


*Allah Ta'ala* says:

*"Be grateful unto Me."*

*Rasulullah* Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said:

*"If happiness reaches him (the believer), he is grateful."*


Accepting that all benefit is from the True Benefactor (*Mun'im-e- Haqeeqee*),
the effect of which is to be happy with the Benefactor and be ever ready to
render obedience to Him, is the meaning of *Shukr*. The meaning of
*Shukr *envisages:
Acceptance of the fact that all benefit is from *Allah*, the True Benefactor
(*Mun'im -e-Haqeeqee*). This acceptance induces:

  1. Happiness with the Benefactor.
  2. Eagerness to execute the commands of the Benefactor and to abstain
  from his prohibitions. One should consider all benefit, goodness and
  pleasant conditions as the bounties of *Allah* and regard these to be
  in greater measure than what one really deserves. Praise is to be
  offered to *Allah* and His bounties should not be employed in evil and
  sin. His favours should be used in obtaining His Pleasure. This is the
  true meaning of *Shukr*.

This conception of *Shukr* will be comprehended only when one has realized
the purpose underlying creation and the functions of the various aspects of
creation. For instance, the eye is a *Ni'mat* of *Allah Ta'ala*. Its
*shukr*is to employ it correctly--to employ it in only lawful avenues,
e.g. making *Tilaawat of the Qur'aan Majeed*, *acquiring knowledge*, *studying
the wonderful creation of Allah so as to gain lesson and realize the
greatness and Splendour of Allah Ta'ala*, etc. The *shukr* of the eye
further demands that it be restrained from glancing at and viewing objects
which *Allah Ta'ala* has prohibited. Similarly, the ear is a *Ni'mat*. Its
shukr is to employ it correctly, e.g. in listening to the *Zikr* of *Allah*,
to such talks which remind one of the *Aakhirat*, and to prevent it from
listening to evil, nonsensical and futile talk. The tongue is a *Ni'mat*.
Its shukr is to employ it in *Zikr*, in expressing hamd, thanaa and shukr of
*Allah*, and to restrain it from complaining in adversity and from all evil
generally. It is highly inappropriate and sinful for such a worthless slave
as man to complain about any condition which *Allah Ta'ala*, the True King,
has imposed on him. A word of shukr emanating from the tongue is recorded as
an act of obedience.

Mere expression of shukr with the tongue unaccompanied by the true state of
*shukr* of the heart is only lip-service. It is essential that along with
verbal expression of *shukr*, the heart should value and honour the
*Ni'mat*of The Benefactor. Mere verbal
*shukr* will be like the outer-casing, like the outer-covering which is its
external form. The rooh (soul and essence) of *shukr* is that the honour and
appreciation of the *Mun'im* (Benefactor) and the *Ni'mat* (the bounty) are
ingrained in the heart.

The *initial* stage of *shukr* is at the intellectual level. In other words,
it is the correct understanding of the true meaning of shukr and the
realization of the honour of the Benefactor. The *final* stage of *shukr* is
the manifestation of its effect on one's body, movements and all states. In
short, all the beliefs, acts of worship, mundane acts, moral and social life
of the shaakir (the one who is truly grateful to *Allah*) will be in
conformity with the *Shari'at*.


*Shukr* is acquired by contemplating the bounties of *Allah Ta'ala*. Every
Ni'mat is to be related to Him. By degrees such meditation will imbue the *
Love* of *Allah* in the heart, the result of which will be the attainment of
the perfect stage of *Shukr*.


"O Allaah, place light in my heart, light in my tongue, light in my hearing,
light in my sight, light behind me, light in front of me, light on my right,
light on my left, light above me and light below me; place light in my
sinew, in my flesh, in my blood, in my hair and in my skin; place light in
my soul and make light abundant for me; make me light and grant me light."
Alahumma infa`ni bima `allamtani wa `allamni ma yanfa`uni!

OH ALLAH! Make useful for me what You taught me
and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me!

Please take a moment to forgive me for all mistakes
and make du`a' for me if you have received anything of benefit.

Jazak Allahu khairan !!!

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