The Demonization of Taliban:    Letter to the Wall Street Journal
   We are living in a world    that chooses to show its "civility" by 
condemning imaginary crimes    by Muslims rather than the real crimes against 
   By Khalid Baig
   Posted: 4 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1422, 27 May 2001
   Letter to Wall Street Journal in response to the article    by its feature 
editor, Tunku Varadarajan.
   A man by the name of Tunku Varadarajan has tried, convicted,    and 
lambasted the Taliban for words they did not utter and acts they did not    
   Taliban's Roving Ambassador Syed Rahmatullah Hashmi spoke at    many forums 
during his recent visit. I was there when he spoke at the    University of 
Southern California. In fact the transcript of his talk is    available for all 
to read at our web site. (The Invisible Afghanistan:
                                   The identification is only for the           
 purpose of granting exemption where it is due. Is that bad? Ask the            
Hindu and Sikh community leader, Inder Singh Majboor, who said they            
are happy with the ruling. [BBC]
                           “When the world is destroying our future with 
economic    sanctions, then they have no right to worry about our past. I 
called my    headquarters, I asked them, why are they going to blow the 
statues, and I    talked to the head of the council of scholars of people, who 
had actually    decided this. He told me that UNESCO and an NGO from Sweden, or 
from one of    these Scandinavian countries Norway, Sweden, one of these they 
had actually    come with a project of rebuilding the face of these statues, 
which have worn    by rain. The council of people told them to spend that money 
in saving the    lives of these children, instead of spending it to restore 
these statues. And    these guys said, 'No, this money is only for the 
statues.' And the people were    really pissed off. They said that, if you 
don't care about our children, we    are going to blow those statues. If you 
were in such a situation what would    you do? If your children are dying in
 front of your eyes, and you are under    sanctions, and then the same people 
who have imposed sanctions are coming and    building statues here? What would 
you do?”
   This account was in fact confirmed by the careful    “rebuttal” from State 
Department spokesman Richard Boucher on March 20,    2001, who called the 
allegations “inaccurate and self-serving.” He could    not say that Hashmi was 
lying and no such incident had taken place before the    decision to destroy 
the statues. Rather his defense was that although the    NGO's had gone there 
with the obscene idea of renovating statues in the midst    of death, as Hashmi 
said, but some other NGOs were also providing some money    to the people!
   Now Mr. Varadarajan is informing us that the offers of money    for the 
protection of the statues were made after the Taliban announced they    would 
destroy the un-Islamic idols. I would like to think that he is merely    
confused about the later offers of money and ignorant of the original NGO    
project. But his solemn assertions and air of certainty make one wonder    
whether his confusion was elsewhere; that while his parents sent him to school  
  to become a lawyer, he got confused and instead became a liar.
                                   The identification badges have been          
  compared with the Nazi tagging of Jews by a fierce propaganda machine.        
    It is a minor detail that the Hindus who had left Afghanistan during        
    the civil war came back after the Taliban take over, precisely because      
      of the peace and protection they provided.
                           After having “destroyed” the character and 
credibility    of the accused, Mr. Varadarajan then proceeds to convict him for 
a conspiracy    to commit genocide. Here again the truth is stranger than 
fiction. Here is the    real story. In Afghanistan, there are laws applicable 
to Muslims only. The    Ministry of Vice and Virtue is responsible for 
enforcing those laws. As part    of the enforcement, they have to catch the 
violators and bring them to    justice. As you can imagine, sometimes 
non-Muslims, especially Hindus, since    they are indistinguishable, get caught 
unjustly. To avoid that the local    Hindus discussed with the Taliban ways of 
protecting them from such    enforcement efforts. That was two years ago. Over 
this period various    proposals were discussed and finally they agreed on the 
identification badge.    The badge would mean that Ministry officials are not 
to bother the wearer. The    identification is only for the purpose of
 granting exemption where it is due.    Is that bad? Ask the Hindu and Sikh 
community leader in Afghanistan, Inder    Singh Majboor, who said they are 
happy with the ruling. [BBC].
   The identification badges have been compared with the Nazi    tagging of 
Jews by a fierce propaganda machine as is done in this article. It    is a 
minor detail that the Hindus who had left Afghanistan during the civil    war 
came back after the Taliban take over, precisely because of the peace and    
protection they provided. The propaganda machine has been looking very hard    
for any incident that could be termed as "persecution" and has not    been able 
to find any. If one Hindu had been maltreated by the Taliban that    would have 
been headline news.
   So much for the “tyranny” of the Taliban. On the other    hand there are 
some real problem areas in the world today.
   Perhaps Mr. Varadarajan knows about a country by the name of    Israel where 
the occupation army requires the Palestinians to carry    identification cards 
that identify their religion for the purpose of    persecution. By law non-Jews 
are second-class citizens in that country.
   The identity cards “mark one's nationality as Jewish or    Arab and are thus 
used as a basis to discriminate,” writes an American    Jewish student in 
Tikkun, a progressive Jewish journal. Similarly the    Palestinian car license 
plates are required to be a distinct color so police    can shoot them easily.
   His humanity forces Mr. Varadarajan to think of ways to    “protect” the 500 
Hindus who are happily living in Kabul. Perhaps he knows    about a country by 
the name of India that has so far killed 60,000 Kashmiris    for the crime of 
being Muslim and demanding self-determination.
   Or is he the Citizen of a World, which chooses to show its    "civility" by 
condemning imaginary crimes by Muslims rather than the    real crimes against 
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