By S G Haque,

The Indian Government has admitted that the cases of human rights
violation against minorities have increased and Indian Muslims, the
largest minority community are the worst sufferer. Several communal
riots instigated by Hindu nationalists, have caused heavy damages to
the Muslims. Riots and violence against them have become a common
feature. The Muslims are slaughtered mercilessly in communal riots and
women raped and the agencies responsible for protecting the lives and
modesty of women remain a silent spectator during communal riots.
Today the global fever of terrorism is badly haunting the community.
The innocent people of productive ages of the community are easy
target of unscrupulous and communal elements. The broad daylight
killings of Muslim youths by security agencies have become a routine
job today. The number of Muslims in jails increases day by day.

When person like Justice Sachar talks about backwardness among Muslims
and suggests doing special effort to educate Muslims, the communal
elements brand the highly educated like IT and management graduates as
terrorists and virtually closes the door of academic and employment
opportunities for Muslim youths.

Indian Muslims have shorter life spans, worse health, lower literacy
rates and irregular lower-paying jobs. Today, hardly 1 % Muslims is in
government services, while this figure was about 30 % before
partition. These are the findings of government's own national sample

The socio-economic status of Muslims is worst than the Dalits, the
most backward community of India. Several studies and surveys have
revealed the fact that the Indian Muslims, the second largest
community are lagging behind and they cannot get rid of their poverty,
illiteracy and other social ills without special and proper support.
Every one of the nation is aware that the persons belonging to the
Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe communities were considered as
most backward and downtrodden. Nevertheless, the constitutional
support helped them to improve their condition. Today they are in a
better position as compared to their fore fathers. Of course, the
atrocities against them have not come to a complete halt and they are
yet to join the billionaires club. But it is also a fact that besides
constitutional provisions for reservation in education and jobs, there
are special legal enactments to check the violence and atrocities
against Dalits. The Government made a provision of separate courts for
anti-Dalit cases. Unfortunately, there are no such constitutional and
legal measures to protect or safeguard the interest of Muslims. While,
the violent attack on Muslims are common. Several committees and
commissions have studied the social and economic status of Indian
Muslims since independence. But their reports failed to bring any
material change in their lives. Because, no government showed the
courage to implement the recommendations of such committees. The
Sachar committee report was tabled and debated in the parliament with
much fanfare. The UPA government made very tall promises to bail out
the Muslim community from their worst and desperate plight. Several
announcements were made to ensure the educational needs of the
community. However, their promises failed to become reality. The UPA
government did not make any concrete effort.

There are enough historical and documentary evidence, which show that
the Indian Muslims felled prey to famous divide and rule policy of the
British. They created an atmosphere of hatred and distrust between two
largest communities of India by using the vested and communal elements
and spreading rumors of forced conversion and demolition of temples in
much planned manner, which has already been denounced by several
eminent Hindu intellectuals and historians. The post 1857 era was
worst for the Muslim elites. The British held Muslims responsible for
the start of the freedom struggle. The aggressive and vigorously
active role of Indian Muslims in the freedom struggle forced the
British to teach a lesson to the community. They blatantly targeted
Muslim religious leaders and intellectuals. Indian Muslim bore the
brunt of British rage. They coloured the streets of Delhi with the
bloods of Ulemas. They closed the doors of opportunity upon Muslims.
The physical and economic insecurity marginalized the community. They
introduced English as official language that led to the further
marginalization of Muslims. The literacy rate of Muslims fell
significantly to 20 % with in half-century span due to their anti-
Muslim policies.

They were deprived of all administrative and judicial jobs in the
government. The discriminatory policies of the British showed the door
of deprivation and backwardness to the Indian Muslims.

The Muslims are facing multi pronged hurdles. In this peculiar and
desperate situation of victimization and exploitation, no one seems
willing to bail out the community from the crisis. Needless to say
that the community leadership is totally ineffective.

It is high time that the policy makers should realize that the India
cannot attain self-reliance and become a developed nation until all
its organ develop fully and become healthier. The vast Muslim
population is a vital organ of the mother India. So, there is a need
to change the centuries old mindset and to do some serious efforts to
help Muslims in getting rid of their much-debated crises. Keeping in
view the larger interest of the nation, government should initiate
steps to provide special constitutional and legal aids to help the
Muslims in countering the frequent violence, discrimination and to
ensure proper representation in education and employment by adopting
the same policies and procedures the government used to uplift the

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