Bismillah [IslamCity] Re:Saudi Cleric Says pro-Gaza Protests 'Corrupt'

2009-01-10 Thread Shahid
You are not understanding what he's saying, you are assuming what he is saying. 
He is not saying that it is wrong to support the Palestinian Muslims, in fact 
the grand mufti already stated that every Muslim should support the 
Palestinians. Go to this link to read for yourself:

What shaykh fawzan is saying that these rallies cause trouble and chaos. Which 
anyone would know if they think about how riots start and what they yield. 
People end up hurting their own people and destroying their own people's 
property in a riot and the enemies get nothing but pleasure out of it. Look at 
countries like Pakistan and Indian where you often see protests turned into 
riots and the rioters end up destroying businesses, shops vehicles and other 
property. The poor owners of these property are hurt not the enemies against 
whom they were rioting. Then there are curfews because of riots, or just unsafe 
to go out days after the riots so the businesses and shops are closed and when 
these shops are closed then merchants can't make money to feed their families. 
Again your own people are hurt and not the enemies. 

These protests and rallies are created to let the people vent and get out their 
feeling without taking any action. So in the end nothing changes. The 
protesters go home feeling better they have done something and the enemies 
laugh at the idiocracy of the people and their own safety. Look at the Muslims 
of the past, they did not make protests or rallies but they took action. They 
followed the command of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) by changing 
the evil with their hands. Look at the example of the Muslim brother, who upon 
hearing that had a hindu pervert king kidnapped a Muslim woman going on hajj 
for his own pleasure, left his home with his sword to free his Muslim sister 
and on the way other Muslims joined him and when they reached India, the hindu 
king had to face a whole army of Muslims and he lost to them miserably.

Prophet  (sallallahu alayhi wassalam) said that if you see evil then change it 
with your hand, if you cannot do so then with your tongue (speak against it), 
if you can't then hate it in your heart and that is the weakest of imaan 
(faith). Muslims have been protesting for  60 years about Palestine and Israel, 
what has that gotten them? nothing more land for Israel and less for 
Palestinians. Now if they had tried to change this evil with their hands 
(actions) then it would be a different world today.

So before jumping the gun, like most Muslims do, try to understand the message 
and if you don't then ask someone.

Saudi Cleric Says pro-Gaza Protests 'Corrupt' 
Posted by: Islahonline   islahonline 
Wed Jan 7, 2009 12:05 pm (PST) 

Corrupt scholars supporting Muslim corrupt rulers and need to be removed 
urgently !!!

Top Saudi Cleric Says pro-Gaza Protests 'Corrupt'

Online Palestine Holocaust Museum:


Bismillah [IslamCity] Goallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!

2009-01-10 Thread Aisha Abbasi
 Masha'Allaah, what a legend! May Allaah swt reward him immensely. Ameen!
Cut through the jargon: find a PC for your needs.

Bismillah [IslamCity] ! DINS ! Vote For Palestine ( Must Read )

2009-01-10 Thread junaid iftikhar
Dear Brothers / Sisters
Vote for Palestine
There is a vote in CNN. Do you Think Israel had a right to attack Gaza ? Plz 
Vote . Please inform your friends and relatives about 
the website and vote for palestine.
Genocide of Palestinians in Pictures
Please visit for pictures of Palestine.
Islam Forum
Please visity for send your comment regarding Palestine Issue.
Junaid Iftikhar


Bismillah [IslamCity] Check this anthem for Gaza

2009-01-10 Thread GHIAS EL YAFI
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

  - Original Message - 
  From: Shahid 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 6:38 AM
  Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] More videos Israel didn't want you to see

  Please check these links and let the innocent US citizens, who might pay the 
price for these Jewish crimes, know about this.  Simply because not all the 
Americans in the US and elsewhere in the world agree to this oppression.

  So they are just as responsible in making the world know that we do not agree 
to this oppression !




  WARNING SHOCKING VIDEO: shows aftermath of Israeli bombed Palestinian 


Bismillah [IslamCity] Starbucks McDonalds are donating their next 2 weeks of earned revenue to Israel Army.Plz BOYCOTT them forward this msg to all.

2009-01-10 Thread sameer shaikh
Starbucks  McDonalds are donating their next 2 weeks of earned revenue to 
Israel Army.Plz BOYCOTT them  forward this msg to all.

  Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now

Bismillah [IslamCity] Bush Obama on Gaza

2009-01-10 Thread Shahid
Bush thanks Mubarak for the positive role of Egypt during the war on Gaza 
WASHINGTON, (PIC)-- The white house announced on Wednesday that the US 
president George Bush called the Egyptian president Husni Mubarak and thanked 
him for Egypt's positive role during the past few days of the war on the Gaza 

White house spokesman, Gordon Johndroe, also said that Bush called the PA 
president Mahnoud Abbas and the premier of his illegitimate government Salam 
Fayyad and emphasized the need for a lasting cease-fire.

President Bush and the two Palestinian leaders discussed their efforts for a 
sustainable cease-fire. They agreed that for any cease-fire to be effective, it 
must be respected, particularly by Hamas, Johndroe said.

Bush, who is leaving the White House in three weeks, has not made any statement 
about the Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip.

The Washington Post quoted a US administration official as saying that Israel 
chose to attack at this time to utilise the remaining days for president Bush 
in office.

Obama on Gaza: 'No Comment'
December 27, 2008 

There was no immediate comment on the Israeli air strikes on Gaza from Obama, 
who is vacationing with his family in Hawaii, or his staff.

This is how our incoming President has reacted to the worst attack on the 
Palestinian people in 20 years - by not reacting at all.

The Bush White House, of course, has responded as we all know they would: 
Israel-has-the-right-to-defend itself, let the killing begin, etc., ad nauseum.

And don't expect much better from the Obama camp. Remember how he scolded the 
UN for daring to even discuss the Gaza situation?:

We have to understand why Israel is forced to do this. Israel has the right to 
respond while seeking to minimize any impact on civilians. The Security Council 
should clearly and unequivocally condemn the rocket attacks. If it cannot bring 
itself to make these common sense points, I urge you to ensure that it does not 
speak at all.

With his silence - or, at least, his very delayed reaction - it seems clear 
that Obama is taking his own advice. Even as Israel takes the possibility of a 
new page in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict off the agenda, and sabotages all 
his brave talk about a renewed US diplomatic effort, the great liberal hope 
is apparently tongue-tied. And when he finally speaks, progressives should 
prepare for the worst: after all, this is someone who endorsed the Israeli 
re-invasion of Lebanon.

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process? The Israelis, for their part, are 
having none of it - and neither is our future President.   


KAILUA, Hawaii (Reuters) - A small group of placard-waving pro-Palestinian 
demonstrators gathered near U.S. President-elect Barack Obama's vacation 
retreat in Hawaii on Tuesday to protest against the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza.

Obama has made no public comment on the strikes, which Israel launched on 
Saturday. Aides have repeatedly said he is monitoring the situation and 
continues to receive intelligence briefings but that there is only one U.S. 
president at a time.

Some critics, however, say Obama did choose to speak out after the attacks on 
the Indian city of Mumbai in November in which gunmen killed nearly 180 people, 
condemning them as acts of terrorism.

Obama, who takes office on January 20 from outgoing Republican President George 
W. Bush, has also spoken out on economic issues facing the United States.

He is talking about how many jobs he is going to create but he is refusing to 
speak about this, said one of the protesters, Carolyn Hadfield, 66.

Hadfield was one of eight protesters standing with placards reading No U.S. 
support for Israel and Gazans need food and medicine, not war near Obama's 
rented vacation home in Kailua, an upmarket suburb on the Hawaiian island of 
Oahu, where Obama is in the second week of a vacation with his family.

Obama had not left the compound on Tuesday morning and did not see the protest.

Obama has in the past called Israel one of the United States' greatest allies 
and has vowed to ensure the security of the Jewish state.

He has also said he would make a sustained push to achieve the goal of two 
states -- a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state.

Israel on Tuesday pressed on with air strikes in Gaza that it says are in 
response to rocket fire by Hamas militants deep inside the Jewish state. 
Medical officials put Palestinian casualties at 383 dead and more than 800 

The Bush administration has so far backed Israel's actions in Gaza and demanded 
the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas stop 

Bismillah [IslamCity] the problem which our muslim FACE

2009-01-10 Thread sameer shaikh
the problem which our muslim FACE

  Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now

Bismillah [IslamCity] Importance of learning Arabic

2009-01-10 Thread Shahid
One of the reported instructions 'Umar wrote to Abû Mûsâ Al-Ash'arî and those 
under his governance during the former's Caliphate was, Seek knowledge and 
understanding of (fiqh) the Sunnah and seek knowledge and understanding of 
Arabic. Ibn Abî Shaybah, *Al-Musannaf* Vol.6 p126.

It is reported that he said, Learn Arabic, for it strengthens the intelligence 
and increases one's noble conduct (al-murû`ah). Al-Bayhaqî, *Shu'ab Al-Îmân* 
Vol.4 p187.

It is also reported that he said, Do not learn the language of the non-Arabs, 
and do not enter upon them in their churches on their festivals, for indeed 
wrath descends upon them. 'Abd Al-Razzâq Al-San'ânî, *Al-Musannaf* Vol.1 p411.

It is also reported that he was once circumambulating the Ka'bah when he heard 
two men speaking in a language other than Arabic behind him. He turned to them 
and said, Find some way to learn Arabic. 'Abd Al-Razzâq Al-San'ânî, 
*Al-Musannaf* Vol.5 p496.

It is reported that Ubay b. Ka'b - Allâh have mercy on him- said, Learn Arabic 
just as you learn to memorize the Qurân. Ibn Abî Shaybah, *Al-Musannaf* Vol.7 

It is reported that Ibn 'Umar - Allâh have mercy on him - used to hit his 
children for making language errors. *Tahdhîb Al-Tahdhîb* Vol.9 p292.

It is reported that Shu'bah - Allâh have mercy on him - said, Learn Arabic, 
for it increases the intelligence. *Tahdhîb Al-Tahdhîb* Vol.4 p303.

It is reported that 'Attâ b. Abî Rabâh - Allâh have mercy on him - said, I 
wish I were fluent in Arabic, when he was ninety years old. Al-Dhahabî, *Siyar 
A'lâm Al-Nubalâ`,* in his biography of 'Attâ b. Abî Rabâ h.

It is reported that Ibn Shubrumah - Allâh have mercy on him - said, Men have 
never worn a garment more beautiful than Arabic. Al-Bayhaqî, *Shu'ab Al-Îmân* 
Vol.4 p197.

*Source:* Sayings of the Salaf Blogspot 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Does Jerusalem belong to the Muslims?

2009-01-10 Thread saiyed shahbazi

Little seems to raise Muslim ire more than the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Jews 
say that all of Palestine belongs to them, as it was theirs when God 
established them in that land thousands of years ago. The Muslims say that the 
Jews have incurred God's wrath and that they no longer deserve this land. 
Jerusalem is a holy city for both religions, as well as Christianity.
Could the possession of Jerusalem solely in Muslim hands be supported by any 
material in the sources of Islam? Further, in your opinion, would jihaad 
against Israel launched by Muslim states be justified given the conditions of 
most Palestinians in Israel?

Please bear in mind that my answer that follows is given only from a religious 
(Islamic) perspective. I am neither a politician nor a socio-political analyst 
and, therefore, would refrain from entering into spheres, which do not relate 
to my field of study.
Before answering your specific question, I would first like to reiterate that 
the general socio-political and religious domination enjoyed by the Jews and 
the Muslims during their respective times, according to the Qur'an as well as 
the Bible, was because of God's promise of special favors with Abraham (pbuh) 
for his progeny. This promise came to pass first through the religious and 
political domination of the Israelites over a significant portion of the 
civilized world. The Israelites were allowed to maintain this domination and 
rule the corners of the earth till the time that they remained loyal to their 
covenant with the Almighty. However, when the Israelites ultimately proved 
themselves unworthy of the great blessings of the Almighty and fulfilling the 
responsibilities that these blessings entailed, God took His favors away from 
that nation and transferred them to the other chain of the Abrahamic seed - The 
Ishmaelites. At this point the religious
 and political leadership of the world was shifted to the Ishmaelites. Exactly 
like their predecessors, the Ishmaelites were subject to the same Divine laws, 
which had governed the Israelites.
Keeping this brief introduction of the background in perspective, it should be 
understood that Palestine was conquered both by the Jews and the Muslims, 
during their respective times, as a part of God's promise to Abraham (pbuh)[1] 
and his descendents. First, this land was granted to the progeny of Isaac 
(pbuh) and it remained with them till they deserved, in God's absolute 
judgment, to maintain this possession. However, when the Israelites persisted 
in their transgressions, their right of sovereignty over the land ended before 
the time of Jesus Christ (pbuh). Subsequently, after their further rejection of 
the Prophet (pbuh), the domination over the land was transferred to the progeny 
of Ishmael - the elder son of Abraham (pbuh). However, after over a thousand 
years of absolute sovereignty over the land, the Muslims, like their Jewish 
counterparts, due to their own transgressions and due to their turning their 
back upon the directives of God, were also
 subject to the same Law of God, which had taken away the possession of 
Palestine from the Jews.
The Qur'an unequivocally tells us that the downfall of a nation - whether Jews 
or the Muslims - is subject strictly to the same Divine rules. The Qur'an says:

Indeed God never alters the position of [favors that he bestows upon] a nation, 
unless they alter it themselves. (Al-Ra`d 13: 11)
The foregoing explanation should adequately clarify that:

The possession of any part of the world is not the birth-right of any one or 
the other group;

The domination which the Jews and the Muslims enjoyed over a significant part 
of the world, in general, and Palestine, in particular, was the result of God's 
promise to Abraham (pbuh) of granting rule to the pious among his descendents;

The removal of the Jews as well as the Muslims from the position of dominating 
the world, in general, and Palestine, in particular, was in accordance with the 
same Divine rules.
Keeping these points in mind, let us now turn to your specific comments and 
questions. You write:

Little seems to raise Muslim ire more than the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Though it is quite true that Muslims are greatly irritated and angered by the 
way that the Arab-Israel conflict is shaping up, yet in my honest opinion, it 
would have benefited the Muslims more had they considered the situation in the 
perspective of the Divine law according to which they were initially granted a 
great rule and, later on, deprived from it. This analysis would not only have 
given them an insight into one of the unalterable laws of the Almighty, but 
would also have highlighted clues for correcting the situation.
You write:

The Jews say that all of Palestine belongs to them, as it was theirs when God 
established them in that land thousands of years ago.
None of God's blessings in the life of this world are unconditional. It is only 
as long as a nation fulfills 

Bismillah [IslamCity] boycott israeli financers‏

2009-01-10 Thread Mohammed A


Bismillah [IslamCity] Miracles of Allah Almighty

2009-01-10 Thread Maria Shaban

Please watch the amazing miracles of Islam:
(The Miracles of Allah Almighty, Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), 
Miracles of the Holy Quran,  The Miracle of AL-ISRA and AL-MIRAJ, Miracles in 
Zam Zam Water, Allah's Fury And Punishments, Details about Jinns and Angels, 
Yajooj Majooj  Evil Dajjal, First Four Caliphs (R.A) of Islam, The Footprint 
of Prophet Adam (A.S) in Sri Lanka, Tomb of Mother Eve (A.S) in Jeddah, Imam 
Mehdi (Sunni  Shia Documentations), Scientists on the Holy Quran).
Hope you will like this website.
Maria Shaban

  Be the first one to try the new Messenger 9 Beta! Go to

Bismillah [IslamCity] The 'first true scientist'

2009-01-10 Thread Ahumanb
The 'first true scientist'
By Professor Jim Al-Khalili
University of Surrey
Isaac Newton is, as most will agree, the greatest physicist of all time.
At the very least, he is the undisputed father of modern optics,­ or so we are 
told at school where our textbooks abound with his famous experiments with 
lenses and prisms, his study of the nature of light and its reflection, and the 
refraction and decomposition of light into the colours of the rainbow.
Yet, the truth is rather greyer; and I feel it important to point out that, 
certainly in the field of optics, Newton himself stood on the shoulders of a 
giant who lived 700 years earlier.
For, without doubt, another great physicist, who is worthy of ranking up 
alongside Newton, is a scientist born in AD 965 in what is now Iraq who went by 
the name of al-Hassan Ibn al-Haytham.
Most people in the West will never have even heard of him.

As a physicist myself, I am quite in awe of this man's contribution to my 
field, but I was fortunate enough to have recently been given the opportunity 
to dig a little into his life and work through my recent filming of a 
three-part BBC Four series on medieval Islamic scientists.
Modern methods
Popular accounts of the history of science typically suggest that no major 
scientific advances took place in between the ancient Greeks and the European 
But just because Western Europe languished in the Dark Ages, does not mean 
there was stagnation elsewhere. Indeed, the period between the 9th and 13th 
Centuries marked the Golden Age of Arabic science.
Great advances were made in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, physics, 
chemistry and philosophy. Among the many geniuses of that period Ibn al-Haytham 
stands taller than all the others.

Ibn al-Haytham is regarded as the father of the modern scientific method.
As commonly defined, this is the approach to investigating phenomena, acquiring 
new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge, based on the 
gathering of data through observation and measurement, followed by the 
formulation and testing of hypotheses to explain the data.
This is how we do science today and is why I put my trust in the advances that 
have been made in science.
But it is often still claimed that the modern scientific method was not 
established until the early 17th Century by Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes.
There is no doubt in my mind, however, that Ibn al-Haytham arrived there first.
In fact, with his emphasis on experimental data and reproducibility of results, 
he is often referred to as the world's first true scientist.
Understanding light
He was the first scientist to give a correct account of how we see objects.

He proved experimentally, for instance, that the so-called emission theory 
(which stated that light from our eyes shines upon the objects we see), which 
was believed by great thinkers such as Plato, Euclid and Ptolemy, was wrong and 
established the modern idea that we see because light enters our eyes.
What he also did that no other scientist had tried before was to use 
mathematics to describe and prove this process.
So he can be regarded as the very first theoretical physicist, too.
He is perhaps best known for his invention of the pinhole camera and should be 
credited with the discovery of the laws of refraction.
He also carried out the first experiments on the dispersion of light into its 
constituent colours and studied shadows, rainbows and eclipses; and by 
observing the way sunlight diffracted through the atmosphere, he was able to 
work out a rather good estimate for the height of the atmosphere, which he 
found to be around 100km.
Enforced study
In common with many modern scholars, Ibn-al Haytham badly needed the time and 
isolation to focus on writing his many treatises, including his great work on 
An unwelcome opportunity was granted him, however, when he was imprisoned in 
Egypt between 1011 and 1021, having failed a task set him by a caliph in Cairo 
to help solve the problem of regulating the flooding of the Nile.
While still in Basra, Ibn al-Haytham had claimed that the Nile's autumn flood 
waters could be held by a system of dykes and canals, thereby preserved as 
reservoirs until the summer's droughts.
But on arrival in Cairo, he soon realised that his scheme was utterly 
impractical from an engineering perspective.
Yet rather than admit his mistake to the dangerous and murderous caliph, Ibn-al 
Haytham instead decided to feign madness as a way to escape punishment.
This promptly led to him being placed under house arrest, thereby granting him 
10 years of seclusion in which to work.
Planetary motion
He was only released after the caliph's death. He returned to Iraq where he 
composed a further 100 works on a range of subjects in physics and mathematics.
While travelling through the Middle East during my 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Which country...... ??

2009-01-10 Thread raja chemayel
this is not Gaza.

The Israeli spokespersons are repeating
this sentence which is also repeated automatically
by a dozen of European political parrots :
 which country in the world would accept being
bombarded by missiles like we were,
and would not also respond...?unquote

May I ask those  all so clever-brains:

 Which country in the world is occupying
another country
 Which country in the world is occupying
another country  ,for 60 years??
Which country in the world is occupying
another country for sixty years , and is starving
for the last 26 months ??
Which country in the world is occupying

another country for sixty years ,
and is starving it , for the last 26 months ??
and would be, today ,complaining for being attacked !  

I see Great-Britain occupying Gibraltar
but not starving it, therefore the Gibraltarians
are not complaining nor shooting any rockets.

Thus ,  Israel is worse than Great-Britain
therefore, the Gibraltarians are more peaceful
than the Gazzeans ..

So may I suggest that all the Israelis move to Gibraltar

Sherlock Hommos
Gibraltarian real-estate-developer
sixth day of January 2009


Bismillah [IslamCity] Israeli collaborator recruiter punked using Israeli flyer

2009-01-10 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
Israeli collaborator recruiter punked
Transcript, The Electronic Intifada, 4 January 2009

Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot 
with the All-new Yahoo! Mail.  Click on Options in Mail and switch to New Mail 
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Boycott Israeli products.. pls forward to everyone !

2009-01-10 Thread Raisah Siddiki






Bismillah [IslamCity] imposed a ban on students wearing kurtas, pyjamas and burqas inside the institute.

2009-01-10 Thread sameer shaikh

  Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now

Bismillah [IslamCity] The first true scientist - A Muslim‏

2009-01-10 Thread Mohammed A
Isaac Newton is, as most will agree, the greatest physicist of all time. At the 
very least, he is the undisputed father of modern optics,­ or so we are told at 
school where our textbooks abound with his famous experiments with lenses and 
prisms, his study of the nature of light and its reflection, and the refraction 
and decomposition of light into the colours of the rainbow.
Yet, the truth is rather greyer; and I feel it important to point out that, 
certainly in the field of optics, Newton himself stood on the shoulders of a 
giant who lived 700 years earlier.
For, without doubt, another great physicist, who is worthy of ranking up 
alongside Newton, is an Iraqi scientist born in AD 965 who went by the name of 
al-Hassan Ibn al-Haytham.
Most people in the West will never have even heard of him.
As a physicist myself, I am quite in awe of this man's contribution to my 
field, but I was fortunate enough to have recently been given the opportunity 
to dig a little into his life and work through my recent filming of a 
three-part BBC Four series on medieval Islamic scientists.
Modern methods
Popular accounts of the history of science typically suggest that no major 
scientific advances took place in between the ancient Greeks and the European 
But just because Western Europe languished in the Dark Ages, does not mean 
there was stagnation elsewhere. Indeed, the period between the 9th and 13th 
Centuries marked the Golden Age of Arabic science.
Great advances were made in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, physics, 
chemistry and philosophy. Among the many geniuses of that period Ibn al-Haytham 
stands taller than all the others.

Ibn-al Haytham conducted early investigations into light
Ibn al-Haytham is regarded as the father of the modern scientific method.
As commonly defined, this is the approach to investigating phenomena, acquiring 
new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge, based on the 
gathering of data through observation and measurement, followed by the 
formulation and testing of hypotheses to explain the data.
This is how we do science today and is why I put my trust in the advances that 
have been made in science.
But it is often still claimed that the modern scientific method was not 
established until the early 17th Century by Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes.
There is no doubt in my mind, however, that Ibn al-Haytham arrived there first.
In fact, with his emphasis on experimental data and reproducibility of results, 
he is often referred to as the world's first true scientist.
Understanding light
He was the first scientist to give a correct account of how we see objects.


He proved experimentally, for instance, that the so-called emission theory 
(which stated that light from our eyes shines upon the objects we see), which 
was believed by great thinkers such as Plato, Euclid and Ptolemy, was wrong and 
established the modern idea that we see because light enters our eyes.
What he also did that no other scientist had tried before was to use 
mathematics to describe and prove this process.
So he can be regarded as the very first theoretical physicist, too.
He is perhaps best known for his invention of the pinhole camera and should be 
credited with the discovery of the laws of refraction.
He also carried out the first experiments on the dispersion of light into its 
constituent colours and studied shadows, rainbows and eclipses; and by 
observing the way sunlight diffracted through the atmosphere, he was able to 
work out a rather good estimate for the height of the atmosphere, which he 
found to be around 100km.
Enforced study
In common with many modern scholars, Ibn-al Haytham badly needed the time and 
isolation to focus on writing his many treatises, including his great work on 
An unwelcome opportunity was granted him, however, when he was imprisoned in 
Egypt between 1011 and 1021, having failed a task set him by a caliph in Cairo 
to help solve the problem of regulating the flooding of the Nile.
While still in Basra, Ibn al-Haytham had claimed that the Nile's autumn flood 
waters could be held by a system of dykes and canals, thereby preserved as 
reservoirs until the summer¹s droughts.
But on arrival in Cairo, he soon realised that his scheme was utterly 
impractical from an engineering perspective.
Yet rather than admit his mistake to the dangerous and murderous caliph, Ibn-al 
Haytham instead decided to feign madness as a way to escape punishment.
This promptly led to him being placed under house arrest, thereby granting him 
10 years of seclusion in which to work.
Planetary motion
He was only released after the caliph's death. He returned to Iraq where he 
composed a further 100 works on a range of subjects in physics and mathematics.
While travelling through the Middle East during my filming, I interviewed an 
expert in Alexandria who showed me recently discovered work by 

Bismillah [IslamCity] UNRWA requires: Senior External Relations Project Officer, P-4 for Palestine Refugees.

2009-01-10 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Yesterday I
watched a TV report where I learnt that most aid workers are fleeing from 
Palestine. UN needs support
from us to support innocents. Please check if you can help them.


UNRWA requires:
Senior External Relations  Project Officer, P-4

Nation Relief  Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

date: 18 Jan ‘09

check details from this website: Jobs at UNRWA  or UNRWA


Bismillah [IslamCity] Robert Fisk: Keeping out the cameras and reporters simply doesn't work

2009-01-10 Thread Arif Bhuiyan
Robert Fisk: Keeping out the cameras and reporters simply doesn't work
Monday, 5 January 2009

What is Israel afraid of? Using the old enclosed military area excuse
to prevent coverage of its occupation of Palestinian land has been
going on for years. But the last time Israel played this game – in
Jenin in 2000 – it was a disaster. Prevented from seeing the truth with
their own eyes, reporters quoted Palestinians who claimed there had
been a massacre by Israeli soldiers – and Israel spent years denying
it. In fact, there was a massacre, but not on the scale that it was
originally reported.

Please click here to read the full article