[jira] [Created] (CAMEL-20770) onException(Throwable.class) does not catch java.lang.AssertionError

2024-05-14 Thread John Yin (Jira)
John Yin created CAMEL-20770:

 Summary: onException(Throwable.class) does not catch 
 Key: CAMEL-20770
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20770
 Project: Camel
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: came-core
Affects Versions: 4.4.0
Reporter: John Yin

The onException(Throwable.class) does not catch java.lang.AssertionError in 
4.4.0.  It worked fine in 3.18.x.

Here is a sample:
    .onException(Throwable.class).handled(true).log("in onException").end()
        assert false : "test onException for assert"
}) {code}
The onException would not catch the assert failure and not print "in 
onException" in log.  The onException can catch other exceptions.

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[jira] [Updated] (CAMEL-20769) camel-jms: TemporaryReplyQueueExceptionListener may be causing an endless lock

2024-05-14 Thread Otavio Rodolfo Piske (Jira)


Otavio Rodolfo Piske updated CAMEL-20769:
Affects Version/s: 4.6.0

> camel-jms: TemporaryReplyQueueExceptionListener may be causing an endless lock
> --
> Key: CAMEL-20769
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20769
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: camel-jms
>Affects Versions: 4.6.0
>Reporter: Otavio Rodolfo Piske
>Priority: Major
> Looking at the logs for a test that has been hang up on my CI for several 
> hours I noticed that the logs are full of messages like:
> {code:java}
> 2024-05-14 13:08:46,501 [sComponentTest]] WARN  TemporaryQueueReplyManager    
>  - Exception inside the DMLC for Temporary ReplyTo Queue for destination 
> JmsComponentTest, refreshing ReplyTo destination (stacktrace in DEBUG logging 
> level).
> 2024-05-14 13:08:46,501 [sComponentTest]] ERROR 
> ultJmsMessageListenerContainer - Could not refresh JMS Connection for 
> destination 'temporary' - retrying using FixedBackOff{interval=9000, 
> currentAttempts=1908, maxAttempts=unlimited}. Cause: Failed to create session 
> factory; nested exception is 
> ActiveMQNotConnectedException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED message=AMQ219007: 
> Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.]{code}
> The code is in an endless loop on my CI for 6 hours:
> {code:java}
> cat target/camel-jms-test.log | grep "Exception inside the DMLC for 
> Temporary" | wc -l
> 1912{code}

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Created] (CAMEL-20769) camel-jms: TemporaryReplyQueueExceptionListener may be causing an endless lock

2024-05-14 Thread Otavio Rodolfo Piske (Jira)
Otavio Rodolfo Piske created CAMEL-20769:

 Summary: camel-jms: TemporaryReplyQueueExceptionListener may be 
causing an endless lock
 Key: CAMEL-20769
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20769
 Project: Camel
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: camel-jms
Reporter: Otavio Rodolfo Piske

Looking at the logs for a test that has been hang up on my CI for several hours 
I noticed that the logs are full of messages like:

2024-05-14 13:08:46,501 [sComponentTest]] WARN  TemporaryQueueReplyManager     
- Exception inside the DMLC for Temporary ReplyTo Queue for destination 
JmsComponentTest, refreshing ReplyTo destination (stacktrace in DEBUG logging 
2024-05-14 13:08:46,501 [sComponentTest]] ERROR ultJmsMessageListenerContainer 
- Could not refresh JMS Connection for destination 'temporary' - retrying using 
FixedBackOff{interval=9000, currentAttempts=1908, maxAttempts=unlimited}. 
Cause: Failed to create session factory; nested exception is 
ActiveMQNotConnectedException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED message=AMQ219007: Cannot 
connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.]{code}

The code is in an endless loop on my CI for 6 hours:
cat target/camel-jms-test.log | grep "Exception inside the DMLC for Temporary" 
| wc -l

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[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20653) kotlin-dsl: flaky build due to Kotlin DSL

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen commented on CAMEL-20653:

Why is it looking for idea ? that is a editor.

> kotlin-dsl: flaky build due to Kotlin DSL
> -
> Key: CAMEL-20653
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20653
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: build system, dsl
>Affects Versions: 4.6.0
>Reporter: Otavio Rodolfo Piske
>Priority: Major
> Fix For: 4.x
> Builds with Maven Daemon seem to fail quite often due to Kotlin issues such 
> as: 
> {code:java}
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-maven-plugin:1.9.23:compile (compile) on project 
> camel-kotlin-api: Compilation failure
> [ERROR] java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find installation home path. 
> Please make sure bin/idea.properties is present in the installation directory.
> {code}
> Trying to build it with maven seems to work OK.

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[jira] [Updated] (CAMEL-20763) Rest template with underscore fails after Camel 4.2.0

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen updated CAMEL-20763:

Fix Version/s: 4.7.0

> Rest template with underscore fails after Camel 4.2.0
> -
> Key: CAMEL-20763
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20763
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: camel-core
>Affects Versions: 4.2.0
> Environment: Camel 4.2.0 or later
>Reporter: Dave Riseley
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> We have a camel route, which in it's simplified form looks like this:
> {code:java}
> @Component
> public class CamelRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder{
> @Override
> public void configure() throws Exception {
> restConfiguration().component("servlet");
> rest("/hello")
> .get("/{first_name}")
> .to("direct:helloworld");
> from("direct:helloworld")
> .transform()
> .simple("Hi ${header.first_name}");
> }
> }
> {code}
> This works fine on Spring Boot 3.1.11 / Camel 4.0.5 . When we upgrade to 
> Camel 4.2.0 or later, it fails on startup with the following exception:
> {code:java}
> Caused by: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: named capturing group is 
> missing trailing '>' near index 17
> \/hello\/(?[^\/]+)
>  ^
> at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.error(Pattern.java:2028) ~[na:na]
> at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.groupname(Pattern.java:2945) 
> ~[na:na]
> at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.group0(Pattern.java:2990) 
> ~[na:na]
> at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence(Pattern.java:2124) 
> ~[na:na]
> at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.expr(Pattern.java:2069) ~[na:na]
> at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Pattern.java:1783) 
> ~[na:na]
> at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.(Pattern.java:1430) 
> ~[na:na]
> at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Pattern.java:1069) 
> ~[na:na]
> at 
> org.apache.camel.support.RestConsumerContextPathMatcher.register(RestConsumerContextPathMatcher.java:255)
>  ~[camel-support-4.2.0.jar:4.2.0]
> at 
> org.apache.camel.http.common.CamelServlet.connect(CamelServlet.java:424) 
> ~[camel-http-common-4.2.0.jar:4.2.0]
> at 
> org.apache.camel.component.servlet.CamelHttpTransportServlet.connect(CamelHttpTransportServlet.java:100)
>  ~[camel-servlet-4.2.0.jar:4.2.0]
> {code}
> I believe this is due to a change introduced by 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-8306 in which the following 
> method:
> {code:java}
> /**
>  * Pre-compiled consumer path for wildcard match
>  *
>  * @param consumerPath a consumer path
>  */
> public static void register(String consumerPath) {
> // Convert URI template to a regex pattern
> String regex = consumerPath
> .replace("/", "\\/")
> .replace("{", "(?<")
> .replace("}", ">[^\\/]+)");
> // Add support for wildcard * as path suffix
> regex = regex.replace("*", ".*");
> // Match the provided path against the regex pattern
> Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
> PATH_PATTERN.put(consumerPath, pattern);
> }
> {code}
> does not allow for underscore (and other regex special characters) in the 
> parameter name. I could not find any documentation that describes limits on 
> the characters that can be used in rest templates.
> Our production code has many, many rest routes with many parameters with 
> underscores in them.
> I will prepare a PR with a proposed fix

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Updated] (CAMEL-20768) camel-spring-redis - SpringRedisIdempotentRepository flushes DB on start

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen updated CAMEL-20768:

Fix Version/s: 4.7.0

> camel-spring-redis - SpringRedisIdempotentRepository flushes DB on start
> Key: CAMEL-20768
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20768
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: camel-spring-redis
>Affects Versions: 4.5.0, 4.6.0
>Reporter: Dylan Piergies
>Priority: Major
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> The {{SpringRedisIdempotentRepository}} class executes the statement 
> {{this.redisTemplate.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().flushDb();}} 
> within its {{doStart}} method.
> This behaviour does not seem safe or desirable, since the DB may be in use by 
> other applications, or by replicas of a single application.
> It seems that a restart of the application or a scale-up event would cause 
> the idempotency DB to be lost, which somewhat defeats the point of using a 
> centralised cache.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20768) camel-spring-redis - SpringRedisIdempotentRepository flushes DB on start

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen commented on CAMEL-20768:

Yeah you are welcome to work on a PR for main branch.
We could add an option to turn this on|off, and then leave it off by default 

> camel-spring-redis - SpringRedisIdempotentRepository flushes DB on start
> Key: CAMEL-20768
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20768
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: camel-spring-redis
>Affects Versions: 4.5.0, 4.6.0
>Reporter: Dylan Piergies
>Priority: Major
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> The {{SpringRedisIdempotentRepository}} class executes the statement 
> {{this.redisTemplate.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().flushDb();}} 
> within its {{doStart}} method.
> This behaviour does not seem safe or desirable, since the DB may be in use by 
> other applications, or by replicas of a single application.
> It seems that a restart of the application or a scale-up event would cause 
> the idempotency DB to be lost, which somewhat defeats the point of using a 
> centralised cache.

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[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20767) camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should be possible

2024-05-14 Thread Dylan Piergies (Jira)


Dylan Piergies commented on CAMEL-20767:

Sure, done and linked.

> camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should 
> be possible
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20767
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20767
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: camel-spring-redis
>Affects Versions: 4.5.0
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> https://github.com/apache/camel/pull/13491#pullrequestreview-2054565755

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Created] (CAMEL-20768) camel-spring-redis - SpringRedisIdempotentRepository flushes DB on start

2024-05-14 Thread Dylan Piergies (Jira)
Dylan Piergies created CAMEL-20768:

 Summary: camel-spring-redis - SpringRedisIdempotentRepository 
flushes DB on start
 Key: CAMEL-20768
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20768
 Project: Camel
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: camel-spring-redis
Affects Versions: 4.6.0, 4.5.0
Reporter: Dylan Piergies

The {{SpringRedisIdempotentRepository}} class executes the statement 
{{this.redisTemplate.getConnectionFactory().getConnection().flushDb();}} within 
its {{doStart}} method.

This behaviour does not seem safe or desirable, since the DB may be in use by 
other applications, or by replicas of a single application.

It seems that a restart of the application or a scale-up event would cause the 
idempotency DB to be lost, which somewhat defeats the point of using a 
centralised cache.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20767) camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should be possible

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen commented on CAMEL-20767:

Can you create a new JIRA ticket

> camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should 
> be possible
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20767
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20767
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: camel-spring-redis
>Affects Versions: 4.5.0
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> https://github.com/apache/camel/pull/13491#pullrequestreview-2054565755

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20767) camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should be possible

2024-05-14 Thread Dylan Piergies (Jira)


Dylan Piergies commented on CAMEL-20767:

While implementing a workaround to this issue, it was also noticed that 
{{SpringRedisIdempotentRepository#doStart}} also executes the statement 
Could this behaviour be reviewed when this issue is looked at? Flushing the 
Redis DB does not seem like a reasonable behaviour to me, since the DB may well 
be shared by other applications (or indeed by multiple replicas of the same 
application). We would not want to lose our idempotency cache when a container 
gets restarted or a scale-up is triggered, which I believe would be the effect 
of the current behaviour.

> camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should 
> be possible
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20767
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20767
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: camel-spring-redis
>Affects Versions: 4.5.0
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> https://github.com/apache/camel/pull/13491#pullrequestreview-2054565755

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Resolved] (CAMEL-20764) Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text G1 Premier model

2024-05-14 Thread Andrea Cosentino (Jira)


Andrea Cosentino resolved CAMEL-20764.
Resolution: Fixed

> Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text G1 Premier model 
> --
> Key: CAMEL-20764
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20764
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Sub-task
>Reporter: Andrea Cosentino
>Assignee: Andrea Cosentino
>Priority: Major
> Fix For: 4.7.0

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20722) camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs

2024-05-14 Thread Otavio Rodolfo Piske (Jira)


Otavio Rodolfo Piske commented on CAMEL-20722:

No rush. I understand these are tricky ... your help is much appreciated!

> camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20722
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20722
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: camel-kafka
>Affects Versions: 4.4.1, 4.5.0
>Reporter: Otavio Rodolfo Piske
>Assignee: Jang-Vijay Singh
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: help-wanted
> Fix For: 4.x
> Attachments: build-log.txt
> All the tests named KafkaBreakOnFirst.*IT are unreliable when running on the 
> CI. They fail often, sometimes in multiple archs.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Updated] (CAMEL-20767) camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should be possible

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen updated CAMEL-20767:

Component/s: camel-spring-redis

> camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should 
> be possible
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20767
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20767
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: camel-spring-redis
>Affects Versions: 4.5.0
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> https://github.com/apache/camel/pull/13491#pullrequestreview-2054565755

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Resolved] (CAMEL-20767) camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should be possible

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen resolved CAMEL-20767.
Resolution: Fixed

> camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should 
> be possible
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20767
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20767
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Affects Versions: 4.5.0
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> https://github.com/apache/camel/pull/13491#pullrequestreview-2054565755

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Created] (CAMEL-20767) camel-spring-redis - Creating SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should be possible

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)
Claus Ibsen created CAMEL-20767:

 Summary: camel-spring-redis - Creating 
SpringRedisIdempotentRepository via SB should be possible
 Key: CAMEL-20767
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20767
 Project: Camel
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 4.5.0
Reporter: Claus Ibsen
Assignee: Claus Ibsen
 Fix For: 4.7.0


This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20766) camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX updateRouteEnabled

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen commented on CAMEL-20766:

CEQ needs to fix this

> camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX updateRouteEnabled
> --
> Key: CAMEL-20766
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20766
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: camel-core, jmx
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> https://camel.apache.org/manual/jmx.html
> This makes it easier and possible to update routes via jmx such as hawtio 
> when running in dev mode

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Resolved] (CAMEL-20766) camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX updateRouteEnabled

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen resolved CAMEL-20766.
Resolution: Fixed

This was already done, but made configuring dev mode easier for CEQ and CSB

> camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX updateRouteEnabled
> --
> Key: CAMEL-20766
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20766
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: camel-core, jmx
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> https://camel.apache.org/manual/jmx.html
> This makes it easier and possible to update routes via jmx such as hawtio 
> when running in dev mode

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Assigned] (CAMEL-20766) camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX updateRouteEnabled

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen reassigned CAMEL-20766:

Assignee: Claus Ibsen

> camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX updateRouteEnabled
> --
> Key: CAMEL-20766
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20766
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: camel-core, jmx
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> https://camel.apache.org/manual/jmx.html
> This makes it easier and possible to update routes via jmx such as hawtio 
> when running in dev mode

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Resolved] (CAMEL-20760) camel-core - Allow to turn on|off RMI connector for tooling based debuggers

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)


Claus Ibsen resolved CAMEL-20760.
Resolution: Fixed

> camel-core - Allow to turn on|off RMI connector for tooling based debuggers
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20760
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20760
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: camel-core
>Reporter: Claus Ibsen
>Assignee: Claus Ibsen
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: 4.7.0
> When using camel-debug then RMI connector is in use for remote tooling such 
> as IDEA / VSCode etc. We should make this configurable and also the RMI port 
> number

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Created] (CAMEL-20766) camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX updateRouteEnabled

2024-05-14 Thread Claus Ibsen (Jira)
Claus Ibsen created CAMEL-20766:

 Summary: camel-core - Running in dev mode should turn on JMX 
 Key: CAMEL-20766
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20766
 Project: Camel
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: camel-core, jmx
Reporter: Claus Ibsen
 Fix For: 4.7.0


This makes it easier and possible to update routes via jmx such as hawtio when 
running in dev mode

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[jira] [Comment Edited] (CAMEL-20722) camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs

2024-05-14 Thread Jang-Vijay Singh (Jira)


Jang-Vijay Singh edited comment on CAMEL-20722 at 5/14/24 8:51 AM:

Thanks. That's helpful, to maintain focus on specific tests.

I'll aim to provide an update later this week 

was (Author: jvsingh):
Thanks. That's useful to maintain focus on specific tests.

I'll aim to provide an update later this week 

> camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20722
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20722
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: camel-kafka
>Affects Versions: 4.4.1, 4.5.0
>Reporter: Otavio Rodolfo Piske
>Assignee: Jang-Vijay Singh
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: help-wanted
> Fix For: 4.x
> Attachments: build-log.txt
> All the tests named KafkaBreakOnFirst.*IT are unreliable when running on the 
> CI. They fail often, sometimes in multiple archs.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20722) camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs

2024-05-14 Thread Jang-Vijay Singh (Jira)


Jang-Vijay Singh commented on CAMEL-20722:

Thanks. That's useful to maintain focus on specific tests.

I'll aim to provide an update later this week 

> camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20722
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20722
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: camel-kafka
>Affects Versions: 4.4.1, 4.5.0
>Reporter: Otavio Rodolfo Piske
>Assignee: Jang-Vijay Singh
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: help-wanted
> Fix For: 4.x
> Attachments: build-log.txt
> All the tests named KafkaBreakOnFirst.*IT are unreliable when running on the 
> CI. They fail often, sometimes in multiple archs.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

[jira] [Commented] (CAMEL-20722) camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs

2024-05-14 Thread Otavio Rodolfo Piske (Jira)


Otavio Rodolfo Piske commented on CAMEL-20722:

Just an update, I was looking at the ASF Develocity platform and some of the 
tests remain flaky there.



> camel-kafka: reduce KafkaBreakOnFirstError tests are too unreliable for CIs
> ---
> Key: CAMEL-20722
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20722
> Project: Camel
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: camel-kafka
>Affects Versions: 4.4.1, 4.5.0
>Reporter: Otavio Rodolfo Piske
>Assignee: Jang-Vijay Singh
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: help-wanted
> Fix For: 4.x
> Attachments: build-log.txt
> All the tests named KafkaBreakOnFirst.*IT are unreliable when running on the 
> CI. They fail often, sometimes in multiple archs.

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[jira] [Created] (CAMEL-20765) Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text Embeddings V2

2024-05-14 Thread Andrea Cosentino (Jira)
Andrea Cosentino created CAMEL-20765:

 Summary: Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text Embeddings V2
 Key: CAMEL-20765
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20765
 Project: Camel
  Issue Type: Sub-task
  Components: camel-aws
Reporter: Andrea Cosentino
Assignee: Andrea Cosentino
 Fix For: 4.7.0

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[jira] [Created] (CAMEL-20764) Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text G1 Premier model

2024-05-14 Thread Andrea Cosentino (Jira)
Andrea Cosentino created CAMEL-20764:

 Summary: Camel-AWS-Bedrock: Support Amazon Titan Text G1 Premier 
 Key: CAMEL-20764
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20764
 Project: Camel
  Issue Type: Sub-task
Reporter: Andrea Cosentino
Assignee: Andrea Cosentino
 Fix For: 4.7.0

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[jira] [Created] (CAMEL-20763) Rest template with underscore fails after Camel 4.2.0

2024-05-14 Thread Dave Riseley (Jira)
Dave Riseley created CAMEL-20763:

 Summary: Rest template with underscore fails after Camel 4.2.0
 Key: CAMEL-20763
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-20763
 Project: Camel
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: camel-core
Affects Versions: 4.2.0
 Environment: Camel 4.2.0 or later
Reporter: Dave Riseley

We have a camel route, which in it's simplified form looks like this:
public class CamelRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder{

public void configure() throws Exception {



.simple("Hi ${header.first_name}");
This works fine on Spring Boot 3.1.11 / Camel 4.0.5 . When we upgrade to Camel 
4.2.0 or later, it fails on startup with the following exception:
Caused by: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: named capturing group is 
missing trailing '>' near index 17
at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.error(Pattern.java:2028) ~[na:na]
at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.groupname(Pattern.java:2945) 
at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.group0(Pattern.java:2990) ~[na:na]
at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence(Pattern.java:2124) 
at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.expr(Pattern.java:2069) ~[na:na]
at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Pattern.java:1783) ~[na:na]
at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.(Pattern.java:1430) ~[na:na]
at java.base/java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(Pattern.java:1069) ~[na:na]

I believe this is due to a change introduced by 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-8306 in which the following method:
 * Pre-compiled consumer path for wildcard match
 * @param consumerPath a consumer path
public static void register(String consumerPath) {
// Convert URI template to a regex pattern
String regex = consumerPath
.replace("/", "\\/")
.replace("{", "(?<")
.replace("}", ">[^\\/]+)");

// Add support for wildcard * as path suffix
regex = regex.replace("*", ".*");

// Match the provided path against the regex pattern
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
PATH_PATTERN.put(consumerPath, pattern);
does not allow for underscore (and other regex special characters) in the 
parameter name. I could not find any documentation that describes limits on the 
characters that can be used in rest templates.

Our production code has many, many rest routes with many parameters with 
underscores in them.

I will prepare a PR with a proposed fix

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