting,
  for that is solely for Me. I give the reward for it.’

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iranian research output is booming

2007-09-11 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 12:38 AM
Subject: Iranian research output is booming

About 364 Iranian reseachers have published over 30 articles each, in 
scientific journals approved by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).

A faculty member of Bou-Ali University noted publishing such large number of 
articles in scientific journals approved by ISI shows that the country is 
making scientific achievments, ISNA reported.

Mohammad Ali Zolfi-Gol, a chemistry professor, pointed out that about 1,000 
Iranian scientists have over 10 articles each published in prestigious 
scientific journals.

Minister of Science, Research and Technology has also said that the number of 
research articles published in ISI journals has now increased to 7,000 from the 
5,000 before President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took office.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] 9/11 Anniversary Part One

2007-09-11 Thread Showkat Ali
9/11 Anniversary Part One

Another anniversary
To remember and mourn
Those that died on that day
When the planes crashed
In to the WTC and narrowly missed the Pentagon

A day when terrorism arrived in the USA
And the whole world changed
War on terror was launched
Invasion after invasion
Only halted due to dogged resistance

Iran and Syria survived
As the Neo-Con agenda 
Fell apart
In the deserts of Iraq
And the valleys of Afghanistan

A Coalition was formed
To storm
And smoke out the enemy
Brits were there as always
Even though their public said “not in our name”

Much has been done
In the name of those 3000 that died
And more yet to come
All in the name of fighting and killing the new enemy
Al Qaeda and Political Islam

Became a justification
For almost anything
Many now wonder
Who planned and did it?

Conspiracy theories
Mistrust of the powers that be
Refusal to follow blindly and accept
Has been the result and Bushes legacy

Millions of dollars were destroyed on that day
But billions gained in oil revenues from Iraq
Accountants balance the figures
While American blood fills the rivers
It’s the white/black working class boys and girls
Who fight, are killed and wounded
While the Neo-Cons and businessmen sign new deals
And their kids spend daddies millions

Every anniversary treated like a marketing strategy
To unify and milk anger and grief
Raise another army
To go into the valley of death
Where the enemy awaits and fights in stealth

Over 4000 dead and 25 000 wounded
Americans of course
Iraqi dead in 6 figures
But they don’t matter

Even Saddam never killed this many
But many call him a tyrant and murderer

So how long will these wars continue?
Trillions wasted
As poverty and unemployment at home rises

Hurricane Katrina exposed the soft underbelly
America does not care for its own citizens

Overseas it’s not looking good either
Mujahideen getting stronger
Courage coming with the downing of every plane
Blowing up of every tank and soldier
America no longer the boulder
More like the pebble
To be crushed under the feet of these so called rebels

So what will you do
The American public?
Follow blindly
the leader who fails to inspire
or elect another to continue this butchery?

Whose policies will bring the chicken’s home to roost?
Or select a third brave option
Isolation and non- interference in Muslims affairs

Make your choice wisely
Because the enemy is prepared to fight and die bravely
But you already saw that on 9/11 2001.
 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Friday Nasiha - Issue #437: "Surah al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) - Ch 8: Vs 24 (Partial)" + "Listening Skills" + "Atheists are Polytheists!" - from YoungMuslims

2007-09-11 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Friday Nasiha - Issue #437
Rajab 19, 1428, A.H. - August 3, 2007, C.E.
Living the Quran
Surah al-Anfal (The Spoils of War) - Chapter 8: Verse 24 (Partial)
Living Through Quran
"O you who believe, respond to Allah and His messenger as they call you to that 
which gives you life"

The Quran came to change the beliefs, behavior and outlook of all who are 
astray. It came to guide them to the true happiness and the way of life that 
one should follow in this life. Al-Suddi, an early commentator on the Quran, 
stated that this verse means that Islam gave the Companions true life after 
they were truly dead in disbelief.

The difference between faith and disbelief is truly comparable to the 
difference between life and death. Knowing the Quran, that source of life to 
which Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) is calling every human, as 
opposed to not knowing it is also comparable to the difference between life and 

The effect of the Quran can clearly be seen in the first generation of Muslims. 
These were the people who were given life by the Quran. They were taken from 
darkness into light. The example they set is the example that all later 
generations who believe in the Quran must aspire to.

The Change in the Arabs Brought about Through the Quran

Perhaps one of the best descriptions of the change that took place among the 
Muslims can be seen in the famous statement of the Companion Jafar ibn Abu 
Taalib who was asked by the Negus of Abyssinia about the mission of the 
Messenger. He told him:

"O king, we were an ignorant people, worshipping idols, eating carrion and 
indulging in sexual pleasures. We teased our neighbors, a brother oppressed his 
brother, and the strong devoured the weak. At this time a man rose among us, 
who had already been known to be truthful, noble and honest. This man called us 
to Islam. And he taught us to give up worshipping stones, to speak the truth, 
to refrain from bloodshed, and not to defraud the orphans of their property. He 
taught us to provide comfort to our neighbors and not to bring a slander 
against chaste women. He enjoined upon us to offer prayers, observe fasts and 
give alms. We followed him, gave up polytheism and idolatry and refrained from 
all evil deeds."

That generation, in turn, took the message to the rest of the world. They were 
clearly a people who were taken from darkness into light and to the straight 
path of Allah. When asked by the Emperor of Persia what brought the Muslims to 
their lands, two different Companions answered in similar terms: "Allah has 
sent us to take whoever wishes from the servitude of mankind to the servitude 
of Allah and from the tightness of this world to its expanse and from the 
injustice of the ways of life [in this world] to the justice of Islam."

Why Doesn't the Quran Have the Same Effect Today?

The reason why the Quran does not have the same effect today has nothing to do 
with the essential nature of the Quran- as it will always be the true guidance 
that is ever available to take mankind from darkness into light. The source of 
the problem is in the way that many of today's believers approach the Quran. 
The possible reasons for this kind of situation could be many. In general, 
though, four, which were mentioned in the introductory chapter, stand out 

(1) Some Muslims emphasize secondary aspects of the Quran while ignoring its 
more important primary aspects;
(2) Too many Muslims do not recognize and understand the primary goals of the 
Quran; therefore they read it but do not get out of it what it desires
(3) In addition, some Muslims do not approach the Quran in the proper manner, 
missing the essential link between what it teaches and how it is to affect 
mankind; and
(4) Even when the above obstacles or problems are overcome, still some Muslims 
do not interpret the Quran in the proper manner and, hence, although they read 
it they do not get its correct teachings from it.

"How to Approach and Understand the Quran" - Jamal ad din Zarabozo

Understanding the Prophet's Life
Listening Skills
Psychology teaches us that, though you are not necessary going to convince 
others or change their minds by listening to them, you are going to endear them 
to you and make them more sympathetic. One of the most notable qualities of 
great and influential people is their ability to listen to others and to show 
them proper regard.

A delegation of Mecca 's polytheists once came to the Prophet (peace be upon 
him) to object to him. They spoke at length until they had nothing more to say. 
Only then did the Prophet (peace be upon him) spoke up and ask: "Are you done?" 
When they told him 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamic Creationist and a Book Sent Round the World

2007-09-11 Thread Abhiyya 2006
See how intolerant are the West and self-styled 'scientists' on Harun Yahya's 
book "ATLAS OF CREATION". (The book is available on: 
  - Abi
  Islamic Creationist and a Book Sent Round the World 
  Published: July 17, 2007
  In the United States, opposition to the teaching of evolution in public 
schools has largely been fueled by the religious right, particularly Protestant 
Skip to next paragraph Enlarge This Image
   Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
  “Atlas of Creation,” by Adnan Oktar of Turkey, is turning up, unsolicited, in 
mailboxes of scientists. 

 Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
  The book says that creatures today are just like creatures that lived in the 
fossil past, so evolution must be impossible. 

  Now another voice is entering the debate, in dramatic fashion.
  It is the voice of Adnan Oktar of Turkey, who, under the name Harun Yahya, 
has produced numerous books, videos and DVDs on science and faith, in 
particular what he calls the “deceit” inherent in the theory of evolution. One 
of his books, “Atlas of Creation,” is turning up, unsolicited, in mailboxes of 
scientists around the country and members of Congress, and at science museums 
in places like Queens and Bemidji, Minn. 
  At 11 x 17 inches and 12 pounds, with a bright red cover and almost 800 
glossy pages, most of them lavishly illustrated, “Atlas of Creation” is 
probably the largest and most beautiful creationist challenge yet to Darwin’s 
theory, which Mr. Yahya calls a feeble and perverted ideology contradicted by 
the Koran.
  In bowing to Scripture, Mr. Yahya resembles some fundamentalist creationists 
in the United States. But he is not among those who assert that Earth is only a 
few thousand years old. The principal argument of “Atlas of Creation,” advanced 
in page after page of stunning photographs of fossil plants, insects and 
animals, is that creatures living today are just like creatures that lived in 
the fossil past. Ergo, Mr. Yahya writes, evolution must be impossible, 
illusory, a lie, a deception or “a theory in crisis.”
  In fact, there is no credible scientific challenge to the theory of evolution 
as an explanation for the complexity and diversity of life on earth.
  The book caused a stir earlier this year when a French translation 
materialized at high schools, universities and museums in France. Until then, 
creationist literature was relatively rare in France, according to Armand de 
Ricqles, a professor of historical biology and evolutionism at the College de 
France. Scientists spoke out against the book, he said in an e-mail message, 
and “thanks to the highly centralized public school system in France, it was 
possible to organize that the books sent to lycées would not be made available 
to children.”
  So far, no similar response is emerging in the United States. “In our country 
we are used to nonsense like this,” said Kevin Padian, an evolutionary 
biologist at the University of California, Berkeley, who, like colleagues 
there, found a copy in his mailbox. 
  He said people who had received copies were “just astounded at its size and 
production values and equally astonished at what a load of crap it is.
  “If he sees a picture of an old fossil crab or something, he says, ‘See, it 
looks just like a regular crab, there’s no evolution,’ ” Dr. Padian said. 
“Extinction does not seem to bother him. He does not really have any sense of 
what we know about how things change through time.”
  Kenneth R. Miller, a biologist at Brown University, said he and his 
colleagues in the life sciences had all received copies. When he called friends 
at the University of Colorado and the University of Chicago, they had the books 
too, he said. Scientists at Brigham Young University, the University of 
Connecticut, the University of Georgia and others have also received them.
  “I think he must have sent it to every full professor in the medical school,” 
said Kathryn L. Calame, a microbiologist at the Columbia University medical 
school who received a copy. “The genetics department, the biochem department, 
micro — everybody I talked to had it.” 
  While they said they were unimpressed with the book’s content, recipients 
marveled at its apparent cost. “If you went into a bookstore and saw a book 
like this, it would be at least $100,” said Dr. Miller, an author of 
conventional biology texts. “The production costs alone are astronomical. We 
are talking millions of dollars.”
  Fatih Sen, who heads the United States office of Global Impex, a company that 
markets Islamic books, gifts and other products, including “Atlas,” would not 
comment on its distribution, except to describe the book as “great” and refer 
questions to the publisher, Global Publishing of Istanbul. Repeated attempts by 
telephone and e-mail to reach the concern, or Mr. Yahya, were unsuccessful

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] An Extract from The Will of Ayatullah Syed Shahabuddin al-Mar'ashi

2007-09-11 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
Please read it feel it and forward to your dear ones. Iltemase Dua 

 Subject:[Yearn For Allah] An extract from the will of Ayatullah Syed 
Shahabuddin al-Mar'ashi 

 Five (5) minutes of your time and I promise they'll be worth! 
 In September 1990 in Qum I was privileged to attend the funeral of Ayatullah 
Syed Shahabuddin al-Mar'ashi. His death plunged the whole Shia world into 
grief. Ulema followed the coffin with tears streaming down their faces. In 
every street of Qum the sounds of mourning could be heard. Although the
 Ayatullah's house was very near the Haram of Janabe Masuma Qum (A.S.), it 
still took one and a half hours for the bier to reach the courtyard of the
 Haram for the recitation of Namaze Mayyit.

 Thereafter the body of the Ayatullah was transported across the shoulders of 
the 1.5 millions gathered there, and was finally laid to rest with great
 dignity near his famous library.

 In the Syrian trimonthly magazine al- Mawsim, the Ayatullah's will has been 
published. A translation of extracts which were addressed to his son Mahmood
 al-Mar'ashi has been reproduced below. Without doubt these words are not only 
those of a father for his son but serve for us as a reminder as well.

 Allah ( S.W.T.) says "Inna zikra tanfaul mu'mineen"; Verily reminders are 
valuable for the believers.
 I advise my son


1. Always remain ready to serve the religion of Islam and strive in the defence 
of Truth. Today the religion of Islam is crying, "Hal min Nasirin Yansuruni, 
hal min Zaabbin Yazubbu 'Anni?"; "Is there a helper who will come to my aid, is 
there a saviour who will come to my rescue?"

O my son, in this age there are very few who answer this plea from Islam, and 
may Allah reward the few that there are.

2. Always ponder deeply over the verses of the Holy Qur'an and follow the 
advice and instructions contained therein. Visit the graves frequently
and think, "where were these people yesterday, what were the, how were they and 
where have they come today
   Do not sit and indulge in vain and useless gatherings. There are few 
gatherings today where gossip, slander and lies are not present,
rather they do not exist. Refrain from excessive attachment to this world.

3. Maintain good relations with your close relatives because by this act you 
will gain inspiration to do good and earn blessings and an increase in your 
means and life-span.

  4. Always refrain from backbiting of the servants of Allah, and 
especially remain aloof from gossip about the Ulamae Deen , because that is
like eating poisoned dead meat.

  5. Remain engrossed in the learning of religious knowledge. Continue to 
progress in it everyday and remain busy in spreading it all the time.

 6. O my son, make a habit of reciting everyday after Namaze Subh, Surae 
Yasin once. After Namaze Zuhr , recite Surae Naba , after Namaze Asr
recite Surae Asr, after Namaze Maghrib Surae Waaqia and after Namaze Isha 
recite Surae Mulk. In this practice there are amazing gains. My teachers
advised me to this and I have seen its blessing more than once.


  7. In the Qunoot of Wajib Namaz always recite this du'a Allahuma Inni 
Asaluka bi Hakki Fatimata wa Abiha wa Ba'liha wa Baniha wa Sirril Mustawdai 
Fiha an Tusaaali ala Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad. Wa an Taf'al bi Ma Anta Ahlu 
wa la Taf'al bu Ma Ana Ahlul." This du'a was taught to me both by my father as 
well as my teacher Jamalus Salikeen ShaykhMuhammad Husein Shirazi. He has 
narrated this authentic hadith from Sayyid Murtadha Kashmiri Rizvi by Ibne 
Tawoos from The Holy Imams (A.S.)

  8. O my son, in the Rukuu, especially of the last rakaat, after Zikr 
recite salawaat in this way: "Allahumma Sali Ala Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad wa 
Taraham ala Aajizna wa Aghisna Bihakkihim".


9. Always recite the Tasbih of our wronged grandmother Fatima Zahra (A.S.). 
That Tasbih is not only for recitation after Namaz, but it should be recited 
all the time.


10. O son, there is a memorable speech by Sayyidae Tahira, Bibi Fatima ( A.S.) 
which she gave in Masjide Nabawi in front of the Ummah. Even the Ulema and 
proficient linguists have failed to understand it fully. Think deeply about her 
words and try to understand them. 

11. Study the famous sermon of Amirul Mu'mineen
Sayyidul Mazlumeen ( A.S.) called Shikshikiyyah.

12. I stress to you to never abandon the Namaze
Shab. Do Istighfaar in the early mornings.


13. Be gentle and merciful to the poor and needy,
and especially take care of the Sadaat and students of Islam. 

14. Avail yourself of the blessings of the Ziyarat
of the Holy Ahlul Bayt ( A.S.). Reach the places where they are buried and 
after reciting salutations, repent and ask du'a - in these actions there is 
untold benefits.
15. O my son, regard your life time as precious and
do not wa

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Ramadhaan - Q & A [ PART 1 ]

2007-09-11 Thread Saba Khan
Q) During Ramdhan, if one has a wet dream (self relief
during sleep), is the fast valid?

A)If one has a wet dream during fasting, the fast is
still valid. 

Q1) If a female gets her period during her fast, can
she break the fast right away or she has to wait till
the end?

A)If a female gets her periods during fasting, she may
eat immediately thereafter. However, she should not do
so in public and in the presence of other fasting
Q2) A female starts menstruating while fasting. What
if she stops menstruating during fasting? How should
she conduct herself?

A)If her menses commenced while fasting, she can eat
(not in public). If her menses stopped while fasting,
she should abstain from eating, drinking, etc. but (in
both instances) make up for the day by keeping a
Qadhaa fast after Ramadaan. (Aalamgiri vol.1 pg.214;

Q)I've been told not to take bath when I'm
fasting,either before fasting or after iftar I can
take a bath.Please tell me whether this is true.

A)It is permissible to take a bath while fasting. The
information given to you is incorrect. 
Q1. Is a pregnant woman or one who has just delivered,
permitted to fast in the month of Ramadhaan?
A) The fast of a pregnant woman is valid. However, due
to weakness during pregnancy, she is exempt from
fasting. After delivery of the baby, during Nifaas
(bleeding after birth), she cannot fast. 

Q2. A woman delivered a baby about a month ago through
a ceassarean operation. The doctor said that the
operation wound may take upto 6 months to recover. She
is also breast-feeding the baby. She has been adviced
to keep herself healthy with proper intake of food.
Since Ramadan is commencing after 1 month, is it
permissible for her to miss her fasts in the month of
Ramadan and make up for it later. Please advice.

A) Allah Ta ala says in the Qur aan, If a person is
sick (whilst in Ramadhaan) or on a journey, then
complete fast on other days (besides Ramadhaan). If by
not eating there is harm feared to either the woman or
her child, it will be permissible for her to continue
eating and keep Qadhaa of Ramadhaan whenever she is
able to. 

Fatwas are by Mufti Ebrahim Desai -Taken from ]
Prepared by Al-Islaah Publications ( )


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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Iran in frontline of stem cell research

2007-09-11 Thread Qalb-e-Mehdi
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2007 11:59 PM
Subject: Iran in frontline of stem cell research

Royan International Twin Congress,the 8th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine 
3rd Congress on Stem Cell Biology and Technology ended in Tehran.

"Iran is in the frontline of world stem cell research" said Professor Ariff 
Bongso, the honory chairman of the congress.

"I have already heard the news of Iran's outstanding achievements in stem cell 
research and now, by attending the congress and visiting Iran's Stem Cell 
research center Royan, I observed the fact that Iran is really a leading 
country in stem cell research."

Bongso is a prominent international scientist who has made several significant 
breakthroughs in human embryonic stem cell research and has an international 
reputation for his work on IVF.

More than 33 top scientists from 16 countries alongside with Iranian 
researchers took part in the congress and more than 140 papers were presented 
on the latest developments in the field.

Iran, one of the 10 countries that produce embryonic human stem cell, has 
successfully cloned a sheep and will clone a cow within three to five years.


Boycott Israel [IslamCity] RAMADAN: A Time For Revival Or Survival

2007-09-11 Thread Fasih Ur Rehman Khan

A Time For Revival Or Survival

in years past, the beloved yet unexpected guest of millions, "Holy
Ramadan" once again enters our lives. Muslims are filled with great joy
in anticipation of welcoming him. Yet to one unaccustomed, it would almost seem
as if Muslims had never met him before!

of a sudden, our new-found love for this guest causes us to radically change our
daily schedules and habits to entertain him. Our Mosques mysteriously overflow
with worshippers, chapters of the Quran are heard chanted till the wee hours of
the morning accompanied by a hail of cries, and our social gatherings and feasts
become livelier than ever before - all these sacrifices made to honor this
special and 'holy' guest from Allah.

it interesting and ironic that while he is among us, for a full 30 days, we
starve, read numerous articles on do's and don'ts of treating this guest, avoid
watching TV in his presence, and sing songs or Nasheeds of joy, yet we
fail to understand him and the mission of his visit? For some odd reason, this
same "Holy Ramadan" becomes a stranger to us on the 1st of Shawwal!

the Scrubbing Begin!

many of us forget is that this guest accompanies a deep purpose and
responsibility. It is as Muhammad al-Shareef notes:

a guest comes to our home, we prepare in advance for his arrival by vacuuming
the carpet, dusting the shelves, and scrubbing the sinks. We should do this for
our guest of Ramadan as well. But the scrubbing should not just be of our
physical surroundings, it should include the scrubbing of our sins!"

Wonder Why The 'Change' And 'Blessings' Don't Last?

Abul A'la Mawdudi explains in Let Us Be Muslims:

greatest mistake we commit is to regard the outward shape of acts of prayer and
fasting as the real 'Ibadah (worship) and we suffer from the delusion that
whoever just fulfills these requirements performs the 'Ibadah of Allah. Just as
physical strength cannot be obtained from the bread until it is fully digested,
the spiritual power cannot be obtained from fasting until the person allows
Ramadan’s purpose to permeate one’s heart and mind and dominate one’s
thought, intention and deed.”

- A Tool Of Transformation And Month Of Sharing

addition to the indispensable personal benefits of fasting, Ramadan is a time
for social awareness. As Hammudah 'Abd al-Ati describes in Islam in Focus:

sociologist or historian can say that there has been at any period of history
anything comparable to this powerful institution of Islam: Fasting in the month
of Ramadan. People have been crying throughout the ages for acceptable
belonging, for unity, for brotherhood, for equality, but how echoless their
voices have been, and how very little success they have met."

Time To Hibernate!

Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick eloquently explains in Ramadan in History:

is actually a time of increased activity wherein the believer, now lightened of
the burdens of constant eating and drinking, should be more willing to strive
and struggle for Allah. The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) nine
Ramadans were filled with decisive events, such as Jihad, and he left us a
shining example of sacrifice and submission to Allah. Throughout Islamic
history, most of the significant battles were won in this month!"

Taqwa - Moving Dead Hearts To Action!

[2:183] describes attainment of Taqwa to be the real purpose of Fasting.
But, what is Taqwa?

'Umar ibn al-Khattab: "A person with the quality of Taqwa is like a
person walking with caution on a thorny road. The way he would take care to save
his clothes from getting entangled in the thorns, so is a person with Taqwa
conscious of every action he does (for fear of falling into wrong)."

'Ali ibn Abi Talib: "Taqwa means fearing Allah, acting in accordance
with the Quran, contentment with whatever little you have, and preparing for the
day of departure (death)."

al-Ghazali narrates: "Whoever fears something (in the creation of Allah)
runs away from it, whereas whoever fears Allah runs to Him (out of love and

us all begin to live a life of Taqwa this Ramadan to avoid the 'thorns'
that come our way in the form of worldly temptations in the media and society in

Our Love And Study Of The Quran

is said when you love someone, you would know every little thing he or she says,
likes and dislikes. How can we claim to love Allah, yet know very little about
His message and gift to us? Ramadan offers the rare opportunity for an intense
reflection on the message of the Quran. It is the source of a constant
revolution in the lives of millions of those who possess a living heart, as
Allah says, "Indeed in this (Quran) there is remembrance for those who
have a living heart, listen attentively and are awake to taking heed."
[Qaaf: 37]

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