By Asif Haroon Raja

One of the most read English newspaper of Pakistan, "The News" ,
controlled from Karachi projects mainly the views of liberals and
so-called enlightened moderates. The bearded Muzaffar Iqbal is one of
the lucky ones to find space in this prestigious paper. Articles of
Masooda Bano are published under sub-heading ‘dissenting note’.
Writers like me who at times show mirror to the liberal brigade cannot
think of getting even one article published particularly after Omar
Qureshi took over the charge of editorial wing in mid-2006.

Conversely Indian authors keen to convey their loaded messages from
across the border are encouraged. Col (R) Harish Puri is among the
selected ones whose articles appear off and on, each one with a tinge
of sarcasm. Indian writers convey the message in a very subtle manner
which appeals to the sensibilities of the liberal class and pro-Indian
segment in Pakistan. His latest article published in this paper on 14
April is captioned ‘An open letter to Gen Kayani’.

To begin with, he first refreshes the memory of Pakistanis about the
surrender of Pak soldiers at Dacca on 16 December 1971 which he says
that no Pakistani has been able to get over that humiliation. Having
scored his point he then suddenly turns to the incident of a teenage
girl flogged by the Taliban in Swat which he terms as an abject
surrender by Pak army, much more disgraceful than 1971 debacle. He
takes a dig at Gen Kayani by saying that the girl could have been his
daughter, or the author’s. In his bid to project himself broad minded
and affable, he hastens to eulogize Pak army that it had fought
valiantly in the three Indo-Pak wars and had performed commendably in
UN missions. In the next breadth he makes an about turn by
recapitulating an incident of an infantry unit led by a Lt Col meekly
laying down arms before 20 odd militants in South Waziristan. He had
mentioned about this incident in one of his earlier articles and had
sarcastically stated that Pak army had reduced itself to Gainti-Belcha
party. He used this belittling term by referring to the article of his
friend Ejaz Haider of Daily Times, espousing the cause of liberals

Having said what he wanted to say he then prods Gen Kayani as to what
restrains him from going hell for leather against the Taliban and
annihilating them. He reminds him that Pak army had inflicted immense
atrocities on the Bengalis without any remorse or inhibitions. To
incite the sentiments of people of Bangladesh in which Indians are
past masters, he quips “Is it because Bengalis were never considered
as Pakistanis, or your troops are terrified by the Taliban”. He urges
him that before the Taliban drag Pakistan back into the Stone Age, the
Taliban which are an equal threat to India must be defeated at all
costs without any further delay.

Let us now carry out a dispassionate analysis of his write up. His
theme revolves around the threat of Taliban which in his view is too
dangerous having grave ramifications for both Pakistan and India. He
has belittled Pakistan army by insinuating that it has got scared of
the Taliban and is reluctant to grapple with them. He has tried to
arouse Gen Kayani to show courage and save the Swatis from the cruel
clutches of barbarian Taliban and get counted in history or earn life
long ignominy. Had this letter come from Swat, it might have had some
impact, but a letter from devious India could not have been written
with noble intentions. The purpose is to further stimulate the liberal
brigade within Pakistan, tarnish the image of the army and overturn
Swat peace deal.

His article will give an idea how flabbergasted and disgusted the
Indians are feeling after seeing their sinister scheme of pitching Pak
army against its own people failing. India had successfully
implemented this scheme in former East Pakistan in 1971. It had worked
strenuously in creating bad blood between the Bengalis and West
Pakistanis and is keen to repeat the same story. India has invested
heavily in stoking insurgencies in Balochistan, FATA and Swat and is
now eager to reap the harvest it had sown in 2002.

The bravado and professionalism of Indian security forces was put to
severe test in Mumbai on 26 November when 12 terrorists had made the
whole city of Mumbai hostage and it took 4000 troops including 1200
elite force three days to get rid of them. Conversely, similar attack
on Sri Lanka team in Lahore could not last more than 27 minutes and
the coach driver and the escort police saved the lives of visitors;
attackers of Manawan police academy were overpowered within six hours
by a small force. With regard to casual mention about Kargil by Harish
that Nawaz Sharif had badly let down Pakistani soldier, let me remind
him that the entire might of Indian army had been brought on its knees
by a few hundred ill-equipped Kashmiri Mujahideen backed by few
Pakistan irregular Northern Light Infantry units and India had to seek
US intervention to bail itself out of the perilous situation. The G-8
countries led by USA stood behind India and threatened Pakistan to
pull back its forces or face dire consequences. Voluntary pull back of
our forces from the occupied heights of Dras-Kargil enabled India to
convert its defeat into victory on the media plane. It was Gen
Musharraf and not Nawaz who had let down the army since the former
failed to exploit the vulnerability of Indian army. From these events
it is now to be unemotionally judged as to whether Pakistan army or
Indian army is the Gainti-Belcha party.

In the aftermath of Mumbai incident, when the Indian army menacingly
marched towards our eastern border in December last to exploit the
military defensive imbalance, India had hoped that after a firefight
and blood spilling between Pakistan army and tribesmen for six years,
the latter would not permit the former to pull out of FATA. Their high
hopes shattered when the tribesmen vowed to fight the Indians along
side the army. Peace deals in Swat and Bajaur have further
disillusioned them having tried various means to disrupt peace. In
desperation the said video clip of flogging was flashed and drum
beaten all over the world. The liberals led by MQM made extraordinary
hue and cry over the incident. So much so that our friend Harish also
got affected and is shedding tears of sympathy. This letter was
initiated after the so-called victim Chand Bibi poured cold water on
the sinister designs of vested groups by stating that she wasn’t

Despite her statement and that of the Swat Taliban, Commissioner
Malakand and Chief Minister NWFP stating that no such incident took
place in Swat and it was a fake video, and the Supreme Court taking
suo moto notice of the incident, the mischievous people are not
appeased. They have no love for Chand Bibi; their sole interest is to
get the peace deal derailed and to discredit Islam and Taliban.
Notwithstanding concerns of Harish which are ill-intentioned, one is
amazed at the reaction of secular Muslims vehemently trying to defend
adultery well knowing that this act is a crime in Islam and clear cut
punishment has been prescribed for married and unmarried women as well
as for the adulterers.

While magnifying the threat from Taliban, he remains tight lipped on
Balochistan where RAW has been successful to quite an extent in
creating bad blood between Baloch nationalists and the army,
government and non-locals residing in Balochistan. India, USA and the
west cry out when any military operation is launched in that region.
They don’t want a bullet to be fired against anti-Pakistan and
anti-social elements in Balochistan but want to kill each and every
extremist Pashtun in FATA and NWFP. The reason for this duplicitous
stance is that the Pashtuns are by and large anti-American and
pro-Pakistan. The recent unrest in Balochistan over mysterious killing
of three Baloch nationalist leaders was stoked by CIA and RAW. Its
involvement in the ruthless killings would soon be traced. In case
foreign agencies fail to re-ignite FATA and Swat, Balochistan would be
ignited through drone attacks and other covert means.

Although the Indians claim to have earned a great victory in 1971 on
the eastern front, the fact of the matter is that it was a one sided
exercise in which all the odds were against the beleaguered defender
cut off from the rest of the world and with all fronts hostile. Even
the best army under best General would not have done any better. The
catastrophe was a foregone conclusion since it was an international
conspiracy to detach East Pakistan from the rest of Pakistan. I
reckon, Harish doesn’t know that 90,000 Indian soldiers had
surrendered to Japanese army in the battle of Singapore in the 2nd
World War. He also forgets the humiliating defeat Indian army suffered
at the hands of Chinese at NEFA in 1962. The victors after drubbing
them well and proper returned all the weapons and equipment captured
in huge numbers duly polished. The captured Indian soldiers were
reluctant to return back to their homeland since they were treated so
humanely by the Chinese as opposed to the rough treatment meted to
them by their own officers. In the 1965 war, the high-sounding plans
to decimate Pakistan were brought to a naught.

Being an old soldier he must be fully aware of the fact that the one
night military operation launched by Pak troops in Dacca on 25th March
1971 was described as the most harrowing genocide in the annals of
human history. Is it not an acknowledged fact that majority of the
Bengalis that fled to India after the operation were Hindus? Who
doesn’t know that the Indians exaggerated the refugee problem out of
all proportions and made it into a cause for invading East Pakistan?
May I remind Harish about the perverse role played by the Indian army
and BSF in training, equipping and launching the Bengali rebels from
West Bengal for seven months prior to invading East Pakistan? It was
India which made cross border terrorism fashionable in this region.

I strongly recommend Harish to read my two books namely “Maarka-Hilli”
and “Roots of 1971 Tragedy”. These books would help in clearing the
cobwebs in his mind and clear his biased thinking. My first book would
give him an idea how my unit 4FF, described by the Indians as the
‘crack battalion of Pakistan army’, fought the Indian army five times
bigger in men and material for 19 days without giving an inch. All
books written by Indian authors on 1971 war have paid glowing tributes
to the defenders of Hilli in which I was one of the company commanders
and Maj Akram Shaheed from whom I took over had earned
Nishan-e-Haider. My second book which is a thoroughly researched
treatise explains all aspects of this war in great details and also
sheds light on the malicious propaganda warfare to demonize Pak army.
Some of the popular myths created by India, like killing of three
million Bengalis and raping of 300,000 Bengali women have also been
exploded. It also brings to light the plunder and rapes by Indian army
officers and soldiers after they captured East Pakistan and the rapes
of thousands of Bengali girls in refugee camps in India. Unlike Indian
books, it is an unprejudiced book since it bring to fore weak areas of
both sides. I am more critical of our own civilian and military
leaders who brought this indignity to this proud nation. So much so
that the Army Book Club has regretted to publish this book since I am
too critical of the Generals.

I wonder why Harish is so oblivious about the shameless activities of
Indian security forces in Occupied Kashmir since 1989 where rape is
used as a weapon to break the will of the freedom fighters. Are the
Muslim Kashmiris girls who are gang-raped not daughters, sisters and
wives of some? Is he also ignorant about the barbarism of Indian
soldiers in dozens of Indian states where insurgency and separatist
movements are raging for the last five decades? I ask him as to why
the fourth largest army of the world claiming itself to be best in
Asia has been unable to quell even a single insurgency despite using
massive force. Khalistan movement in East Punjab could never be
crushed by Indian security forces had Pakistan not provided the list
of Sikh leaders to them. May he apprise me as to why the Indian army
has been seeking dialogue and peace treaties with the Assamis, Nagas,
Mizos, Sikhs and so many other insurgent forces? Is the highly
professional India army terrified of the insurgents of various hues?
Why it sucks up to a super power whenever it wishes to pulverize a

The minorities living in India are treated as aliens and second rated
citizens. It is now an established fact as proven by Indian agencies
that a large number of Indian army officers are aligned with Hindu
extremist organizations and BJP and actively working on the agenda of
Hindutva and their major focus is on the Indian Muslims that are
living in pitiable conditions. I ask Harish that has the Indian army
ever picked up arms against Indian Hindus? Or are the Hindus “own
people” and other minorities in India never considered as “your own
people”. He cynically remarks that Pakistani soldiers led by Indian
officers would be the most fearsome combination, since Pakistani
officers are more into real estate than in professionalism. I am sure
Harish has floated this weird idea in the backdrop of American Af-Pak
policy in which the US intends to assign a pivotal role to Indian
military. Rather than eying at Pakistani soldiers, why doesn’t India
train Muslim soldiers from within 150 million Indian Muslims majority
of whom are jobless?

Do we not know about the doings of Indian army officers? I am sure
Harish must be going through his own newspapers highlighting the
clandestine activities of Lt Gen Hoon, Lt Col Purohit, Maj Shrama and
hundreds of others engaged in terrorist activities including training
of suicide bombers, smuggling and sex scandals. Respect and trust in
senior leadership has waned and cases of insubordination are on the
rise; and so are cases of suicides.

Indian army is no more a professional army as claimed by Harish but a
rogue army. With such a dismal record of Indian army of which Harish
has been part and parcel, I do not know how many times the Indian army
has surrendered because of countless disgraceful acts it has indulged
in or allowed the insurgents to indulge in.

In India and in Pakistan, abuse of women and domestic violence is a
common phenomenon. Apart from gang rapes and molestation of women in
work places, cases of acid throwing on faces, torching women after
sprinkling kerosene oil on them, honor killings, women trafficking for
prostitution, child abuse and mass suicides by mother and children due
to poverty or lack of justice are rampant.

New Delhi is notorious for large-scale broad daylight rapes and cases
of Satti still take place. Exploitation of Dalit women in India by the
Brahmans is a well known fact. So how come flogging of a girl who
could walk away briskly after receiving 34 lashes has become the most
horrifying spectacle? Yet, Harish has the brazenness to get so
emotionally upset by the flogging that he decided to initiate an open
letter to COAS of Pak army and tried to awaken his conscience and
honor to serve Indian interests. He has reason to feel aghast since
adultery among the non-Muslims is permissible and not considered
disgraceful. I suggest, he should first advise his own army chief to
put his house in order before peeping into the neighbor’s house. The
ones living in a glass house have no reason to cast stones at others.

To add to Indian and American anxieties, I may like to apprise them
that ever since peace deal has been inked in Swat on 16 February, no
case of suicide or bomb attack has taken place or any school torched.
Life has got back to normal and boys and girls schools and colleges
are functioning. Tents have been pitched where schools were razed.
Most police stations and civil administration offices have become
operational and so have Qazi courts to deliver speedy justice. The
parliament has unanimously passed the Nizam-e-Adl Regulation and the
president has inked it. Maulana Sufi has asked the Swat Taliban to lay
down their arms and extend fullest cooperation to the army. If they
are really desirous of peace they should welcome this change of tide
rather than feeling upset.

Asif Haroon Raja is a retired Brigadier and a defence and political
analyst based in Rawalpindi.

Article Source :


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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