Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Please visit IQRA-Quran Study Circle for Sisters

2008-07-27 Thread salafi_sista
Salaam alaykum. I requested this info for Sister Nur to be sent to
her. Insh'allah, this gets her what she needs.  Salaam.  {{Maryam}}

--- In, norma lacey wrote:

 Assalam  mualaikum,
 Dear  Bros and  Sis,
 Can  you   please  let  me  know  how  to  get  in  touch  with 
this  group?
 I  cannot  Click  on  the  word  schedule (which  is  suppposed 
to  be  on  the  right  side of the  page)as  it  is NOT  to  be  found!
 Please  help  me.
 Sister Nur

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: are u muslim?

2008-07-26 Thread salafi_sista
--- In, Media Critic wrote:

 'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
 'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
 knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali
 *** (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your

Answer:  Yes, I am Muslim and my worldly things mean nothing to me
because they are only being used to accomplish my final goal and
destination! {{Maryam}}

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: usa: Islamophobe group aims to infiltrate all area masajid, schools

2008-07-22 Thread salafi_sista
Salaam alaykum.  Then this man and his son who are pretening to be
reverts are our enemies and should be treated as enemies and our
masjids should be aware of them. {{Maryam}}

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Open ltr to Obama/ Middle East, Islam, Ends Means

2008-07-17 Thread salafi_sista
Salaam alaykum. Wishing Barack Obama salaam IN ANY LANGUAGE is beneath
me. He is not taking these trips for OUR benefit. {{Maryam}}

--- In, visionaries4 wrote:

 Open ltr to Obama/ Middle East, Islam, Ends  Means

 Dear folks,

 I have already once posted this Open Letter to Obama on the
 Progressives for Obama list, but it has not appeared — at least not
 back to me, nor has there been any comment on it. So I am trying that
 again  also sending it to you-all. If you have any advice about how to
 make sure it gets sent to the whole list, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

 Shalom, salaam, peace -- Arthur

 Rabbi Arthur Waskow, director, The Shalom Center ; author  of
 Down-to-Earth Judaism  and a dozen other books on Jewish thought and
 practice, as well as books on US public policy; editor of  Torah of the
 Earth; co-author, The Tent of Abraham.  The Shalom Center   voices a new
 prophetic agenda in Jewish, multireligious, and American life. To
 receive the weekly on-line Shalom Report, click on --



 Open Letter to Senator Obama:

 The Middle East, Islam, Ends,  Means

 Dear friends, I am writing this out of personal experience and my own
 individual ethical concern, not on behalf of any organization or
 campaign.  It comes with Martin Buber's teaching ringing in my brain:
 that he had no idea what it meant to say that the ends justify the
 means, but that for sure the means we actually use will become the ends
 that we actually achieve.

 Or as ancient Torah teaches, Justice, justice shall you pursue.  Why
 justice twice? To teach that just ends can only be achieved through
 just means.

 A lesson for all who work to change society.

 Shalom, salaam, peace -- Arthur

 Dear Senator Obama,  I met you at your talk with Philadelphia Jewish
 leaders in April. It was I who as you entered the room handed you a copy
 of the original Freedom Seder, which I wrote in 1969, and which bound
 together the freedom struggles of Blacks and Jews. And during Q  A, it
 was I who asked you how as President you would deal with the
 peace-obstructing settlement policy of this and many previous Israeli

 I asked that question because one of the advance speakers for your
 meeting, Congressman Roth of New Jersey, had just asserted that you
 believe the failure of the peace process has been solely the result of
 the absence of a Palestinian partner for peace.

 Solely the fault of the Palestinians? I thought. Surely he doesn't
 believe that! So I rose to say that hundreds of rabbis and hundreds of
 thousands of American Jews see Israeli settlement policy as obstacles to
 peace, and asked what as President you would do about it.

   Your answer cited the vigorous debate on these questions in Israel --
 more vigorous than here; the recognition by most Israelis that for peace
 to unfold, there will have to be a shift in settlement policy; and your
 sense that most Israeli know that internal debate would be so wrenching
 that they want to know there is a partner for that decision before going
 through the debate.

 Though you avoided saying what you would do,  I was satisfied with your
 answer -- then.

 I was especially ready to be satisfied because I knew that earlier, when
 you met with Jewish leaders in Cleveland, you had gone even further,

 I sat down with the head of Israeli security forces and his view of the
 Palestinians was incredibly nuanced because he's dealing with these
 people every day. He was willing to say sometimes we make mistakes and
 if we are just pressing down on these folks constantly without giving
 them some prospects for hope, that's not good for our security

   It would be profoundly important to have a President who understands
 that! Yet more recently, in your speech to AIPAC, there was no such
 language. And you slid so far into simply repeating official shibboleths
 like Jerusalem undivided that you had to correct yourself the next

   No one knows better than I that many of the official Jewish
 organizations would go ballistic to hear a presidential candidate bring
 such ideas to the fore in, say, a major speech about making peace across
 the whole region that Abraham, Hagar,  and Sarah walked.

 And no one knows better than I that millions of American Jews ,
 Christians, and Muslims want exactly that kind of honest talk and
 vigorous diplomacy. They would support any President who insisted on
 exactly the kind of broad pursuit of peace you have sometimes affirmed,
 and the changes in not only Palestinian, Syrian,  and Iranian but also
 Israeli and American behavior it requires.

 I know some people who carry a strange mixture of cynicism and
 wish-fulfillment in their heads -- 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Request to all Group Members

2008-07-17 Thread salafi_sista
Ya'Allah, please bring the rains to Syed. Shukran. {{Maryam}}

--- In, syed sadath wrote:

 As salam ale kum Members
 I would request All members to pray for Mansoon Rains for our country

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Request for du'aa

2008-06-25 Thread salafi_sista
Salaam alaykum. Truly, may Allah swt grant him shiffa and give you
much needed sabr [patience] during this difficult time. I'm studying
medicine and I see all the latest advances, but there is NO HEALER
BETTER THAN THE TRUE HEALER: ALLAH SWT, so reach out to him!  

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Fox News advocates killing Obama. Shouldn't someone be arrested?

2008-05-28 Thread salafi_sista
--- In, MA PA wrote:

Link to full article:
 Fox News advocates killing Obama. Shouldn't someone be arrested?   

May. 26th, 2008 at 8:20 AM

It is not illegal to say that you think someone should be killed, so
Fox-Lying-Newz is allowed to say that. Her boss might not be happy
with her, but while I'm studying medicine and not law, my brother
studies law and he said she's within her rights. Lots of people think
he should be dead. Not illegal to think.

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Top Neocon Calls For DESTRUCTION of Constitution

2008-04-22 Thread salafi_sista
--- In, Useful Idiot wrote:
Top Neocon Calls For Destruction Of Constitution

As'salaam alaykum. I don't understand one thing this document says
about shredding the US Constitution. No where does it mention how this
affects me, a Muslim sista. I'm in favor of Shariah not destroying
someone else's law but being allowed to follow our own. Can someone
else this to us? Shukraan. {{Maryam}}

Bismillah [IslamCity] Re: Asalam alikum

2008-04-22 Thread salafi_sista
--- muslimah muslimah wrote:
 Asalam alikum Today brother and sister what we do .lots of thing
which  are non Islamic  are going on .it is peak time of fitna .do we
try to stop the Muslims brother and sister from doing this

Wa'alaykum salaam, sista. Jazaaka Allah khair for your post! You're
right! Everything we do should separate us from a kaffir: all our
actions, dress, talk, walk - all the taqwa for our lives should make
someone listen to us and look at us and know: THAT'S A MUSLIM! Ameen!