Is better to give material on Islam rather than the translation of the
Quran.The sunnah of Dawah is to do dawah through Quran. Yes we can make
pamphlets with Quranic themes but  the whole of Quran covers all the
topic needed for any individual as the Quran mentions, "to make clear on
the issues people differ" & O Messenger (Muhammad SAW)! Proclaim (the
Message) which has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do
not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you from
mankind. Verily, Alla guides not the people who disbelieve.  (5:67)
The Quran is very clear that the message has to be given in the language
of the people of a place. So we find the Quran says, "and We never sent
a prophet except in the language of its people"; so we learn that we
have to give the message of Quran in the language that will make sense
to them. Dawah is not just giving people information, rather it is
making sure it reaches the heart, which the Quran calls Balagh. How do
we reach the heart of the people other then it has to be in the language
of the people. There are several popular people that have come to Islam
by their personal readings of the Quran - people like Malcolm X, Jeffery
Lang and Yusuf Islam just to name a few.
Why not distribute pamphlets to explain Islam to people, and then if
they are interested they can then get a copy of the Qur'an.
It is our duty as Muslims to communicate the Message of the Qur'an to
Non-Muslims. This I believe is achieved by delivering the Qur'an in the
language that people are able to understand. Also, there is no book or
pamphlet on the planet that can address the various intellectual
appetites of the readers other than the Quran. The Qur'an is able to
address and answer the questions of people across many walks of life
– from Politicians to teachers to scientists; to the rich person to
the poor person; to the young and the old; and the common man - everyone
can find their questions answered and at the level of their
intelligence. No pamphlet can serve this purpose.  Really it is a
question of what you lead with - pamphlets or the Qur'an. The Qur'an
being the only book on the planet that has not changed, and has the
impact of bringing people to Islam from the time it was revealed, I
believe has a better chance of bringing people to tauheed than anything
Why place Qur'ans in Hotel rooms? Aren't these places unclean and used
for unclean things?
There are a few advantages in doing this. First, when a person is
traveling a person is more open to new experiences. Second, we need to
make a mindset that shows, the Quran is a Holy book. This increases the
chances for people to read Quran. Third, it a free outlet from a legal
perspective; therefore why not use the Quran.

Why place Qur'ans in Hospital rooms?
When people are in a hospital, they are going through important
transformations in life. It may be due to illness or some other reason;
but at such a time of transformation people are open to very fundamental
questions in life like death, God, truth, etc. The famous former singer
Yusuf Islam, had a turning point when he was in the hospital (Again it
was being in the Hospital and reading Quran that brought about this
profound change).
--- In, Mohammed A wrote:
> Qurans For Hospitals & Hotels - Please Help
> As-salaam A'laykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuh
> Dear Brothers & Sisters
> It is an obligation on all Muslims to invite people to Islam and there
is now a wonderful opportunity to be a part of something great
> Bibles are found in international hotels as well as next to the sick
and dying people in hospitals. Wouldn't it be great if there was a Quran
there instead!
> I call upon you all to use your initiative and try to ensure that the
hospitals and hotels in your area have copies of the Quran available in
all their rooms/wards Inshallah. We can start in our local areas, then
the surrounding areas, the nationally and then internationally
> please start discussions in all forums
> share ideas and thoughts on how best to promote this project
> how can we make this idea into a reality?
> where and how can we obtain suitable English only text Qurans (which
are in modern English and easy to understand)?
> what is the best way to contact/approach hospitals and hotels?
> are there any other institutions that we could target besides
hospitals and hotels? (maybe prisons as well)
> I request all brothers and sisters to help and share ideas.
> May Allah keep our intentions solely for His pleasure, and reward us
all for our efforts, ameen.
> Was salaam
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