Bismillah [IslamCity] Job in United Nations

2009-05-26 Thread mubeshir kazmi
Dear members,

Visit Job in United Nations to see finance related job located in Islamabad.

Job in United Nations

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Arabic Language Lesson 11.7: Revision

2009-05-26 Thread Waseem Anwar

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.
Asalam O Alaikum
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browser and follow the steps:

View --> Encoding --> More --> Unicode (UTF-8). Inshallah this will help you.
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You can find previous missed Lesson at:
www.madinaharabic. com


Bismillah [IslamCity] Karnataka: BJP started celebrations!

2009-05-26 Thread abhiyya
Victory celebrations turn violent in Karnataka village

Three persons sustain injuries; four people have been arrested

A pregnant woman also targeted by the mob
Houses of four Muslim families ransacked

MANGALORE: A group of people celebrating the victory of Nalin Kumar Kateel of 
the Bharatiya Janata Party in the Lok Sabha election allegedly barged into and 
ransacked houses of four Muslim families and assaulted many people at 
Nettrakere in Bantwal taluk of Dakshina Kannada district on Saturday evening.
A pregnant woman was also targeted by the mob. The attackers allegedly took 
away gold jewellery and cash from the houses.
Three persons who sustained injuries have been admitted to a hospital here.
Aboobaker, a shopkeeper, was passing by Navodaya Mitra Kala Vrunda building 
where a group of people was bursting crackers and dancing. Damodar and Santu, 
who were in the group, allegedly caught him by the collar without any 
provocation and accused him of making false claim that a borewell had been sunk 
in the area by a Congress leader, according to Mr. Aboobaker.
When Mr. Aboobaker managed wriggle himself out of their clutches and was 
running towards the house of his relative Shamshir, around 50 to 60 people came 
after him.
Mr. Aboobaker told The Hindu that Mr. Shamishir locked the front door of the 
house as soon as he went in. But the BJP supporters allegedly broke the back 
door and entered the house.
“They carried lathis, soda bottles, cricket bats and cycle chains,” Mr. 
Shamshir said. “They damaged the refrigerator, TV, voltage stabiliser, a fan 
and an emergency light and attacked me and my uncle (Mr. Aboobaker),” he said 
showing a bruise on his thigh.
When Mr. Shamshir and Mr. Aboobaker ran towards houses of Shameem and Imtiyaz, 
the attackers allegedly went after them.
Mr. Aboobaker managed to escape from the locality.
The attackers reportedly caught hold of Mr. Imtiyaz and Mr. Shameem and his 
brother, Mohammaed Haneef, and started beating them, Mr. Aboobaker said. They 
also damaged a TV, a refrigerator and an aquarium in Mr. Shameem’s house, he 
“They attacked me with a rod and smashed my leg with a big stone. They also 
assaulted Mr. Haneef and Mr. Imityaz,” Mr. Shameem told The Hindu from the 
hospital bed. Mr. Haneef and Mr. Imityaz have also been admitted to the 
Mr. Shameem’s mother-in-law, Asiyamma, said: “They kicked me on my chest.” She 
alleged that the attackers threw stones and soda bottles at her neighbours’ 
houses when she went their to save herself from them.
Shameem’s sister who is pregnant, said that one of the attackers threw a tile 
on her stomach from a window. Her relative Ayesha said that the attackers 
threatened to rape women if they came out of the houses.
Meanwhile, the Bantwal police have registered a case under various sections of 
the IPC. Superintendent of Police A.S. Rao said four persons have been arrested 
in this regard

With Regards


"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."
- Voltaire"


Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 26

2009-05-26 Thread Dr. Adel Elsaie
Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 26

Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.

1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners:

 Dress-up in agreeable attire and adorn yourself with exquisite character
from inside out [7/26]
2. Hadith on Good Manners:

Severing the bond of kinship

Hadith 8.13Narrated by Jubair bin Mutim (Radhiallah hu Taala anhu)

That he heard the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) saying, "The person
who severs the bond of kinship will not enter Paradise."

3. Converts to Islam Videos:

Chaplain James Yee on becoming a

4. Coverts to Islam:
Raphael  Narbaez, Jr.- Former Jehovah's Witness minister, Latino in  Los

Ruba Qewar, Jordanian Missionary revert to

Latino Converts: In 2050, Latinos are estimated to be 150 Million in USA,
and become a majority.

Richard Cramdon, HOW I CONVERTED TO

5. WMD : Beware of their Weapons of Missionary Deception:

Missionaries are trained to convert Vulnerable Muslims with $6.8 Budget a
year. Simple Ways to answer them back with 0 Budget

Ask Christian  missionaries "Why over 50 versed are deleted from the
They will never show up again. They don't know their Bible.

6. WMD Videos:

**FAKE** 6 millions muslims convert to christianity a

Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code
of Honor

Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.

Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah

Please note that this posting is for adults too.

Dr. Adel Elsaie

Bismillah [IslamCity] Virtues of Passing Away on Friday

2009-05-26 Thread Mohammed A
The Prophet (saw) said: "Whoever dies on the day of al-Jumuah or on its eve 
will be protected from the torment of the grave." (Ahmed)


Bismillah [IslamCity] Bahrain to end 'slavery' system

2009-05-26 Thread Shahid
Bahrain to end 'slavery' system 

By Mohammed Harmassi 

Bahrain has announced it will scrap its sponsorship system for foreign workers 
- a first in a region often criticised by rights groups over the issue. 
The system, known as "kafala", is used to monitor the number of foreigners 
working in Gulf Arab economies, which rely heavily on cheap foreign labour, 
mostly recruited from countries from the Indian subcontinent. 

Bahraini Labour Minister Majeed al-Alawi said the changes would be introduced 
in August. 

Mr Alawi said the main change in the regulations would mean foreign workers 
would now be directly sponsored by the Labour Authority and would not rely on 
their employers. 

The current system, which is common to all Gulf countries, has long been 
criticised by human rights groups for placing workers at the mercy of their 

Employers usually take employees' passports when they enter the country and 
sometimes use possession of the travel documents to extort a large fee before 
the workers can leave the country. 


Gulf governments have historically welcomed immigrant workers on the assumption 
that nationals will not do many jobs, which they consider to be below them. 

Despite this, Majeed al-Alawi told BBC Arabic radio that the new system would 
form part of a broader initiative to place a ceiling on the number of 
expatriate workers in Bahrain. 

The US State Department in 2008 placed Bahrain in tier two - out of three - of 
its annual human trafficking report for not fully complying with minimum 
standards to stop the trafficking of people for forced labour or the sex trade. 

Labour ministers of other Gulf countries have agreed that the present 
sponsorship system needs to be overhauled. 

The system means that expatriate workers can enter, work, and leave the host 
country only with the permission or assistance of their sponsor. 

Many sponsors exploit the system to make money. 

Since the 1970s, there has been a significant increase in the number of 
immigrants working in the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council or GCC 
(Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates). 

The pattern of immigration has also changed as South and Southeast Asian 
migrant workers have replaced Arab migrants. 

They now constitute as much as 90% of the foreign workforce in some GCC States. 

The "kafala" system has become the legal basis for residency and employment. 

Migrant workers receive an entry visa and a residence permit only if a GCC 
citizen or a GCC institution employs them. 

Sponsorship requires the sponsor-employer to assume full economic and legal 
responsibility for the employee during the contract period. 

The worker can only work for the sponsor and is entirely dependent on their 
sponsor to remain in the country. 


In many GCC States, the sponsor is legally able to confiscate the passports of 
employees until their contract has ended. 

Bahrain's Labour Minister Majeed al-Alawi likened the current system to 

Women employed in domestic service are particularly vulnerable. 

If an employee sues their sponsor for violating labour practices, there is 
generally no form of unemployment protection while the case is pending in the 
legal system. 

And even if the worker wins the case, the usual result is for the sponsor 
contract to be terminated, meaning that the worker has to leave the country. 

While the "kafala" system provides the state with an important means for 
monitoring labour flow, these policies can infringe the rights of workers as 
they are often used to deny them justice and basic protection. 

This is the system that Bahrain says it is now committed to change. 

Bismillah [IslamCity] the most perfect believer in faith

2009-05-26 Thread ***hajikhan***

Ummul Momineen
Sayyidina Aaisha (Radiyallahu anha) narrates
that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:
Indeed, the most perfect believer in faith is one
who has the best manners
and is the kindest to his family.
{ Tirmidhi }


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Bismillah [IslamCity] The sweetness of Islamic faith

2009-05-26 Thread Shahid
The sweetness of Islamic faith

Adil Salahi | Arab News

Anas ibn Malik quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying: "Any person 
who combines these three qualities will experience the sweetness of faith: 1) 
that God and His messenger are dearer to him than anything else; 2) that his 
love of others is purely for God's sake; and 3) that he hates to relapse into 
disbelief as much as he hates to be thrown in the fire." (Related by 

The first thing to note in this Hadith is that certain qualities are necessary 
before a person experiences the sweetness of faith. This suggests that a person 
may look at the message of Islam and find it reasonable and logical. He 
declares himself a believer and expresses his unhesitating belief in God's 
oneness and in Prophet Muhammad's message. Such a person is a Muslim, no doubt. 
He earns the reward of believers. However, he needs to do more in order to 
experience what the Prophet describes as "the sweetness of faith."

Such sweetness is like the fruit of a tree. Thus, when one is convinced of the 
truth of faith, that person has planted a shoot, which one needs to nurture and 
look after so that it grows into a tree and produces its fruits. Nurturing the 
tree of faith is by fulfilling God's orders, doing what He wants us to do and 
refraining from what He has forbidden us. Indeed when a believer begins to do 
that, committing himself to do what God has bidden, he will soon find the 
effects of such commitment within himself and in his life generally because God 
only orders us to do what is good for us, and He forbids us only what is evil 
and harmful to us or others. Thus, such committed person will realize that his 
commitment brings him increasing benefits in this present life, in addition to 
what he hopes to receive of God's reward. He would then love his commitment and 
do it more than willingly.

Islam forbids all intoxicating drinks, putting extra emphasis on even tasting 
an alcoholic drink. Take the case of a young Muslim studying in Europe or 
America. He may find himself among a group of friends who are all drinking. 
They try to persuade him to have a small glass of wine, concentrating on its 
benefits and saying that drinking in moderation causes no harm. He may feel 
tempted to join, but then he looks at one of his friends on whom the effects of 
alcohol are beginning to tell and realizes how that person is starting to lose 
control of himself. Our Muslim friend will then step back, finding extra 
strength to resist the temptation. The more he reflects on the effects of 
drinking the greater is his love of the Islamic way that forbids all alcoholic 
drinks, even in the smallest measure. His commitment to do God's bidding grows 
always stronger. It is such strong commitment that is the mark of his love of 
God and His messenger. 

The two other qualities develop in consequence of the first. A Muslim's 
commitment to obey God in all that He bids us to do or refrain from will begin 
to influence his social life. His relations with other people will put much 
importance on their attitude to Islam and Islamic life. He will love those who 
do what He does of obeying God and following the Prophet's guidance. His 
relationship with them will be based on the fact that they share a commitment 
and a method of living that places obedience to God as paramount. They will all 
feel a bond uniting them in a cause that brings only goodness in human life. 
Such bond generates a sort of happiness that envelops them all, a happiness 
that can transform every human society and bring the best out of it.

Experiencing all this, a true believer is always increasingly happy with his 
faith and way of life. He will not barter it for anything on earth. He realizes 
that this happy life will also bring him far superior happiness in the life to 
come. He cannot imagine himself going back to disbelief. Indeed, to him the 
very thought is so repugnant that he would prefer to be thrown in the fire 
rather than be an unbeliever.§ion=0&article=120209&d=22&m=3&y=2009

Bismillah [IslamCity] Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 25

2009-05-26 Thread Dr. Adel Elsaie
Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 25

Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.

1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners:

 Do not verge upon any immodesty or lewdness whether surreptitious or overt
2. Words of Wisdom from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH):

"If you do not feel ashamed of anything, then you can do whatever you like."
(Abu-Masud: Bukhari)
*3. *Muhammad (PBUH), The Best Man Ever Lived:

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) the Modest, Our
by Mona Ayad

4. Videos Of Prophet Muhammad:

If Prophet Muhammad PBUH visited
What would you do?

5. Great Muslims who Changed History, Most of the companions of the Prophet
(PBUH)  were Youth:

Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (10 years old), Talhah ibn Ubaydullah (14 years old),
Said ibn Zayd ( 15 years Old), Sad ibn Abi Waqqas  (17 years old), Umar Ibn
Al Khattab (26 years old) Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (30 years), Othman Ibn Affan
(34 years old), Abu Bakr (37 years old)
Adiyy ibn Hatim
Son of
the famous Hatim at-Taai who was known far and wide for his chivalry and
fabulous generosity.


If Muhammad Were to Live in Europe (Part 2) , What Would Ramadan Be
By  Ahmad Saad

7. Islamic Inspirational Songs

Native Deen- Trust in God, You will be Successful in

Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code
of Honor

Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.

Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah

Please note that this posting is for adults too.

Dr. Adel Elsaie

Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim Demographics

2009-05-26 Thread Ahumanb
Muslim Demographics


Bismillah [IslamCity] Muslim Brotherhood Falters as Egypt Outflanks Islamists

2009-05-26 Thread Hasan Essa

Muslim Brotherhood Falters as Egypt Outflanks Islamists

Comments (22)

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt -- Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is on the defensive, its 
struggles reverberating throughout Islamist movements that the secretive 
organization has spawned world-wide.
Just recently, the Brothers' political rise seemed unstoppable. Candidates 
linked with the group won most races they contested in Egypt's 2005 
parliamentary elections, gaining a record 20% of seats. Across the border in 
Gaza, another election the following year propelled the Brotherhood's 
Palestinian offshoot, Hamas, into power.

Egypt's 'Brothers' Hit Bump

View SlideshowDominic Nahr for The Wall Street Journal
A family in downtown Cairo.

More photos and interactive graphics
Since then, Egypt's government jailed key Brotherhood members, crimped its 
financing and changed the constitution to clip religious parties' wings. The 
Brotherhood made missteps, too, alienating many Egyptians with saber rattling 
and proposed restrictions on women and Christians. These setbacks have 
undermined the group's ability to impose its Islamic agenda on this country of 
81 million people, the Arab world's largest.
"When we're not advancing, we are retreating. And right now we are not 
spreading, we are not achieving our goals," the Brotherhood's 
second-in-command, Mohamed Habib, said in an interview.
Across the Muslim world, authoritarian governments, Islamist revivalists and 
liberals often fight for influence. Egypt is a crucial battleground. A decline 
of the Brotherhood here, with its shrill anti-Israeli rhetoric and intricate 
ties to Hamas, strengthens President Hosni Mubarak's policy of engagement with 
the Jewish state. It could also give him more room to work with President 
Barack Obama, who is scheduled to visit Egypt next month, on reviving the 
Arab-Israeli peace process.
Brotherhood leaders caution against reading too much into the current troubles, 
saying the 81-year-old group has bounced back from past challenges. Others say 
the government's suppression of the Brotherhood, Egypt's main nonviolent 
opposition movement -- paired with arrests of Mr. Mubarak's secular foes -- can 
unleash more radical forces.
"If it continues this way, it's very dangerous and could lead to the return of 
extremism and terrorism in Egypt," says Ayman Nour, a liberal politician who 
ran for president against Mr. Mubarak in 2005 and was later imprisoned on 
campaign-fraud charges that the U.S. government condemned as politically 
Formed in 1928 amid a backlash against European colonialism, the Muslim 
Brotherhood remains a deeply entrenched force, with hundreds of thousands of 
members and affiliates across the Middle East. Operating under the slogan 
"Islam Is the Solution," it aims to establish an Islamic state governed by 
religious law.
The Brotherhood engaged in assassinations and bombings in the past, and one of 
its ideologues, Sayyid Qutb, developed a radical theology that still motivates 
jihadi groups such as al Qaeda. Since the 1970s, however, the Egyptian 
Brotherhood renounced violence and rejected Mr. Qutb's more fiery theories. It 
has focused instead on building an Islamic society from the bottom up, through 
proselytizing, social work and political activism.
Biggest Opposition Bloc
Though it is outlawed by the Egyptian state, the Brotherhood operates here more 
or less in the open. It maintains hundreds of offices and fields electoral 
candidates. In part thanks to American pressure to liberalize Egypt's 
authoritarian political system, these candidates -- running as independents -- 
were allowed to contest 145 seats, almost one-third of the total, in 
parliamentary elections in November and December 2005.
By winning 88 races, the Brotherhood cemented its role as Egypt's dominant 
opposition force. The next-biggest opposition faction, the liberal Wafd party, 
garnered just seven seats.
The poll results, and the subsequent Hamas takeover in the Gaza Strip, provoked 
a government counterattack. In 2007, Egypt amended its constitution, skewing 
future representation in favor of registered parties and against independents, 
the only candidates the outlawed Brotherhood can field. When local council 
elections, initially due for 2006, were finally held last year, the state 
disqualified most Brotherhood candidates. The group boycotted.
Mr. Habib, the Brotherhood's white-haired deputy chief, says its candidates are 
unlikely to win more than five to 10 seats in parliamentary elections slated 
for next year.
The regime launched a wave of arrests and military trials against the group, as 
well, the harshest such security clampdown on the Brotherhood in decades. This 
dragnet ensnared thousands of rank-and-file members.
It also netted some Brotherhood leaders who ran the financial apparatus that 
funnels millions of dollars in donations and investm

Bismillah [IslamCity] Ohio Christian school tells student to skip prom

2009-05-26 Thread Shahid
Anyone who promotes righteousness is branded a fundamentalist, extremist, etc. 
No wonder more Muslims are branded this title so often.

Ohio Christian school tells student to skip prom
May 8, 2009
FINDLAY, Ohio - A student at a fundamentalist Baptist school that forbids 
dancing, rock music, hand-holding and kissing will be suspended if he takes his 
girlfriend to her public high school prom, his principal said.

Despite the warning, 17-year-old Tyler Frost, who has never been to a dance 
before, said he plans to attend Findlay High School's prom Saturday.

Frost, a senior at Heritage Christian School in northwest Ohio, agreed to the 
school's rules when he signed a statement of cooperation at the beginning of 
the year, principal Tim England said.

The teen, who is scheduled to receive his diploma May 24, would be suspended 
from classes and receive an "incomplete" on remaining assignments, England 
said. Frost also would not be permitted to attend graduation but would get a 
diploma once he completes final exams. If Frost is involved with alcohol or sex 
at the prom, he will be expelled, England said.

Frost's stepfather Stephan Johnson said the school's rules should not apply 
outside the classroom.

"He deserves to wear that cap and gown," Johnson said.

Frost said he thought he had handled the situation properly. Findlay requires 
students from other schools attending the prom to get a signature from their 
principal, which Frost did.

"I expected a short lecture about making the right decisions and not doing 
something stupid," Frost said. "I thought I would get his signature and that 
would be the end."

England acknowledged signing the form but warned Frost there would be 
consequences if he attended the dance. England then took the issue to a school 
committee made up of church members, who decided to threaten Frost with 

"In life, we constantly make decisions whether we are going to please self or 
please God. (Frost) chose one path, and the school committee chose the other," 
England said.

The handbook for the 84-student Christian school says rock music "is part of 
the counterculture which seeks to implant seeds of rebellion in young people's 
hearts and minds."

England said Frost's family should not be surprised by the school's position.

"For the parents to claim any injustice regarding this issue is at best 
forgetful and at worst disingenuous," he said. "It is our hope that the student 
and his parents will abide by the policies they have already agreed to."

The principal at Findlay High School, whose graduates include Pittsburgh 
Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, said he respects, but does not agree 
with, Heritage Christian School's view of prom.

"I don't see (dancing and rock music) as immoral acts," Craig Kupferberg said.

Bismillah [IslamCity] The Voting for Sharia in Somalia

2009-05-26 Thread Shahid
The Voting for Sharia in Somalia

Anwar alAwlaki - April-20-2009 

The Somali parliament has voted unanimously for the implementation of Sharia 
which is seen as good news by many in the Muslim world - and it is - as it 
reflects the desire of the Somali people to live by the laws of Allah.

However there are some issues that need to be highlighted. 

First, there is a fundamental problem with the procedure in which the decision 
was made. The law of Allah should not be voted over. To give the people the 
choice whether to apply  Sharia or not reflects a fundamental problem in the 
understanding of Tawhid.

Allah says: "But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you 
(O Muhammad SAW) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no 
resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission." 
(An-Nisa 4:65)

So people cannot be believers until they submit to the law of Allah and accept 
it without any reservations. The Islamic government exists to impose Sharia 
rather than submit it to a vote. Therefore a government that declares that it 
will accept the results of a vote for Sharia, even if the results are not to 
implement it, is by necessity a non-Islamic government.

Second, the Sharif government is using its application of Sharia to convince 
the other resistance groups to lay down their arms and join the government. But 
from a Sharia point of view the objectives of the Jihad in Somalia have not 
been achieved yet and therefore the Jihad of these groups needs to carry on. 
Yes, the implementation of Sharia is the most important of these objectives, 
however, the Sharif government cannot be seen as a valid government for three 
main reasons. The first: Just as it applied Sharia by a vote it could dismantle 
Sharia by a vote. They have not implemented Sharia as a matter of principle but 
because it is the will of the people and therefore the Sharif government is 
closer to being a democratic government than it being an Islamic one. Second: 
The Sharif government is still allowing the existence of a foreign invading 
force represented in the forces of the African Union. The Jihad in Somalia 
should carry on until the last AU soldier leaves the country and any forces 
that side with the AU -including the Sharif government- become legitimate 
targets. And third: The Sharif government is basing its foreign relations with 
the outside world on a nationalistic basis rather that an Islamic one. The 
support it receives from the US, the EU and the UN is a reflection of it being 
a tool to advance the imperialistic interests of the West and to eradicate the 
strong Jihad movement in the country.

Therefore, even though it is good news for the ummah that Sharia will be 
implemented again in Somalia but we should not see this as an end to the 
struggle to establish an Islamic state and community and to free the country 
from foreign intervention and corruption.