Assalamualaikum All,
http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/articleshow/ 3762100.cms? TOI_mostemailed
Please check the above link. Here it says that the deccan mujahedeen were 
asking to release all the  mujahedeen. They also say that all the muslims in 
india should be respected n bl a bla bla.
http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/Mumbai_ attackers_ may_be_Pakistani 
_nationals/ articleshow/ 3764564.cms
The above link says that the terroroists were from pakistan.
http://www.inquisit deccan-mujahidee n/
the above links says deccan mujahedeen claims responsibility
http://www.rediff. com/news/ 2008/nov/ 27mumbai- all-signs- of-alqaeda- 
inspired- attack.htm
above link says all signs are of al-quida
http://www.rediff. com/news/ 2008/nov/ 27mum-terrorists -in-touch- 
with-karachi- via-satphone. htm
the above link says they were in touch with karachi
http://www.rediff. com/news/ 2008/nov/ 27-attackers- looking-for- 
british-american .htm
the above link says they were lookung for americans n british.
now here first the media says it was lashkar then the deccan mujahedee, then 
says they were from pakistan n then says they had signes of al Queida.
(Only SIMI is left so far).
If the terrorists were pakistanis y the hell were they fighting for indian 
muslims n asking to release india mujahedeen. Pakistan have their own bomb 
blasts problmes in their country.
If deccan mujahedeen (from india) have taken the responsibility then y the PM 
says that the terrorists are from outside country( indirectly pointing 
If they are from india or pakistan y they were looikng for britons and 
americans. and if they were fighting for release of arresten indian mujahedeen 
y were they looking for britons and americans.
Were they looking for english people, were they fighting for indian arrested 
mujahedeen, were thay taking revenge, were they pakistanis, were thay from 
lashkar or al-quieda or deccan mujahedeen.
Y Advani says it was similar to Akshardhaam blasts( does he want to raise 
hindi- muslims fights again??????? ??).
Dear All,
By above comments i dont mean to support any community or country or group. Its 
time to wake up and hold hands together. Political leaders are brainless 
creatures who spend crores of Rs: for there own security n poor people are not 
even protected from cold or rain. Its nonsense if we hope them to help out. 
They already started making it political issue. Media is unsure of any thing 
and starts blaming all the terrorist groups one after the other.
On paper it seems to be 130+ killed and more than 300 injured. But by killing 
100+ people they have ruined 1000s of life and 100s of families.
Muslims, hindus,sikhs, christians, jews, britons. People from all the races 
have been killed. So how can it be a religious war?????????
Killing of human is not allowed in any religion and very much restricted in 
few black sheeps spoil the entire comminity's name.
Pray to almighty Allah that these people get hidayah n this shld not become a 
religious fight like in gujarat few years ago.
InshaAllah every culprit will pay here or here after. Allah is not unjust 
beshak. He is seeing every thing and he will for sure punish all the sinners.
Pray for all. JazakAllah.
Allah hafiz.

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