9/11 Anniversary Part One

Another anniversary
To remember and mourn
Those that died on that day
When the planes crashed
In to the WTC and narrowly missed the Pentagon

A day when terrorism arrived in the USA
And the whole world changed
War on terror was launched
Invasion after invasion
Only halted due to dogged resistance

Iran and Syria survived
As the Neo-Con agenda 
Fell apart
In the deserts of Iraq
And the valleys of Afghanistan

A Coalition was formed
To storm
And smoke out the enemy
Brits were there as always
Even though their public said “not in our name”

Much has been done
In the name of those 3000 that died
And more yet to come
All in the name of fighting and killing the new enemy
Al Qaeda and Political Islam

Became a justification
For almost anything
Many now wonder
Who planned and did it?

Conspiracy theories
Mistrust of the powers that be
Refusal to follow blindly and accept
Has been the result and Bushes legacy

Millions of dollars were destroyed on that day
But billions gained in oil revenues from Iraq
Accountants balance the figures
While American blood fills the rivers
It’s the white/black working class boys and girls
Who fight, are killed and wounded
While the Neo-Cons and businessmen sign new deals
And their kids spend daddies millions

Every anniversary treated like a marketing strategy
To unify and milk anger and grief
Raise another army
To go into the valley of death
Where the enemy awaits and fights in stealth

Over 4000 dead and 25 000 wounded
Americans of course
Iraqi dead in 6 figures
But they don’t matter

Even Saddam never killed this many
But many call him a tyrant and murderer

So how long will these wars continue?
Trillions wasted
As poverty and unemployment at home rises

Hurricane Katrina exposed the soft underbelly
America does not care for its own citizens

Overseas it’s not looking good either
Mujahideen getting stronger
Courage coming with the downing of every plane
Blowing up of every tank and soldier
America no longer the boulder
More like the pebble
To be crushed under the feet of these so called rebels

So what will you do
The American public?
Follow blindly
the leader who fails to inspire
or elect another to continue this butchery?

Whose policies will bring the chicken’s home to roost?
Or select a third brave option
Isolation and non- interference in Muslims affairs

Make your choice wisely
Because the enemy is prepared to fight and die bravely
But you already saw that on 9/11 2001.
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