Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] fatwa: Celebrating Birthdays

2009-03-20 Thread Omar Bouderdaben
As_salaamu Alaikum brothers and sisters,
Before calling things "innivations (BID'AH)', we should define first, otherwise 
eating with a fork, or a spoon, wearing glasses, a watch and so on will be also 
labelled as "BID'AH".
If celebrating the birthday of our beloved messenger thinking that this is a 
religious duty and we have to do it, then since our beloved messenger has never 
done such a thing, then this is clearly "BID'AH". Celebrating one's birthaday 
is totally something else...
May Allah show us right as right and help us see it as right, and gie us the 
courage to embrace it and follow it.
May Allah show us wrong as wrong and help us see it as wrong, and give us the 
courage to stay away from it.
Fi Amaani Allah,
Omar B.

--- On Sun, 3/15/09,  wrote:

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] fatwa: Celebrating Birthdays
To: "eGroup For Muslims Around The World" 
Date: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 1:47 PM

The Ruling Concerning Celebrating Birthdays. 


What is the ruling concerning celebrating birthdays? 


Celebrating birthdays has no source whatsoever in the pure shariah. In fact, it 
is an innovation, since the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) 
“Whoever introduces anything into this matter of ours that does not belong to 
it shall have it rejected.” 
This was recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim. In a version recorded by Muslim and 
by al-Bukhari in definitive muallaq form. 
"Whoever performs a deed which is not in accord with our affairs, that deed is 
It is well-known that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) did not 
celebrate his birthday at all during his lifetime nor did he ever order it to 
be celebrated. Nor did he teach such to his Companions. Therefore, the 
rightly-guided caliphs and all of his Companions did not celebrate it. They are 
the most knowledgeable of the people concerning his sunnah and they are the 
most beloved to the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam). They were also the 
most keen upon following whatever the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) 
brought. Therefore, if one is supposed to celebrate the Prophet (sallallaahu 
‘alaihi-wasallam) birthday, this would have been made evident at their time. 
Similarly, not one of the scholars of the best of generations celebrated his 
birthday nor did they order it to be done. 
Therefore, it is known from the above that such a celebration is not from the 
Law that Allah sent Muhammed (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) with. We ask Allah 
and all Muslims to witness that if the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) 
had done so or ordered such to be done, or even if the Companions had done so, 
we would rush to do it and call others to do it. This is because, and all 
praises are due to Allah, we are the most keen in following his sunnah and 
respecting his commands and prohibitions. We ask Allah, for ourselves and for 
all our brethren Muslims, steadfastness upon the truth, avoiding everything 
that differs from Allah’s pure shariah. Verily, He is Generous and Noble. 

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz 

Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women - Darussalam Pg.33-34 
http://www.fatwaisl index.cfm? scn=fd&ID=440

Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] UK Muslim law - comments please

2008-07-06 Thread Omar Bouderdaben
As-salaamu Alaikum brothers and sisters,
  I read the article and forwarded it to some friends. I do believe it is a 
good idea! Not only that, I believe a Muslim who does not support this idea 
should review his or her Iman. The West, very much ignorant of the details of 
Islamic law, concentrate on few rulings taken out of context and point to it as 
unfair. By doing this they are saying  (and I seek repentence from such a 
thought) that Allah is unfair. Allah is exalted from such claim.
  It seems to me that Lord Phillips, the Lord Chief Justice did actually look 
into Sharia and liked what he saw; similarly the Archbishop of Canterbury saw 
the same thing in the Islamic Sharia. I do pray for them that may Allah guide 
them to the choice of "Fitrah". The British Muslims who oppose this Idea have 
no understanding of Sharia yet they oppose it just to show that they want to be 
treated like everyone else! They should put their trust in ALlah and support it 
and pray for us in other western countries to get such forwarded looking judges 
and archbishops to help us also in our quest to freedom from human oppressive 
and unjust laws.
  As Lord Phillips mentioned, the Jews are already using their laws to judge 
between themselves in some aspects! Why would this be a descriminatory act if 
the Muslims want the same thing.
  As more people (judges and lawyers study Islamic law they will realize the 
benefit and the fairness and the Justice of Islam, and then, may be, Allah 
willing, those judges and lawyers start thinking of changing thier lifes... 
  So what do you think...
  Fi Amaani Allah.

Zifri Baharudin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Zifri Baharudin 
  Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2008 12:49 PM
  To: Media Monitoring Group 
  Subject: [MMG-UK] UK Muslim law - comments please


  yesterday there was news in the media on shariah law in the UK. Perhaps we 
all can read and put up our comments there:
  Sharia law could have UK role, says lord chief justice
  Background info:,-says-top-judge.html
  As examples of positive comment by bro Inayat MCB and madeleine [we can use 
their comment to help us sending our own comments]:
  1- BBC is accepting comments on this topic. Can we all please submit our 
comments on it.
  Should aspects of Sharia law be used in the UK?The most senior judge 
in England and Wales has said that aspects of Islamic sharia law could be used 
in the UK, provided they don't conflict with existing laws. Do you agree?

Lord Phillips, the Lord Chief Justice, said that sharia and other religious 
laws could be used for mediation in disputes if both parties agreed.

But he added that any sanctions must be based on English and Welsh laws and 
severe physical punishments would not be acceptable.

Sharia is a set of principles which govern the way many Muslims believe one 
should live one's life.

The Archbishop of Canterbury made similar comments earlier in the year, 
sparking a huge controversy which leds to calls for his resignation.

What do you think of Lord Phillip's views? Could sharia law sit comfortably in 
the UK? Have you ever used sharia law for any dispute?

Read the full story 

Click here if you have any other story ideas 

  Published: Friday, 4 July, 2008, 07:43 GMT 08:43 UK 

  2- Please also send the similar comments to:
  3- You can also send comment to Inayat's article [though you have to register 
to the website to do so]



Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Comments from a non-Muslim - Re: Teachings of the Qur`aan: Al-Anfaal - Aayaat 36-40

2008-05-25 Thread Omar Bouderdaben
As_salaamu Alaikumto brothers and sisters in Islam, and peace to my brothers 
and sisters in humanity,
  A clarrification I would like to add is that, like brother Ayub mentioned 
there is no intolerance taught in these verses, but I do believe that the Quran 
is valid for all time and situations. One thing that has been overlooked, is 
that besides the explanation of brother Ayub, the word used "Qaatiluhum" 
involves reciprocity. This means that the fighting of the non-Muslims until 
there is no "fitnah" and the "Deen is all to Allah" is initiated by the 
non-believers against the Muslims, which is referred here as "fitnah (trial)". 
Consequently, Allah is instructing the Muslims to fight back until there is no 
more "fitnah", and the "Deen" is all to Allah, meaning until order and justice 
reign. History shows us that Muhammed, peace be upon him, lived amongst 
non-Muslims and he, peace be upon him, did not fight them until they fought 
him. And Allah knows best ...
  Omar B.

"K a r i m a" wrote:
Surain Dhanoa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Re: [DDN] Teachings of the 
Qur`aan: Al-Anfaal - Aayaat 36-40
  Dear Sir
  I am a non Muslim.I have all respect for Kuran and the Prophet Muhammed but I 
do believe that just as the Prophet brought Allah's message to the Arabs,
there have been others who brought Allah's message to their people. The 
position is recognised in the Kuran. Imho the commentary given of the Ayat 
36-40 makes the Muslims intolerant of others.In the present global society it 
makes the position of Muslimsdifficult and it leads to their isolation in other 
  Does it not rquire a reconsideration by the Ulema?
  Surain Dhanoa Calgary Canada
  Response from Ustaadz Ayub A. Hamid 
  Dear Surain,
  Thanks for expressing your concern and sharing your views .

Yes, there were other prophets and messengers who brought message to different 
people, but they all have been superseded by last of them, Prophet Muhammad, 
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who was sent for the whole mankind, 
not just the Arabs. After Prophet Muhammad's advent, (peace and blessings of 
Allaah be upon him), salvation is not possible without believing in him.  But 
these verses or my comments on these verses are not implying that non-Muslims 
should not be tolerated or that they should be killed. Not at all.

 Please consider the following points to understand these verses in their 
proper perspective:

§ The verses are not talking about how the Muslims should behave after the 
Messenger of Allaah has accomplished the objectives assigned to him by Allaah. 

§  The fate of those who were violently opposing the Prophet was not decided by 
the Messenger himself but mandated by the Creator, according to His way He had 
always done before the Prophet.

§ It was a specific situation mandated only for the Messenger's own mission and 
pertained only to his people and his particular locality where he was sent.

§ This was true for all messengers in the past. For example, that is why the 
people who rejected Noah were destroyed by flood; those who tried to stop Moses 
were drowned into the sea; those who tried to kill Jesus were destroyed by 
Roman invasion. That is the way of Allaah which Allaah has used consistently 
for all Messengers.

§ These verses pertain to the past.  And the past cannot be reconstructed, just 
as we cannot reconstruct the killing of the disbelievers in the cases of Noah, 
Moses, etc.

As for the idea of reconstructing Islamic teachings in general, please remember 
that Islam is based on the commands of Allaah and His Messenger, not on the 
ideas of people or scholars. Hence,  no command of Allaah or His messenger can 
be changed or amended until the Day of Judgment. Had these verses been a 
command to Allaah to all Muslims of all times, we could not have changed them 
or "reconstructed." 

I hope these points will help you understand that there is no "intolerance" 
being taught here.  Rather, these verses describe a very specific situation 
which was true for all messengers of the past. 
  Kind regards,
  Ayub A. Hamid
