Advice of Bush to Obama,Jan,20, 09
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In you lies my hope, Oh brother Obama,!
As my pious legacy, you must never forget;
The laurels, I brought to  our mighty nation,
With the  carnage of millions of Muslims.
You are now succeeding to this glorious throne,
I am sure, you will continue with my  crusade;
To quench my insatiable thirst for countless more,
Till this Islamic creed is wiped out  from the earth.
Remember! keep these worthless feminine buffoons,
Who are called as Muslim Kings, Princes and Heads;
Within fetters, and  under the command of your heels,
But make them  roaring lions  for their own peoples.
As a last word, I would  advise you, my lovely friend,!
Always be mindful  of  a Zaidi and his impious moves;
Under the eclipse of time,our achievements may come,
But his shoes will hang over America with eternal flame.
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 Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani
All India Muslim Forum
Lucknow, U.P. India
sherwan...@yahoo. com

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