The Crimes of the Jews Against the Palestinians & Other Muslims Has to Be 
Placed Fairly & Squarely at the Doorstep of the American Administration. The 
American Public Needs to Rectify this Pathetic Situation. Otherwise ONE Day 
They Will Be Answerable For It” - AB  Palestinian Deaths Rose in 2006
  Last Updated: Thursday, 28 December 2006, 23:06 GMT
  Israeli security forces killed 660 Palestinians in 2006 - three times more 
than in 2005, according to an Israeli human rights group. 
  B'Tselem, which monitors human rights in the occupied territories, said the 
figure included 141 children. At least 322 had taken no part in hostile acts, 
the group said. 
  In the same period, the number of deadly Palestinian attacks on Israelis has 
fallen - 23 Israelis were killed in 2006 compared with 50 last year. The 
Israeli military renewed ground operations in the Gaza Strip after militants 
captured an Israeli soldier in a border raid in June. 
  Since June, Israeli troops have killed about 405 Palestinians in Gaza, 
including 88 children. More than half of the casualties were civilians, 
B'Tselem said. 
  As of November, 9,075 Palestinians were being held in Israeli jails. This 
number included 345 minors, it said. Of these, 738 (22 minors) were being 
detained without trial and without knowing the charges against them, the group 
  "For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to 
account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)

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