[IslamCity] Science & Hindu Scripture

2006-03-16 Thread noor islaam

AsSalaam O Alaikum

ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Science & Hindu Scripture
Following the Aryan invasion and their destruction of the great Indus civilization, these barbarians plunged India into dark ages that were to last for 2500 years, from 1500 BC to 1000 AD, darker than the Ecclesiastical Dark Ages of Europe. Brahmanic Science during this period held that, and still holds that :

Flat Earth. The earth was universally held to be flat. 
Earth-Serpent . The earth is supported by a 1000-headed serpent. 
Wine Sea . The earth floats in a sea of wine 
Demonic Eclipses . 2 demons swallow the Earth and Moon, leading thereby to eclipses. 
Trillion-Year-Old Universe . The universe is 26 trillion years old as per the numbers cooked up by some rishi. 
700,000 mile Mt. Meru . Mt Meru is 100,000 times higher than Mt. Everest. 
Dung Medicine. Ayurvedic medicine contains urine and dung of various animals as ingredients. 
Alcohol Universe. The universe is filled with alcohol. 
Such beliefs existed amongst many primitive peoples, but not in the 10th century AD, and definitely not now, when institutes are set up in India to prove that many of the fallacies stated above are correct. 

The basic section ends here. The advanced section, complete with references attached, follows below. 

Brahmanic "Science" & The Vedic Dark Ages 
Table of Contents 

1. Geography 

1.1 Serpent or Turtle supports the Earth 
1.2 Mt. Meru 100,000x higher than Mt. Everest 
1.3 Flat Earth 
2. Cosmology 

2.1 Demonic Eclipses 
2.2 Alcoholic Universe 
2.3 Egg-based Cosmology 
2.4 Trillion-Year-Old Universe 
3. Biology 

3.1 Ayurvedic `Medicine' 
3.2 Anthropology 
4. Culture 

4.1 Sanskrit Language 
4.2 Civic Life 
5. Astrology 
6. Mathematics 

6.1 Vedic Mathematics 
6.2 Greek Origin for Arya Mathematics 
Following the collapse of the Semito-Dravidian Indus valley civilization, India was plunged into 2500 years of darkness known as the Vedic Dark Ages from 1500 BC to 1000 AD. Of these, the first millennium from 1500 BC to 500 BC was the darkest, with no written records or any material of any sort surviving. The caste system, introduced by the Aryans, meant that only Brahmans could read and write. The Arab scientist Al-Beruni mentions that, even in the 10th century when he visited India, most of the Brahmans were only memorizers of texts. He amply demonstrated the intellectual stagnation of pre-Islamic India. One may forgive the Aryas for having had such beliefs in 1500 BC. But given the fact that innovative Greeks entered India in the 2nd to 3rd centuries BC, this maintenance of primitive beliefs is narrow-minded. Enlightened Muslims ruled India for 1000 years, yet 
even now institutes are set up trying to prove that the Vedas are right, ie. that the Earth is flat, that a snake supports the Earth etc. At the present day one can see swamis and pandits clad in unwashed dhotis preaching that eclipses are due to demons eating the sun and moon, an elephant supports the earth so that it does not fall down, etc. This is merely an indication of the fundamentalist mindset of the Hindus (ie. Indo-Aryans). 
1. Geography 
1.1 Snake/Turtle supports Earth 
Arya (Indo-Aryan) texts repeatedly affirm that the Earth is supported by a serpent. The earths are seven in number, like 7 covers one above the other, the upper one is divided into 7 regions [ al-B. i.228 ]. There exists a serpent, Seshakhya, under the 7th lowest Earth, it has 1000 heads, so it feels no pain and bears the earths one above the other [ al-B. i.237 ]. Other texts say that the Earth is supported on a giant tortoise. Still others hold that this tortoise is in turn on top of a giant snake [ Kovoor 158 ]. Some other texts claim the Earth is held by 4 pillars, held by an elephant seated on a big tortoise [ Panda 69 ]. According to Balabhadra, the earth is in the midst of water, the lower part is immersed in water and the part above the water is round like the back of a tortoise [ al-B i.273 ]. 
The surprising thing is that these texts were composed in the early centuries AD. The enlightened Greeks came to India in the centuries BC, yet there is no indication of any renaissance due to this influence. Some Greek texts were apparently copied into Sanskrit, but no intellectual revolution took place. As far as geography is concerned, India remained in the Vedic Dark Ages right up to the 10th century and the introduction of Islam. 
1.2 Mt. Meru 100,000x higher than Mt. Everest 
Arya texts of a comparatively late period (5 century AD) still maintain a belief in the fictional Vedic Mt. Meru. It is supposed to be one hundred thousand times higher than Mt. Everest! Regarding this mountain, the Matsya Purana says, 
"It [Mt Meru] is golden and shining like fire. The colour of the eastern side is white like the colour of Brahmans, that of the northern side is red like the that of Kshatriyas, the southern is yellow like that of Vaishyas, the western 

[IslamCity] Science & Hindu Scripture

2005-11-24 Thread noor islaam

AsSalaam O Alaikum

Science & Hindu Scripture
Following the Aryan invasion and their destruction of the great Indus civilization, these barbarians plunged India into dark ages that were to last for 2500 years, from 1500 BC to 1000 AD, darker than the Ecclesiastical Dark Ages of Europe. Brahmanic Science during this period held that, and still holds that : 

Flat Earth. The earth was universally held to be flat. 
Earth-Serpent . The earth is supported by a 1000-headed serpent. 
Wine Sea . The earth floats in a sea of wine 
Demonic Eclipses . 2 demons swallow the Earth and Moon, leading thereby to eclipses. 
Trillion-Year-Old Universe . The universe is 26 trillion years old as per the numbers cooked up by some rishi. 
700,000 mile Mt. Meru . Mt Meru is 100,000 times higher than Mt. Everest. 
Dung Medicine. Ayurvedic medicine contains urine and dung of various animals as ingredients. 
Alcohol Universe. The universe is filled with alcohol. 
Such beliefs existed amongst many primitive peoples, but not in the 10th century AD, and definitely not now, when institutes are set up in India to prove that many of the fallacies stated above are correct. 

The basic section ends here. The advanced section, complete with references attached, follows below. 

Brahmanic "Science" & The Vedic Dark Ages 
Table of Contents 

1. Geography 

1.1 Serpent or Turtle supports the Earth 
1.2 Mt. Meru 100,000x higher than Mt. Everest 
1.3 Flat Earth 
2. Cosmology 

2.1 Demonic Eclipses 
2.2 Alcoholic Universe 
2.3 Egg-based Cosmology 
2.4 Trillion-Year-Old Universe 
3. Biology 

3.1 Ayurvedic `Medicine' 
3.2 Anthropology 
4. Culture 

4.1 Sanskrit Language 
4.2 Civic Life 
5. Astrology 
6. Mathematics 

6.1 Vedic Mathematics 
6.2 Greek Origin for Arya Mathematics 
Following the collapse of the Semito-Dravidian Indus valley civilization, India was plunged into 2500 years of darkness known as the Vedic Dark Ages from 1500 BC to 1000 AD. Of these, the first millennium from 1500 BC to 500 BC was the darkest, with no written records or any material of any sort surviving. The caste system, introduced by the Aryans, meant that only Brahmans could read and write. The Arab scientist Al-Beruni mentions that, even in the 10th century when he visited India, most of the Brahmans were only memorizers of texts. He amply demonstrated the intellectual stagnation of pre-Islamic India. One may forgive the Aryas for having had such beliefs in 1500 BC. But given the fact that innovative Greeks entered India in the 2nd to 3rd centuries BC, this maintenance of primitive beliefs is narrow-minded. Enlightened Muslims ruled India for 
1000 years, yet even now institutes are set up trying to prove that the Vedas are right, ie. that the Earth is flat, that a snake supports the Earth etc. At the present day one can see swamis and pandits clad in unwashed dhotis preaching that eclipses are due to demons eating the sun and moon, an elephant supports the earth so that it does not fall down, etc. This is merely an indication of the fundamentalist mindset of the Hindus (ie. Indo-Aryans). 
1. Geography 
1.1 Snake/Turtle supports Earth 
Arya (Indo-Aryan) texts repeatedly affirm that the Earth is supported by a serpent. The earths are seven in number, like 7 covers one above the other, the upper one is divided into 7 regions [ al-B. i.228 ]. There exists a serpent, Seshakhya, under the 7th lowest Earth, it has 1000 heads, so it feels no pain and bears the earths one above the other [ al-B. i.237 ]. Other texts say that the Earth is supported on a giant tortoise. Still others hold that this tortoise is in turn on top of a giant snake [ Kovoor 158 ]. Some other texts claim the Earth is held by 4 pillars, held by an elephant seated on a big tortoise [ Panda 69 ]. According to Balabhadra, the earth is in the midst of water, the lower part is immersed in water and the part above the water is round like the back of a tortoise [ al-B i.273 ]. 
The surprising thing is that these texts were composed in the early centuries AD. The enlightened Greeks came to India in the centuries BC, yet there is no indication of any renaissance due to this influence. Some Greek texts were apparently copied into Sanskrit, but no intellectual revolution took place. As far as geography is concerned, India remained in the Vedic Dark Ages right up to the 10th century and the introduction of Islam. 
1.2 Mt. Meru 100,000x higher than Mt. Everest 
Arya texts of a comparatively late period (5 century AD) still maintain a belief in the fictional Vedic Mt. Meru. It is supposed to be one hundred thousand times higher than Mt. Everest! Regarding this mountain, the Matsya Purana says, 
"It [Mt Meru] is golden and shining like fire. The colour of the eastern side is white like the colour of Brahmans, that of the northern side is red like the that of Kshatriyas, the southern is yellow like that of Vaishyas, the western is black like the colour of Sudras. It is 86000 yojana high, and 16000 of

[IslamCity] Science & Hindu Scripture

2005-07-05 Thread noor islaam

AsSalaam O Alaikum
Science & Hindu Scripture
Following the Aryan invasion and their destruction of the great Indus civilization, these barbarians plunged India into dark ages that were to last for 2500 years, from 1500 BC to 1000 AD, darker than the Ecclesiastical Dark Ages of Europe. Brahmanic Science during this period held that, and still holds that : 

Flat Earth. The earth was universally held to be flat. 
Earth-Serpent . The earth is supported by a 1000-headed serpent. 
Wine Sea . The earth floats in a sea of wine 
Demonic Eclipses . 2 demons swallow the Earth and Moon, leading thereby to eclipses. 
Trillion-Year-Old Universe . The universe is 26 trillion years old as per the numbers cooked up by some rishi. 
700,000 mile Mt. Meru . Mt Meru is 100,000 times higher than Mt. Everest. 
Dung Medicine. Ayurvedic medicine contains urine and dung of various animals as ingredients. 
Alcohol Universe. The universe is filled with alcohol. 
Such beliefs existed amongst many primitive peoples, but not in the 10th century AD, and definitely not now, when institutes are set up in India to prove that many of the fallacies stated above are correct. 

The basic section ends here. The advanced section, complete with references attached, follows below. 

Brahmanic "Science" & The Vedic Dark Ages 
Table of Contents 

1. Geography 

1.1 Serpent or Turtle supports the Earth 
1.2 Mt. Meru 100,000x higher than Mt. Everest 
1.3 Flat Earth 
2. Cosmology 

2.1 Demonic Eclipses 
2.2 Alcoholic Universe 
2.3 Egg-based Cosmology 
2.4 Trillion-Year-Old Universe 
3. Biology 

3.1 Ayurvedic `Medicine' 
3.2 Anthropology 
4. Culture 

4.1 Sanskrit Language 
4.2 Civic Life 
5. Astrology 
6. Mathematics 

6.1 Vedic Mathematics 
6.2 Greek Origin for Arya Mathematics 
Following the collapse of the Semito-Dravidian Indus valley civilization, India was plunged into 2500 years of darkness known as the Vedic Dark Ages from 1500 BC to 1000 AD. Of these, the first millennium from 1500 BC to 500 BC was the darkest, with no written records or any material of any sort surviving. The caste system, introduced by the Aryans, meant that only Brahmans could read and write. The Arab scientist Al-Beruni mentions that, even in the 10th century when he visited India, most of the Brahmans were only memorizers of texts. He amply demonstrated the intellectual stagnation of pre-Islamic India. One may forgive the Aryas for having had such beliefs in 1500 BC. But given the fact that innovative Greeks entered India in the 2nd to 3rd centuries BC, this maintenance of primitive beliefs is narrow-minded. Enlightened Muslims ruled India for 
1000 years, yet even now institutes are set up trying to prove that the Vedas are right, ie. that the Earth is flat, that a snake supports the Earth etc. At the present day one can see swamis and pandits clad in unwashed dhotis preaching that eclipses are due to demons eating the sun and moon, an elephant supports the earth so that it does not fall down, etc. This is merely an indication of the fundamentalist mindset of the Hindus (ie. Indo-Aryans). 
1. Geography 
1.1 Snake/Turtle supports Earth 
Arya (Indo-Aryan) texts repeatedly affirm that the Earth is supported by a serpent. The earths are seven in number, like 7 covers one above the other, the upper one is divided into 7 regions [ al-B. i.228 ]. There exists a serpent, Seshakhya, under the 7th lowest Earth, it has 1000 heads, so it feels no pain and bears the earths one above the other [ al-B. i.237 ]. Other texts say that the Earth is supported on a giant tortoise. Still others hold that this tortoise is in turn on top of a giant snake [ Kovoor 158 ]. Some other texts claim the Earth is held by 4 pillars, held by an elephant seated on a big tortoise [ Panda 69 ]. According to Balabhadra, the earth is in the midst of water, the lower part is immersed in water and the part above the water is round like the back of a tortoise [ al-B i.273 ]. 
The surprising thing is that these texts were composed in the early centuries AD. The enlightened Greeks came to India in the centuries BC, yet there is no indication of any renaissance due to this influence. Some Greek texts were apparently copied into Sanskrit, but no intellectual revolution took place. As far as geography is concerned, India remained in the Vedic Dark Ages right up to the 10th century and the introduction of Islam. 
1.2 Mt. Meru 100,000x higher than Mt. Everest 
Arya texts of a comparatively late period (5 century AD) still maintain a belief in the fictional Vedic Mt. Meru. It is supposed to be one hundred thousand times higher than Mt. Everest! Regarding this mountain, the Matsya Purana says, 
"It [Mt Meru] is golden and shining like fire. The colour of the eastern side is white like the colour of Brahmans, that of the northern side is red like the that of Kshatriyas, the southern is yellow like that of Vaishyas, the western is black like the colour of Sudras. It is 86000 yojana high, and 16000 of