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By Beena Sarwar

04 March, 2009
Inter Press Service

KARACHI, Mar 4 (IPS) - South Asia seems to be caught in a vortex of
violence as the countries that form this region - from Sri Lanka at
the southern-most tip, Bangladesh to the east, Nepal crowning the
north, Pakistan along the west and India in the middle - deal with
internal nightmares that their governments routinely blame on

Wednesday's armed attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in the
historic city of Lahore in Pakistan has sent shockwaves through a
country already racked by regular suicide and other attacks.

Eight Pakistani policemen died and several were injured saving the Sri
Lankan cricketers, eight of whom were wounded in the attack.

At the other end of the sub-continent, Bangladesh is still reeling
from the shock of a border guards' mutiny over pay and working
conditions, resulting in soldiers massacring over 70 officers,
including some of their wives.

Some analysts fear that the horrific incident might elicit copycat
responses elsewhere too, where soldiers are unhappy with the tasks
they are made to do.

Meanwhile, India has yet to recover from the horror of the attacks in
Mumbai that claimed some 180 lives. New Delhi had, as a direct result
of the attacks, called off participation of the Indian cricket team in
the Pakistan tests.

Sri Lanka, in the last stages of a heavy-handed army operation against
the Tamil separatists who have been fighting a guerrilla war against
the state for over two decades, could hardly have imagined that its
cricket team would come under fire in Pakistan, a friendly country.

Still, as the Sri Lankans told journalists after the Lahore attack,
they had come here "well aware of the risks".

Analysts point out that Tamil separatists are unlikely to be
responsible for the attack, given the back foot that they are
operating from.

The Sri Lankan team, in Lahore for a five-day test match where they
already played for the first two days, were en route from their hotel
to the stadium early in the morning on Mar. 3 when the gunmen

The firing reportedly began from three directions as the van slowed
down near a roundabout close to the red-brick cricket stadium. Shaky
television footage showed men with guns and backpacks taking position
and firing. Their first target was the police escort.

According to the van driver, one of them flung a hand grenade which
rolled under the van without damaging it. He said that the cricketers
flung themselves to the floor of the van as he accelerated to escape
the gunfire, managing to get the bullet-riddled van with the
cricketers to the stadium.

There is universal condemnation for an act which many believe is an
attempt to further discredit and isolate Pakistan. Many are praying
for the quick recovery of the injured cricketers who were airlifted to
Sri Lanka.

"They were our guests, they came to Pakistan when most people were not
willing to come," one man in Peshawar told a television journalist.

"We are a friendly and cricket-loving nation," said another passer-by.
"Now no cricket team will want to play here."

The incident has more or less put paid to Pakistan's aspirations of
hosting the next World Cup in 2011, say observers.

The attackers struck at a sport that is hugely popular across South
Asia, a quick throwback to a common colonial past (for all the
countries except Nepal which was never under British rule), a legacy
that includes the English language, administrative systems and

In normal times, India and Pakistan's cricket teams on the wicket
pitch elicit responses akin to surrogate battlefields. A
Pakistan-India game is referred to in parts of India as 'Qayamat'

Despite the keen rivalry, love of the sport is a unifier. 'Cricket
diplomacy' has featured among the permissible people-to-people
contacts that have grown immensely over the past decade or so.

"Cricket is not the bone of discord between the two countries," Gul
Hameed Bhatti, group editor sports of the country's largest media
group, Jang told IPS. "Basically the problem is the tensions between
both countries, and cricket becomes the casualty. This incident has
thrown cricket and other sports back into the dark ages. I don't see
anyone agreeing to come and play here now."

Bhatti added that he had long "feared that this was a disaster waiting
to happen because the situation in the rest of the country is so
volatile. It was unrealistic to think that sportsmen could remain
isolated from it''.

Nor, say analysts, can other areas of society, like culture. In early
November, explosions on the penultimate night of a major international
performing arts festival in Lahore caused panic. There were no
casualties although some people sustained minor injuries. Artists,
foreign and local, defiantly rallied around to make the festival's
last day a resounding success.

Ironically, the festival was held in the cultural complex next to the
Gaddafi cricket stadium where the Sri Lankans were headed when they
were attacked.

Most people, said Bhatti, "had become complacent, thinking they would
never target sportsmen."

They included Pakistani cricket hero turned politician Imran Khan who
shortly after the Mumbai attacks categorically told an Indian
newspaper, "There is no problem about the security of cricketers in
Pakistan. The terrorists will never target cricketers knowing that
they will then lose the battle of hearts and minds of the people.
Cricketers are safe in Pakistan."

The audacious attack in an upmarket Lahore locality is now being
compared to the Mumbai attacks, where ten gunmen targeted symbols of
national strength. Police are saying that about a dozen gunmen were
involved in the Lahore attacks.

Cricket is an area where Pakistan has traditionally shone as a global
power with a huge fan following around the world.

Security fears have, however, massively dented enjoyment of the sport
as many foreign teams have over the past years cancelled tours,
including India after the Mumbai attacks that similarly cast a shadow
over 'India shining', raising doubts about internal security.

Pakistan, already beset by multiple political problems, has for some
time been facing a deadly threat from the 'jehadi' forces - regional
players like the Taliban (from Afghanistan and Pakistan), the
international al-Qaeda, and local militant outfits like the banned
Laskhar-e-Tayyaba and the Jaish-e-Mohammed, many of whom with roots in
the southern Punjab and links to Pakistan's intelligence agencies that
nurtured them during the Afghan war of the 1980s.

Following the events of 9/11, these forces have converged, to emerge
as a greater threat than ever before, not just for Pakistan, but for
world peace, say analysts.

Their agenda is not just to enforce what they consider to be an
Islamic system, but to overrun and destabilise the state itself.
Pakistanis have suffered heavily under this agenda, paying a heavy
price for the policies of military rulers - who have run the country
for more than half its 60 years of existence - that civilian
governments have been unable to change.

These policies include cultivating 'Islamic warriors' to fight against
the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan during the 1980s, supporting the
Taliban in order to create 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan (citing
the threat of a hostile India on the eastern border), and using some
of these elements to bleed India in the disputed region of Kashmir.

No elected government in Pakistan has ever completed its tenure. They
are routinely overthrown either by the army or dismissed by various
Presidents using the powers invested in that office by the military
dictator Gen. Ziaul Haq who also got himself appointed as President.

The current elected government, say analysts, is the first that is
actually serious about fighting the jehadi threat which it recognises
as endangering the country's very existence. "But it appears that
various elements within the establishment are still bogged down in the
old policies and are unwilling to give democracy a chance," said an

Just as enraged Indians had "jumped on the blame Pakistan bandwagon"
immediately following the Mumbai attacks of November, "some here are
now blaming the Indian hand," says Bhatti.

Many see the attack on the Sri Lankan team as an attempt to take
'revenge' for Mumbai and an attempt to isolate Pakistan

Lt. Gen. (retd.) Hameed Gul, former head of Pakistan's shadowy Inter
Services Intelligence (ISI) and a known hawk, was on television saying
that "India wants to declare Pakistan a terrorist state". The attack
on the Sri Lankan team, he declared, "is related to that conspiracy."

The Pakistan government itself has been more circumspect as have other
analysts, including retired army officers like Maj. Gen. (retd)
Jamshed Ayaz Khan who cautioned against such accusations "without a
full investigation".

The Sri Lankan government's response has been conciliatory.
"Pakistan's cricket team was willing to visit our country when others
weren't because of security worries," said Palitha T.B. Kohona, Sri
Lanka's foreign secretary, "and his government was pleased to
reciprocate. The game must not be affected by a lunatic fringe".

Ironically, media proliferation, particularly the 24/7 television news
channels, has increased the intensity and probability of such dramatic
high-profile attacks, say analysts. Terrorism thrives in the media
spotlight which terrorists successfully attracted in Mumbai last
November and now with the Lahore attack.

Ultimately, those who suffer the most after such incidents are
ordinary people in India and Pakistan, say observers. The Lahore
attack is bound to generate further tension between the two countries
which have still not resumed the composite dialogue process stalled
after the Mumbai attacks in November.

Rather than cooperating to solve a common problem, India and Pakistan
remain prisoners of their hostile pasts. The ultimate winners in this
game, note analysts, will only be the terrorists whose aim is
destablisation and creation of tension around the world.

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