Globalization of Israeli terrorism

"The people should know that there is no place where Israel cannot operate. 
There is no such place," - former prime minister of Zionist entity, Olmert.

Baruch Kimmerling has defines politicize with specific reference to Zionist 
entity, as a "process that has, as its ultimate goal, the dissolution of the 
Palestinian people's existence as a legitimate social, political and economic 
entity". In order to achieve its Zionazi agenda - Israel has carried its 
terrorism to many countries, near and far away - from Mumbai to Islamabad; 
Turkey to Lebanon; Paris to New York; Syria to Iran; London to Sudan, and Bali 
to Madrid. 

Despite the western Zionist-owned mass media's rent less propaganda lies about 
certain countries (Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.) and groups 
(Hamas, Hizb'Allah, Islamic Jihad, etc.) being sponsor of terrorism against the 
West (read Israel) - the fact is that it's the Zionist regime which has carried 
terrorist activities inside other sovereign countries - such as the 
assassination of Imad Mugniyah in Damascus in 2008; bombing of Syria in 2007; 
Mombai carnage in 2008; terrorist attack on Sri Lankan cricket team in 
Pakistan, and three military attacks on Sudan in 2009. Even a Poll conducted 
among 15 EU countries in 2003 - resulted 59% of the 7,500 the participants 
believed Israel to be the greatest threat to the world peace - and not Islamic 
Iran or North Korea (reported by Guardian, November 2, 2003).

According to the Bible - the Jewish elites had the habit of murdering prophets. 
Christians, for centuries, have believed in the Blood Libel - which though 
denied by Zionists - is confirmed by an Italian Jew historian, Areil Toaff (son 
of Rabbi Elio Toaff) in his book "Bloody Passovers: The Jews of Europe and 
Ritual Murders", published in 2007. Another Italian Jewish historian, Sergio 
Luzzatto in an article "Those Bloody Passovers" (published in Corriere della 
Serra), agreed with Toaff, saying: "A minority of fundamentalist Ashkenazis 
carried out human sacrifices."

Now, since there are no more prophets to murder and most of the fundamentalist 
Jews (Zionists) have settled in Palestine - their victims have been changed 
from White Christians to Arab Muslims and Christians.

For more than seven decades, the Israeli Jews have been killing innocent 
people, elderly men, infant children, widowed women, orphans, and fellow Jews 
who dare to criticize their Zionazi fascism. Although, the Biblical stories 
depict Jewish history over several thousands of years in the past - the Israeli 
Jews have proved that nothing has changed in the course of history. 

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