Virginia M. Moncrieff
International Correspondent

President Hamid Karzai has blamed "foreigners" for exaggerating the
amount of corruption in Afghanistan. Last week he reiterated the
dastardly plot, sounding like a Burmese general fulminating against
foreign stooges.

"The government is not what they [foreigners] say," he said. "Some of
the things they say is just political pressure on us, saying 'Karzai,
follow us otherwise we will defame you'."

Such protestations do President Karzai no favors. He is either
gob-smackingly ignorant or wildly dishonest and neither option is
particularly attractive. The kindest you could say about Karzai is
that he has shown a tolerance of corruption that is deeply

Anyone who lives in Kabul knows that corrupt payments are a daily
transaction, from keeping your electricity connected, paying a teacher
to let your child stay in class, or paying a toll at an impromptu
roadblock, erected for eliciting bribes.

For all the many problems that Karzai faces - not easily counted on
the fingers of two hands - corruption could well be the biggest. It
eats away at everything in Afghanistan, and has created despair and
anger all over the country. Karzai's government - from the most senior
ministers to the lowly rural clerk - is loathed, sometimes feared, but
always deeply disrespected.

"There's not an ideological opposition to the Karzai Government,"
analyst Sarah Chayes told Australian radio last week. "The opposition
to the Karzai Government is because of the way it treats its people.
[Y]ou basically cannot interact with a government official without it
causing you pain or damage." The population feels helpless in the face
of constant fleecing, and has no means of seeking justice. A trip to
the cop-shop will cost you a bribe, any legal action must be covered
with corrupt payments and you may end up in jail yourself because the
system is so rotten.

Hamid Karzai last week announced that he makes $487 per month as
president, has no debts and does not own a house, land, car or any
other assets. His wife owns about $10,000 worth of jewelry. There's
also $10,000 in a German bank account but the President says he hasn't
checked the account for over ten years.

He then announced a new decree that government employees must declare
their assets:

"I hope all the government employees and high-ranking officials will
fill this form and register their property to show the public more
transparency and an accountable government," he said.

And the new form, which you hope people will fill out, seems more
embarrassing than meaningful. Hamid Karzai is no lay down misére for
the August elections and for all the violence and insecurity in
Afghanistan, it may well be his tolerance for corruption that seals
his fate.

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