a voice of reason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 13:45:45 
From: "a voice of reason" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Abdus Sattar Ghazali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
"abdul wahid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

Subject: Only One Thing Unites Iraqis: Hatred of the US!!!

  Only One Thing Unites Iraqis: Hatred of the US
  By Patrick Cockburn , The Independent. Posted December 14, 2007.
  The Americans will discover, as the British learned to their cost in Basra, 
that they have few permanent allies.

      As British forces come to the end of their role in Iraq, what sort of 
country do they leave behind? Has the United States turned the tide in Baghdad? 
Does the fall in violence mean that the country is stabilizing after more than 
four years of war? Or are we seeing only a temporary pause in the 
fighting?American commentators are generally making the same mistake that they 
have made since the invasion of Iraq was first contemplated five years ago. 
They look at Iraq in over-simple terms and exaggerate the extent to which the 
US is making the political weather and is in control of events there.   The US 
is the most powerful single force in Iraq but by no means the only one. The 
shape of Iraqi politics has changed over the past year, though for reasons that 
have little to do with "the surge" - the 30,000 US troop reinforcements - and 
much to do with the battle for supremacy between the Sunni and Shia Muslim 
  The Sunni Arabs of Iraq turned against al Qa'ida partly because it tried to 
monopolise power but primarily because it brought their community close to 
catastrophe. The Sunni war against US occupation had gone surprisingly well for 
them since it began in 2003. It was a second war, the one against the Shia 
majority led by al-Qa'ida, which the Sunni were losing, with disastrous results 
for themselves. "The Sunni people now think they cannot fight two wars - 
against the occupation and the government - at the same time," a Sunni friend 
in Baghdad told me last week. "We must be more realistic and accept the 
occupation for the moment." 
  This is why much of the non-al-Qa'ida Sunni insurgency has effectively 
changed sides. An important reason why al-Qa'ida has lost ground so swiftly is 
a split within its own ranks. The US military - the State Department has been 
very much marginalized in decision-making in Baghdad - does not want to 
emphasize that many of the Sunni fighters now on the US payroll, who are 
misleadingly called "concerned citizens", until recently belonged to al Qa'ida 
and have the blood of a great many Iraqi civilians and American soldiers on 
their hands. 
  The Sunni Arabs, five million out of an Iraqi population of 27 million and 
the mainstay of Saddam Hussein's government, were the core of the resistance to 
the US occupation. But they have also been fighting a sectarian war to prevent 
the 16 million Shia and the five million Kurds holding power. 
  At first, the Shia were very patient in the face of atrocities. Vehicles, 
packed with explosives and driven by suicide bombers, were regularly detonated 
in the middle of crowded Shia market places or religious processions, killing 
and maiming hundreds of people. The bombers came from al-Qa'ida but the attacks 
were never wholeheartedly condemned by Sunni political leaders or other 
guerrilla groups. The bombings were also very short-sighted since the Iraqi 
Shia outnumber the Sunni three to one. Retaliation was restrained until a bomb 
destroyed the revered Shia al-Askari shrine in Samarra on 22 February, 2006. 
  The bombing led to a savage Shia onslaught on the Sunni, which became known 
in Iraq as "the battle for Baghdad". This struggle was won by the Shia. They 
were always the majority in the capital but, by the end of 2006, they 
controlled 75 per cent of the city. The Sunni fled or were pressed back into a 
few enclaves, mostly in west Baghdad. 
  In the wake of this defeat, there was less and less point in the Sunni trying 
expel the Americans when the Sunni community was itself being evicted by the 
Shia from large parts of Iraq. The Iraqi Sunni leaders had also miscalculated 
that an assault on their community by the Shia would provoke Arab Sunni states 
like Saudi Arabia and Egypt into giving them more support but this never 

 discover, as the British learned to their cost in Basra, that they have few 
permanent allies.   

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