Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] Somalia: Ethiopian Troops Using Mosques as Bar - Drinking, Music, Dancing inside the Masaajid

2008-07-22 Thread riaz bhai

--- On Sat, 7/19/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:The muslims 
nations must first, pennalty for pakistan, whose troops attack on lal masjid, 
and and again cannot, save after one year, same incidents, means you have no.. 
administration, only take islami state in the name of islam, not only once 
there assenation pm. save but within a short of period she cannot by his 
misrably death what poor your, natioons. organisation administration.
not only this, but in the name of 2 israeli solders captured by, lebenon and he 
attack on lebenon, and almost 57 muslim nation, watch, poorly, why, is this 
ground is well for attack on a sovergin state,
so why not penalty on muslim nations, impose, themselves,
and give times to muslims nations, that withdraw their cases from UNO, and 
donot enter any case new to their all cases submit, in front of muslim nation, 
and any how impose time limit for settled the dispute in front of muslim 
nations, body,.
so first muslim nations must kick out to UNO<> and declare that all pending 
muslims nations, must submit, in front of aany muslim organinsation like oic, 
or i have no objection with muslims organisation, where he is shia nation, or 
any one
Now usa again threat to Iran, face consequences, so Muslims nations must study 
how much Iran, face to damage the enemy, with all equations, of milliatary, how 
much he has required, from, physicaly, or materilay , equipments man power or 
all, then all him to declare war or keep him silence untill, he is not able to 
damage the enemy 50% by all way
yours faithfully
sirf ekbar meri bat agar 15 years before, pahle man lete muslims to yeh sabe 
thik ho jata
when babri masjid demolised i raised a voice itis now time to kick to the UNO 
then unfortunately, on BBC LONdon hindi prograame i could not reply, my bad luck
yours faithfully

Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Somalia: Ethiopian Troops Using Mosques as Bar - 
Drinking, Music, Dancing inside the Masaajid
To: "eGroup For Muslims Around The World" 
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008, 9:53 AM

Sad News - insulting Islam
Somalia: Ethiopian troops in Somalia using Jaami Mosque as bar, drinking 
alcohol, smoking and dancing in the Mosques in Somalia.

Neighbours of Shekh Abdi Masjid in Mogadishu are concerned and worried about 
the way Ethiopian troops are violating and insulting Islam. Drinking of 
Alcohol, Music is been heard and dancing is taking place in the Mosques where 
once citizens used to hear Adhan, Holy Qur'an and Prayers.

Muslim should not keep quite now all should demand UN and Ethiopian troops to 
immediately withdraw from Somalia and apologize to the Muslims all over the 
world and Somali people at large to insult and disrespect Islam.

Labbayk Ya Mahdi

News in Somali language
Golaha aqoonyahanada xorta ah ee Somaaaliyeed oo Ciidamada Ethiopia ku eedeeyey 
iney masaajidada waaweyn ee Muqdisho u bedeleen goobo lagucaweeyaan

Posted: 7/19/2008 4:06:14 PM

 Shebelle: MUQDISHO ,
Golaha aqoonyahanada xorta ah ee Somaaaliyeed oo maanta war saxaafadeed ka soo 
saaray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku eedeeyey ciidamada Ethiopia ee fariisinka ku 
leh deegaanka Cali Kamiin iney goob lagu caweeyo ka sameeysteen masaajidka 
Sheekh Cabdi oo ah masaajid weyn oo halkaasi ku yaala, waxaana war 
saxaafadeedkaasi lagu sheegay oo kale in falkaasi uu yahay mid ku xad gudbaya 
diinta Islaamka iyo xurmada ay leeyihiin goobaha lagu cibaadeysto, waxayna 
xuseen in codbaahiyaha masaajidkaasi xiliyada habeenkii laga maqlo muusik qoob 
ka cayaaar ah oo ciidamada Ethiopia ay halkaasi ka shidaan.
Sidoo kale, golaha ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyey ciidamada DKMG Soomaaliya ee 
dhowaan lagu soo tababaray dalka Ethiopia , kuwaasoo ku sheegay in ujeedadii 
loo keenay hadda ay tahay sidii ay mar kale dagaalo uga hurin lahaayeen goobaha 
nabadoon ee dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana war saxaafeedkaasi lagu sheegay in 
ciidamadaasi loo soo tababaray sidii ay u dhibaateyn lahaayeen shacabka 
Soomaaliyeed ee ay horey uga barakiciyeen gudaha dalka Soomaaliya.
Golaha aqoonyahanada xorta ah ee Soomaaaliyeed ayaa dhinaca kale soo dhoweeyey 
heshiiskii ay magaalada Sanca ee dalka Yemen ku gaareen dhinacyada midowga 
maxaakiinta Islaamka ee ka mid ah isbaheysiga dib u xoreynbta Soomaaliya, 
waxaana lagu sheegay oo kale warkaasi in heshiiskaas uu yahay mid wax weyn ka 
taraya dagaalka looga soo horjeedo ciidamada Ethiopia ee ku sugan gudaha dalka 

Shebelle Media Network - Source of Somalia News

Africashia website in kiswahili - www.africashia. bravehost. com

Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Saviour of mankind
the descendent of Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Somalia: Ethiopian Troops Using Mosques as Bar - Drinking, Music, Dancing inside the Masaajid

2008-07-20 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
Sad News - insulting Islam
Somalia: Ethiopian troops in Somalia using Jaami Mosque as bar, drinking 
alcohol, smoking and dancing in the Mosques in Somalia.

Neighbours of Shekh Abdi Masjid in Mogadishu are concerned and worried about 
the way Ethiopian troops are violating and insulting Islam. Drinking of 
Alcohol, Music is been heard and dancing is taking place in the Mosques where 
once citizens used to hear Adhan, Holy Qur'an and Prayers.

Muslim should not keep quite now all should demand UN and Ethiopian troops to 
immediately withdraw from Somalia and apologize to the Muslims all over the 
world and Somali people at large to insult and disrespect Islam.

Labbayk Ya Mahdi

News in Somali language
Golaha aqoonyahanada xorta ah ee Somaaaliyeed oo Ciidamada Ethiopia ku
eedeeyey iney masaajidada waaweyn ee Muqdisho u bedeleen goobo

Posted: 7/19/2008 4:06:14 PM

Shebelle: MUQDISHO
, Golaha
aqoonyahanada xorta ah ee Somaaaliyeed oo maanta war saxaafadeed ka soo
saaray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku eedeeyey ciidamada Ethiopia ee
fariisinka ku leh deegaanka Cali Kamiin iney goob lagu caweeyo ka
sameeysteen masaajidka Sheekh Cabdi oo ah masaajid weyn oo halkaasi ku
yaala, waxaana war saxaafadeedkaasi lagu sheegay oo kale in falkaasi uu
yahay mid ku xad gudbaya diinta Islaamka iyo xurmada ay leeyihiin
goobaha lagu cibaadeysto, waxayna xuseen in codbaahiyaha masaajidkaasi
xiliyada habeenkii laga maqlo muusik qoob ka cayaaar ah oo ciidamada
Ethiopia ay halkaasi ka shidaan.Sidoo
kale, golaha ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyey ciidamada DKMG Soomaaliya ee
dhowaan lagu soo tababaray dalka Ethiopia , kuwaasoo ku sheegay in
ujeedadii loo keenay hadda ay tahay sidii ay mar kale dagaalo uga hurin
lahaayeen goobaha nabadoon ee dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana war
saxaafeedkaasi lagu sheegay in ciidamadaasi loo soo tababaray sidii ay
u dhibaateyn lahaayeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ay horey uga
barakiciyeen gudaha dalka Soomaaliya.Golaha
aqoonyahanada xorta ah ee Soomaaaliyeed ayaa dhinaca kale soo dhoweeyey
heshiiskii ay magaalada Sanca ee dalka Yemen ku gaareen dhinacyada
midowga maxaakiinta Islaamka ee ka mid ah isbaheysiga dib u xoreynbta
Soomaaliya, waxaana lagu sheegay oo kale warkaasi in heshiiskaas uu
yahay mid wax weyn ka taraya dagaalka looga soo horjeedo ciidamada
Ethiopia ee ku sugan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. 

Shebelle Media Network - Source of Somalia News
Africashia website in kiswahili -

Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Saviour of mankind 
the descendent of Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.

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