*Assalaamu Alaikum Warehmatullahe Wabarakaatuhu*
 *9th Day of TARAVEEH *

In the first section mention is made about those village Arab Bedouins who
were resorting to kufr and hypocrisy and considered spending in good causes
as a penalty unto them and about some of them who believed in ALLAH and in
the hereafter and they considered spending the wealth as a source of
nearness to ALLAH and a means to get the blessings and Duaa of the Prophet
(pbuh). In the second section mention is made about those Muhajireen who
have taken a lead in sacrificing everything and migrated to Madinah and also
about the Ansars (helpers) who came forward with help and took a lead in
everything for Islam. The mention about the hypocrites of Madinah
al-Munawwarah, the rules of Zakaat and its benefits. Mention is made in the
verse about the mosque built by the hypocrites and the Prophet (pbuh) was
asked not to pray in that mosque, merit of the Masjid al-Quba and the
command to pray there, the belief and steadfastness is explained.

In the third section is said the life and wealth everything belongs to
ALLAH, but ALLAH has purchased the lives and wealth of the believers in
return for the Paradise and the believers are men of virtuous characters. It
is forbidden to pray for the forgiveness of the Mushrikeen even though they
are relatives. ALLAH never makes anyone go wrong. ALLAH has showered HIS
Blessings upon the Prophet (pbuh) and those emigrants and the Ansars who
have helped in times of difficulties and has also accepted the repentance of
those who could not participate in the battle of Tabuk.

In the fourth section the believers are called upon to refrain from
disobedience to ALLAH and remain in the company of the righteous and to
support the Prophet of ALLAH (pbuh). For them is a reward for every
discomfort and difficulty and for every right step they take. It is enjoined
that one group of people from every community and tribe set out in the way
of ALLAH for jihad and acquiring knowledge (not all of them) and when they
return they should undertake reformation and providing guidance to the

In the fifth section it is emphasized that the kufr must be disliked and
renounced openly. When the believers listen to the Quraan their belief is
increased and strengthened and when the disbelievers listen to it the evil
of kufr enhances, they face the problems but they don't repent. O Prophet!
If the whole world turns away from you, you have nothing to loose and ALLAH
is sufficient for you.
Surah Younus begins

In the first section it is said that it is not a wonder that ALLAH has sent
a man as Messenger to reform and guide HIS servants. Here ALLAH mentions
about the various things spread over the universe and the benefits therein
for the mankind.

In the second section it is pointed out that man is always at haste and his
nature also is a strange one. ALLAH says that when he is inflicted with some
difficulty, he calls US, and when WE have delivered him from the difficulty,
he behaves in such a way that nothing has come to him and he had never
called US. The destruction of the earlier communities for their arrogance
and new generations taking their place is a phenomenon intended to find out
how you behave! The meaningless demands of the disbelievers that this Quraan
is changed and another Quraan brought in its place reflects their attitude
and the Prophet was told: "Oh Prophet! tell them that I have no right to
change it on my own and I only follow what was revealed to me". The
Prophet's job is to convey the word of ALLAH to HIS servants as it was

In the third section it is said that even the idolaters call ALLAH when the
wrath of ALLAH befalls them and when it is removed they again start
rejecting HIM. Don't take pride in worldly wealth, ALLAH calls you to the
abode of peace, the Paradise! Follow the righteous path and you will be
successful and the disobedient will only fail.

In the fourth section ALLAH instructs the Prophet to ask them as to who
sustains them from the heaven and the earth? Who is responsible for the
creations? Who holds the key to guidance towards the true path? But they
follow only their assumptions. There is only one book which refutes all
these assumptions and tells you the truth, and that is the Holy Quraan. If
you have doubt in this Quraan, then bring one surah like this from your

In the fifth section it is said that the Prophet has fulfilled his mission
and even after that, if any one does not believe in the Quraan, then he his
himself responsible for himself. listening to the word of ALLAH and the
sayings of the Prophet will be beneficial only when one listens to these
with sincerity and commitment. A glimpse of the terrific condition of the
day of resurrection is given and and it is made known that for every thing
there is an appointed time and that good and bad, profit and loss, is as per
the will of ALLAH.

In the sixth section it is mentioned that on the day of judgment the sinners
will wish that if the treasures of the world were to be in their control
they would offer it as a compensation for relieving them from the
punishment, but alas, everything belongs to ALLAH. The Holy Quraan is
fountainhead of Wisdom and Guidance and it is the prescription for the
diseases of the soul. It is better than the wealth which the people are
after it and accumulating. Those who make haraam things halal for them on
their own cannot escape punishment in the hereafter.

In the seventh section it is explained that nothing is hidden from ALLAH and
HE knows every step you take and all your deeds. When you are engaged with
Quraan, HE bestows HIS Mercy upon you. There is no fear or grief for the
friends of ALLAH (awliya) and their life is decorated with faith and piety
and everywhere there are good things for them. The word of ALLAH cannot be
changed, don't be grieved by the hearsay of the enemies. Treasures of
respect and dignity are with ALLAH. They follow their assumptions and such
people will never succeed.

In the eighth section the Prophet was asked to tell to the people of Makkah
about the people of Nooh (AS) and what was their consequence. Then tell them
about the consequence of the arrogant acts of Pharaoh, the success of Moosa
(AS) and his brother Haroon (AS) while the magicians were defeated
disgracefully because ALLAH wanted to destroy the falsehood of magic.

In the ninth section there is mention about those who believed in Moosa (AS)
and his blessings and Duaa for them and the curse for the Pharaoh and his
followers, their destruction and drowning of the Pharaoh and his eventual
declaration of Iman. But accepting the truth after seeing the consequence of
one's evil deeds is of no use. It is declared by ALLAH that HE will preserve
his body as a lesson for the future generations.

In the tenth section it is said: "WE made the Bani Israel owners owners of
their wealth and bestowed upon them gifts and blessings, but they could not
renounce disputes among themselves. The Quraan is the Truth, don't have
doubts in it. Mention about the unique event in the history of the people of
Younus (AS) is made here that when they saw the signals of the wrath of
ALLAH, they repented sincerely and whole heartedly and ALLAH had stopped
their torment (adhab) from befalling them. Iman and the Hidayah are in HIS
hands and the disobedient cannot escape from HIS punishment. Success and
salvation are the rights of the Messengers and their followers.

In the last section of this surah it is again emphasized that everything is
in ALLAH's authority. If ALLAH wishes to do good to anyone, who on earth can
prevent HIM from the Grace of ALLAH? And if HE wants to deprive anyone of
good things, who on earth can give that to him? ALLAH has shown the way,
whoever wants to follow he can follow. Hidayah and going astray are directly
related to a man's personal gain and loss. Follow the revelation of ALLAH,
be steadfast, the final decision is with ALLAH.

 *You can also read from here:* http://www.spreadquran.com/taraweeh/english/

*Inshah Allaah Remember me & my Family members in your DUA*
*Allaah Haafiz*

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