Bismillah [IslamCity] Islam on Slavery

2009-04-14 Thread Shahid
Slavery - What is it ?

Islam had denounced slavery 1400 years ago and showed the most humane way to 
deal with it. It took the so-called Free minds and the Western and European 
intelligentsia another 1300 years to realize that slavery is an ill in the 
society. From the past 1300-1350 years, they have been promoting slavery. For 
Muslims, they were in a state of Ignorance. Now when they realize that 
slavery is an evil, they have the mouth to say that Islam promotes slavery. 
What a shame. 

The question of Slavery and the humane nature in which Islam has treated it is 
one of the least understood subject by many so called self-proclaimed Human 
Right Activists of today's free (euphemism for enslaved) world. 

This section is a collection of articles to help all realize how Islam has 
dealt with the issue of slavery. Hope this will be of help to the sincere 
seeker of Truth. It is a sincere advice that the readers keep in mind that 
Islam is a way of Life defined by God, the creator of the universe and all that 
exists. Hence, the treatment of sensitive issues by God are those that are most 
practical and the most humane and best for mankind. May Allah give us wisdom 
and guidance.

Some Articles on the meaning of Slavery  the humane solution of Islam

Islam on Slavery - the treatment for slavery by Islam -

Islam on Slavery - Comparing the treatment of slavery by Islam and the Western 
nations -

Emancipate, Liberate and Marry Slaves - Verses from the Glorious Quran -

Qur'anic verdict on Slavey - 

Non Muslim writers on slavery in Islam -

Slavery Never a Race Issue - 

See how the jews treated the slaves: 

who brought slaves to america:

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Terms of Commitment (By: Adil Salahi, Arab News, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia)

2009-04-14 Thread Mohammad Usman




B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i rR a h e e m



The Terms of Commitment
Edited by Adil Salahi


THE Qur'an outlines the terms of the pledge women give when they adopt
Islam, or when they commit themselves to follow Islamic teachings. These
are given in the following verse: Prophet! When believing women come
and pledge to you that they will not associate any partner with God, nor
steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor lie about who
fathered their children, nor disobey you in anything reasonable, then
accept their pledge of allegiance and pray to God to forgive them. God
is most forgiving, ever merciful. (60: 12) The Hadith we quoted last
week, speaking of the pledge given to the Prophet (peace be upon him) by
the new Muslims of Madinah, states exactly the same six terms. We note
that the Qur'anic verse specifically mentions Muslim women, while those
who gave the pledge outlined in the Hadith were 12 men. The pledge given
a year later by a larger number of Muslims from Madinah added a
commitment to fight for the cause of Islam. Scholars agree that these
six terms remain complete for women, while men are required to defend
Islam and the Muslim community when attacked by an enemy.

The first item in this pledge is not to associate any partner with
God. This is the basic commitment of every Muslim. Indeed, a Muslim
declares his belief in God's oneness in a variety of ways and
situations. The call to prayer, which is made five times every day,
includes this declaration twice. In every prayer offered, whether
obligatory or voluntary, a Muslim makes this declaration at the
beginning and at the end. Indeed, the belief in God's oneness is the
central point of Islam, without which a person cannot be a Muslim.
Hence, the pledge to Islam must begin with it. 

The pledge then mentions two major sins: Theft and adultery. Placing
these two in between the association of partners with God and killing
one's children shows the seriousness with which Islam views these two
actions. Both are grave sins, no doubt. They represent aggression on the
rights of individuals and society. When people who commit these are only
lightly punished or are able to escape punishment altogether, security
and peace within the community are undermined.

Although human beings are naturally inclined to take care of their
children and look after them, giving much of their time and effort to
their education and upbringing, some people do kill their children. This
may be an outright infanticide, or the result of negligence and even
abuse. There may be different reasons that cause parents to kill their
own children, such as trying to conceal the fact that the child is
illegitimate, or because the child is of poor health or has special
needs, or because of the parents' poverty. The child is almost always
defenseless against an adult. Hence, this crime is mentioned in the
pledge to highlight its enormity and to ensure that it does not exist in
Muslim society. 

Lying about the fatherhood of their children is mentioned next. This
is particularly directed at women who claim that their children belong
to their husbands when they are certain that they belong to others. This
situation involves more than one crime. The woman in such a case is
guilty of adultery in the first place, and then she lies claiming that
her pregnancy was by her husband. A third wrong results from this
situation as the deceived husband brings up the child as one of his own.
This is further compounded when the begotten child inherits her husband
along with his other children.

The last item in the pledge is not to disobey the Prophet in anything
reasonable. All Muslims are required to obey the Prophet in whatever he
commands them. However, the terms of the pledge state that obedience is
'in anything reasonable'. The Prophet never asked his followers to do
any unreasonable thing. Islam does not impose any hardship on its
followers. On the contrary, it is a basic rule of Islam that hardship
necessitates easing restrictions. Thus, if the fulfillment of any
Islamic duty is attended by hardship, conditions are relaxed so that the
duty is fulfilled in an easy and reasonable manner. For example when
fasting in Ramadan becomes more difficult because of illness or
traveling, a Muslim is allowed not to fast provided he compensates for
the days he misses sometime later, when he has recovered good health or
returned from travel.



With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

 Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) 




RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Vacancies in Saudi Arabia

2009-04-14 Thread ali raza

I am mechanical engineer,having one year experience in 21MW(Diesel enginges + 
Gas engines) power plant as a Trainee Engineer,and now working in one of the 
reputed organization in pakistan as a Project Engineeer.(01-12-2008 to present)

If there is any vacancy please inform me.

My contact # +923216169074

Looking for your kind reply


Ali Raza

Mechanical Engineer

Total experience 1.5 Years

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:41:30 +0400
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Vacancies in Saudi Arabia

-- Forwarded message --
From: asfaque alam
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:01 PM

Dear Shakeel Bhai,

My company have following vacancies and posts are being advet tomorrow in Hindu 
and Times of India.Please circulate to our memebers.

National Prawn Company (NPC)

Al-Lith, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Vacancy Announcement

NPC is the largest vertically integrated, desert coastal shrimp culture project 
in the world and presently produces around 15,000 plus tons of Shrimps per 
annum. The project is located along the Red Sea coast in Al-lith, 150 km south 
of Jeddah city with the current workforce over 2200 employees from 26 different 
countries. We are looking for highly professional individuals with proven track 
record for the positions below.

Power Plant Manager: Degree in Electrical/Mechanical engineering, minimum 8 
years work experience of Diesel Power Plant, including at least 5 years in a 
supervisory role. Must have excellent communication and manpower management 
Sr. Electrical Engineer: Bachelor’s degree/diploma programs in Electrical 
Engineering as well as specialized courses devoted to knowledge and skills used 
in the electrical engineering field with at least 5 years of progressive 
experience in the operation and maintenance the power plant’s electrical 
equipments such as transformers, alternators, SF6 circuit breakers, DC 
distribution system, electro pneumatic control system, transmitter and PLC.
Sr. Mechanical Engineer: Bachelor’s degree programs in Mechanical Engineering 
as well as specialized courses devoted to knowledge and skills used in the 
mechanical engineering field with at least five years of progressive experience 
in the operation and maintenance of Heavy Furnace Oil based power plant with 
all of its auxiliaries like Fuel unloading unit, Booster unit, Lube oil unit, 
exhaust gas system starting air system and pipe module etc.
Engineer – Water Systems: Degree in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 5 years 
experience in the operations and maintenance of RO, sewage, waste water 
treatment plant up to a capacity of 1000 cu-m per day.
Mechanical Technician: High School/ITI in Mechanical Engineering with at least 
3 years experience in operation and maintenance of HFO based power plant.
Supervisor WWTP: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with at least 5 years of 
experience in operation and maintenance of WWTP with a minimum capacity of 750 
Operator WWTP: High School/ITI in mechanical engineering with at least 3 years 
of experience in operation and maintenance of WWTP with a minimum capacity of 
750 m3/day.
Pump Operator: Diploma/ITI programs in mechanical as well as specialized 
courses devoted to knowledge and skills used in the mechanical engineering 
field with at least 3-5 years of progressive experience in the operation of 

Selected individuals will be offered competitive compensation, free housing, 
needs based transportation, medical coverage, free food, and other market 
driven perks. Please send your cover letter and profiles at, 
marked for the position applied in the subject line, within 10 days of this 
advertisement. Candidates with valid passports only need to apply. Please visit 
our web site for more details about the company.


Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without 
action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Recommended website for PMP exam preparation:

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,
you have no today to be thankful for.

Show them the way! Add maps and directions to your party invites.

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Vacancies in Saudi Arabia

2009-04-14 Thread J M
can someone tell me why it is so difficult to get a teaching job in Saudi as a 
single person with children?  Most of the comments that I had received is 
that one should be married for sponsorship.  Why do most jobs in the Gulf go 
to Anglo-Americans or British personnel?  Why is there such a reluctance to 
hire educated Muslim women, but a preference for a non-Muslim female? 
I am still under contract in my current position but I would like to consider 
the Gulf (if it is Allah SWT's will for me to work there).

Radheetu billahee Rabban wa bil'Islaami deenan wa bi-Muhammadin (SAW) aNabiyyan

--- On Tue, 3/31/09, wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Vacancies in Saudi Arabia
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 6:41 AM

-- Forwarded message --
From: asfaque alam asfaquealam@
Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:01 PM

Dear Shakeel Bhai,
My company have following vacancies and posts are being advet tomorrow in Hindu 
and Times of India.Please circulate to our memebers.

National Prawn Company (NPC)
Al-Lith, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Vacancy Announcement

NPC is the largest vertically integrated, desert coastal shrimp culture project 
in the world and presently produces around 15,000 plus tons of Shrimps per 
annum. The project is located along the Red Sea coast in Al-lith, 150 km south 
of Jeddah city with the current workforce over 2200 employees from 26 different 
countries. We are looking for highly professional individuals with proven track 
record for the positions below.   
Power Plant Manager: Degree in Electrical/Mechanic al engineering, minimum 8 
years work experience of Diesel Power Plant, including at least 5 years in a 
supervisory role. Must have excellent communication and manpower management 
Sr. Electrical Engineer: Bachelor’s degree/diploma programs in Electrical 
Engineering as well as specialized courses devoted to knowledge and skills used 
in the electrical engineering field with at least 5 years of progressive 
experience in the operation and maintenance the power plant’s electrical 
equipments such as transformers, alternators, SF6 circuit breakers, DC 
distribution system, electro pneumatic control system, transmitter and PLC.
Sr. Mechanical Engineer: Bachelor’s degree programs in Mechanical Engineering 
as well as specialized courses devoted to knowledge and skills used in the 
mechanical engineering field with at least five years of progressive experience 
in the operation and maintenance of Heavy Furnace Oil based power plant with 
all of its auxiliaries like Fuel unloading unit, Booster unit, Lube oil unit, 
exhaust gas system starting air system and pipe module etc.
Engineer – Water Systems: Degree in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 5 years 
experience in the operations and maintenance of RO, sewage, waste water 
treatment plant up to a capacity of 1000 cu-m per day.
Mechanical Technician: High School/ITI in Mechanical Engineering with at least 
3 years experience in operation and maintenance of HFO based power plant.
Supervisor WWTP: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with at least 5 years of 
experience in operation and maintenance of WWTP with a minimum capacity of 750 
Operator WWTP: High School/ITI in mechanical engineering with at least 3 years 
of experience in operation and maintenance of WWTP with a minimum capacity of 
750 m3/day.
Pump Operator: Diploma/ITI programs in mechanical as well as specialized 
courses devoted to knowledge and skills used in the mechanical engineering 
field with at least 3-5 years of progressive experience in the operation of 
Selected individuals will be offered competitive compensation, free housing, 
needs based transportation, medical coverage, free food, and other market 
driven perks. Please send your cover letter and profiles at 
sa, marked for the position applied in the subject line, within 10 days of this 
advertisement. Candidates with valid passports only need to apply. Please visit 
our web site sa for more details about the company.

Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu

PS: Actions may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without 
action, so act we MUST.
Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times ahead!
Aspiring 2 c u happy!

Shakeel Ahmad
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Recommended website for PMP exam preparation: http://www.passPM. com/

Remember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,
you have no today to be thankful for.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Allah wishes to accept your repentence

2009-04-14 Thread bakka . makka
Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
4:27. Allâh wishes to accept your repentance, but those who follow their lusts, 
wish that you (believers) should deviate tremendously away from the Right Path.



Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me). 

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me benefit 
in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my 
knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from 
the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.

Transliteration:an Abi Hurairah (radiya Allahu anhu) qaal:
qaala Rasul Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam): Allahumma infa'ni bima 
'allamtani, wa allimni maa yanfa'oni wa zidni 'ilman, alhamdulillahi alaa kolli 
haal, wa a'odtho billahi min haali ahlil naar.

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

Bismillah [IslamCity] The ex-Muslim MYTH

2009-04-14 Thread Ahumanb
The ex-Muslim MYTH

My Bangla Blog on Theism-Atheism and Religion:



2009-04-14 Thread mohammed bawany
32. Chapter: On the excellence of the weak, poor and obscure Muslims
Allah Almighty says, Restrain yourself with those who call on their Lord 
morning and evening, seeking His Face, and let not thine eyes pass beyond 
them. (18:28)
253. Abu'l-'Abbas Sahl ibn Sa'd as-Sa'idi said, A man passed by the Prophet, 
(PBUH), who said to the man who was sitting with him, 'What do you think of 
this one?' He replied, 'A man who is one of our nobles. This man, by Allah, if 
he proposes marriage, his proposal is accepting, and if he intercedes his 
intercession would be granted.' The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), was silent. 
Then another man passed by and the Messenger of Allah asked him, 'What do you 
think of this one?' He answered, 'O Messenger of Allah, this is just one of the 
poor Muslims. If he were to propose marriage, his proposal would not be worth 
accepting, and if he were to intercede, his intercession would not be granted, 
and if he were to speak, his words would not be listened to.' The Messenger of 
Allah, (PBUH), said, 'This one is better than the whole earth full of the first 
one. [Agreed upon]
254. Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported that the Prophet, (PBUH), said, Jannah and 
the Fire had an argument. The Fire said, 'I contain the arrogant and the 
proud,' and Jannah said, 'I contain the weak and the poor.' So Allah decided 
between them, 'You, Jannah, are My mercy. I show mercy through you to whomever 
I wish. You, the Fire, are My punishment. I punish by you whomever I wish. Both 
of you will be filled by Me.' [Muslim]



2009-04-14 Thread mohammed bawany
31. Chapter: On Putting things right between people
Allah Almighty says, There is no good in much of their secret talk, except in 
the case of those who enjoin sadaqa, or what is right, or putting things right 
between people, (W4:113; H4:114) and the Almighty says, Reconciliation is 
better. (W4:127l H4:128) The Almighty says, So have taqwa of Allah and put 
things right between you, (8:1) and the Almighty says, The believers are 
brothers, so make peace between your brothers. (49:10)
248. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, There is 
sadaqa owed by every joint people have every day on which the sun rises. 
Putting things right between two people is sadaqa. Helping a man with his mount 
and helping him up onto it or lifting up his baggage onto it is sadaqa. A good 
word is sadaqa. Every step you take to the prayer is sadaqa. Removing an 
obstruction from the road is sadaqa. [Agreed upon]


Bismillah [IslamCity] Enjoy updated color special family edition albaseerah newsletter

2009-04-14 Thread ALBaseerah Org
Seek knowledge Directly from Scholars:
Senior Scholars  Mashaykh of Ahli-Sunnah wa Al-Jamaah
Checkout our  upcoming events     -
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah
Al-hamdulillaah we are pleased to bring you the Latest issue of albaseerah 
newsletter - its FREE and its for YOU
Get your copy now -   
This special double Issue is dedicated to Family matters, Raising children, 
Rights of husband/wife, and much much more.
Articles Highlights:
The Upbringing of Three Daughters
By the Noble Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz,
Characteristics of the women one should marry
By the Noble Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, 
Advice to those who divorce their wives hastily
By the Noble Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadi Al-Waadaee
My Family, My Home, My Jannah
By the Noble Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudyaan
Fatawaa by the Noble Scholars:
Shaykh Al-Albaani,
Shaykh Al-Luhaydaan,
Shaykh Abdur-Rehmaan Al-Ajlaan,
Shaykh Wasi-Ullah Abbas, and others.
And part 3 of special series
Know Your Scholars by Shaykh Ahmed Al-Munayee
Understanding the Qur'aan by Shaykh Abdullah al- Ghudyaan –
Yes!! For you, there are some great tips, statements of Salaf, and  interesting 
True or False statements.
Get your copy now -   
For the benefit of your community we highly encourage you to reprint our - Full 
of knowledge and Fun - Newsletter   
Details of seminars attended - in person - by Senior Scholars and Mashaaykh =
Scholars Attended --- Books Covered    ---   Field Trips    ---   
Participant's Testimonies.

Registration is now open for Fiqh Course –FQ110-
Explanation of Ad-Durrar Al-Bahiyyah of
Imaam Muhammed Ash-Shawkaani
Explained by- Shaykh WasiUllaah Abbas
Teacher in Grand Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haraam), Makkah
Professor, Ummul-Quraa University, Makkah 

Mark Your Calendar for
A Conference Dedicated to the Book of Allaah
In New York City
Video Broadcast of famous scholars and recitors of Al-Quraan
Shaykh Abdur-Rehmaan As-Sudays
Imaam and Khateeb, Grand Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haraam), Makkah
Professor, Ummul-Quraa University, Makkah
Shaykh Ali Abdur-Rehmaan Al-Huthayfi
Imaam and Khateeb, Prophet’s Masjid (Al-Masjid An-Nabawi), Madinah
Professor, Islamic University, Madinah


Bismillah [IslamCity] the Latest issue of albaseerah newsletter -is here - its FREE and its for YOU

2009-04-14 Thread Albaseerah.Org

*Seek knowledge Directly from Scholars**:*

*Senior Scholars *

*Mashaykh of Ahli-Sunnah wa Al-Jamaah*

*** ---- **** =***

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah

Al-hamdulillaah we are pleased to bring you the Latest *issue* of albaseerah
newsletter - *its FREE and its
for YOU*

*This special double Issue* is dedicated to Family matters, Raising
children, Rights of husband and Wife, and much much more.

Articles Highlights:

The Upbringing of Three Daughters

By the Noble Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz,

Characteristics of the women one should marry
By the Noble Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen,

Advice to those who divorce their wives hastily
By the Noble Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadi Al-Waadaee

My Family, My Home, My Jannah
By the Noble Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudyaan

And Fatawaa by Noble Scholars:

Shaykh Al-Albaani,

Shaykh Al-Luhaydaan,

Shaykh Abdur-Rehmaan Al-Ajlaan,

Shaykh Wasi-Ullah Abbas, and others.

And part 3 of special series Know Your Scholars
by Shaykh Ahmed Al-Munayee

And part 3 of special series Understanding the Qur'aan 
by Shaykh Abdullah al- Ghudyaan -

*Yes!! There are some great tips, statements of Salaf, and interesting fill
in the Blanks for you as well*

Get your copy now -

For the benefit of your community we highly encourage you to reprint our *-
Full of knowledge and Fun -* Newsletter

Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah of New york

Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah of New york

Bismillah [IslamCity] Pope to reflect on persecution of Christians in India

2009-04-14 Thread Ahsan Waheed
Vatican City, 7 April (AKI) - Pope Benedict XVI will reflect on the
plight of Christians in India this Easter when he leads the Way of the
Cross ceremony on Friday at the Colosseum in Rome. The Vatican has
asked Indian Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil to write the meditations
for the ceremony, which depicts Christ's final hours leading up to his

Archbishop Menamparampil's reflections will focus on the question of
evil in the world, on pain and on the various forms of suffering which
are, he writes, a symbol of the presence of the cross of Christ in
our lives.

Menamparampil will refer to Christians who suffer persecution in
India and in other countries, as well to the violence that destroys
ethnic and religious groups, and to conflicts fuelled by economic
interests, the Vatican said in a statement.

Attacks by suspected Hindu extremists on Christians and their churches
in the eastern Indian state of Orissa last year left at least 35
people dead. The violence also spread to other states, including the
western coastal state of Karnataka, a state on India's west coast,
where at least 150 churches were destroyed.

India is officially secular but most of its one billion-plus citizens
are Hindu. Christians make up about 2.5 percent of the population and
Muslims, 13.4 percent.

Article Source :

Bismillah [IslamCity] Crusade against ISI

2009-04-14 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Sajjad Shaukat

On January 20, 2009, in his first address, President Barack Obama had
stated: To the Muslim World, we seek a new way forward, based upon
mutual interest and mutual respect. But instead of reversing the
anti-Muslim policies of ex-president Bush who had used the term
'crusade', a few days after the 9/11 events, Obama is acting upon a
similar policy, though the tactics are different. Although he has
decided to end the use of the phrase, Global War On Terror replacing
it with the Overseas Contingency Operation, yet in reality
anti-Muslim strategy continues.

Notably, despite more cooperation with Pakistan, the main aim of the
US including its allies remains to de-nuclearise Pakistan which is the
only Islamic country, having nuclear weapons. Besides, its
geo-strategic location, Gwadar Port, linking Central and South Asia,
Islamabad's close ties with China irk the eyes of the US, India and
Israel who are in collusion to destabilise Pakistan for their common
interests. However, being an obstacle in their way and being vital for
our survival as the first pillar of the country, the Inter-Services
Intelligence Agency (ISI) has become a special target of the external

On March 26, The New York Times accused that Pakistan's ISI is
directly assisting militant groups fighting against US and NATO forces
in Afghanistan. In the recent past, US Admiral Mike Mullen and Defence
Secretary Robert Gates blamed the ISI for close connections with the
Taliban. All these biased statements have been appearing in wake of
the US' new strategy, which has taken Afghanistan and Pakistan's FATA
as single theatre of war. And President Obama said that he was
determined to dismantle and defeat Al-Qaeda and the safe havens in
Pakistan's tribal areas from where a plan to attack the US and Europe
could be in the making.

On the one hand, US administration has increased the aid of Pakistan,
while on the other, drone attacks on the tribal regions continue
unabated without bothering for any internal backlash inside our

Meanwhile, on March 31, Bailtullah Mehsud, chief of the
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the
terrorist attack at the Manawan Police Training Center in Lahore, and
threatened to carry out similar operations in various parts of Punjab.
As regard Mehsud, reports suggest that the ISI had provided
information to the US military commanders about Mehsud's exact
location several times, but the CIA-operated predators could not hunt
him. He plays a key role in instigating the peace-loving Taliban
against Islamabad. With the help of RAW and CIA, like his patrons,
while, playing a double game, Mehsud's main purpose is to create
unrest in Pakistan. On the other side, the US military and high
officials accuse Pakistan's army and ISI of close links with Mehsud.

Nevertheless, revival of blame game against ISI is not confined to US
war in Afghanistan. On December 15, 2008, US Senator John Kerry, while
putting pressure on Islamabad in the aftermath of Mumbai carnage of
November 26 remarked that all the gunmen came from Pakistan, and that
ISI must be brought under control. Before him, US Assistant Secretary
of State, Richard Boucher had stressed the need to reform ISI.

Under the cover of insurgency, US, India and Israel have intensified
their collective covert strategic game by exploiting Pakistan's
present multiple crises which they have themselves created through
their secret agencies. While acting upon anti-Pakistan plot, they,
sometimes, take new turns in their propaganda campaign in tarnishing
the image of the ISI. In fact, US-led powers have badly failed in
crushing the stiff resistance of Afghan Taliban and Kashmiris who have
been fighting against the occupying forces. Hence, senseless
accusations against ISI are essential for them to divert the attention
of their public from their frustrated misadventure.

Just like the sole superpower, it has become a fashion in India to
blame the ISI for every mishap in order to conceal RAW-backed Hindu
terrorism. In the recent past, concrete evidence surprised the world
regarding a number of developments such as murder of Indian
Anti-Terrorism Squad Chief Hemant Karkare during the Mumbai terror
attacks, involvement of Hindu extremists in the Malegaon blasts,
confession of Indian serving Lt Col Purohit in relation to the bombing
of Samjhota Express and massacre of Muslims in Gujrat. Inaction by the
US-led west over RAW-supported Hindu terrorism undoubtedly indicates
that America and major European states have their common interest in
India. Therefore, they blindly favour New Delhi's shrewd diplomacy
against Islamabad.

Their silence over two major terror-events in Lahore in March might
also be cited as an example.

The misdeeds of anti-ISI agencies are known to everyone. In this
context, Ramzi Yousaf who was well-aware of the activities of the
American and Israeli secret agencies had stated in the US court in
1997: You are butchers, liars, and 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Dollars,greed and wealth

2009-04-14 Thread raja chemayel

The financial crisis ,
although it is an international one ,
it has started in the USA
and it shall also end there.

The USA shall keep on printing dollars
until they ran out of paper
or until they abolish capitalism
or until they recall all their soldiers back home
or until refrain from financing
all the injustices worldwide

China was right when it suggested
to replace the Dollars
by an international-global-currency:
How about a brand new of currency called
 Al Maarouf  
which is mentioned in the Holy Koran
as a  kind deed    or a grace
or goodness.

This way the rulers of Saudi-Arabia
and the Gulf
shall no more stink after dollars ,
but rather smell the goodness.
And then Banks may finally become respectable-places .

The Financial-crisis is God's punishment
against greed as a way of life.

Why should anyone own more than half a million (Dollars) ??

Raja Chemayel
 Al moulkou li Allah
09 April.2009


Bismillah [IslamCity] Enjoy updated color special family edition albaseerah newsletter

2009-04-14 Thread ALBaseerah Org
Seek knowledge Directly from Scholars:
Senior Scholars  Mashaykh of Ahli-Sunnah wa Al-Jamaah
Checkout our  upcoming events     -
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah
Al-hamdulillaah we are pleased to bring you the Latest issue of albaseerah 
newsletter - its FREE and its for YOU
Get your copy now -   
This special double Issue is dedicated to Family matters, Raising children, 
Rights of husband/wife, and much much more.
Articles Highlights:
The Upbringing of Three Daughters
By the Noble Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz,
Characteristics of the women one should marry
By the Noble Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, 
Advice to those who divorce their wives hastily
By the Noble Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadi Al-Waadaee
My Family, My Home, My Jannah
By the Noble Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudyaan
Fatawaa by the Noble Scholars:
Shaykh Al-Albaani,
Shaykh Al-Luhaydaan,
Shaykh Abdur-Rehmaan Al-Ajlaan,
Shaykh Wasi-Ullah Abbas, and others.
And part 3 of special series
Know Your Scholars by Shaykh Ahmed Al-Munayee
Understanding the Qur'aan by Shaykh Abdullah al- Ghudyaan –
Yes!! For you, there are some great tips, statements of Salaf, and  interesting 
True or False statements.
Get your copy now -   
For the benefit of your community we highly encourage you to reprint our - Full 
of knowledge and Fun - Newsletter   
Details of seminars attended - in person - by Senior Scholars and Mashaaykh =
Scholars Attended --- Books Covered    ---   Field Trips    ---   
Participant's Testimonies.

Registration is now open for Fiqh Course –FQ110-
Explanation of Ad-Durrar Al-Bahiyyah of
Imaam Muhammed Ash-Shawkaani
Explained by- Shaykh WasiUllaah Abbas
Teacher in Grand Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haraam), Makkah
Professor, Ummul-Quraa University, Makkah 

Mark Your Calendar for
A Conference Dedicated to the Book of Allaah
In New York City
Video Broadcast of famous scholars and recitors of Al-Quraan
Shaykh Abdur-Rehmaan As-Sudays
Imaam and Khateeb, Grand Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haraam), Makkah
Professor, Ummul-Quraa University, Makkah
Shaykh Ali Abdur-Rehmaan Al-Huthayfi
Imaam and Khateeb, Prophet’s Masjid (Al-Masjid An-Nabawi), Madinah
Professor, Islamic University, Madinah


Bismillah [IslamCity] A woman of character-Umm Salamah (RA) (The Prophet's wives-20)

2009-04-14 Thread Mohammad Usman




A woman of character
Adil Salahi | Arab News


Umm Salamah (RA), a widow, was a woman who combined beauty with
character, noble birth and a wealth of experience. Her deceased husband
was one of the early converts to the new faith when Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) began preaching his message in secret. Being a woman
of sagacious mind, she joined him in declaring her belief in Islam,
realizing that idolatry is an absurdity, which defies human logic. Her
father was a man who earned great honor in his own right. He was given
the nickname Zad Al-Rakb, which means the provider for all travelers.
When he went on a trip, he would not allow anyone who joined his caravan
to take any food with him. He provided all the food necessary for them
all. His generosity and hospitality was of the highest order.

Such a woman would not stay unmarried for long. The fact that she had
four children, one of them was still newly born, was no hindrance in the
Arabian society, which accepted polygamy as normal. Hence, when her
waiting period of four months and ten days was over, a succession of
suitors sent their proposals. These included Abu Bakr and Umar, but Umm
Salamah, or Hind, to use her original name, politely and gently rejected
them all. She had lost a husband of great character, whom she dearly

She reports that her husband had told her of a Hadith he heard the
Prophet stating: Whoever meets a misfortune should resort to what God
has ordered in such cases, saying, 'We all belong to God and to Him we
all return. My Lord! Grant me support in my misfortune and compensate me
with something better.' If he does so, God will certainly give him
support and is sure to give him better compensation. Continuing her
report, she said: When my husband died, I frequently said this prayer.
Then I thought who could be better for me than Abu Salamah? Yet I hoped
that God would give me support to bear my loss. (Related by Muslim).

A different report mentions that before his death, her husband said this
prayer: My Lord! When I have died, give Umm Salamah a man who is better
than me, who would take care of her and give her nothing to upset her or
cause her grief. When her husband died she wondered who could be better
than him.

Yet this is exactly what happened to Hind bint Abu Umayyah ibn
Al-Mugheerah, who is better known as Umm Salamah. After rejecting a
succession of suitors, she received an offer of marriage no Muslim woman
could refuse. It was the Prophet who wanted her to join his household as
a new wife. Recognizing the great honor such a marriage would give her,
she was delighted. Yet at the same time she felt reluctant. She sent him
word saying: I am too jealous, and old, and I am mother of several
children. It was an answer that meant no refusal, but provided grounds
for the Prophet not to proceed with his proposal. The Prophet sent her a
kind reply saying: God may take away your jealousy. As for your age, I
am older than you. And you may entrust your children to God and His

Who could take better care of any widow's children than God? Who could
be a better stepfather than God's messenger? Hence, the marriage was
soon celebrated and Umm Salamah realized that God had compensated her
with a husband who was much better than her first husband, great indeed
as Abu Salamah was.



Authored By: Adil Salahi


With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

 Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) 



Bismillah [IslamCity] Women in Islam: a series of lectures geared for reverts and born Muslimahs

2009-04-14 Thread GainPeace
 Women in Islam:
a series of lectures geared for reverts and born Muslimahs

   Women in Islam: the three parts series of lectures geared for reverts
and born Muslimahs

Modesty and the Veil (Hijab)
1:00 PM EDT on April 18th, 2009 by Saadia Yunus
Marriage in Islam
1:00 PM EDT on April 25th, 2009 by Huma Murad
Rights of Muslim Women
1:00 PM EDT on May 2nd, 2009 by Afia Baig

For more information:
   Register Now at:
 Once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with
information you need to join the Webinar.
  *System Requirements*
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista
 Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®) or newer

Bismillah [IslamCity] Israel plans to strengthen ties with [Darfur] Sudan rebels

2009-04-14 Thread Ismail Kashkash

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Israel plans to strengthen ties with Sudan rebels
TEL AVIV — Israel has approved plans to expand relations with rebel movements 
in Sudan
Israeli sources said the plans would focus on collaboration with rebel forces 
in the war-torn Darfour province, Middle East Newsline reported.
The rebels were said to have helped Israel track a Hamas weapons convoy through 
Sudan in January 2009. The convoy, struck near the Egyptian-Sudanese border, 
was destroyed by a fleet of Israel Air Force F-15 and F-16 fighter-jets as well 
as unmanned aerial vehicles. Relations with Darfour rebels are not new, an 
Israeli source said.
In February 2009, the head of the Sudanese Liberation Movement arrived in 
Israel and met with government representatives. The sources said Abdul Wahid Al 
Nour arrived in Israel and met Defense Ministry political-military bureau 
director Amos Gilad, regarded as the top envoy of Defense Minister Ehud Barak.
Al Nour also attended the annual strategic Herzliya Conference. He did not 
address the gathering.
The leader of one of the rebel groups in Sudan's Darfour region visited Israel 
to request its support in the rebel fight against the Sudanese government, the 
Israeli daily Haaretz said.
Al Nour was also said to have met senior officials of Israel's Mossad espionage 
agency, including director Meir Dagan. The Mossad had been assigned to track 
Hamas weapons convoys through Sudan.
The Sudanese Liberation Movement, founded in 1992, has been fighting the 
Khartoum regime in Darfour since 2001. Six year later, Al Nour fled to France 
and began organizing support in Europe for the rebellion.
At least 600 Darfour residents have fled Sudan and settled in Israel. The 
government has granted them asylum and the right to work in Israel.
The sources said Israel has long maintained relations with rebel groups in 
Sudan. But until a few years ago those relations were limited to non-Arab 
forces in southern Sudan that had waged a 20-year war for independence.
In the interests of national security, various meetings are held, the Defense 
Ministry said after the Al Nour-Gilad meeting. We are not in the habit of 
responding after each of these meetings.


Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Mentality of some Muslim Brothers

2009-04-14 Thread syed asgar
Assalamu alaikum Wa Rahmathuulahi Wa barkatuh
Brother shahid 
i liked ur comment on the topic u talked . it is really very good to talk abt 
this topic at this time where our muslim brothers r thinking in this way . 
where even i got to know few of the stories like this.
keep writing on the topics which r unique in the group posting.

--- On Sun, 3/29/09, wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Mentality of some Muslim Brothers
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 11:17 PM

Mentality of some Muslim Brothers
Let me expound on the mentality of some of our brothers as well.
I know of a brother who has NO JOB, just got married with the intention of 
using his wife's wealth, and when asked why he has no job, he says he wants to 
be a business man.
What in the bleep is wrong with this picture???
Some of the youth are out of their minds.
What kind of a Muslim man has no job? What kind of Salafee man leaches off of 
his wife? What kind of a Muslim man can actually look in another brother's eyes 
with that kalaam and feel confident and proud?
This is not an isolated incident here but this is the thinking of a lot of 
brothers. It's amazing! I am simply dumbfounded by it.
Brothers have no job because they do not want to flip burgers or work in a 
supermarket because of the haraam!
Guess what, if you cannot find any other job and you have exhausted all of your 
resources looking then you have no choice. Your FAMILY has to EAT. You still 
must fulfill your obligation to your wife and kids.
Let's cut that welfare student of knowledge stuff out.
The scholars work.
I do not know of one scholar or student here in KSA or anywhere else without a 
Now here's the even funnier part.
These same brothers wonder why their wives don't obey them. They want to break 
out the ahadeeth then. They want to come with the supportive wife kalaam. They 
are mistreating the women and talking about rights?! Those brothers have the 
right to be divorced by their wives.
The time has come for the Muslims to grow up and wake up.
These brothers need to be called out by the community for their behavior.
I am not talking about those who are genuinely making an effort and struggling. 
We all come on hard times once and a while. If you are struggling then I ask 
Allaah to make it easy for you because indeed after the hardship comes ease 
(for those who are actually making an effort to better themselves). I am 
referring to the actual losers and thugs and we know who they are.
http://www.hijra. net/forum/ showthread. php?t=1109

This article was originally about salafee brothers but since this problem 
exists among the Muslims of other schools of thought also so the term salafee 
has been switched with the term Muslim.