Bismillah [IslamCity] Muntather was tortured : Interview with Uday al-Zaidi by Isma'il Kushkush

2009-04-26 Thread Ismail Kashkash

Muntather was tortured
Muntather Al-Zaidi's Brother Uday Speaks

By  Isma’il Kushkush
IOL Correspondent — Sudan


Uday Al-Zaidi chants slogans at his house after the court sentenced al-Zaidi to 
three years in prison, in Baghdad (Reuters photo)'s correspondent in Sudan interviewed Uday Al-Zaidi in Khartoum 
shortly after his return from Darfur where he was visiting along with an 
international delegation of activists, academics and diplomats.

Muntather was tortured, says Uday Al-Zaidi, brother of the Iraqi journalist 
who hurled his shoes toward former US President George Bush last year in a 
press conference, to in an interview.

Muntather Al-Zaidi was sentenced in March to three years in jail, but an Iraqi 
court decided to reduce his sentencing to one year.

Yet, Uday Al-Zaidi still fears for his brother's life
We cannot feel safe for Muntather until he is in one of the Arab countries. He 
must not stay in Baghdad; he must leave it for good. What do you think of your brother's action against the former 
US president George Bush?

Uday al-Zaidi: I am extremely proud of what my brother Muntather Al-Zaidi did 
just as 250 million Arabs and one billion Muslims are, even though I did not 
believe it when I was told. I was shocked by this act from Muntather, not 
because Bush was the president of the most powerful nation, but because of the 
courage Muntather showed which was surprising. I am grateful to God that he had 
such courage: the shoe that did not fall on Bush fell on the American flag. 
This is a source of pride for us Arabs and Muslims. It reclaimed our dignity, 
even if just partially, from that criminal [George Bush].

IOL: Is there evidence that it was a planned act or was it spontaneous?

This was the dream of any honorable person, to reclaim our dignity, and 
Muntather started this trend.
Al-Zaidi:I would lie to you if I said it was simply spontaneous. Muntather was 
a journalist in the heart of events and saw what American soldiers were doing. 
In one instance, when Abeer al-Janabi was raped, Muntather cried and said: a 
fourteen year-old girl was raped, burnt and her family killed! Muntather was 
also extremely disturbed when the US soldiers fired shots at the Noble Qur'an 
in al-Ghazaliyya. All of this anger built up inside Muntather.

When he saw Bush, and he even said this at the trial to the judge: When I saw 
Bush I saw the blood of Iraqis flowing under his feet. It was a build-up of 
anger. He may have not planned it, but this was the dream of any honorable 
person, to reclaim our dignity, and Muntather started this trend.

IOL: You have made statements that Muntather was tortured in custody but Iraqi 
officials deny this. Is there evidence that he was tortured?

Al-Zaidi: Yes, Iraq's minister of human rights acknowledged that Muntather was 
barbarically tortured, and she delivered a complaint to the Iraqi Judiciary 
which ignored it. A number of attorneys that met with the President of the Bar, 
Dhiyaa al-Sa'di, and his assistant, Abd al-Qadir al-Qaysi, stated that 
Muntather Al-Zaidi was tortured. Dhiyaa al-Kinani, the examining magistrate, 
said: I saw Muntather and he had been tortured and I will file a lawsuit. 
Three months later, when Muntather entered the courtroom and in front of all 
the journalists to see, his face was full of stitches and bruises and one of 
his teeth was uprooted. On the trial day it was discovered that he has a broken 
right foot that was not treated.

IOL: What do you think of the national Iraqi and international responses to the 
shoe-throwing incident?

Al-Zaidi: I think they were natural responses because of what Bush has done. 
These responses are what saved Muntather al-Zaidi. If there were no reactions 
as many as there were, and considerable media coverage, Muntather Al-Zaidi 
would have been killed in the same instance or even when he was dragged out of 
the [press conference] room.

This verdict is against one billion Muslims, every Arab and free person in the 
world.It was when the Iraqi government saw people react to this incident in 
Iraq, the Arab World and the World, even in the United States, and this is what 
made them not kill Muntather Al-Zaidi. But they are monsters. Muntather was 
tortured for three months. They tried to compromise by trying to make him say 
he was sent by an Arab country or Iran or any country and they would then 
release him instantly. But he insisted that he did this for Iraqis only.

IOL: What do you think of the trial and the verdict of three years against 

Al-Zaidi: The verdict did not come from the court; it came from the United 
States. The three years ruling from the court is criminal. Before the trial I 
said that the Iraqi Judiciary is under a test and it should know that it is not 
only trying Muntather but one billion Muslims too. I believe that this verdict 
is against one billion Muslims, every Arab and 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Women in Islam: a series of lectures geared for reverts and born Muslimahs

2009-04-26 Thread WhyIslam National
 Women in Islam:
a series of lectures geared for reverts and born Muslimahs

   Women in Islam: the three parts series of lectures geared for reverts
and born Muslimahs

Modesty and the Veil (Hijab)
1:00 PM EDT on April 18th, 2009 by Saadia Yunus
Marriage in Islam
1:00 PM EDT on April 25th, 2009 by Huma Murad
Rights of Muslim Women
1:00 PM EDT on May 2nd, 2009 by Afia Baig

For more information:
   Register Now at:
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim Youth Work Newsletter

2009-04-26 Thread tafazal1

Issue 4 of Connect is now available online featuring Mecca2Medina, Aerosol 
Arabic and others.
This is the UK's first Muslim Youth Work newsletter. Follow this link to 
download your FREE copy:

For further information and subscriptions please contact:
Tel: 07861 698 132
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Guidance A Hadith

2009-04-26 Thread `· . ¸¸ . ·*Minahil *·· . ¸¸ . ·`

Guidance from The Prophet (saws)

Hadrat Abu Hurairah (r.a.) reported: ‘The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, He 
who calls others to follow the Right Guidance will have a reward equal to the 
reward of those who follow him, without their reward being diminished in any 
respect on that account.''’
Related by Muslim. Hadith quoted from Riyad-us-Saliheen (Hadith # 1382)
To invite every person who is willing to listen to good caution to the Truth of 
Islam is the obligatory duty of every believer; to accept or reject the 
invitation is entirely upto the individual.
If one is guided to the Straight Path by Allah through a person’s efforts, 
every good deed the one who was (newly) guided does, the person who invited him 
to the Straight Path will also receive a reward equal to the person who did the 
deed, without any diminish in the rewards of the one who actually did the good 

hasEML = false;

The True meaning of Life is to Plant Trees under whose shade you do not Expect 
to Sit.


Bismillah [IslamCity] uk: Anti-terror code 'would alienate most Muslims'

2009-04-26 Thread Shahid
Anti-terror code 'would alienate most Muslims'
• Draft strategy brands thousands as extremists 
• Ministers ponder plan to be unveiled next month

17 February 2009

The government is considering plans that would lead to thousands more British 
Muslims being branded as extremists, the Guardian has learned. The proposals 
are in a counterterrorism strategy which ministers and security officials are 
drawing up that is due to be unveiled next month.

Some say the plans would see views held by most Muslims in Britain being 
classed by the government as extreme.

According to a draft of the strategy, Contest 2 as it is known in Whitehall, 
people would be considered as extremists if:

  • They advocate a caliphate, a pan-Islamic state encompassing many countries.

  • They promote Sharia law.

  • They believe in jihad, or armed resistance, anywhere in the world. This 
would include armed resistance by Palestinians against the Israeli military. 

  • They argue that Islam bans homosexuality and that it is a sin against Allah.

  • They fail to condemn the killing of British soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Contest 2 would widen the definition of extremists to those who hold views that 
clash with what the government defines as shared British values. Those who 
advocate the wider definition say hardline Islamist interpretation of the 
Qur'an leads to views that are the root cause of the terrorism threat Britain 
faces. But opponents say the strategy would brand the vast majority of British 
Muslims as extremists and alienate them even further.

The Guardian has also learned of a separate secret Whitehall counterterrorism 
report advocating widening the definition of who is considered extremist. Not 
all in Whitehall agree with the proposals and one official source said plans to 
widen the definition were incendiary and could alienate Muslims, whose 
support in the counterterrorism effort is needed. There were also fears it 
could aid the far right.

Contest 2 is still being finalised by officials and ministers. Those considered 
extreme would not be targeted by the criminal law, but would be sidelined and 
denied public funds. Ed Husain, of the Quilliam Foundation thinktank, said the 
root causes of terrorism were extremist views, even if those advocating the 
views did not call for violence.

Husain, once an extremist himself, said: Violent extremism is produced by 
Islamist extremism and it's only right to get into the root causes.

Inayat Bunglawala, a former spokesman for the Muslim Council of Great Britain, 
said such plans would affect many British Muslims. Bunglawala, who now runs 
Engage, which tries to get Muslims to participate in politics and civic 
society, said: That would alienate the majority of the British Muslim public. 
It would be counterproductive and class most Muslims as extremists.

In a speech in December, the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, said the 
government's counterterrorism strategy had to include challenging nonviolent 
extremist groups that skirt the fringes of the law ... to promote hate-filled 

The Contest strategy was put in place in 2003 as the UK beefed up its response 
to the threat of al-Qaida inspired terrorism.

But the security service's assessment shows no drop in those they consider 
dangerous and the UK's terror threat level remains at severe general.

The Home Office said: We don't comment on leaked documents.


So every Muslim is an extremist. Anyone who believes and follows Islam is an 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Mauritania joins the 'anti-Semite world'

2009-04-26 Thread Shahid
Mauritania joins the 'anti-Semite world' 

Two weeks ago, Mauritania's new government of General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz 
gave Zionist entity 48 hours to close-down its 9-year-old embassy in Nouakchott 
(October 1999) and its staff to leave Mauritania. The General took the decision 
while attending a conference on Israeli brutalities in Gazzah in Doha (Qatar) 
in January. Interestingly, Qatar is home to America's largest military base in 
the Middle East and it has 'friendly' relations with the Zionist entity along 
with Morocco, Oman and Tunisia. Qatar is also home to the Arab world's largest 
news and propaganda outlets - Al-Jazeera and Both propagate 
Western version of 'moderate Islam' and keep the Ummah divided between Suni 
Arab and Shia Iran.

Miki Arbel was about to replace Boaz Bismuth as Israeli ambassador to 
Mauritania in August 2008 - when the so-called radical Islamists (who 
according to USrael have ties with the evergreen Al-Qaeda carried out a 
military coup and dismissed both Mauritanian president Sidi Ould Cheikh 
Abdallahi and prime minister Yahya Auld Ahmed Waqef. 

Mauritania was one the three Arab League member countries, which had full 
diplomatic relation with the Jewish settlers' government in Tel Aviv - the 
other two being Egypt and Jordan.

Islam was introduced in Mauritania by the Al-Murabitum, a Berber tribe, in 11th 
century. Today, the entire population of 3.8 million is Muslim. They were later 
defeated by the Arab Moores, led by Beni Hassanm in the 16th century. The 
French occupied the Moorish country in 1903 and declared it a colony in 1920. 
Mauritania became independent in 1960. It withdrew from the French community in 
1966. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania was proclaimed in November 1968. 
Slavery was abolished in 1980, but the social status and economic situation of 
freed slaves have not improved much.

Most Mauritanians are either nomadic herders or settled farmers who live within 
a subsistence economy. So far politics shaped the western interests in 
Mauritania - but since country's production of oil from its Chinguetti oilfield 
in February 2006 - the interest has become economical too. The oilfield is 
estimated to have 123 million barrels of oil.

Since the installation of anti-Israel government in Mauritania - the US has 
suspended its annual bribe of US$20 million in military supplies, training and 
the humanitarian fields. 

Egypt receives US$1,500 million/year and Jordan US$350 million/year for 
protecting Zionist entity from Islamic Resistance groups.

And finally, a short note on one of many Zionist myths - the 'anti-Semitism'. 
Historically, only a few thousand Jews among world's 13.5 million Jewish 
population can prove their Semitism. All the rest belong to Berber tribes which 
joined Judaism in the 5-6th century and the vast majority belongs to Khazar 
Turks who converted to Judaism in the 10th century. Since the Jewish elites 
have a history of giving their daughters in marriage to Gentile powerful 
individuals - almost all the mass-murderers of the 20th century, such as, 
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Churchill can claim to be Semites. According to an 
American Jewish scholar, Tim Wise, Zionist leaders are the biggest anti-Semites 
but they use this to shut people who dare to criticize Israel.

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Minority Perspective On The BJP Manifesto

2009-04-26 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Firdaus Ahmed

A party's manifesto is not taken too seriously since the compulsions
of power impact the promises in it considerably. In the coalition era,
this is even more so. Therefore to assess the BJP's position on
security through its manifesto may be neither fair nor accurate.
However, the exercise needs to be done if only to point out that the
manifesto in its references to national security shows a remarkable
insensitivity to minority concerns.

The very first reference to national security is on the Congress'
'abysmal failure to protect citizens from terrorism'. The verdict on
counter measures is that 'this is clearly not enough.' Understandably
the very first section after the Introduction is on national security.
In this the first point is on terrorism. Unsurprisingly excluded from
the list of terrorist activity in the Congress' tenure is missing
Malegaon. The overall impression is that the major instances of terror
have been Muslim perpetrated, culminating in the 26/11 attacks by
Pakistani terrorists.

Clearly, this bracketing of all terror instances is untenable as
insufficient evidence exists of a minority linkage with the pattern of
blasts in major cities last year. Since Malegaon investigations have
not progressed adequately and the other possibilities with regard to
BAD (Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi) have been buried with the Batla
House 'encounter'. As intended by perpetrators other than the 'usual
suspects', the trail has not been picked up. A canard thus takes on
the status of a truth or 'common sense'. It bears reflection as to why
these attacks have mysteriously stopped since the Malegaon
revelations. That the manifesto propagates the error as a given is
explicable in light of the ideological orientation of the party.
Having deliberately misperceived the problem, the solution can only be
persistence in error.

The manifesto is keen that Afzal Guru hang. That this has not already
happened, despite the strong incentive for the Congress to have wanted
to profit from the action, indicates there is more to the Parliament
attack case than meets the eye. Afzal Guru is perhaps an innocuous
victim of a larger conspiracy which in media reports spread to the
considerably autonomous 'dirty tricks' department of JK police. Since
invoking national security can help legitimize anything, one Indian
less in keeping its secrets secure is really no big deal. That Afzal
Guru lives bespeaks of substance to the book '13 December: The strange
case of the attack on the Indian Parliament'.

Illegal immigrants are seen as the unwitting foot soldiers of terror
with their 'vulnerability…exploited by the ISI and its jihadi front
organisations as well as local terror cells to carry out bombings and
provide logistical support to foreign terrorists (italics added).'
Securitisation of the problem of economic migration as an 'internal
security' issue helps focus attention on the need for their eviction.
Its yet another handle on the minority since the party intends to in
'Launch a massive programme to detect, detain and deport illegal
immigrants' in its very first hundred days.

There is an element that has been missed in reflection on this issue
thus far. It is the possibility of such a targeted drive arousing
Bengali nationalism. Nationalism is multi dimensional with one or
other identity facet coming to the fore. The break up of Pakistan in
which religion was trumped by ethnicity is an example. The Bengali
ethnic group is the largest on the subcontinent. Presently it is
divided on lines of religion. It would be prudent to preserve the
status quo from point of view of Hindu nationalism. That this
possibility has not entered the discourse points to the religion
tainted limitation of cultural nationalism.

More disturbing is that reference to a reversion to 2002, despite its
lesson. The Manifesto states: 'Coercive measures, including diplomacy,
will be used to deal with countries which promote cross-border
terrorism.' This is accentuated in the linkage drawn between the
global war on terror and internal security in its very next sentence:
'India will engage with the world in the global war on terror while
not compromising on its domestic interests, primarily protecting
citizens from the ravages of terrorism.' This portends a more
proactive engagement with GWOT as it unfolds with greater potential
for violence in wake of the Riedel-Holbrooke-Petraeus 'Af-Pak'
strategy recently unveiled by President Obama. The contrived linkage
with India's internal security makes for a continuing overhang over
India's largest minority.

That peace would continue to prove elusive with Pakistan is a given if
the manifesto were to guide its actions when in power. It maintains
that, 'There can be no 'comprehensive dialogue' for peace unless
Pakistan…hands over to India individuals wanted for committing crimes
on Indian soil.' This eminently avoidable condition gives out the
agenda of using Pakistan as the threatening 

Bismillah [IslamCity] SOME STUDY ABOUT AHADITH- 4

2009-04-26 Thread mohammed bawany
In the Name of Allah: the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger ( Muhammad pbuh ) from 
among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them (from the filth 
of disbelief and polytheism ) and teaching them the Book ( this Qur’an, Islamic
Laws and Islamic jurisprudence) and Al-Hikmah (As-Sunnah, legal ways, orders, 
acts of worship of Prophet Muhammad pbuh) and verily, they had been before in 
manifest error
( Al-Quran, Soorah Al-Jmu’ah # 62 Ayat # 2.)
And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad pbuh ) gives you, take it; and 
whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it) and fear Allah, verily, Allah is 
Severe in Punishment.
( Al-Qur’an, Soorah # 59 Al-Hashar, Ayat # 7 )
Before we go further, to understand the establishment of Sahih Ahadith, it is 
essential to learn the ways and means of reaching Ahadith to the Scholars and 
how they classified them.
In this connection, the Narrators are classified as:
SAHABI; Those fortunate people who could see, talk, sit in company of The 
Messenger pbuh. Even in alive condition one had, the Glimpse of the Messenger 
is also a Sahabi.
TABA’EE: The person who saw while alive, at least  one Sahabi is called Taba’ee.
TABA-TABA’EE: The person who saw while alive, atleast one Taba’ee is called 
The individuals who narrated the hadith or Ahadith (plural of hadith ), were 
classified and as a result of such classification
The KNOWLEDGE OF MEN “ ILMUL-RIJAL” came into existence.
In Ilmul-Rijal, we will find about each individual, the name of person, his 
family tree, his characters particularly how much truth he speaks, How is (was) 
his memory, how much religious and righteous he is. In Mishquat shareef, I have 
over 1000 (probably) names with classification.
Sanad or Asnad ( certificate or certificates) The chain of  narrators of 
Hadith, from Messenger pbuh to the writer ( the narrators contained in the 
chain who have conveyed hadith to the writer from the Messenger pbuh 
Matan: the words of Hadith is called matan. And is supposed to be the words of 
the Messenger pbuh.
MARFOO: The chain of certifiers reaches to the Messenger pbuh form the writer 
means both end are meeting ; is called Marfoo Hadith.
MOUQUOOF: the chain of hadith that reaches to the Narrator Sahabi but not to 
the Prophet pbuh.
MAQ’TOO: The chain that terminates upon a Tabaee
HADITH-E-MUTTASIL: The narrators of hadith are all in order,
Non-is missing. ( from Prophet pbuh to the Writer )
MUNQETA: Hadith which is missing one link in the chain.
MU’ADDHAL: Hadith which is missing two or more narrators from the chain.
MURSAL: Hadith narrated by Taba’ee further chain of narrators missing.
MU’ALLAQUE: Hadith which misses the last one or two narrators of the chain – to 
the writer.
SAHEEH HADITH: That hadith the narrators of which are all 
Pious,Rightious,Strong Memory, just, tolerant  Narrating the Exact Words of 
the Messenger pbuh. And from the Messenger pbuh to the Writer the chain is 
HASAN HADITH: Which is of average grade: The chain of Narrators contain, at 
least one narrator of weak memory or not so truthful or not very pious. Or just 
or tolerant or may be missing one narrator in the chin..
In defined Hasan Hadith if more than one narrator is weak or missing then it is 
called dhaif hadith.
Mutwatir (continues) Mashoor (wellknown)
Aziz ( ?   )  Ghareeb ( Weak).
MUTWATIR: Such Hadith the narrators are very many in each stage of chain and so 
strong that even cant think it as false.
Those hadith in the chain of which, on each stage ( sahabi or taba’ee or 
taba-taba’ee or still lower unto writer) there are at least three narrators.
Same as Mashhoor but instead of three two narrators compulsory.
Those hadith of which the narrator in the chain is only one
SHAZ: Those ahadith, the narrator of which are Righteous, but his Hadith is 
countering to Hadith by higher grade Righteous narrator.
MAHFOOZ: The Hadith of which, the narrator is of better grade then the one who 
has quoted conflicting Hadith (against the hadith of this narrator)
MUNKER: Such hadith, the Narrator of which is weak and he is quoting against 
the hadith of stronger Narrator.
Quoted by Stronger Narrator against weaker narrator.
The above was some study of the Ahadith.
In the fifth part, we will study the concluding result of how the Sahih Ahadith 
reached us and how much our ancestors (scholars) worked hard for us to remain 
on the Right Track. 


Bismillah [IslamCity] It is preferable for a woman to listen to the adhaan then pray after that. (

2009-04-26 Thread Mohammad Usman


As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmat-Allaahi wa barakaatuhu

(Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allaah and His blessings).

Welcome to the e-mail list of the Islam QA website.


1. It is preferable for a woman to listen to the adhan then pray
after that.
use link

If an Imam makes the adhan after the TIME of salah, and I pray at the
TIME of salah, is it best for me to WAIT? Or should I pray at the TIME?

Praise be to Allaah. 

One of the conditions of prayer is that the time for that prayer should
have begun. Hence is it not correct to pray before the time begins. The
evidence for that is the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): 

Verily, As-Salaah (the prayer) is enjoined on the believers at fixed
hours[al-Nisaa' 4:103] 

The adhaan is the signal that the time for the prayer has come, so if
the muezzin gives the call to prayer on time, then women should listen
to the adhaan then pray after that. But if the muezzin delays giving the
call, then they should pray so long as they are sure that the time has
begun. It is permissible for women to delay the prayer from the
beginning of the time. 


2. Does repentance bring back the reward for what was lost because
of showing off? 

use link

If someone does do a good deed with an intention other than to please
Allah, then he or she repents, will he get the rewards after the

Praise be to Allaah. 

There is evidence in the Sunnah to indicate that if a person did a
righteous deed whilst he was a kaafir, then he repented and became
Muslim, there will be recorded for him after his repentance the reward
of the righteous deeds that he did before, as if he did them in Islam.
This is the great generosity of Allaah and His immense bounty and
kindness. Although some scholars disagreed with that, this is the
correct view and it is the apparent meaning of the saheeh Sunnah. 

It was narrated from Hakeem ibn Hizaam (may Allaah be pleased with him)
that he said: I said: O Messenger of Allaah, what do you think of things
that I did as acts of worship during the Jaahiliyyah such as giving
charity, freeing slaves and upholding the ties of kinship - is there any
reward for them? The Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah
be upon him) said: You have become Muslim with all your previous

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1436) and Muslim (123). 

Al-Haafiz ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) said,
commenting on this hadeeth: 

If a person did a righteous deed, then he did a bad deed which cancelled
it out, then he repented, then the reward that was lost because of his
bad deed will be restored to him. End quote. 

Fath al-Baari by Ibn Rajab (1/146) 

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: 

If the hypocrite or show-off repents, does he have to repeat (prayers
etc), or will his repentance have the effect of reversal on the deeds he
did before that, so that he will be rewarded for them, or is it that he
does not have to repeat anything and will not be rewarded? 

As for repeating, the hypocrite does not have to do it at all, because a
group of hypocrites repented from hypocrisy at the time of the Messenger
of Allaah and he did not order any of them to repeat. And Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):

and they could not find any cause to do so except that Allaah and His
Messenger had enriched them of His Bounty. If then they repent, it will
be better for them, but if they turn away; Allaah will punish them with
a painful torment in this worldly life and in the Hereafter

[al-Tawbah 9:74] 

Moreover, the hypocrite is inwardly a kaafir, so when he believes he is
forgiven what he did before, so he does not have to make anything up,
just as that is not required of the one who was outwardly a kaafir when
he becomes Muslim. 

With regard to his reward for what he did before, when he repents he is
like the kaafir if he did righteous deeds when he was a kaafir then
became Muslim -- will he be rewarded for it? In al-Saheehayn it is
narrated that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him)
said to Hakeem ibn Hizaam: You have become Muslim with all your
previous virtues. 

With regard to the show-off, if he repents from showing off, even though
he believed it was obligatory, then it is similar to the issue of what
we are speaking of here, which is the issue of one who did not carry out
an obligatory duty, even if he was not inwardly a kaafir; obliging him
to make ups or repeat things is a major deterrent to repentance. End

Majmoo' al-Fataawa (22/20-21) 

He also said (may Allaah have mercy on him): 

The one who repents from sin is like the one who did not sin, and if the
sin is erased then the punishment and consequences are also erased.
Negation of good deeds is one of the consequences of sin. End quote. 

Sharh al-'Umdah (1/39). 

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: 

Chapter: if his recent 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Subtle ways of Indian propagandists

2009-04-26 Thread Ahsan Waheed
By Asif Haroon Raja

One of the most read English newspaper of Pakistan, The News ,
controlled from Karachi projects mainly the views of liberals and
so-called enlightened moderates. The bearded Muzaffar Iqbal is one of
the lucky ones to find space in this prestigious paper. Articles of
Masooda Bano are published under sub-heading ‘dissenting note’.
Writers like me who at times show mirror to the liberal brigade cannot
think of getting even one article published particularly after Omar
Qureshi took over the charge of editorial wing in mid-2006.

Conversely Indian authors keen to convey their loaded messages from
across the border are encouraged. Col (R) Harish Puri is among the
selected ones whose articles appear off and on, each one with a tinge
of sarcasm. Indian writers convey the message in a very subtle manner
which appeals to the sensibilities of the liberal class and pro-Indian
segment in Pakistan. His latest article published in this paper on 14
April is captioned ‘An open letter to Gen Kayani’.

To begin with, he first refreshes the memory of Pakistanis about the
surrender of Pak soldiers at Dacca on 16 December 1971 which he says
that no Pakistani has been able to get over that humiliation. Having
scored his point he then suddenly turns to the incident of a teenage
girl flogged by the Taliban in Swat which he terms as an abject
surrender by Pak army, much more disgraceful than 1971 debacle. He
takes a dig at Gen Kayani by saying that the girl could have been his
daughter, or the author’s. In his bid to project himself broad minded
and affable, he hastens to eulogize Pak army that it had fought
valiantly in the three Indo-Pak wars and had performed commendably in
UN missions. In the next breadth he makes an about turn by
recapitulating an incident of an infantry unit led by a Lt Col meekly
laying down arms before 20 odd militants in South Waziristan. He had
mentioned about this incident in one of his earlier articles and had
sarcastically stated that Pak army had reduced itself to Gainti-Belcha
party. He used this belittling term by referring to the article of his
friend Ejaz Haider of Daily Times, espousing the cause of liberals

Having said what he wanted to say he then prods Gen Kayani as to what
restrains him from going hell for leather against the Taliban and
annihilating them. He reminds him that Pak army had inflicted immense
atrocities on the Bengalis without any remorse or inhibitions. To
incite the sentiments of people of Bangladesh in which Indians are
past masters, he quips “Is it because Bengalis were never considered
as Pakistanis, or your troops are terrified by the Taliban”. He urges
him that before the Taliban drag Pakistan back into the Stone Age, the
Taliban which are an equal threat to India must be defeated at all
costs without any further delay.

Let us now carry out a dispassionate analysis of his write up. His
theme revolves around the threat of Taliban which in his view is too
dangerous having grave ramifications for both Pakistan and India. He
has belittled Pakistan army by insinuating that it has got scared of
the Taliban and is reluctant to grapple with them. He has tried to
arouse Gen Kayani to show courage and save the Swatis from the cruel
clutches of barbarian Taliban and get counted in history or earn life
long ignominy. Had this letter come from Swat, it might have had some
impact, but a letter from devious India could not have been written
with noble intentions. The purpose is to further stimulate the liberal
brigade within Pakistan, tarnish the image of the army and overturn
Swat peace deal.

His article will give an idea how flabbergasted and disgusted the
Indians are feeling after seeing their sinister scheme of pitching Pak
army against its own people failing. India had successfully
implemented this scheme in former East Pakistan in 1971. It had worked
strenuously in creating bad blood between the Bengalis and West
Pakistanis and is keen to repeat the same story. India has invested
heavily in stoking insurgencies in Balochistan, FATA and Swat and is
now eager to reap the harvest it had sown in 2002.

The bravado and professionalism of Indian security forces was put to
severe test in Mumbai on 26 November when 12 terrorists had made the
whole city of Mumbai hostage and it took 4000 troops including 1200
elite force three days to get rid of them. Conversely, similar attack
on Sri Lanka team in Lahore could not last more than 27 minutes and
the coach driver and the escort police saved the lives of visitors;
attackers of Manawan police academy were overpowered within six hours
by a small force. With regard to casual mention about Kargil by Harish
that Nawaz Sharif had badly let down Pakistani soldier, let me remind
him that the entire might of Indian army had been brought on its knees
by a few hundred ill-equipped Kashmiri Mujahideen backed by few
Pakistan irregular Northern Light Infantry units and India had to seek
US intervention to bail itself out of 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Can anyone help please?

2009-04-26 Thread Paglee
I can remember that long ago in this group I read an answer on Why multiple
marriage at a time for men is allowed but not for women in islam? can
anyone forward this related mails to me please?


Bismillah [IslamCity] The Essence of Hypocrisy (By: Adil Salahi, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia)

2009-04-26 Thread Mohammad Usman




B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i rR a h e e m



The Essence of Hypocrisy
Adil Salahi | Arab News


Perhaps nothing is more hateful to Islam and Muslims than hypocrisy. This is 
due to the fact that a hypocrite is not merely a habitual liar; he is a person 
who thinks that he can easily deceive people and get away with it. He imagines 
that nobody can see through him. When hypocrisy is focused on faith, with the 
hypocrite claiming to be a believer when he truly does not believe, then such a 
hypocrite imagines that he can deceive God. Thus he makes fun of God’s 
knowledge and power. God describes the stupidity of hypocrites in the following 
terms: “They seek to deceive God and the believers, but they are only deceiving 
themselves, though they may not realize it. There is sickness in their hearts, 
and God has aggravated their sickness.” (2: 9-10)

Defining hypocrisy the Prophet (peace be upon him) says: “There are four traits 
which, when present in any person, make that person a pure hypocrite. Whoever 
has one of these has indeed a trait of hypocrisy unless he abandons it: When he 
is assigned a trust he is untrue to his trust; when he speaks to others he 
lies; when he gives a serious promise he is deceitful; and when he is in 
dispute he is too hard.” (Related by Al-Bukhari). 

The Prophet defines the character of a hypocrite by four features every one of 
which is a manifestation of untruth. By contrast, a believer is a person whose 
actions give credence to his beliefs. Whatever he claims is certainly true. 
These four traits represent falsehood in intention, words and action. Hence, 
when a person portrays all four his case is that of unmitigated hypocrisy. 
Anyone of these four traits represents a quarter of the full extent of 

Putting the case in such clear and graphic manner, the Prophet is urging every 
Muslim to make sure that none of these traits applies to them. If it does, then 
they must try hard to purge themselves of it. The first is being untrue to 
one’s trust. A hypocrite thinks nothing of violating his trust if there is 
anything to be gained by such violation. Secondly, a hypocrite is a habitual 
liar. He thinks that he can get away with anything by assuring his listener 
that whatever he says is true when he is fully aware that it is not. The third 
trait is being untrue to one’s promises. When he gives a promise, a hypocrite 
knows that he will be violating it at the first opportunity. He has no 
intention of remaining true to his promises unless there is nothing to be 
gained by breaking them. The last trait is being too hard when involved in a 
dispute. He goes far beyond good manners. He resorts to exaggeration as well as 
slandering and vilifying his opponent, paying no heed to Islamic values. 

It should be said that these four traits are the main features of the character 
of a hypocrite. There are other features such as exaggerated flattery, 
unwarranted praise of one’s bosses, putting up a show of devotion in worship, 
etc. All these qualities demonstrate falsehood in intention, speech and action. 

It should be said, however, that falsehood is intended to deceive others. When 
there is no intent of deception, resorting to exaggeration in describing 
something, or in portraying events, does not come under hypocrisy, particularly 
when no harm results from such exaggeration.



السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad  (peace be 
upon him) ‘Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an hour in the night 
is better than spending the whole night in prayer.’ 

 Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas ® 



Bismillah [IslamCity] africa: We 'are being lied to about pirates' off Somalia

2009-04-26 Thread Shahid
We 'are being lied to about pirates' off Somalia
Mar 23rd 2009

CNN reports today that 
  Pirates attacked a Japanese cargo ship off the coast of Somalia on Sunday, a 
Japanese Transportation Ministry official said. A pair of small pirate vessels 
fired on a ship operated by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines about 4 p.m. Somali time (9 
a.m. ET), damaging the front of the ship, but not seriously, according to 
Masami Suekado.
Then, CNN goes on to declare this:
  The exact number and makeup of the crew were not immediately known, although 
none of the crew members is Japanese, Suekado said. Pirating off Somalia has 
increased over the past four or five years as fishermen from Somalia realize 
that pirating is more lucrative. 

One cannot let that deliberate manipulation of the truth stand.

UN envoy decries illegal fishing, waste dumping off Somalia, AFP, July 25, 2008

United Nations (AFP) - The UN special envoy for Somalia on Friday sounded the 
alarm about rampant illegal fishing and the dumping of toxic waste off the 
coast of the lawless African nation.

Because there is no (effective) government, there is so much irregular fishing 
from European and Asian countries, Ahmedou Ould Abdallah told reporters.

He said he had asked several international non-governmental organizations, 
including Global Witness, which works to break the links between natural 
resource exploitation, conflict, corruption, and human rights abuses worldwide, 
to trace this illegal fishing, illegal dumping of waste.

It is a disaster off the Somali coast, a disaster (for) the Somali 
environment, the Somali population, he added.

Ould Abdallah said the phenomenon helps fuel the endless civil war in Somalia 
as the illegal fishermen are paying corrupt Somali ministers or warlords for 
protection or to secure fake licenses.

East African waters, particularly off Somalia, have huge numbers of commercial 
fish species, including the prized yellowfin tuna.

Foreign trawlers reportedly use prohibited fishing equipment, including nets 
with very small mesh sizes and sophisticated underwater lighting systems, to 
lure fish to their traps.

I am convinced there is dumping of solid waste, chemicals and probably nuclear 
(waste) There is no government (control) and there are few people with high 
moral ground, Ould Abdallah added.

Allegations of waste dumping off Somalia by European companies have been heard 
for years, according to Somalia watchers. The problem was highlighted in the 
wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami when broken hazardous waste containers 
washed up on Somali shores.

But world attention has recently focused on piracy off Somalia, which has taken 
epidemic proportions since the country sank into chaos after warlords ousted 
the late president Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.

Somalia's coastal waters are now considered to be among the most dangerous in 
the world, with more than 25 ships seized by pirates there last year despite US 
navy patrols, according to the International Maritime Bureau.

Some Somali pirates have reportedly claimed to be acting as coastguards 
protecting their waters from illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste.


Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates, UK Independent, 5 January 2009

In 1991, the government of Somalia collapsed. Its nine million people have been 
teetering on starvation ever since - and the ugliest forces in the Western 
world have seen this as a great opportunity to steal the country's food supply 
and dump our nuclear waste in their seas.

Yes: nuclear waste. As soon as the government was gone, mysterious European 
ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the 
ocean. The coastal population began to sicken. At first they suffered strange 
rashes, nausea and malformed babies. Then, after the 2005 tsunami, hundreds of 
the dumped and leaking barrels washed up on shore. People began to suffer from 
radiation sickness, and more than 300 died.

Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia, tells me: Somebody is dumping 
nuclear material here. There is also lead, and heavy metals such as cadmium and 
mercury - you name it. Much of it can be traced back to European hospitals and 
factories, who seem to be passing it on to the Italian mafia to dispose of 
cheaply. When I asked Mr Ould-Abdallah what European governments were doing 
about it, he said with a sigh: Nothing. There has been no clean-up, no 
compensation, and no prevention.


Bismillah [IslamCity] STOP - IS WHAT I AM DOING NOW, USEFUL?

2009-04-26 Thread Zaras Kitchen
[image: wpe30874]

[image: Awareness]


Is  What I am Doing Now Useful?

[image: bismillah1]

*STOP! *


* *



* *

*Quran swears by time: “BY TIME, VERILY MAN IS IN LOSS ..” (Surat Asr 103).*

* *

*TIME is Amanah from Allah, TIME is gift from Allah.

*TIME is capital Investment for Akherah …

*Would I still dare abuse it?*

* *

*Prophet (saww): “There are two blessings which people loose without
realizing it:

*Health and TIME”.*

* *

*Imam Hassan (as): “Opportune TIME is fast to vanish,

*never to return again”.*

* *

*To realize the value of ONE MINUTE:*

*Ask a person who has missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECOND:*

*Ask a person who has avoided an accident.*

To realize the value of ONE MILLI-SECOND: *

*Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.*

* *

*Would I still dare ABUSE my time, hours and hours, by:*

·*Reading Fantasy Novels?*

·*Watching Fictitious Movies?*

·*Browsing Internet Aimlessly?*

·*Watching and / or playing endless Games?*

*What will my reply be when Allah (swt) will ask me on Qiyamah:*

·*How did you pass your LIFE?*

·*How did you pass your YOUTH AGE?*

·*How did you pass your TIME?*

*Yesterday is history,

*tomorrow a mystery,

*today is a gift,

*that's why it's called the present!*

*So - Yaa Allah!

*Let me use the present NOW for something USEFUL.*


2009-04-26 Thread zaheerbawany
38. Chapter: On The Obligation To Command One's Family And Children And Whoever 
Is In One's Care To Obey Allah, And To Forbid Them To Oppose Him, Teaching Them 
Proper Behaviour And Preventing Them From Committing What Is Prohibited
Allah Almighty says, Instruct your family to do the prayer and be constant in 
it, (20:132) and the Almighty says, O you who believe, safeguard yourselves 
and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones... (66:6)
300. Ibn 'Umar said, I heard the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), say, 'All of you 
are shepherds and each of you is responsible for his flock. An Imam is a 
shepherd and he is responsible for those in his care. A man is a shepherd in 
respect of his family and is responsible for those in his care. The woman is a 
shepherd in respect of her husband's house and is responsible for those in her 
care. The servant is a shepherd in respect of his master's property and is 
responsible for what is in his care. All of you are shepherds and each of you 
is responsible for his flock.' [Agreed upon]
301. The grandfather of 'Amr ibn Shu'ayb said, The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), 
said, 'Command your children to pray when they are seven. Beat them to make 
them do it when they are ten and separate them in their beds. [Abu Dawud]



Bismillah [IslamCity] hadith: Status of the sahaba compared to us

2009-04-26 Thread Shahid
Narrated Abu Said: 

  The Prophet said, 

  Do not abuse my companions for if any one of you spent gold equal to Uhud 
(in Allah's Cause) it would not be equal to a Mud or even a half Mud spent by 
one of them. 

  Sahi Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 57, Number 22 

Bismillah [IslamCity] usa: Muslims fear FBI is spying in mosques

2009-04-26 Thread Shahid
Muslims fear FBI is spying in mosques

Queries about moles bring no answers 

By Dan Herbeck - 04/06/09 

A coalition of Muslim-American groups claims the FBI has been planting 
counterterrorism spies in mosques in some U. S. cities. 

Last month, 10 Muslim-American organizations threatened to stop working with 
the FBI on outreach efforts in the Muslim-American community. 

Dr. Khalid J. Qazi, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Western 
New York, said he is concerned about the situation and hopes the FBI provides 
some answers soon. 
[Muslims] are asking questions, wondering if there are moles spying on mosques 
throughout the country, Qazi told The Buffalo News. People ask me about it, 
and I have to tell them the honest truth - that I don't know if it's 

The controversy has been growing among Muslim-Americans since February, when an 
Irvine, Calif., fitness instructor named Craig Monteilh told reporters that the 
FBI paid him to infiltrate mosques in several communities in Southern 
California during an investigation conducted in 2006-07. 

Monteilh, a former convict, told the Associated Press that FBI agents had 
picked him up every morning for two weeks and took him to a building in Los 
Angeles where he learned some Arabic and learned about Islam. After that, he 
said, he infiltrated several mosques as an FBI informer. 

He claimed that Ahmadullah Niazi, 34, of Irvine, offered to help Monteilh 
attend a terrorist training camp in Yemen or Afghanistan. Niazi was charged 
last month with perjury, misuse of a passport and other federal crimes. The FBI 
alleged that he is related to a bodyguard for al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. 

So far, the FBI has refused to confirm or deny reports that Monteilh had been 
hired to infiltrate mosques. 

Qazi said the lack of a public explanation by the FBI is a concern to him and 
other American Muslim leaders who have been working with law enforcement 
agencies since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. 

In January 2007, Qazi's organization received a community leadership award from 
the FBI for maintaining a dialogue with law enforcement and for organizing 
public meetings on airline profiling, border policies and other issues. 

Those of us who are working proactively with law enforcement, the FBI needs to 
give us a reason for what happened in this case in California, Qazi said. So 
far, they are giving us no explanation, so we have nothing to tell people in 
our own community about what happened. 

Last month, the American Muslim Task Force on Civil Rights and Elections 
accused the FBI of McCarthy-era tactics that are detrimental to a free 
society. Qazi is a board member of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, which is 
part of the task force. 

He said the Muslim Public Affairs Council asked the national FBI office last 
month for an explanation of what happened in the California case but so far has 
not received one. 
Have federal agents ever infiltrated any mosque in Western New York? 

Qazi said he does not know. I think people in any religious faith would be 
upset if they felt they were being spied upon, Qazi said. 

Daniel Bodony, a Buffalo FBI spokesman, said he could not comment on the 
California case. But he said he was not aware of the Buffalo FBI office ever 
sending informers into a mosque, church or any other religious institution. 

Unless there was some specific criminal activity that we were investigating, 
which was going on inside the mosque or church, it is something we would avoid 
at almost all costs, Bodony said. We would never send informants or 
undercover agents into a mosque or church just to fish for information, or to 
infringe on any person's First Amendment rights. 
But one law enforcement expert said the FBI might have legitimate cause to 
investigate activities at a religious institution. 

If they had information about someone at a mosque or church being involved 
with terrorism, they would have an obligation to investigate, said Robert 
Heibel, director of the Institute for Intelligence Studies at Mercyhurst 
College in Erie, Pa. 

Heibel, a retired FBI agent, noted that a man who spoke at a Lackawanna mosque 
was one of the main recruiters of the Lackawanna Six, the men who wound up in 
prison for taking part in an al-Qaida training camp in Afghanistan. 

In 1995, Sheik Omar Abdel- Rahman, a Muslim cleric from New York City, was 
sentenced to life in prison for conspiring to destroy the U. N. building and 
other landmarks in that city. 

Prosecutions also have targeted racist criminal gangs tied to churches, Heibel 

Should the FBI give attention to potentially dangerous religious extremists? 
Heibel said. In a case like that, the agents aren't targeting a religion. 
They're targeting a potential lawbreaker.