By Sajjad Shaukat

On January 20, 2009, in his first address, President Barack Obama had
stated: "To the Muslim World, we seek a new way forward, based upon
mutual interest and mutual respect." But instead of reversing the
anti-Muslim policies of ex-president Bush who had used the term
'crusade', a few days after the 9/11 events, Obama is acting upon a
similar policy, though the tactics are different. Although he has
decided to end the use of the phrase, "Global War On Terror" replacing
it with the "Overseas Contingency Operation," yet in reality
anti-Muslim strategy continues.

Notably, despite more cooperation with Pakistan, the main aim of the
US including its allies remains to de-nuclearise Pakistan which is the
only Islamic country, having nuclear weapons. Besides, its
geo-strategic location, Gwadar Port, linking Central and South Asia,
Islamabad's close ties with China irk the eyes of the US, India and
Israel who are in collusion to destabilise Pakistan for their common
interests. However, being an obstacle in their way and being vital for
our survival as the first pillar of the country, the Inter-Services
Intelligence Agency (ISI) has become a special target of the external

On March 26, The New York Times accused that Pakistan's ISI is
directly assisting militant groups fighting against US and NATO forces
in Afghanistan. In the recent past, US Admiral Mike Mullen and Defence
Secretary Robert Gates blamed the ISI for close connections with the
Taliban. All these biased statements have been appearing in wake of
the US' new strategy, which has taken Afghanistan and Pakistan's FATA
as single theatre of war. And President Obama said that he was
determined to dismantle and defeat Al-Qaeda and the safe havens in
Pakistan's tribal areas from where a plan to attack the US and Europe
could be in the making.

On the one hand, US administration has increased the aid of Pakistan,
while on the other, drone attacks on the tribal regions continue
unabated without bothering for any internal backlash inside our

Meanwhile, on March 31, Bailtullah Mehsud, chief of the
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the
terrorist attack at the Manawan Police Training Center in Lahore, and
threatened to carry out similar operations in various parts of Punjab.
As regard Mehsud, reports suggest that the ISI had provided
information to the US military commanders about Mehsud's exact
location several times, but the CIA-operated predators could not hunt
him. He plays a key role in instigating the peace-loving Taliban
against Islamabad. With the help of RAW and CIA, like his patrons,
while, playing a double game, Mehsud's main purpose is to create
unrest in Pakistan. On the other side, the US military and high
officials accuse Pakistan's army and ISI of close links with Mehsud.

Nevertheless, revival of blame game against ISI is not confined to US
war in Afghanistan. On December 15, 2008, US Senator John Kerry, while
putting pressure on Islamabad in the aftermath of Mumbai carnage of
November 26 remarked that all the gunmen came from Pakistan, and that
ISI must be brought under control. Before him, US Assistant Secretary
of State, Richard Boucher had stressed the need to reform ISI.

Under the cover of insurgency, US, India and Israel have intensified
their collective covert strategic game by exploiting Pakistan's
present multiple crises which they have themselves created through
their secret agencies. While acting upon anti-Pakistan plot, they,
sometimes, take new turns in their propaganda campaign in tarnishing
the image of the ISI. In fact, US-led powers have badly failed in
crushing the stiff resistance of Afghan Taliban and Kashmiris who have
been fighting against the occupying forces. Hence, senseless
accusations against ISI are essential for them to divert the attention
of their public from their frustrated misadventure.

Just like the sole superpower, it has become a fashion in India to
blame the ISI for every mishap in order to conceal RAW-backed Hindu
terrorism. In the recent past, concrete evidence surprised the world
regarding a number of developments such as murder of Indian
Anti-Terrorism Squad Chief Hemant Karkare during the Mumbai terror
attacks, involvement of Hindu extremists in the Malegaon blasts,
confession of Indian serving Lt Col Purohit in relation to the bombing
of Samjhota Express and massacre of Muslims in Gujrat. Inaction by the
US-led west over RAW-supported Hindu terrorism undoubtedly indicates
that America and major European states have their common interest in
India. Therefore, they blindly favour New Delhi's shrewd diplomacy
against Islamabad.

Their silence over two major terror-events in Lahore in March might
also be cited as an example.

The misdeeds of anti-ISI agencies are known to everyone. In this
context, Ramzi Yousaf who was well-aware of the activities of the
American and Israeli secret agencies had stated in the US court in
1997: "You are butchers, liars, and hypocrites. You keep on talking
about terrorism to the media, but behind closed doors you support

There is no doubt that every country has a superior intelligence
agency to safeguard its national interest. Just like the other
agencies, ISI keeps a vigilant eye on the borders, assesses the
nefarious designs of the enemies and anti-Pakistan subversion through
various means. Despite its limited resources, it is the most effective
secret agency in protecting the national interests of Pakistan.

It is a good sign that every Pakistani citizen and politician know the
real intentions of foreign elements which are at crusade against ISI.
Apart from other leaders, even Nawaz Sharif, the chief of PML-N during
his interview with Reuters on April 31 rejected the charges that the
ISI has links with Taliban, saying there was "not any room for any
suspicion of the ISI" in this respect.

The writer is a foreign affairs analyst E-mail:

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