High-ranking Foreign Office diplomat arrested over anti-Semitic gym tirade
By Emily Andrews and Tamara Cohen
Last updated at 9:41 AM on 09th February 2009

On bail: Diplomat Rowan Laxton is alleged to have launched an anti-Semitic 
tirade while on an exercise bike in a gym
A high-ranking diplomat at the Foreign Office has been arrested after 
allegations that he launched a foul-mouthed anti-Semitic tirade.

Middle East expert Rowan Laxton, 47, was watching TV reports of the Israeli 
attack on Gaza as he used an exercise bike in a gym.

Stunned staff and gym members allegedly heard him shout: 'F**king Israelis, 
f**king Jews'. It is alleged he also said Israeli soldiers should be 'wiped off 
the face of the earth'.
His rant reportedly continued even after he was approached by other gym users.

After a complaint was made to police, Mr Laxton was arrested for inciting 
religious hatred through threatening words and behaviour and bailed until late 
next month.

The maximum penalty for inciting religious hatred is a seven-year prison term 
or a fine or both.

Mr Laxton, who is still working normally, is head of the South Asia Group at 
the Foreign Office, on a salary of around £70,000.

He is responsible for all the UK's diplomacy in that area and for briefing 
Foreign Secretary David Miliband, who is Jewish.

Mr Laxton has worked extensively in the Middle East  -  he married a Muslim 
woman in 2000  -  and has been deputy ambassador to Afghanistan.

The case could not have come at a worse time for the Foreign Office. Next week, 
Britain is hosting an international summit on combating anti-Semitism, with 
politicians from 35 countries.

Mr Laxton had gone to the London Business School's gym in Regent's Park after 
work on January 27.

An onlooker said: 'I was in the gym around 9pm and I heard this guy shouting 
something about "f**king Israelis".


'This bald guy was cycling away on his machine in the middle of the exercise 
room. When another guy approached him he shouted "f**king Jews, f**king 

'The gym was pretty full and everyone looked totally shocked.

' That sort of racist language is totally unacceptable. The gym staff called 
security and I think the guy was asked to leave.'


Laxton was alleged to have been watching TV reports of the Israeli attack on 
Gaza as he used an exercise bike in a gym when he began the tirade
Mark Gardner, deputy director of the Community Security Trust which monitors 
anti-Semitism, said: 'There were an unprecedented number of anti-Semitic 
incidents during the Gaza conflict.

'This alleged case is particularly shocking, given the position held by the 
civil servant in question.

'We must not allow an overseas conflict to cause racism here in Britain and 
especially not among civil servants.

'The Jewish community will be rightly appalled to hear of these allegations 
against such a senior figure.

'We hope that the appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken forthwith, as 
they would be if these comments had been made against any other section of 

A Foreign Office spokesman said: 'It is too early to comment in detail on a 
matter that is currently the subject of police enquiries. But we take extremely 
seriously any allegation of inappropriate conduct on the part of our staff and 
continue to follow developments closely.'

When contacted by the Daily Mail, Mr Laxton denied his comments were 
anti-Jewish but refused to answer when asked if they were anti-Israeli.

The Oxford graduate joined the diplomatic service in 1993 and rose rapidly 
through the ranks.

He ran the British High Commission in Pakistan for three years before moving to 
Afghanistan in 2001. He stayed in Kabul for two years, then returned to London. 
He was appointed head of his section last year.

Mr Laxton is believed to be separated from his wife, a banker who is working in 
the United Arab Emirates.

The Israel page of the Foreign Office website says: 'The Government has a 
shared responsibility to tackle anti-Semitism and all other forms of racism and 

http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1067497. html

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