'Show unity on mosque'
  MUSLIMS condemned media reports of the 'mega-mosque' planned for West Ham and 
general coverage of issues concerning Islam.
  Speakers at the Shalom Centre in Manor Park included Newham Respect 
councillor Abdul Karim Sheikh, Mobeen Anwar from the London Association of 
Muslim Professionals, Mudassar Ahmad from Newham Public Affairs Committee, and 
Yusuf Patel from Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
  Cllr Sheikh said politicians and the media are guilty of trying to "exploit 
the current situation in order to advance their own agendas". He argued such 
statements do nothing "to advance the cause of community cohesion".
  Mr Patel called on Muslims to engage with the wider community in order to 
dispel myths and misconceptions.
  A four-point declaration stated that irresponsible journalism is 
counter-productive and divisive, while robust debate is welcome.
  It also called on Muslim leaders and 'influentials' to show solidarity and 
unity, and all local political groupings and factions to organise a sincere 
debate regarding the building of the new mosque based upon the relative merits 
of the case and to open mosques and institutions to the wider society. This 
would be to demonstrate "the real values of Islam and highlight the active part 
our communities play in the wider society".
  Fears have been voiced that the mosque could be a haven for radical Islamic 
  Masjids have existed in the UK even before Muslims arrived in large numbers 
and are growing in number and size to cater for the phenomenal Islamic 
awakening among the 2nd and 3rd generation of Muslims born and brought up in 
the west also the increasing number of converts as well.
  To say that masjids are havens for radical Islamic ideas is totally false and 
based on right wing scaremongering. Masjids are a place where Muslim children 
and adults are taught to abide by the values and ideas embodied in the Quran 
and the example of the prophet Muhammed saw. 
  Ideas like respect for elders and parents, celibacy as opposed to sleeping 
around, involvement in community activities as opposed to individualistic 
thinking, speaking the truth and involvement in non-violent Islamic political 
activism as opposed to being ignorant about what is happening around the world 
and the list is endless.
  Surely such values being taught in the masjid will benefit and contribute to 
the well being of British society?
  If the British public want to look for places where radical ideas are 
propagated, which lead to the deaths, suffering and poverty of millions and the 
radicalisation of such individuals who attack western interests ( Sometimes 
using their own bodies ), then i suggest the place to look is the House of 
Parliament and 10 Downing st.

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