Ramadhaan - Q & A [Part 6]

Is it okay to remove hairs from underarms and bikini during fasting or should 
we do it after iftar?
It is permissible to do so whilst fasting.


Is it haram to have sex in whole Ramadaan or is it just during fasting time?
It is only haraam whilst fasting. Intercourse is permissible during Ramadhaan, 
during th ehours one is not fasting.

Is marriage allowed during ramadhan?
Performing Nikah during Ramadhaan is permissible.

Can you wear clear contact lenses during Ramadhaan, will it break the fast?
Wearing contac lenses is not prohibited during fasting.

Lailatul Qadr is on odd night in the last 10 days. Please help clarify this as 
we have started fasting a day after most northern hemisphere countries?
There is no specification of Laylatul Qadr. It could be in any one night of the 
entire year - Ramadaan - last ten days of Ramadaan - odd or even. Rasulullah 
(SAW) advised to search for Laylatul Qadr in the odd nights of  the last ten 
nights of Ramadaan. The people of every area will calculate the even and odd 
days according to whenever they commenced fasting. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.

Is it necessary to start Taraweeh from the 1st of Ramadhaan?
There are two Sunnats in Taraweeh: 1. To perform 20 Rakaats every night of 
Ramadhaan. This applies to the first of Ramadhaan as well. 2. To recite the 
entire Qur'aan in Taraweeh at least once in the entire month. This recitation 
of the entire Qur'aan may commence and complete on any chosen date, provided 
that at least one entire recitation of the whole Qur'aan is made in Taraweeh 

Is there any significance about death in the holy month of Ramadhan? Should a 
person consider such death to be of a good omen for the deceased? Are sins of 
such a person forgiven? 
There is no reference of significance of dying in the month of Ramadhaan. 
However, Ramadhaan is a month of Allah's special mercy and it is hoped the 
deceased becomes a recepient of that special mercy by being forgiven by Allah. 
May Allah Ta'ala grant us an honourable death and forgive us as we are full of 
sins and shortcomings. We depend only upon His mercy upon us. and Allah Ta'ala 
Knows Best.

A 12 year old boy is a hafiz, but he is not physically mature,Can this minor 
lead the taraweeh salaah or not?
The ruling is that a minor cannot lead the congregation.

A man participated in the Taraweeh but did not fast without any legal excuse. 
Will his Taraweeh salaah be valid?
His taraweeh salaah is valid and he will deserve recompense but he is a great 
sinner and defaulter for not fasting.

Taken from islam.tc
Prepared by Al-Islaah Publications ( www.everymuslim.net )

Ramadhaan - Q & A [Part 7]

Is it permissible to wear a pain patch while fasting?
A pain patch is used externally, hence, will not invalidate the fast. You may 
fast in the month of Ramadhaan while using the pain patch.  [Mufti Ebrahim 

One of my friends has a problem with his kidneys he only has the one kidney, so 
this means he has to drink lots of water, which was advised for his condition 
by the doctors. Please could you tell me if he has to still keep his fasts 
during Ramadan?
This depends on the seriousness of your friend's condition. If it is possible 
for him to fast without adversely affecting his health, then he should fast. 
However, if fasting will aggravate his condition and there is fear of his 
condition deteriorating, then he should not fast. He will compulsorily be 
obliged to make Qadhaa of the missed fasts. It will be advisable for him to 
wait until such a time of the year when the days are short, thus, facilitating 
easiness in keeping the Qadhaa. However, if this is also not possible and he 
has no hope of recovering his health, then he should pay the Fidya for every 
missed fast. 

I am trying to make up my qada fasts of ramadaan of the past years. I also 
suffer from Urinary bladder infection. I have to drink lot of water. Sometimes 
due to being busy or not remembering to drink I feel a bit burning on the 
urinary part. Normally I make the intention of fasting at night, sometimes when 
I wake up in the morning I feel that I wouldn't be able to fast because of my 
problem. So, then I change my mind and drink something. When I was fasting that 
time the sun was setting between 21:30-22:00 and the fajr was at 1:41am. I want 
to know whether this was a sin and whether I have to make a kaffaraa of this.
Since you had a valid excuse for breaking your fast, you would not be sinful 
and Kaffaarah also would not apply. Mere Qadhaa will suffice. and Allah Ta'ala 
Knows Best.  [Mufti Muhammad Kadwa] 

My father has diabetes, has not been fasting for many years. what should he do 
to make up for that? 
He should endeavour to keep Qadhaa, failing which, grain equivalent to the 
amount stipulated for Sadaqatul Fitr in place of every fast that he missed 
should be given to a poor person. Alternatively, he could feed one poor person 
with two complete meals for each fast that he missed. In the Shari'ah, this is 
known as Fidyah. It is also permissible for him to given the value of the grain 
in cash. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best. [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

My wife missed about 20 days during Ramadhan 5 years ago due to the imminent 
birth of our child and due to doctor's advice because it may complicate things. 
Also the last 2 years, she did not fast because she was on her menstrual cycle. 
Does she have to make up all the fasts? She does not mind making them up but 
she is a weak person and fasting in Ramadhan is already difficult for her. Can 
we pay for the fasts and feed the poor instead? 
When a person misses a fardh fast, he/she is required to make this up as soon 
as possible. (Qadhaa). If he/she is unable to do so presently, he/she may delay 
the Qadhaa until he/she is able to fulfill it. If he/she has a very limited 
life expectancy and fears he/she will not be able to recover sufficiently to 
make these up before his/her death, he/she may pay Fidyah, in lieu of each 
fast, an amount equivalent to Sadaqatul Fitr. This must be given to someone 
deserving of Zakaah. Your wife's situation does not seem to be so serious. We 
suggest that she make up one fast every week. Furthermore, this may be done in 
winter when the days are short so as to make it even easier. and Allah Ta'ala 
Knows Best. [Mufti Bilaal Cassim]

My wife is seven months pregnant.Alhamdullilah,she is well. Ramadaan is in two 
weeks time.Should she fast in Ramadaan or is it permissible for her to fast 
Your wife will be excused for not fasting during Ramadhaan due to being 
pregnant. She may make Qadhaa (make up) for the missed fasts later. and Allah 
Ta'ala Knows Best .[Mufti Ebrahim Desai] 

Is it permissible to cut one's hair and nails while fasting or does one have to 
wait until sunset ? 
It is permissible to cut one's hair and nails while fasting. [Moulana Imraan 

During Fast,If it is very necessory to take Ghusal-e-Janabat then what will be 
the method bucause we cannot gargle during fast.I have heard that gargle is 
must in ghusal-e-janabat?
You are permittedto wrinse the mouth whilst fasting. However, extra care should 
be taken to ensure that the water does not reach the throat. Wrinsing the mouth 
is sufficient for Ghusl. [Mufti Muhammad Kadwa] 

After having an erection, I discovered clear sticky liquid (Mazi) whilst 
fasting.does this break my Fast. Do I have to do Qadha?
Emergence of Mazi does not break the fast. No Qadhaa is required. [Moulana 
Imraan Vawda] 

I was working(melting plastic) inhaled its smell. Will this break my fast? And 
please tell me the conditions when our fast will me invalid?
If this gave off fumes, and you intentionally inhaled it, then the fast will be 
broken. [Moulana Imraan Vawda] 

Whilst fasting is it necessary to avoid the inhalation of talcum powder and 
spray emanating from an aerosol eg a deodorant? What I mean is when applying 
these things they always DO get into your mouth and nose (although not a 
substantial amount). It's impossible to avoid it unless you cover your face. 
So, do these things break the fast?
In principle, anything going down the throat while fasting nullifies the fast. 
If the talcum powder or aerosol does not go down the throat, it will not 
nullify the fast. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best. [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

After Sehri and Fajr salaah, if you go back to sleep, thereafter when you wake 
up, is it permissable to brush ones teeth with toothpaste. Does this nullify 
the fast?
One should not use toothbrush and toothpaste during the fast. One should rather 
use a Miswaak. However, if somebody did use toothpaste, but nothing went down 
the throat, the fast had not broken. However, it should not be done in future. 
and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best. [Moulana Imraan Vawda] 

Am I allowed to keep my fast and go for a blood test?
A blood test does not invalidate fast. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.  [Mufti 
Ebrahim Desai]

If a girl starts her period for the first time in Ramadan, what should she do? 
I am asking you this question because I cant seem to reconcile two 
contradictory rulings found in the classical fiqh manuals. Firstly they say 
that it is haraam for a woman on her period to fast and also it is haram for 
her to act like a fasting person but then they also say that if a child attains 
puberty he/she should refrain from all those things which invalidate the fast 
(i.e act like a fasting person). Please kindly explain.
The Fuqaha have cited the following explanation for the above masala. A girl 
who attains puberty (during the day of the days of Ramadaan) now becomes 
eligible for fasting. Since her condition of menses will not permit her to keep 
her fast, she should at least act like a fasting person. Similarly would be the 
case of a mature woman who experiences her menses whilst fasting. i.e. she 
would act like a fasting person. 

Whilst a woman who has her menses prior to the fasting day commencing is not 
eligible in Shariah to fast. Therefore, Shariah does not instruct her to act 
like a fasting person. (Hidaya Vol.1 Pg.225) and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best. 
[Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

Please could you answer the following question for me please: 1) If a person is 
in a state of janabah at suhoor time and does not do ghusl before sunrise and 
then proceeds to fast the following day in the month of Ramadhan and does ghusl 
later in the morning, is the fast valid? If this is wrong but the person did 
not realise they were doing wrong, what do they need to do to make up? 2) After 
childbirth if a woman continues to bleed for 3 months when does she need to 
start praying salat again and does she need to fast in Ramadhan if she 
continues to bleed?
1. The fast is valid 
2. After 40 days from childbirth, she should commence performing Salaat and she 
may fast also. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best. [Mufti Ebrahim Desai]

Whilst fasting which of the following break the fast and which do not, Eye 
drops, eardrops, nose drops, and asthma inhaler?  'The Fatwa regarding the 
salbutamol inhaler does not make sense as it goes through the throat into the 
veins and circulates in the blood and does not benefit the stomach, therefore 
should not break the fast.' 
In order to clearly understand the response to your query, one needs to 
understand that some Jurists, after much consideration and research, have 
concluded that when any liquid, food or medicine reaches, ingests and settles 
in one of the three considered cavaties of the human body viz. the throat, the 
stomach, the intestines, nullifies the fast. 

It is important to note that the Jurists have also identified other apertures 
and pathways which lead to any of the above three major cavaties. Some of these 
apertures are the ears, nose, and the anal aperture. Of note is the fact that 
the medical profession has a slight disagreement with the Fuqaha with regards 

* The ear: whilst some Jurists considered the outer ear to have a direct 
pathway to the throat, subsequently reaching the stomach, the E.N.T experts are 
of the opinion that there is no link. Their view is that the only time when any 
liquid will pass through from the outer ear to the middle ear is when the 
tympanic membrane (eardrum) is perforated. 

* Regarding this difference, contemporary Jurists like Mufti Rafi Uthmani (D.B) 
strongly advise that the views of the E.N.T experts of our time be accepted, 
since there is no certainty with regards to the ear having a passage to the 
throat. We should therefore refer this matter to the medical experts. (Refer to 
Dhaabitul-mufattiraat fi majaalit-tadaawi p.g 54) 

* The eyes: the medical profession clearly state that a narrow duct links up 
the eye cavity with the throat via the nose. Regarding this difference Hazrat 
Mufti Rafi Uthmani Saheb explains that:- = Ahadith have proven that the use of 
surma and/or eye drops does not nullify the fast. (One should bear in mind that 
after something is clearly proven from the Quraan or the Ahaadith, one is 
oblidged to accept it whether it makes sense to him or not) additionally, this 
duct is so narrow that whatever passes through it from the eye is (insignifant 
and) negligible. ( Ibid pg.59) 

As far as the inhaler is concerned, in the light of the above one can safely 
conclude that all medication taken by inhalation necessarily pass through the 
throat before they eventually settle in the lungs, thus nullifying the fast. 
Additionally, some of this medication also finds its way to the stomach. and 
Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.     [Moulana Na'eem Motala] 

Does using eyedrops while fasting,break fast?
Using eye drops in the state of fasting is permissible. It does not invalidate 
the fast. [Mufti Ebrahim Desai] 

While fasting, I went for a CT scan. I was informed that I will not have to 
take anything orally for this procedure. However, I was given some medicine 
through IV. Did this invalidate my fast?
The fast is still valid. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.  [Moulana Imraan Vawda]

Taken from Islam.tc
Prepared by Al-Islaah Publications (www.everymuslim.net)

Courtesy: AL-ISLAAH PUBLICATIONS (www.everymuslim.net)

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