Bismillah [IslamCity] Volunteers are required for Online Gaza Project

2009-01-18 Thread Ahmed ALmahdy

Assalamu alykom.
If you are interested to join a team that works on a permanent project for Gaza 
and Palestine issue.
Kindly, send your CV (or resume) to my email
And I will tell you more about the online permanent project and how you can 
support the project according to your qualifications and time.
Current teams that you may join:
- Technical Writers
- Editors
- Marketing
- PHP Developers
- Designers
- Researchers (Data Providers)
- Management
Jzakom Allah Khairan.
Ahmed Mahdy
More than messages–check out the rest of the Windows Live™.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Advice of Bush to Obama,Jan,20, 09 - Dr.M.K.Sherwani

2009-01-18 Thread Sherwani Mustafa

Advice of Bush to Obama,Jan,20, 09
 * * *
In you lies my hope, Oh brother Obama,!
As my pious legacy, you must never forget;
The laurels, I brought to  our mighty nation,
With the  carnage of millions of Muslims.
You are now succeeding to this glorious throne,
I am sure, you will continue with my  crusade;
To quench my insatiable thirst for countless more,
Till this Islamic creed is wiped out  from the earth.
Remember! keep these worthless feminine buffoons,
Who are called as Muslim Kings, Princes and Heads;
Within fetters, and  under the command of your heels,
But make them  roaring lions  for their own peoples.
As a last word, I would  advise you, my lovely friend,!
Always be mindful  of  a Zaidi and his impious moves;
Under the eclipse of time,our achievements may come,
But his shoes will hang over America with eternal flame.
 * * * **
 Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani
All India Muslim Forum
Lucknow, U.P. India
sherwan...@yahoo. com

  New Email names for you!
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Gaza - Meals @ 1GBP

2009-01-18 Thread J M

--- On Fri, 1/16/09, IslamicTube  wrote:

From: IslamicTube 
Subject: Gaza - Meals @ 1GBP
Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 11:24 AM

#yiv314619380 {font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, 
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Helvetica, sans-serif;}
#yiv314619380 div.emailfooter a 
sans-serif;text-decoration:none;} (Donate Online)
Due to the current crisis in Gaza there is a huge food shortage. Human Appeal 
International is currently providing 30 000 meals to school children on a daily 
basis. Each meal costs £1.
Please donate as many meals as you can to help the children of Gaza.
More than 940 dead and 4 400 seriously injured these figures are sure to rise 
with more air strikes imminent and a possible ground assault in the coming 
days. 42% of those killed are woman & children.
18 months of an existing blockade and a lack of vital medicines has resulted in 
hospitals being unable to cope with the overflow of dead and injured people.   
Human Appeal International (HAI) has been working in Palestine for over 15 
years and is currently distributing vital emergency relief through its offices 
in the Gaza Strip to help those that are worst affected.
HAI has launched an urgent Gaza Appeal. We need to respond to this human 
catastrophe immediately. Please donate NOW! Your donation can save lives.
Click for Human Appeal Response

powered by phplist v 2.10.7, © tincan ltd


Bismillah [IslamCity] Message From A Sister In Gaza

2009-01-18 Thread J M

--- On Sat, 1/17/09,> wrote:

From: Hafsa W>
Subject: Message From A Sister In Gaza
To: Miss J "
Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 8:23 PM

Message From A Sister In Gaza17 01 2009
The following is a translation from Umm Taqi in Gaza.
Asaalam Alykum,
My dear sisters and brothers I wanted to take this opportunity to send you a 
message from the sisters in Gaza . Please hear our situation and tell everyone 
that you know and dont know.
Our situation is dire but our eman is strong alhamdulillah, even though we have 
no water to speak of, and when we do it is polluted and we have no money to buy 
mineral water. When we find the money those that sell it say that it is too 
dangerous for them to travel out to get new supplies. We have no gas, and have 
not had for the last four months. We cook the little food we have on real fires 
that we have learned to prepare.
Our men have lost all of their jobs. They spend their days at home now. My 
husband can spend a day just going from place to place just for the basic need 
of water. He usually returns empty handed. There are no schools, no banks, 
hardly any hospitals open. You are constantly aware that you risk your life 
when you go out and when you are indoors. They give us a curfew between 1-4pm. 
We can go out, they say, in safety to get your supplies, but that is a lie. 
They have ofetn used that opportnity to add more shuhada to their list.
We eat one day rice and one day bread. Meat and milk are a luxury. They are 
using chemical warfare in the areas which are on the borders.
All this and we are being told that people demonstrate all over the world. 
Masha Allah. the fact that you go to embassies and leave your homes makes us 
feel truely that we are not alone in our struggle.
But you go home at night and lock your door. We cannot do that. I have to leave 
my home on the second floor every night and stay with my sister on the ground 
floor. Should there be an attack, it's quicker to leave from the ground floor.
Yes we are tired. When we hear rockets and bombs and see planes that fly too 
close to our building, I scream with my young son and my husband feels helpless.
In all this there is no one but Allah (swt) that can save us. But the ummah is 
asking where are the armies, where is the victory. Dont forget us because you 
are all that we have now. Your kind sadeqat is not reaching us, and when they 
open borders it only reaches a few. Keep up the work of Allah and pray that th 
victory will come soon insha Allah.
Your sister umm Taqi.  

Note to self:
If you do not loose your temper with any of your fellow creatures, you will be 
safe from the wrath of Allah on the Day of Judgment. [Ahmad]


Bismillah [IslamCity] A song for Gaza

2009-01-18 Thread raja chemayel
A song for Gaza



Bismillah [IslamCity] GAZA: How Biased Media Manipulates the Facts

2009-01-18 Thread Mohammed A
GAZA: How Biased Media Manipulates the Facts
YVONNE RIDLEY on 09 January, 2009 10:18:00 | 124 times read
THE media coverage of the war in Gaza by Western television companies is 
largely unfair and biased because of a refusal to show viewers the real images 
of the victims. One of the reasons for this is Israel's decision not to allow 
the Western media in to Gaza.
In addition to this outrageous censorship by a so-called democracy, we get the 
usual arguments that most of the images shown by the Arab media are too 
shocking to show the viewing public in the West.
Admittedly, the horrific clip sent to me of a child's head lying detached, 
among debris in Gaza did make me gasp.
But this is war and this is real and if the Western media did show these sort 
of images may be the general public would wake up to the full horrors of what 
happens when bombs are dropped on civilian populations.
There is no such reticence in the Arab media which is why more people with 
satellites are switching on to television from the Middle East to watch the 
unfolding genocide in Gaza.
And one rising media star is the fledgling Press TV, broadcast from Iran, and 
recently introduced to the Sky platform 515. It is fast becoming the first 
station of choice for the viewing public - especially the English-speaking 
across Europe - who simply want the truth, no matter who shocking or 
unpalatable it may be.
There are around half a dozen  Palestinian journalists on the ground with Press 
TV crews revealing the full horrors of the war as20it unfolds. I am amazed by 
their dedication and courage and I salute each and every one of them ... some 
are my personal friends.
Yes, I do present a show for20the station, but I have also worked as a 
journalist for more than three decades covering conflicts and their aftermaths 
from The Falklands, first and second Gulf wars, the Irish Troubles, as well as 
Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq for a variety of print and electronic media.
And one thing common in each conflict is the constant battle by journalists and 
war correspondents to get to the truth of the matter, but the battle to tell 
the truth is becoming more and more difficult despite the amazing technology 
now available.
People in powerful places who do terrible things do not want the truth to get 
out, which is why journalists are finding themselves banned or censored more 
and more.
You see the truth is a very strong and influential weapon which can be used 
against those people.
Sadly when it is twisted and manipulated it can wreak even more havoc.
The Israeli war machine is master full in its complete distortion of the truth 
which is why the state continues to go unpunished for its failure to adhere to 
the Geneva convention concerning the collective punishment of the citizens of 
Israeli tactics are cruel, malicious and demonstrate that its leaders are not 
interested in the peace process or a Palestinian State.
They are creating the ideal breeding ground for extremism, sabotaging peace 
efforts and squandering the good will they have been given.
Five years ago, the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction 
... it was a lie eagerly repeated by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair 
to fool the media into supporting an illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq. And it 
To their eternal shame, most of the western media fell in line and swallowed 
the lie - with the exception of a few journalists most have kept quiet about 
this collective cock up. The New York Times did issue a front page apology 
later, but the damage had been done and public perception was difficult to 
Sadly, many of the same news organisations and the same journalists have 
learned nothing from that shameful period. At the beginning of this war, Israel 
trotted out only the flimsy excuse of the Hamas rockets as justification for 
unleashing its brand of  Shock and Awe in Gaza.
Hamas rockets have killed just over 20 Israelis since 2001 whereas Israel's war 
on Gaza has killed more than 700 including more than 200 children in the last 
13 days. The seriously maimed and injured is running in to thousands as I write.
But the 'Hamas rocket' excuse went unchallenged in the West, although to its 
full credit the Israeli media revealed20days later that Operation Cast Lead was 
a long-planned campaign six months in the making aimed at crushing 
democratically elected Hamas.
Yes, I admit the rockets do exist but they are nothing more than metal barrels 
of junk fuelled by fertiliser. As one colleague remarked they're mere 
slingshots compared to the shells, million dollar missiles and bunker-busting 
bombs used by Israel.
Some argue the Qassam rockets are used out of desperation, I personally think 
they're more of a two-fingered gesture from a people who have suffered a 
brutal, medieval siege at the hands of Israel for years.
Despite its amazing war machine, and its state-of-the-art-technolo

Bismillah [IslamCity] pious muslim

2009-01-18 Thread adil naveed
Angles Descend upon persons who are trying to becomes Pious.

by Mufti Rashid Ahmed Ludihanvi

The faith of Muslims is so strong that if the whole world unites to destabilize 
it, even then they can't do so.

" The angles decent on them (from time to time):"fear you not! (they suggest), 
Nor Grieve! But receive the glad tidings of the garden (of bliss) the which you 
were promised!"

When does this happens? Some interpreters said that it will happen in JANNAT 
and some said at the time of death the reality is that it will happen in life 
before death, when a fellow becomes a true and an obedient one and why should 
it not happen? The whole world calls him mad insane. The relatives even the 
parents the parents oppose him. This slave of ALLAH TAALA replies to their 

" If the whole human race becomes angry with me, I don't care, the consent of 
the beloved matters. It is enough if one consider His concords first and then 
decide what he should do and what he shouldn't."

If the whole world is against, it doesn't matter, it is fine if the LORD (ALLAH 
TAALA ) is pleased, how much courage is produced? If angles did not support his 
heart then how could this be possible. As the angels reinforced the 
SAHABAH-E-KARAM in the field of Badar where HAZOOR-E-AKRAM was also present. At 
first Allah Taala reinforced the SAHABAS by thousand angles. Then it was 
increased to three thousand and finally up to five thousand. Though only one 
angle was sufficient. He would have destroyed the whole army, as the nation 
before were destroyed and ruined; HAZRAT GIBRAIL, alaihissalam, once lifted up 
the whole village and while turning it up side down threw it back. When one 
angle has so much of strength then you can imagine the strength of thousand of 
angles. These thousand of angle were sent in honor of the SAHABHS other wise 
there wasn't a need for such many. The point to think here is, the group of 
SAHABAHS were the most favorite of ALLAH TALLA,
 The whole nation (UMMAH) stands no where in comparison with them. Secondly 
ALLAH's prophet HAZRAT MOHAMMAD MUSTAFA was also present with them, even ALLAH 
TAALA made to descend thousands of angles. Now when fourteen hundred years have 
passed, a Muslim who is weak and feeble, and considering his remoteness from 
HAZOOR-E-AKRAM's time what do you think? Will ALLAH TAALA leave him alone? Not 
at all. This is just abusrd. This Muslim is very feeble and more deserving for 
ALLAH's mercy. If then five thousand angle descended then today twenty thousand 
are required to descend instead they are being descended. If it wasn't so then 
how was it possible that such courage was generated in the hearts of Muslims. 
How could he face bare handed the battalions of the Satan. It's for sure! 
ALLAH's invisible help is accompanying him, the angels are descending upon him 
and are helping to build up the courage.


May ALLAH TAALA make all of us His real true fellow creature. Make us true and 
strong Muslims. Give us the courage and the passion to think for the world here 
after . In last repeat the invocation again. 


Bismillah [IslamCity] darood shareef

2009-01-18 Thread ***hajikhan***


Verily, Allah and His angels confer blessings on the prophet: 
O you who believe! 
Confer blessings on him, and greet him with a goodly salutation. 
(Qur’ân 33:56)

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Bismillah [IslamCity] US sends tons of arms to Israel, ignores 820 Gazans killed

2009-01-18 Thread Shahid
US seeks to send tons of arms to Israel, ignores 820 Gazans killed

The U.S. is seeking to hire a merchant ship to deliver hundreds of tons of arms 
to Israel from Greece later this month, tender documents seen by Reuters show.

Israel launched on December 27 a military offensive in Gaza, killing at least 
820 Palestinians, a third children.

The U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command (MSC) said the ship was to carry 325 
standard 20-foot containers of what is listed as "ammunition" on two separate 
journeys from the Greek port of Astakos to the Israeli port of Ashdod in 
mid-to-late January.

A "hazardous material" designation on the manifest mentions explosive 
substances and detonators, but no other details were given.

"Shipping 3,000-odd tons of ammunition in one go is a lot," one broker said, on 
condition of anonymity. "This (kind of request) is pretty rare and we haven't 
seen much of it quoted in the market over the years," he added.

The U.S. Defense Department, contacted by Reuters on Friday in Washington, had 
no immediate comment. The MSC transports armor and military supplies for the 
U.S. armed forces aboard its own fleet, but regularly hires merchant ships if 
logistics so require.

The request for the ship was made on Dec. 31, with the first leg of the charter 
to arrive no later than January 25 and the second at the end of the month.

The tender for the vessel follows the hiring of a commercial ship to carry a 
much larger consignment of ordnance in December from the United States to 
Israel ahead of air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

A German shipping firm which won that tender confirmed the order when contacted 
by Reuters but declined to comment further.

Israel violated six-month ceasefire, bombing Gaza on November 4 and killing six 
Palestinians. Israel killed on November 17 four more Gazans before Hamas 
declared the ending the ceasefire.

More than 250 children have been killed in the Gaza fighting, according to the 

Children make up more than half of the crowded region's 1.4 million population 
and are the most defenseless victims of the war.

U.N. calls for probe

Navi Pillay, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, also said that U.N. human 
rights monitors must be deployed in Israel as well as Gaza and the West Bank to 
document violations and their perpetrators.

"The vicious cycle of provocation and retribution must be brought to an end," 
she said.

Pillay was addressing a special session of the U.N. Human Rights Council a day 
after the Security Council adopted a resolution calling for an immediate 
ceasefire in the 14-day-old bombardment and a withdrawal of Israeli troops from 

"Accountability must be ensured for violations of international law. As a first 
step, credible, independent and transparent investigations must be carried out 
to identify violations and establish responsibilities," she said.

"Violations of international humanitarian law may constitute war crimes for 
which individual criminal responsibility may be invoked," said Pillay, a former 
International Criminal Court judge from South Africa.

Civilian massacres

The massacres in Gaza, where civilians including children are among the 
hundreds killed, has attracted mounting international condemnation. The United 
Nations said on Friday that 30 Palestinians were killed in the Zeitoun 
neighborhood in central Gaza earlier this week when the Israeli army sheltered 
110 civilians in a house which was later hit by shells.

These were proportionality, distinction between combatants and civilians as 
well as military targets and civilian infrastructure, and feasible precautions 
to avoid or minimize incidental loss of civilian life.

Diplomats said that the Geneva rights forum was expected to adopt a draft 
resolution censuring Israel at the talks, which may continue into Monday.

The emergency session was called at the request of Islamic and developing 
countries backed by Russia, China and Cuba. The bloc enjoys a majority in the 
47-member forum, in which the United States has virtually stopped participating.

Both the Palestinian and Israeli ambassadors to the U.N. in Geneva were due to 
address the talks.

Charters "rare"

Shipping brokers in London who have specialized in moving arms for the British 
and U.S. military in the past said such ship charters to Israel were rare.

A senior military analyst in London who declined to be named said that, because 
of the timing, the shipments could be "irregular" and linked to the Gaza 
offensive. Air Force Lt. Col. Patrick Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, said he 
would not comment on shipping routes for security reasons but confirmed a 
shipment of ammunition to Israel was planned.

"The delivery of ammunition is to a pre-positioned U.S. munitions stockpile in 
Israel in accordance with a congressionally authorized 1990 agreement between 
the U.S. and Israel," Ryder said.

"This previously scheduled shipment is routine and not in support of the 
current situatio

Bismillah [IslamCity] Free GAZA to ISRAEL: "We Are Coming In On Tuseday"

2009-01-18 Thread DDN

B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r   R a h e e m

Assalaamu`Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

May Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala support them with the truth, protect and 
reward them with all good on behalf of the Muslims. May they persevere in 
patience and constancy, and vie in such perseverance. May Allaah Subhaanahu wa 
Ta`aala protect the 30 passengers and crew on board, members of various 
European Parliaments and physicians and grant them success in reaching our 
Muslim brothers, sisters and their children with urgently needed medical 
supplies, for the promise of Allaah is true and Allaah will help those who help 
His Cause.  May Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala enable the Muslims to stand firm 
until Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala grants them victory over this conflict, for 
He is the best of supporters. Aameen.

Fee Amaanillaah,
Your sister
K a r i m a


Sunday, 11 January 2009 14:15

Written by Free Gaza Movement


For More Information, Please Contact:

(Cyprus) Huwaida Arraf, or This e-mail address is being 
protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

(Gaza) Ewa Jasiewicz, This e-mail address is being 
protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

(Egypt) Caoimhe Butterly, This e-mail address is being 
protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

(U.S.) Ramzi Kysia, This e-mail address is being protected 
from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

(Cyprus, 11 January 2009) - The Free Gaza Movement ship, "SPIRIT OF HUMANITY," 
will leave Larnaca Port at 12:00 noon, Monday, 12 January, on an emergency 
mission to besieged Gaza. The ship will carry desperately needed doctors, 
journalists, human rights workers, and members of several European parliaments 
as well as medical supplies. This voyage marks Free Gaza's second attempt to 
break through the blockade since Israel began attacking the Gaza Strip on 27 
December. Between August and December 2008, the Free Gaza Movement successfully 
challenged the Israeli blockade five times, landing the first international 
ships in the port of Gaza since 1967.

The Israeli military violently attacked an earlier attempt by the Free Gaza 
Movement to send an emergency boat filled with doctors and medical supplies to 
Gaza. In the early hours of Tuesday, 30 December, the Israeli navy 
deliberately, repeatedly, and without warning rammed the unarmed ship, the 
DIGNITY, causing significant structural damage and endangering the lives of its 
passengers and crew. The ship found safe harbor in Lebanon, and is currently 
awaiting repairs.

Fouad Ahidar, a member of the Belgian Parliament sailing to Gaza aboard the 
SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, responded to concerns that Israel may attack the unarmed 
mercy ship by saying, "I have five children that are very worried about me, but 
I told them, you can sit on your couch and watch these atrocities on the 
television, or you can choose to take action to make them stop."

Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip have injured thousands of civilians and 
killed over 800 people, including scores of women and children. This ongoing 
Israeli massacre severely and massively violates international humanitarian law 
defined by the Geneva Conventions, especially the obligations of an Occupying 
Power and the requirements of the laws of war.

The United Nations has failed to protect the Palestinian civilian population 
from Israel's massive violations of international humanitarian law. Israel has 
closed off Gaza from the international community and demanded that all 
foreigners leave. But Huwaida Arraf, an organizer with the Free Gaza Movements, 
stated that, "We cannot just sit by and wait for Israel to decide to stop the 
killing and open the borders for relief workers to pick up the pieces. We are 
coming in. There is an urgent need for this mission as Palestinian civilians in 
Gaza are being terrorized and slaughtered by Israel, and access to humanitarian 
relief denied to them. When states and the international bodies responsible for 
taking action to stop such atrocities chose to be impotent, then we--the 
citizens of the world--must act. Our common humanity demands nothing less." 
Israel has been notified that we are coming. A copy of the notification to the 
Israeli Authorities is attached.

The media is invited to the Larnaca Port at 10:00 am to for final preparations 
and a press conference before departure.



Take Action! CALL the Israeli Government and let them know that the SPIRIT OF 
HUMANITY is coming to Gaza. DEMAND that Israel immediately STOP slaughtering 
civilians in Gaza and STOP using viole