[jira] [Commented] (CB-13685) Android Adaptive Icons

2017-12-23 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot commented on CB-13685:

Android Studio (free program) can create image and vector assets easely.

I think a good documentation with "resource-file" from config.xml to copy 
resources and "config-file" to update AndroidManifest.xml is better than a 
plugin that wrap configuration.

> Android Adaptive Icons
> --
> Key: CB-13685
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13685
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: cordova-android
> Environment: All
>Reporter: Josef Brandl
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
>Priority: Minor
> Starting with Android 8 Oreo (API level 26) Android allows developers to 
> create app icons using a background and a foreground image file. This feature 
> is called "adaptive icons". One major change that goes with this feature is 
> that icons get now clipped into a shape by the system. This leads to a very 
> uniform and clean design like on iOS where all icons are a rounded rectangle. 
> The other advantage is that visual effects can be applied to the icon by the 
> system due to the separation between foreground an background.
> Android Studio greatly assists the developer at the creation of the app icon 
> resources because it creates backwards compatible icons for older devices 
> that don't support the adaptive icons feature.
> https://developer.android.com/studio/write/image-asset-studio.html
> The following resources are created.
> {code}
> res
> ├── drawable
> │   ├── ic_launcher_background.xml
> │   └── ic_launcher_foreground.xml
> ├── mipmap-anydpi-v26
> │   ├── ic_launcher.xml
> │   └── ic_launcher_round.xml
> ├── mipmap-hdpi
> │   ├── ic_launcher.png
> │   └── ic_launcher_round.png
> ├── mipmap-mdpi
> │   ├── ic_launcher.png
> │   └── ic_launcher_round.png
> ├── mipmap-xhdpi
> │   ├── ic_launcher.png
> │   └── ic_launcher_round.png
> ├── mipmap-xxhdpi
> │   ├── ic_launcher.png
> │   └── ic_launcher_round.png
> └── mipmap-xxxhdpi
>      ├── ic_launcher.png
>      └── ic_launcher_round.png
> {code}
> It is currently not clear how these files can be used inside a cordova 
> project.
> - res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml points to other image resources 
> (foreground, background)
> - The foreground and background can be vector graphics (-> xml files in 
> res/drawable)
> - The documentation needs to be updated
> (I've never reported an issue using JIRA before - I'm only used to github. 
> So, please guide me if I'm doing something incorrect)

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

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[jira] [Commented] (CB-13684) Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-21 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot commented on CB-13684:

Issue appears each time "doPromptForPassword" method is called.

You have to specify keyPassword and storePassword to avoid this call.

> Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal, System.console() 
> return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Comment Edited] (CB-13684) Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-20 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot edited comment on CB-13684 at 12/20/17 3:57 PM:

I tried some options, all without success.

I tried to run with this 
I tried no daemon.
I tried some gradle arguments in command line.

No success.

To be precise, I'm not a gradle expert. I detected this issue, but I'm not be 
able to fix it.

Best regards.

was (Author: kevin-lot):
I tried some options, all without success.

I tried to run with this 
I tried no daemon.
I tried some gradle arguments in command line.

No success.

To be precise, I'm not a gradle expert. I detect this issue, but I'm not be 
able to fix it.

Best regards.

> Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal, System.console() 
> return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Commented] (CB-13684) Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-20 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot commented on CB-13684:

I tried some options, all without success.

I tried to run with this 
I tried no daemon.
I tried some gradle arguments in command line.

No success.

To be precise, I'm not a gradle expert. I detect this issue, but I'm not be 
able to fix it.

Best regards.

> Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal, System.console() 
> return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Updated] (CB-13684) Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-18 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot updated CB-13684:
Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.

def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal, System.console() 
return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.

def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal System.console() 
return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

> Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal, System.console() 
> return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional comm

[jira] [Commented] (CB-13684) Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-18 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot commented on CB-13684:

I updated description.

This issue is concerned by MacOs too.

> Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal System.console() 
> return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Updated] (CB-13684) Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-18 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot updated CB-13684:
Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.

def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal System.console() 
return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.

def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On my Linux Mint, even in terminal System.console() return null and compilation 
crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

> Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On Linux Mint 18.3 and MacOs High sierra, even in terminal System.console() 
> return null and compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@

[jira] [Updated] (CB-13684) Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-18 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot updated CB-13684:
Summary: Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0  (was: Unable to sign 
apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0)

> Not be able to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On my Linux Mint, even in terminal System.console() return null and 
> compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Updated] (CB-13684) Unable to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-18 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot updated CB-13684:
Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.

def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On my Linux Mint, even in terminal System.console() return null and compilation 
crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify password in config file is unable.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to promt passwords.

def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On my linuxmint, even in terminal System.console() return null and compilation 
crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

> Unable to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> ---
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify passwords in config file does not work.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to prompt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On my Linux Mint, even in terminal System.console() return null and 
> compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Updated] (CB-13684) Unable to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-16 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot updated CB-13684:
Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify password in config file is unable.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to promt passwords.

def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On my linuxmint, even in terminal System.console() return null and compilation 
crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify password in config file is unable.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to promt passwords.

{quote}def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On my linuxmint, event in terminal System.console() return null and compilation 
crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

> Unable to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
> ---
> Key: CB-13684
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>Assignee: Joe Bowser
> Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify password in config file is unable.
> Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize 
> task on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 
> ([link|https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/2826]).
> If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
> launches a window with SwingBuilder to promt passwords.
> {code:java}
> def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
> if (System.console() == null) {
> def ret = null
> new SwingBuilder().edt {
> dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
> resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
> vbox {
> label(text: msg)
> def input = passwordField()
> button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
> ret = input.password;
> dispose();
> })
> }
> }
> }
> if (!ret) {
> throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
> }
> return new String(ret)
> } else {
> return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);
> }
> }
> {code}
> On my linuxmint, even in terminal System.console() return null and 
> compilation crashes due to gradle issue.
> Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
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[jira] [Created] (CB-13684) Unable to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0

2017-12-16 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)
Kevin Lot created CB-13684:

 Summary: Unable to sign apk with 6.4.0 and 7.0.0
 Key: CB-13684
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13684
 Project: Apache Cordova
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: cordova-android
Reporter: Kevin Lot
Assignee: Joe Bowser

Since 6.4.0, sign APK without specify password in config file is unable.

Cause gradle 4.1.0 has this issue [#2826] - Use SwingBuilder in customize task 
on Android studio throw java.awt.HeadlessException. 

If you don't specify passwords in config file to sign your APK, compilation 
launches a window with SwingBuilder to promt passwords.

{quote}def doPromptForPassword(msg) {
if (System.console() == null) {
def ret = null
new SwingBuilder().edt {
dialog(modal: true, title: 'Enter password', alwaysOnTop: true, 
resizable: false, locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, show: true) {
vbox {
label(text: msg)
def input = passwordField()
button(defaultButton: true, text: 'OK', actionPerformed: {
ret = input.password;
if (!ret) {
throw new GradleException('User canceled build')
return new String(ret)
} else {
return System.console().readPassword('\n' + msg);

On my linuxmint, event in terminal System.console() return null and compilation 
crashes due to gradle issue.

Thanks for help.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Commented] (CB-12802) Fix build.gradle to sign when building with multiple APK is enable.

2017-10-13 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot commented on CB-12802:

Update link.
Point now on the new pull request.

> Fix build.gradle to sign when building with multiple APK is enable.
> ---
> Key: CB-12802
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-12802
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Affects Versions: cordova@7.0.0
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
>  Labels: android-next
> When multiple APKs build is enable, you cannot sign and the build crashes.
> Method for sign can be parameters of command or build.json, etc.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Updated] (CB-12802) Fix build.gradle to sign when building with multiple APK is enable.

2017-05-11 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)


Kevin Lot updated CB-12802:
Summary: Fix build.gradle to sign when building with multiple APK is 
enable.  (was: When multiple APKs build is enable, you cannot sign and the 
build crashes.)

> Fix build.gradle to sign when building with multiple APK is enable.
> ---
> Key: CB-12802
> URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-12802
> Project: Apache Cordova
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: cordova-android
>Affects Versions: cordova@7.0.0
>Reporter: Kevin Lot
> When multiple APKs build is enable, you cannot sign and the build crashes.
> Method for sign can be parameters of command or build.json, etc.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org

[jira] [Created] (CB-12802) When multiple APKs build is enable, you cannot sign and the build crashes.

2017-05-11 Thread Kevin Lot (JIRA)
Kevin Lot created CB-12802:

 Summary: When multiple APKs build is enable, you cannot sign and 
the build crashes.
 Key: CB-12802
 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-12802
 Project: Apache Cordova
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: cordova-android
Affects Versions: cordova@7.0.0
Reporter: Kevin Lot

When multiple APKs build is enable, you cannot sign and the build crashes.

Method for sign can be parameters of command or build.json, etc.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

To unsubscribe, e-mail: issues-unsubscr...@cordova.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: issues-h...@cordova.apache.org