Half of the Lebanese do not agree with the other half.
  Half of them call the others: " Syrian-agents "
  and the second half calls the first :" American-dogs"
  One sides calls the other: "French-Puppies"
  while the other half uses the accusation of :" Iranian-Puppets"
  Remains the unanswered-question:
  who or what is worse ?? 
  an Iranian in Baalbeck ??
  a French-man in Jounieh ??
  When did Condi Rice ever do anything useful to the Lebanon ??
  While her Syrian counterpart Mr. Muallem belongs to a Family 
  which half of it are Lebanese.(and Christians)
  Who is the foreign intruder here ??
  Who wants to protect and defend the Lebanon ?
  Who stood by the Lebanon when Israel was 
  bombing Beirut in Summer 2006 ??
  Bernard Koushner  ??  or Condolisa Rice ???
  And who armed the Lebanese-resistance-forces ??
  George Sarkozy or Nicolas Bush , perhaps ??
  Which Lebanese half is not blind nor opportunist ?
  Which other Lebanese half would like to import 
  a ready-made-democracy ?
  instead of cooking it at home with homegrown ingredients.....??
  Who is trying to divert the attentions from a born-dead-baby 
  called: " Annapolis " ?
  Who is removing away the spotlights on that alleged Atomic Bomb
  which never existed in Iran ??
  Who bombed Syria to destroy South-Korean-Fairy-tales ??
  Who brought devastation and diaspora to the Christians of Iraq ??
  and has completely forgotten that even the Christians of Lebanon 
  are also divided...........50/50 ??
  A good-neighbour is better than
  any far-away-(false)friend !!
  (especially when this friend is the USA)
  Raja Chemayel
  50% Lebanese and 50% normal.
  16Th of December 2007
  How kosher is Khoushner ??
  How nice is Rice ??

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