Please see this is quite a reasonable rejoinder

From: Peace and Justice Activist 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 5:47 PM

(The cited article appears below)

I spent over 10 years in Saudi Arabia working for major US corporations. I had 
numerous western friends, and often, we used to have family dinners. Most of 
the women said they were scared to come to the Kingdom, because they had heard 
so many scary stories, but after coming, they didn't want to leave. They said 
they never felt safe anywhere in the U.S.A as they felt in Saudi Arabia.They 
didn't mind not being able to drive, as it was very dangerous anyway (more 
people die there of traffic accidents than any illness). It was a small 
sacrifice compared to many other benefits they enjoyed.

There are so many hateful people who like to abuse Saudi Arabia at the drop a 
hat, but they never seem to acknowledge the many wonderful aspects of Saudi 
Arabia. Many of them have never even stepped on its soil! 

When I lived in Japan, there was a student from Austria who could never stop 
badmouthing the Japanese people. I told him how unfortunate it was that he 
spent his time making life miserable for him, while we enjoyed every minute of 
our stay there.

Muslims are blamed for the wrongdoings of the rulers, but these rulers are kept 
in power by the West, so they could rob the resources, and Muslims who want to 
overthrow them are stamped as 'terrorists' or 'Islamists'. So, Muslims are in a 
no-win situation. 

Take any country, and one can write terrible things about it, but remember 
Matthew 7:1-5 : "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and 
then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Why do 
you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to 
the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the 
speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?"

Meer Sahib P.Eng.

---------- BELOW is the Ottawa Citizen article--------------------------
Second-class citizens
      The Ottawa Citizen 

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Don't be fooled into thinking Saudi Arabia's softening of some restrictions 
against women is a step toward freedom. If your jailer gives you extra food or 
a clean pillow, you're still in jail. So long as men make the decisions in 
Saudi society, it doesn't matter how malevolent or benevolent those decisions 
are. They'll still add up to oppression.

Women in Saudi Arabia can now stay in hotels on their own, without being 
accompanied by men -- provided they inform the police of their whereabouts. 
More importantly, there are reports that women in the benighted kingdom might 
soon be able to drive.

On a practical, daily level, mobility is an important freedom. Without it, 
women can't do business or protect their own safety. But a little more access 
to cars and hotels won't allow women to break free of restrictive attitudes in 
the working world or patriarchal structures in the home.

In the twisted attitude of religious fundamentalism, a woman behind the wheel 
is, somehow, a threat to society's mores. That's the crux of the debate in 
Saudi Arabia: whether the practical benefits of allowing women some mobility 
outweighs the perceived consequences for their virtue and the virtue of others. 
Liberty and equality still aren't part of the fabric of the official discourse. 
No society can develop respect for human rights without first acknowledging 
that they exist.

Just this month, a Saudi delegation told a UN committee that the state's 
interpretation of Islam holds that "total equality between man and woman is 
contrary to reality." That's the attitude that Saudi women still confront, 
whether they're in cars or hotel rooms or anywhere else.


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